There are multiple alternative names used for this city due to its location and history:Hungarian:Nagyszőlős,Romanian:Seleușu Mare,Rusyn:Cивлюш (Syvlyush),Ukrainian:Cивлюш (Syvlyush),Russian:Виноградов (Vinogradov),Belarusian:Вінаградаў (Vinahradaŭ),Yiddish:סעליש (Seylesh, Selish),Slovak:Vinohradov (Veľká Sevljuš duringCzechoslovak rule),German:Wynohradiw,Polish:Wynohradiw (hist. Sewlusz).
It was first mentioned in 1262 by the nameZceuleus. ItsHungarian name, Nagyszőlős ("Great Vineyard"), stems from the area being an important wine district. The city was called Sevlush (theRusyn transliteration of the Hungarian wordszőlős, meaning vineyard.
The town was one of the oldest inUgocsa county, and was inhabited by winemakers of the royal court. In 1329, Hungarian KingCharles Robert granted privileges to the town, which became the seat of theComitatus (the city held this rank until theTreaty of Trianon was signed in 1920).
In 1717, most of the citizens of the town were killed by an invadingTatar horde. By 1880, the population was about 4,400 (with 500 nativeRomanians). In 1881 a secondary school was opened.
In 1910 it had a population of 7,811 (5,943 or 76% Hungarians, 1,266 or 16% Ruthenians (Rusyns) and 540 or 7% Germans). The religious make-up was 3,311 Greek Catholics (42.5%), 2,237 Jews (28.6%) and 1,124 Calvinists (14.4%).
This city had a Jewish ghetto in 1944. At its height from May to June 1944, most of the Jews of this section of northern Transylvania were deported to theAuschwitz concentration camp to be gassed shortly after arrival. Jews from the area typically spent about two weeks in the ghetto before being deported. Conditions were extremely cramped with many families housed in a single room, a deliberate arrangement meant to cause suffering and disease.
Ugocsa CastlePerényi CastleFranciscan church and monastery
Ugocsa Castle "Kankó" (ruins; 13th century). It was first mentioned in 1308. In 1315 King Charles Robert attacked and destroyed it. In the 15th century the area was given to monks of the Franciscan order, they built a monastery there, which was inhabited until 1558. There is a small 14th century chapel south of the ruins.
Perényi Castle. It was built by the Perényi noble family from 1399, later rebuilt in baroque style into a mansion.
Franciscan church and monastery (built in 1744, rebuilt in 1889).
Our Lady's Church (13th century, rebuilt in the 15th century inGothic style, restored in the early 20th century. Its furniture was destroyed after 1945. The Church got it back in 1989.
Franciscan monastery (founded in the 15th century). In 1556 local Protestants attacked the monastery, killed the monks and threw the body ofSt. John Capistrano into a well. The Perényi family invited monks of the order to the town again, but the monastery burnt down in 1747. Its current building was erected in 1889.
ComposerBéla Bartók (born 1881) lived in the house opposite the mansion in 1889–92; his mother worked as a teacher. Bartók held his first recital here in the county hall.
Ethella Chupryk, pianist and assistant professor of piano at the Mykola Lysenko National Music Academy
József Csorba, doctor and physicist, was born here in 1789.