Awarrior is a guardian specializing incombat orwarfare, especially within the context of atribal orclan-based warrior culture society that recognizes a separate warrioraristocracy,class, orcaste.
Warriors seem to have been present in the earliest pre-state societies.[1] Scholars have argued that horse-ridingYamnaya warriors from thePontic–Caspian steppe played a key role during theIndo-European migrations and the diffusion of Indo-European languages across Eurasia.[2][3] Most of the basic weapons used by warriors appeared before the rise of most hierarchical systems.Bows and arrows,clubs,spears,swords, and otheredged weapons were in widespread use. However, with the new findings ofmetallurgy, the aforementioned weapons had grown in effectiveness.[4]
When the first hierarchical systems evolved 5000 years ago, the gap between the rulers and the ruled had increased. Making war to extend the outreach of their territories, rulers often forced men from lower orders of society into the military role. That had been the first use of professional soldiers, a distinct difference from the warrior communities.[5]
The warrior ethic in many societies later became the preserve of theruling class. Egyptianpharaohs would depict themselves in warchariots, shooting at enemies, or smashing others with clubs. Fighting was considered a prestigious activity but only when associated with status and power. European mountedknights would often feel contempt for thefoot soldiers recruited from lower classes. InMesoamerican societies ofpre-Columbian America, theelite aristocratic soldiers remained separated from the lower classes of stone-throwers.[6] Thesamurai were the hereditary military nobility and officer caste of Japan from the 12th to the late 19th century.[7]
In contrast to the beliefs of the caste and clan-based warrior, who saw war as a place to attainvalor andglory,warfare was a practical matter that could change the course of history. That was the approach of theRoman legions, which had only the incentive of promotion, as well as a strict level of discipline. When Europe'sstanding armies of the 17th and the 18th centuries developed, discipline was at the core of their training. Officers had the role of transforming men that they viewed as lower class to become reliable fighting men.[6]
Inspired by the Ancient Greek ideals of the 'citizen soldier', many European societies during theRenaissance began to incorporateconscription and raise armies from the general populace. A change in attitude was noted as well, as officers were told to treat their soldiers with moderation and respect. For example, men who fought in theAmerican Civil War often elected their own officers. With the mobilization of citizens in the armies sometimes reaching the millions, societies often made efforts in order to maintain or revive the warrior spirit. That trend continues to the modern day.[8] Due to the heroic connotations of the term "warrior", this metaphor is especially popular in publications advocating or recruiting for a country's military.[9]