Avice is a practice, behaviour,habit or item generally considered morally wrong in the associated society. In more minor usage, vice can refer to a fault, a negative character trait, a defect, an infirmity, or a bad or unhealthy habit.[citation needed] Vices are usually associated with a fault in a person's character or temperament rather than their morality.[1]
Synonyms for vice include fault,sin, depravity, iniquity, wickedness, and corruption. The antonym of vice isvirtue.[2]
The modern English term that best captures its original meaning is the wordvicious, which means "full of vice". In this sense, the wordvice comes from theLatin wordvitium, meaning "failing or defect".[3][4]
Depending on the country or jurisdiction, vice crimes may or may not be treated as a separate category in thecriminal codes. Even in jurisdictions where vice is not explicitly delineated in the legal code, the termvice is often used in law enforcement and judicial systems as an umbrella term for crimes involving activities that are considered inherentlyimmoral, regardless of the legality or objective harm involved.
In the United Kingdom, the termvice is commonly used in law and law enforcement to refer to criminal offences related toprostitution andpornography.[5] In the United States, the term is also used to refer tocrimes related to drugs, alcohol, andgambling.[6]
A vice squad, also called avice unit or amorality squad, is generally, though not always, a police division, whose focus is to restrain or suppress moral crimes. Though what is considered or accepted as a moral crime by society often varies considerably according to local laws or customs between nations, countries, or states, it often includes activities such asgambling,narcotics,prostitution andpornography.[7][8]
Religious police, for exampleIslamic religious police units orsharia police in certain Muslim countries, are morality squads that also monitor, for example,dress codes, observance of store-closures during prayer time,consumption of unlawful beverages or foods,unrelated males and females socializing, and homosexual behaviour.
In theSarvastivadin tradition ofBuddhism, there are 108 defilements, or vices, which are prohibited. These are subdivided into 10 bonds and 98 proclivities.[9] The 10 bonds are the following:[9]
Avoiding vice is an important theme inJewish ethics, especially withinmusar literature.
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Christians believe there are two kinds of vice:[citation needed]
The first kind of vice, though sinful, is believed less serious than the second. Vices recognized as spiritual by Christians includeblasphemy (holiness betrayed),apostasy (faith betrayed), despair (hope betrayed),hatred (love betrayed), and indifference (scripturally, a "hardened heart"). Christian theologians have reasoned that the most destructive vice equates to a certain type ofpride or the complete idolatry of the self. It is argued that through this vice, which is essentially competitive, all the worst evils come into being. In Christian theology, it originally led to theFall of Man, and, as a purely diabolical spiritual vice, it outweighs anything else often condemned by the Church.
TheRoman Catholic Church distinguishes between vice, which is a habit of sin, and the sin itself, which is an individual morally wrong act. In Roman Catholicism, the wordsin also refers to the state that befalls one upon committing a morally wrong act. In this section, the word always means the sinful act. It is the sin, and not the vice, that deprives one of God'ssanctifying grace and renders one deserving of God'spunishment.Thomas Aquinas taught that "absolutely speaking, the sin surpasses the vice in wickedness".[10] On the other hand, even after a person's sins have beenforgiven, the underlying habit (the vice) may remain. Just as vice was created in the first place by repeatedly yielding to the temptation to sin, so vice may be removed only by repeatedly resisting temptation and performing virtuous acts; the more entrenched the vice, the more time and effort needed to remove it. SaintThomas Aquinas says that following rehabilitation and the acquisition of virtues, the vice does not persist as a habit, but rather as a mere disposition and one that is in the process of being eliminated. Medieval illuminated manuscripts circulated with colorful schemas for developing proper attitudes, with scriptural allusions modelled on nature: thetree of virtues as blossoming flowers or vices bearing sterile fruit, The Renaissance writerPietro Bembo is credited with reaffirming and promoting the Christian perfection of classical humanism. Deriving all from love (or the lack thereof) his[11] schemas were added as supplements[12] in the newly invented technology of printing byAldus Manutius in his editions of Dante's Divine Comedy dating from early in the 16th century.
The poetDante Alighieri listed the followingseven deadly vices, associating them structurally[13] as flaws in the soul's inherent capacity for goodness as made in the Divine Image yet perverted by the Fall:
The first three terraces of purgatory expiate the sins which can be considered to arise from love perverted, that is, sins which arise from the heart of the sinner being set upon something which is wrong in the eyes of God. Those being purged here must have their love set upon the right path. The fourth terrace of purgatory expiates the sins which can be considered to arise from love defective, that is, love which, although directed towards the correct subjects is too weak to drive the sinner to act as they should. Those being purged here must have their love strengthened so as to drive them correctly. The fifth, sixth, and seventh terraces of purgatory expiate the sins which can be considered to arise from love excessive, that is, love which although directed towards ends which God considers good is directed towards them too much for the sinner to gain bliss from them, and also so that the sinner is distracted from the love of other things of which God approves. Their love must be cooled to a more sensible level.
TheQur'an and many other Islamic religious writings provide prohibitions against acts that are seen as immoral.
Ibn abi Dunya, a 9th-century scholar and tutor to the caliphs, described 6censures (prohibitions against vices) in his writings:[14]
Although not strictly a religion but a Hellenistic philosophy,Epicurean ethics prescribes a therapeutic approach to the vices with the goal of attaining a life of pleasure with the aid of the virtues. Most of the techniques used in Epicureanism involve challenging false beliefs and attaining beliefs that are aligned with nature. In this, Epicureanism posits an entirely naturalistic, non-religious theory of virtue and vice based on the rational pursuit of pleasure.[15]