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Voiced velar plosive

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Consonantal sound represented by ⟨ɡ⟩ in IPA
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Voiced velar plosive
IPA number110
Audio sample
Braille⠛ (braille pattern dots-1245)

Thevoiced velar plosive orstop is a type ofconsonantal sound used in manyspokenlanguages.

Some languages have thevoiced pre-velar plosive,[1] which is articulated slightly more front compared with the place of articulation of the prototypical velar plosive, though not as front as the prototypicalpalatal plosive.

Conversely, some languages have thevoiced post-velar plosive,[2] which is articulated slightly behind the place of articulation of the prototypical velar plosive, though not as back as the prototypicaluvular plosive.

IPA symbol


The symbol in theInternational Phonetic Alphabet that represents this sound is ⟨ɡ⟩, and the equivalentX-SAMPA symbol isg. Strictly, the IPA symbol is the so-called single-storey G, but the double-storey G is considered an acceptable alternative. The Unicode characterU+0067 gLATIN SMALL LETTER G renders as either a single-storey G or a double-storey G depending on font; the characterU+0261 ɡLATIN SMALL LETTER SCRIPT G is always a single-storey G, but it is generally available only in fonts supporting theIPA ExtensionsUnicode character block.



Features of the voiced velar stop:


ɡplain ɡ
ɡʱbreathy ɡ
ɡʲpalatalized ɡ
ɡʷlabialized ɡ
ɡ̚ɡ withno audible release
ɡ̥voiceless ɡ
ɡ͈tense ɡ



Of the six stops that would be expected from the most common pattern worldwide—that is, three places of articulation plus voicing ([pb,td,kɡ])—[p] and[ɡ] are the most frequently missing, being absent in about 10% of languages that otherwise have this pattern. Absent stop[p] is anareal feature (see alsoVoiceless bilabial stop). Missing[ɡ], (when the language uses voicing to contrast stops) on the other hand, is widely scattered around the world, for example /ɡ/ is not a native phoneme of Belarusian, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, Czech, and Slovak and occurs only in borrowed words in those languages. A few languages, such asModern Standard Arabic and part of theLevantine dialects (e.g.Lebanese andSyrian), are missing both, although most of the otherArabic dialects have/ɡ/ in their native phonemic systems as a reflex ofق or less commonly ofج.

It seems that[ɡ] is somewhat more difficult to articulate than the other basic stops.Ian Maddieson speculates that this may be due to a physical difficulty in voicing velars: Voicing requires that air flow into the mouth cavity, and the relatively small space allowed by the position of velar consonants means that it will fill up with air quickly, making voicing difficult to maintain in[ɡ] for as long as it is in[d] or[b]. This could have two effects:[ɡ] and[k] might become confused, and the distinction is lost, or perhaps a[ɡ] never develops when a language first starts making voicing distinctions. With uvulars, where there is even less space between theglottis and tongue for airflow, the imbalance is more extreme: Voiced[ɢ] is much rarer than voiceless[q].[3]

In manyIndo-Aryan languages, such asHindustani, plain [g] andaspirated [gh] are incontrastive distribution.

Abkhazажыга/ažëga[aˈʐəɡa]'shovel'SeeAbkhaz phonology
AdygheShapsugгьэгуалъэ/gägwaĺa[ɡʲaɡʷaːɬa]'toy'Dialectal. Corresponds to[d͡ʒ] in other dialects.
Temirgoyчъыгы/ čëgë[t͡ʂəɡə]'tree'Dialectal. Corresponds to[ɣ] in other dialects.
Arabic[4]Moroccanأݣادير‎ /ʾagādīr[ʔaɡaːdiːr]'Agadir'
Tunisianڨفصة‎‎ / gafṣa[ɡɑfsˤɑ]'Gafsa'SeeTunisian arabic phonology
Hejaziقمر / gamar[ɡamar]'moon'Corresponds to[q] inClassical andModern Standard Arabic.
Yemeniقال / gāl[gæːl]'(he) said'Pronunciation ofق inSan'ani andHadhrami dialects
جمل / gamal[gæmæl]'camel'Pronunciation ofج inTa'izzi-Adeni andTihami dialects
Egyptianراجل / rāgel[ˈɾɑːɡel]'man'SeeEgyptian arabic phonology
Assyrianܓܢܐɡana[ɡaːna]'self'Used predominantly inUrban Koine. Corresponds to[dʒ] inUrmia, someTyari andJilu dialects.
Azerbaijaniqara / قارا[ɡɑɾɑ]'black'
Bengaliগান/gan[ɡan]'song'Contrasts with aspirated form. SeeBengali phonology
Bulgarianгора/gora[ɡora]'forest'SeeBulgarian phonology
Catalan[6]guant[ˈɡwan̪(t̪)]'glove'SeeCatalan phonology
Czechgram[ɡram]'gram'SeeCzech phonology
DanishStandard[7][8]lykke[ˈløɡə]'happiness'Only partially voiced; possible allophone of/ɡ/ in the intervocalic position. More often voiceless[k].[7][8] SeeDanish phonology
DutchAll dialectszakdoek[ˈzɑɡduk]'tissue'Allophone of/k/, occurring only before voiced consonants in native words. SeeDutch phonology
Many speakersgoal[ɡoːɫ]'goal'Only in loanwords. Some speakers may realize it as[ɣ] ~[ʝ] ~[χ] ~[x] (like a normal Dutch⟨g⟩), or as[k].
Englishgaggle[ˈɡæɡɫ̩]'gaggle'SeeEnglish phonology
French[10]gain[ɡɛ̃]'earnings'SeeFrench phonology
Germange[ˈlyːɡə]'lie'SeeStandard German phonology
Greekγκάρισμα /gkárisma[ˈɡɐɾizmɐ]'donkey's bray'SeeModern Greek phonology
Gujaratiગાવું/gávu[gaːʋʊ̃]'to sing'SeeGujarati phonology
Hebrewגב/gav[ɡav]'back'SeeModern Hebrew phonology
Hindustaniगाना/gáná /gáná/گانا[ɡɑːnɑː]'song'Contrasts with aspirated form. SeeHindustani phonology
Hungarianengedély[ɛŋɡɛdeːj]'permission'SeeHungarian phonology
Irishgaineamh[ˈɡanʲəw]'sand'SeeIrish phonology
Italian[12]gare[ˈɡäːre]'competitions'[g] is represented by letterG when followed by vowels [a], [o] [u], while when in front of vowels [i], [e] and [ɛ], the pronunciation changes tod͡ʒ, for the phoneme [g] to appear on the vowels [i], [e] and [ɛ], theGH digraph is used.
Japanese[13]外套 /gaito[ɡaitoː]'overcoat'SeeJapanese phonology
KabardianBaslaneyгьанэ/ gäna[ɡʲaːna]'shirt'Dialectal. Corresponds to[dʒ] in other dialects.
Khmerហ្គាស /gas[gaːh]'gas'SeeKhmer phonology
Korean메기 /megi[meɡi]'catfish'SeeKorean phonology
Limburgishzegke[zεgə]'say'Common. Example from theWeert dialect.
Lithuaniangarai[ɡɐrɐɪ̯ˑ]'steam'SeeLithuanian phonology
Luxembourgish[15]agepack[ˈɑɡəpaːk]'gone about'More often voiceless[k].[15] SeeLuxembourgish phonology
Macedonianгром/grom[ɡrɔm]'thunder'SeeMacedonian phonology
Marathiवत/gëvët[ɡəʋət]'grass'SeeMarathi phonology
Nepaliगाउँ[ɡä̃ũ̯]'village'Contrasts with aspirated form. SeeNepali phonology
Norwegiangull[ɡʉl]'gold'SeeNorwegian phonology
Odiaଗଛ/gočho[ɡɔtʃʰɔ]'tree'Contrasts with aspirated form.
Polish[16]gmin[ɡmʲin̪]'plebs'SeePolish phonology
Portuguese[17]língua[ˈɫĩɡwɐ]'tongue'SeePortuguese phonology
Romanian[18]gând[ɡɨnd]'thought'SeeRomanian phonology
Russian[19]голова/golova[ɡəɫɐˈva]'head'SeeRussian phonology
Serbo-Croatian[20]гост /gost[gȏ̞ːs̪t̪]'guest'SeeSerbo-Croatian phonology
Slovakmiazga[ˈmjäzɡä]'lymph'SeeSlovak phonology
Slovenegost[ˈɡɔ̂s̪t̪]'guest'SeeSlovene phonology
Somaligaabi[ɡaːbi]'to shorten'SeeSomali phonology
Southern MinHokkien/góa[ɡua˥˧]'I'
Spanish[21]gato[ˈɡät̪o̞]'cat'SeeSpanish phonology
Swahiligiza[ˈɡīzɑ]'darkness'SeeSwahili phonology
Swedishgod[ɡuːd̪]'tasty'May be anapproximant in casual speech. SeeSwedish phonology
Teluguచ్చు/gacu[ɡat͡sːu]'Floor'contrasts with aspirated form (which is articulated asbreathy consonant).
Turkishsalgın[säɫˈɡɯn]'epidemic'SeeTurkish phonology
Ukrainian[22]ґанок /ganok[ˈɡɑn̪ok]'porch'SeeUkrainian phonology
Welshgwyn[ɡwɪn] or [ɡwɨ̞n]'white'SeeWelsh phonology
West Frisiangasp[ɡɔsp]'buckle' (n.)SeeWest Frisian phonology
Yi /gge[ɡɤ˧]'hear'
ZapotecTilquiapan[23]gan[ɡaŋ]'will be able'Depending on speaker and carefulness of speech,[ɡ] may be lenited to[ɣ]

See also



  1. ^Instead of "pre-velar", it can be called "advanced velar", "fronted velar", "front-velar", "palato-velar", "post-palatal", "retracted palatal" or "backed palatal".
  2. ^Instead of "post-velar", it can be called "retracted velar", "backed velar", "pre-uvular", "advanced uvular" or "fronted uvular".
  3. ^WALS Online :Chapter 5 – Voicing and Gaps in Plosive SystemsArchived 2012-04-27 at theWayback Machine
  4. ^Watson (2002), pp. 16–17.
  5. ^Dum-Tragut (2009), p. 13.
  6. ^Carbonell & Llisterri (1992), p. 53.
  7. ^abGoblirsch (2018), pp. 134–5, citingFischer-Jørgensen (1952) andAbrahams (1949, pp. 116–21, 228–30).
  8. ^abPuggaard-Rode, Horslund & Jørgensen (2022).
  9. ^Gussenhoven (1992), p. 45.
  10. ^Fougeron & Smith (1993), p. 73.
  11. ^Shosted & Chikovani (2006), p. 255.
  12. ^Rogers & d'Arcangeli (2004), p. 117.
  13. ^Okada (1999), p. 117.
  14. ^Olson et al. (2010), pp. 206–207.
  15. ^abGilles & Trouvain (2013), pp. 67–68.
  16. ^Jassem (2003), p. 103.
  17. ^Cruz-Ferreira (1995), p. 91.
  18. ^DEX Online :[1]
  19. ^Padgett (2003), p. 42.
  20. ^Landau et al. (1999), p. 66.
  21. ^Martínez-Celdrán, Fernández-Planas & Carrera-Sabaté (2003), p. 255.
  22. ^Danyenko & Vakulenko (1995), p. 4.
  23. ^Merrill (2008), p. 108.



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Pulmonic consonants
Non-sibilant affricatep̪fb̪vt̪θd̪ðtɹ̝̊dɹ̝t̠ɹ̠̊˔d̠ɹ̠˔ɟʝkxɡɣɢʁʡʜʡʢʔh
Non-sibilant fricativeɸβfvθ̼ð̼θðθ̠ð̠ɹ̠̊˔ɹ̠˔ɻ̊˔ɻ˔çʝxɣχʁħʕhɦ
Lateral affricatetꞎd𝼅c𝼆ɟʎ̝k𝼄ɡʟ̝
Lateral fricativeɬɮ𝼅𝼆ʎ̝𝼄ʟ̝
Lateral approximantlɭʎʟʟ̠
Lateral tap/flapɺ̥ɺ𝼈̥𝼈ʎ̆ʟ̆

Symbols to the right in a cell arevoiced, to the left arevoiceless.Shaded areas denote articulations judged impossible.

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