Vrata is a Sanskrit word that means "vow, resolve, devotion",[1] and refers to pious observances such asfasting and pilgrimage (Tirtha) found in Indian religions such asHinduism andJainism.[2][3] It is typically accompanied with prayers seeking health and happiness for their loved ones.[4][5][6]
Vrata (Sanskrit: व्रत) means "vow, resolve, devotion",[1] and refers to the practice of austerity, particularly in matters related to foods and drinks by people in Hindu and Jaina culture, as part of a pious observance or prayers seeking health, fertility, long life or happiness for her loved ones.[4][7]
Derived from the root‘vr’ ("will, rule, restrain, conduct, choose, select"), the word is found over 200 times in theRigveda.[1][8] It is also found in other Vedic literature including theUpanishads, but the context suggests that the meaning of the word in the Vedic era was not as a personal pious observance, and instead was related to ṛta anddharma, in the sense of inner principles and universal laws that keep order in the cosmos.[8] Every man's vocation, as in hymn 9.112.1 of the Rigveda, is called hisVrata. Thus, whatever profession one is devoted to, resolves to do his best in, is deemedVrata in the Vedic literature.[9] The act ofsacrifice, in another context such as in hymn 1.93.8 of the Rigveda, is also called aVrata.[9]
Vrata: the vow
Be thou the wife at their sacrifices,
strict in thy vows [vrata],
and gifted with joy!
The post-Vedic texts use the term as a form of self-imposed restrictions on food and behavior, sometimes with a vow.[9][11] The concept evolves as a form of religious votive rite, personalized and interiorized, one that does not need a public ceremony or a private one, but that is privately observed.[7][12][2] Its meaning retains a sense of personal sacrifice (fast, or restricted diet), in exchange for hope, accompanied with a prayer to a personally defined or cherished divinity, and propelled by the wish for the well being of one's loved ones.[4][7][13] The Grihya-sutras (domestic life manuals), thePuranas and the epics describe the practice particularly in the context ofVedic students,[14]brahmins,[15] and women, as "devotion, solemn vow, holy practice, resolve, dedication".[1][5][13]
Vrata is a religious votive rite, a vow often involving abstinence from food, particularly common with women.[5][13] It may be accompanied with elaborate prayers, other rites such as charity or visit to a temple, sometimes observed during festivals or withsanskara (rite of passage) ceremonies. It is found in ancient Hindu texts such as the Vedas, but in a fluid context that is not in the sense of pious observances.[7][12][2]
TheUpanishads conceptualizeVrata as an ethical and behavioral process of discipline: one where food is respected, the needy helped, the stranger welcomed, and the student carries on the pursuit of knowledge.[16] ThePuranas link the practice to the empowering concept, theShakti of a woman, while theDharmasastras link the practice to one possible form of penance through the concept ofPrāyaścitta for both men and women.[13]
TheYoga Sutras (verse II.31) mentions the wordvrata, wherePatanjali highlights that the fiveyamas form amahavrata (a great vow). In this verse, Patanjali states that yamas (vrata ormahavrata) is universal and applies to all practicing yogis, regardless of class, location, time, or specific situation.[17]
Avrata is a personal practice that typically involves no priest, but it may involve personal prayer, chanting, reading of spiritual texts, social get-togethers of friends and family, or silent meditation.[13]
AVrata may be motivated by many factors and is observed by both genders, but far more often by women.[4][5] The most common reasons for a vrata are temporal wishes, such as the speedy recovery of a sick child, success or happiness for a loved one, fertility, the warding off of negativity, prayers and good wishes for someone departing to a distant place.[5] In the case of women, the prayers are usually on behalf of brother(s), children or husbands, but sometimes for the woman's own prosperity, mind-body balance and health.[13][18][19]
Sociologists who have interviewed women who observe vrata report that the practice is explained (according to Anne Pearson) as something that gives "peace of mind", that the woman making one has made an effort to the best of her abilities and out of her duty towards those important to her. She has a sense of contentment in her heart and intellect, and thus she feels she has achieved something.[20][18] It is also an expression of care and love, a reminder of the ethical principles of the Hindu traditions.[21]
A vrata is sometimes practiced by abrahmacharya (students) orgrihastha (householders) if they feel it is obligatory before, or during, certain spiritual or religious practices.[22] Utsavas, or religious festivals, share some elements with vratas, incorporating the practice of fasting and similar austerities as a part of the festive observance.[22] Somevratas are for religious (dharma)[18] or soteriological goals (moksha), some are for nonreligious reasons, some are celebrations of one's cultural tradition, and others are a form of quid pro quo sacrifice to get or to give divine help to someone.[23]
Another reason for observing vratas is the belief that they are a form of penance and self-correction; expiatory (prāyaścitta) rites.[11] Vratas are discussed as a means to prāyaścitta in Dharmasastra texts.[24] Many prāyaścitta vratas in these texts suggest it should include the feeding of "Brahmins, blind, poor and helpless", as well as other acts of charity.[25] However, a vrata can consist of many different activities. Other examples of vrata activities besides fasting include burning incense, prayers before a deity, meditation and so on.[25] The śmrtis go into great detail on the subject of vratas, discussing even the details pertaining to what type of flowers should be used in worship.[26]
Men and women, state the Dharmashastras and the Puranas, can expiate their sins through the use of vratas.[27] For prāyaścitta, thevratas are the second most discussed method in the Puranas, after thetirtha (pilgrimage).[28]
Avrata is observed either as an independent private ritual at a date of one's choice, as part of a particular ceremony such as a wedding, or as a part of a major festival such asDiwali,Shivaratri,Navratri, or theEkadashis of various deities.[30][31][32]
A typical vrata involves fasting for a fixed period of time, usually a full day, where either no food is eaten, or only one meal is eaten in the entire day, or only a certain food such as milk is consumed.[33][34] Other observances include sleeping on the ground or abstaining from sleep, or alternatively practicingyoga with meditation, reading scriptures and giving to charity (dāna).[32]
Some vratas are more elaborate, such as those associated with major festivals ortirtha pilgrimages or rites of passage, involving weeks of preparation, the drawing ofVrata mandala with coloured powders, decorating and cleaning the house, special baths and festive dress, charity, visits toHindu temples orpuja within one's home.[29][13][35] InNepal, for example, Hindus visit the Pashupatinatha temple, families light lamps on theBalacaturdasi night and then set them afloat in the Bagamati river next morning, followed by strewing of grains for birds.[30] Kane lists hundreds of vrata found in Hindu texts.[36]
Thepuranas denote various types of vratas, such as,[citation needed]
A vrata may also be classified by its duration: a vrata lasting one day is adina-vrata, and a vrata lasting for apaksha (week or fortnight) is avaara-vrata or apaksha-vrata.[citation needed]
There are different rules and guidelines followed while observing a given vrata period.
This consists of complete fasting without drinking any water. Hence, it is called Nirjala (waterless) vrata. Unlike normal (common) vratas in which the consumption of fruits, juices, milk, water and sugar are allowed, the 'vrati' doesn't eat or drink anything at all, with the intent to purify their body. It is common on Hindu festivals such asNirjala Ekadashi, andchhath.[37]
Fivevrata-s (vows) are one of the codes of conduct for Jain householders.[38] Any of the vows (vratas) that govern the activities of both monks and laymen. These are similar to theYamas ofyoga, and include the vow ofahimsa,satya,asteya,brahmacharya andaparigraha.[39] Jainism also has seven supplementary vows, called the Shila-vratas, which suggest additional virtues.[40]
Fasting is part of vrata observances in Jainism, and some involve congregational fasting at temples.[41] Vrata among Jaina women may involve complete or partialfasting on certain specific days; apilgrimage ortirtha to a particular place or places, as well as virtuous actions to others.[42] Vrata is viewed as a form ofausterity, with the power to remove karma fromjiva (soul) and gainpunya (merit).[43]
Laypersons aren't expected to observe these vows strictly. Once a layperson has gone through the preliminary stages of spiritual discipline (gunasthana), that person may promise to observe 12 vows for a stated period of time and may renew the pledge at the completion of that time.[44]