Voice of America (VOA orVoA) is aninternational broadcastingstate media network funded by thefederal government of the United States. It is the largest and oldest of the U.S. international broadcasters, producing digital, TV, and radio content in 48 languages for affiliate stations around the world.[3][4][5][6] Its targeted and primary audience is non-Americans outside the US borders, especially those living in countries withoutpress freedom or independent journalism.
VOA was established in 1942, duringWorld War II. Building on American use ofshortwave radio during the war, it initially served as an anti-propaganda tool againstAxis misinformation but expanded to include other forms of content like American music programs forcultural diplomacy. During theCold War, its operations expanded in an effort to fight communism and played a role in the decline of communism in several countries. Throughout its operations, it has aimed to broadcast uncensored information to residents under restrictive regimes, even airing behind theIron Curtain. In response, some countries began investing in technology tojam VOA broadcasts. In post-Soviet Russia underVladimir Putin, VOA was designated as a "foreign agent" and blocked alongside other western international broadcasters, but its programming still reaches Russian listeners through other means.
It is headquartered in Washington, D.C., and overseen by theU.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM), anindependent agency of the U.S. government funded with Congressional approval, which also overseesRadio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.[7] Funds are appropriated annually under the budget for embassies and consulates. As of 2022, VOA had a weekly worldwide audience of approximately 326 million (up from 237 million in 2016) and employed 961 staff with an annual budget of $267.5 million.[1][8][9]
The VOA has been criticized for its role as propaganda, while policies have been implemented to try to preserve its accuracy and independence. In 1976, U.S. PresidentGerald Ford signed into law the VOA charter, which mandates its reporting be "accurate, objective, and comprehensive",[10][11] while the1994 U.S. International Broadcasting Act prohibits editorial interference by government officials. The agency refers to these laws as its "firewall".
Under thefirst Trump administration, leadership at the agency was replaced with Trump allies and there were several allegations, both internal and external, of interference in hiring and coverage to be loyal to Trump. Under the second Trump administration,Kari Lake was appointed as director, drawing concern due to her past calls to imprison journalists and political opponents. Following anexecutive order cutting funding to the USAGM on March 14, 2025, almost all of VOA's 1,300 journalists, producers and assistants were placed on administrative leave.[12][13] The next day, many VOA foreign language broadcasts replaced news and other regularly scheduled programming with music.[14][15]
A licensee of an international broadcast station shall render only an international broadcast service which will reflect the culture of this country and which will promote international goodwill, understanding and cooperation. Any program solely intended for, and directed to an audience in the continental United States does not meet the requirements for this service.[21]
Around 1940, shortwave signals toLatin America were regarded as vital to counterNazi propaganda.[19] Initially, the USOffice of the Coordinator of Information sent releases to each station, but this was seen as an inefficient means of transmitting news.[16] The director of Latin American relations at the Columbia Broadcasting System wasEdmund A. Chester, and he supervised the development of CBS's extensive "La Cadena de las Américas" radio network to improve broadcasting toSouth America during the 1940s.[22]
Even before the December 1941 Japaneseattack on Pearl Harbor, the U.S. government'sOffice of the Coordinator of Information (COI) had already begun providing war news and commentary to the commercial American shortwave radio stations for use on a voluntary basis, through its Foreign Information Service (FIS) headed by playwrightRobert E. Sherwood, who served as PresidentFranklin Delano Roosevelt's speech writer and information advisor.[23] Direct programming began a week after the United States' entry into World War II in December 1941, with the first broadcast from the San Francisco office of the FIS via General Electric's KGEI transmitting to the Philippines in English (other languages followed). The next step was to broadcast to Germany, which was calledStimmen aus Amerika ("Voices from America") and was transmitted on February 1, 1942. It was introduced by the “Battle Hymn of the Republic" and included the pledge: "Today, and every day from now on, we will be with you from America to talk about the war... The news may be good or bad for us – We will always tell you the truth."[24] Roosevelt approved this broadcast, which then-ColonelWilliam J. Donovan (COI) and Sherwood (FIS) had recommended to him. It was Sherwood who actually coined the term "The Voice of America" to describe the shortwave network that began its transmissions on February 1, from 270Madison Avenue in New York City.
By the end of the war, VOA had 39 transmitters and provided service in 40 languages.[26] Programming was broadcast from production centers in New York and San Francisco, with more than 1,000 programs originating from New York. Programming consisted of music, news, commentary, and relays of U.S. domestic programming, in addition to specialized VOA programming.[27] About half of VOA's services, including theArabic service, were discontinued in 1945.[28] In late 1945, VOA was transferred to the US Department of State.
Also included among thecultural diplomacy programming on the Columbia Broadcasting System was the musical showViva America (1942–49) which featured the Pan American Orchestra and the artistry of several noted musicians from both North and South America, includingAlfredo Antonini,Juan Arvizu,Eva Garza,Elsa Miranda,Nestor Mesta Chaires,Miguel Sandoval,John Serry Sr., andTerig Tucci.[29][30][31] By 1945, broadcasts of the show were carried by 114 stations on CBS's "La Cadena de las Américas" network in 20 Latin American nations. These broadcasts proved to be highly successful in supporting President Roosevelt's policy ofPan-Americanism throughout South America during World War II.[32]
The VOA ramped up its operations during theCold War.[33]Foy Kohler, the director of VOA from 1949 to 1952, strongly believed that the VOA was serving its purpose, which he identified as aiding in the fight against communism.[34] He argued that the numbers of listeners they were getting such as 194,000 regular listeners in Sweden, and 2.1 million regular listeners in France, was an indication of a positive impact. As further evidence, he noted that the VOA received 30,000 letters a month from listeners all over the world, and hundreds of thousands of requests for broadcasting schedules.[35] There was an analysis done of some of those letters sent in 1952 and 1953 while Kohler was still director. The study found that letter writing could be an indicator of successful, actionable persuasion. It was also found that broadcasts in different countries were having different effects. In one country, regular listeners adopted and practiced American values presented by the broadcast. Age was also a factor: younger and older audiences tended to like different types of programs, no matter the country.[36] Kohler used all of this as evidence to claim that the VOA helped to grow and strengthen the free world. It also influenced the UN in their decision to condemn communist actions in Korea, and was a major factor in the decline of communism in the "free world, including key countries such as Italy and France.[34] In Italy, the VOA contributed to the decline of communism and a process of "Westernization".[37] The VOA also had an impact behind theIron Curtain. Practically all defectors during Kohler's time said that the VOA helped in their decision to defect.[38] Another indication of impact, according to Kohler, was the Soviet response. Kohler argued that the Soviets responded because the VOA was having an impact. Based on Soviet responses, it can be presumed that the most effective programs were ones that compared the lives of those behind and outside the Iron Curtain, questions on the practice of slave labor, as well as lies and errors inStalin's version ofMarxism.[34]
In 1947, VOA started broadcasting to theSoviet citizens in Russia under the pretext of countering "more harmful instances ofSoviet propaganda directed against American leaders and policies" on the part of the internal Soviet Russian-language media, according to John B. Whitton's treatise,Cold War Propaganda.[39] The Soviet Union responded by initiating electronicjamming of VOA broadcasts on April 24, 1949.[39]
Charles W. Thayer headed VOA in 1948–49.[40] Over the next few years, the U.S. government debated the best role of Voice of America. The decision was made to use VOA broadcasts as part ofU.S. foreign policy to counter the propaganda of theSoviet Union and other countries. The Arabic service resumed on January 1, 1950, with a half-hour program. This program grew to 14.5 hours daily during theSuez Crisis of 1956, and was six hours a day by 1958.[28] Between 1952 and 1960, Voice of America used a convertedU.S. Coast Guard cutterCourier as a first mobilebroadcasting ship.[41]
Willis Conover broadcasting with Voice of America in 1969
Control of VOA passed from the State Department to theU.S. Information Agency when the latter was established in 1953[28] to transmit worldwide, including to the countries behind the Iron Curtain and to the People's Republic of China. From 1955 until 2003, VOA broadcast American jazz on theVoice of America Jazz Hour. Hosted for most of that period byWillis Conover, the program had 30 million listeners at its peak. A program aimed atSouth Africa in 1956 broadcast two hours nightly, and special programs such asTheNewport Jazz Festival were also transmitted. This was done in association with tours by U.S. musicians, such asDizzy Gillespie,Louis Armstrong, andDuke Ellington, sponsored by the State Department.[42] From August 1952 through May 1953, Billy Brown, a high school senior inWestchester County, New York, had a Monday night program in which he shared everyday happenings inYorktown Heights, New York. Brown's program ended due to its popularity: his "chatty narratives" attracted so much fan mail, VOA couldn't afford the $500 a month in clerical and postage costs required to respond to listeners' letters.[43] During 1953, VOA personnel were subjected toMcCarthyist policies, where VOA was accused by Senator Joseph McCarthy,Roy Cohn, andGerard David Schine of intentionally planning to build weak transmitting stations to sabotage VOA broadcasts. However, the charges were dropped after one month of court hearings in February and March 1953.[44]
Sometime around 1954, VOA's headquarters were moved from New York to Washington D.C. The arrival of cheap, low-cost transistors enabled the significant growth of shortwave radio listeners. During theHungarian Revolution of 1956, VOA's broadcasts were deemed controversial, as Hungarian refugees and revolutionaries thought that VOA served as a medium and insinuated the possible arrival of the Western aid.[45]
Throughout theCold War, many of the targeted countries' governments sponsoredjamming of VOA broadcasts, which sometimes led critics to question the broadcasts' actual impact. For example, in 1956,Polish People's Republic stopped jamming VOA transmissions,[46] butPeople's Republic of Bulgaria continued to jam the signal through the 1970s.Edward R. Murrow said that: "The Russians spend more money jamming the Voice of America than we have to spend for the entire program of the entire Agency. They spend about $125 million [$1.2 billion in 2024] a year jamming it."[47]Chinese-language VOA broadcasts were jammed beginning in 1956 and extending through 1976.[48] However, after the collapse of theWarsaw Pact and the Soviet Union, interviews with participants in anti-Soviet movements verified the effectiveness of VOA broadcasts in transmitting information to socialist societies.[49] The People's Republic of China diligently jams VOA broadcasts.[50]Cuba has also been reported to interfere with VOA satellite transmissions toIran from its Russian-built transmission site atBejucal.[51] David Jackson, former director of Voice of America, noted: "TheNorth Korean government doesn't jam us, but they try to keep people from listening through intimidation or worse. But people figure out ways to listen despite the odds. They're very resourceful."[52]
Buzz Aldrin on the moon, in a photograph taken byNeil Armstrong, who can be seen in the visor reflection along with Earth[55]
In the early 1980s, VOA began a $1.3 billion rebuilding program to improve broadcast with better technical capabilities. During the implementation of theMartial law in Poland between 1981 and 1983, VOA's Polish broadcasts expanded to seven hours daily. Throughout the 1980s, VOA focused on covering events from the "American hinterland", such as 150th anniversary of theOregon Trail.[44] Also in the 1980s, VOA also added a television service, as well as special regional programs to Cuba,Radio Martí andTV Martí. Cuba has consistently attempted to jam such broadcasts and has vociferously protested U.S. broadcasts directed at Cuba. In September 1980, VOA started broadcasting toAfghanistan inDari and inPashto in 1982.[56] In 1981, VOA opened a bureau in Beijing, China.[57] The next year, it began regular exchanges withRadio Peking.[57]
In 1985, VOA Europe was created as a special service in English that was relayed via satellite to AM, FM, and cable affiliates throughout Europe. With a contemporary format including live disc jockeys, the network presented top musical hits as well as VOA news and features of local interest (such as "EuroFax") 24 hours a day. VOA Europe was closed down without advance public notice in January 1997 as a cost-cutting measure.[58] It was followed by VOA Express, which from July 4, 1999, revamped into VOA Music Mix.[59] Since November 1, 2014, stations are offered VOA1 (which is a rebranding of VOA Music Mix).[60]
In 1989, Voice of America expanded itsMandarin andCantonese programming to reach the millions of Chinese and inform the country about the pro-democracy movement within the country, including the demonstration in Tiananmen Square.[61] Starting in 1990, the U.S. consolidated its international broadcasting efforts, with the establishment of the Bureau of Broadcasting.[62]
With the breakup of the Soviet bloc in Eastern Europe, VOA added many additional language services to reach those areas. This decade was marked by the additions of services inStandard Tibetan,Kurdish (to Iran and Iraq),Serbo-Croatian (Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian),Macedonian, andRwanda-Rundi.[63][64]
In 1993, theClinton administration advised cutting funding forRadio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, as it believed post-Cold War information and influence was not needed in Europe. This plan was not well received, and US PresidentBill Clinton then proposed the compromise of theInternational Broadcasting Act, which he signed into law in 1994. This law established theInternational Broadcasting Bureau as a part of theUnited States Information Agency (USIA), and established theBroadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) with oversight authority, which took control from the Board for International Broadcasters which previously had overseen funding for RFE/RL.[65] In 1998, the Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act was signed into law, and mandated that the BBG become anindependent federal agency as of October 1, 1999. This act also abolished the USIA, and merged most of its functions into those of the State Department.[66]
The Arabic Service was abolished in 2002 and replaced by a new radio service, called the Middle East Radio Network orRadio Sawa, with an initial budget of $22 million. Radio Sawa offered mostly Western and Middle Eastern popular songs with periodic brief news bulletins. It then expanded to television withAlhurra in February 2004 (and later to various social media and websites).[67] In May 2004, the US government's international English language TV serviceWorldnet, became part of VOA as "VOA TV".
As part of an effort to allocate resources to broadcasts in theMuslim world,[68][69] radio programs in Russian, Hindi, Ukrainian, Serbian, Macedonian, Bosnian, and Hindi ended in 2008.[68][69] In September 2010, VOA began radio broadcasts in Sudan. As U.S. interests inSouth Sudan grew, there was a desire to provide people with free information.[70] In 2013, budget cuts led VOA to end foreign-language transmissions on shortwave and medium wave to Albania, Georgia, Iran, and Latin America, as well as English-language broadcasts to the Middle East and Afghanistan.[71] Then, in 2014, most of its English-language transmissions to Asia were cut,[72] as well as shortwave transmissions in Azerbaijani, Bengali, Khmer, Kurdish, Lao, Uzbek, and Greek.[72][73][74]
In 1994, Voice of America became the first broadcast-news organization to offer continuously updated programs on the Internet.[75]
From 1948 until its amendment in 2013, Voice of America was forbidden to broadcast directly to American citizens, pursuant to § 501 of theSmith–Mundt Act.[76] The intent of the 1948 legislation was to protect the American public from propaganda by its own government and to avoid any competition with private American companies.[77] The act was amended via the passage of theSmith-Mundt Modernization Act provision of theNational Defense Authorization Act for 2013.[78] The amendment was intended to adapt the law to the Internet and to allow American citizens access to VOA content.[79]
VOA Radiogram was an experimental Voice of America program that started in March 2013 and ended in June 2017, which transmitteddigital text and images viashortwaveradiograms.[80][81] There were 220 editions of the program, transmitted each weekend from the Edward R. Murrow transmitting station. The audio tones that comprised the bulk of each 30-minute program were transmitted via ananalogtransmitter, and could bedecoded using a basicAMshortwave receiver with freely downloadable software of theFldigi family. This software was available forWindows,macOS,Linux, andFreeBSD systems. Broadcasts could also be decoded using the free TIVAR app from theGoogle Play store using anyAndroid device. The mode used most often onVOA Radiogram, for both text and images, wasMFSK32, but other modes were also occasionally transmitted. The final edition ofVOA Radiogram was transmitted during the weekend of June 17–18, 2017, a week before the retirement of the program producer from VOA. An offer to continue the broadcasts on a contract basis was declined, so a follow-on show calledShortwave Radiogram began transmission on June 25, 2017, from theWRMI transmitting site in Okeechobee, Florida.[82][83]
In 2021, Voice of America launched 52 Documentary, a series that publishes weekly films about human experiences.[84] The series is presented on the streaming app, VOA+, andYouTube. Films average 10–15 minutes and are translated with captions in several languages, including Russian, Persian, Mandarin, Urdu, and English.Euna Lee directs the program.[85]
After theJanuary 2017 inauguration of US PresidentDonald Trump, tweets by Voice of America (one of which was later removed) seemed to support the widely criticized statements by White House press secretarySean Spicer about the crowd size and biased media coverage. This raised concerns over possible attempts by Trump to politicize VOA.[86][87][88][89] This amplified already growing propaganda concerns over the provisions in theNational Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017, signed into law byBarack Obama, which gave the powers of the board of theBroadcasting Board of Governors, which was relegated to an advisory role, to a CEO appointed by the president. Trump sent two of his political aides to the agency to aid its CEO during thetransition to the Trump administration. Criticism was raised over Trump's choice of aides; Matthew Schuck was a staff writer forright-wing websiteThe Daily Surge until 2015, while Matthew Ciepielowski was a field director at the conservative libertarian advocacy groupAmericans for Prosperity.[86] VOA officials responded with assurances that they would not become "Trump TV".[86] BBG head John F. Lansing toldNPR that it would be illegal for the administration to tell VOA what to broadcast, while VOA directorAmanda Bennett stressed that while "government-funded", the agency is not "government-run".[88]
On April 10, 2020, theWhite House published an article in its daily newsletter critical of VOA coverage of thecoronavirus pandemic.[90] Emails revealed in aFreedom of Information Act request showedCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) press official Michawn Rich had sent a memo to agency employees stating in part, "as a rule, do not send up [interview] requests for [VOA contributor]Greta Van Susteren or anyone affiliated with Voice of America", referencing the White House story.[91] On April 30,The Washington Post, referring toSteven L. Herman who covered the White House for VOA, reported Vice PresidentMike Pence's office "threatened to retaliate against a reporter who revealed that Pence's office had told journalists they would need masks for Pence's visit to theMayo Clinic – a requirement Pence himself did not follow."[92]
On June 3, 2020, the US Senate confirmedMichael Pack, a conservative documentaries filmmaker and close ally ofSteve Bannon, to serve as head of the US Agency for Global Media, which oversees VOA.[93] Subsequently, Director Bennet and deputy director Sandy Sugawara resigned from VOA.CNN reported on June 16 that plans for a leadership shakeup at VOA were being discussed, including the possibility that controversial former White House aideSebastian Gorka would be given a leadership role at VOA.[94] On June 17, the heads of VOA's Middle East Broadcasting, Radio Free Asia, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and the Open Technology Fund were all fired, their boards were dissolved, and external communications from VOA employees were made to require approval from senior agency personnel in what one source described as an "unprecedented" move, whileJeffrey Scott Shapiro, like Pack a Bannon ally, was rumored to be in line to head the Office of Cuba Broadcasting.[95] Four former members of the advisory boards filed suit challenging Pack's standing to fire them.[96] On July 9, NPR reported VOA would not renew the work visas of dozens of non-resident reporters, many of whom could face repercussions in their home countries.[97] In late July, four contractors and the head of VOA'sUrdu-language service were suspended after a video featuring extensive clips from a Muslim-American voter conference, including a campaign message from then-Democratic presidential candidateJoe Biden, was determined not to meet editorial standards and taken down.[98]
On August 12, 2020, USAGM chief financial officer Grant Turner and general counsel David Kligerman were removed from their positions and stripped of their security clearances, reportedly for their opposition to what Turner called "gross mismanagement", along with four other senior agency officials.[99]Politico reported on August 13 that Trump administration official and former shock jockFrank Wuco had been hired as a USAGM senior advisor, responsible for auditing the agency's office of policy and research.[100] As a radio host, Wuco issued insults and groundless claims against former US President Barack Obama, CIA DirectorJohn O. Brennan, and Speaker of the HouseNancy Pelosi.[101] VOA's Twitter account during this period featured stories favorable to Vice President Mike Pence and White House advisorIvanka Trump.[102]
In response to Pack's August 27 interview withThe Federalist website, a group of VOA journalists sent a letter to VOA Acting Director Elez Biberaj complaining that Pack's "comments and decisions 'endanger the personal security of VOA reporters at home and abroad, as well as threatening to harm U.S. national security objectives.'"[103] VOA's response was that "it would not respond directly to the letter because it was 'improper' and 'failed to follow procedure.' Instead, the leadership of USAGM and VOA 'are handling the choice of complaint transmission as an administrative issue,' which suggested that the journalists could face sanctions for their letter," according toThe Washington Post. In the same story, thePost reported that VOA Spanish-language service White House correspondent's Brigo Segovia's interview with an official about the administration's response to Pack's personnel and other moves had been censored and his own access to VOA's computer system restricted.[104]
On July 20, 2020, District of Columbia attorney generalKarl A. Racine filed suit under the District's Nonprofit Corporations Act to reverse Pack's replacement of theOpen Technology Fund (OTF) board.[105] Beginning in August 2020, OTF came under increasing pressure from Peck and USAGM leadership. According to Axios,[106][107] this was related to OTF's reluctance to extend grants toFalun Gong-related enterprises working on technology directed against China'sGreat Firewall;The New York Times noted Falun Gong and itsEpoch Times media group frequently supported the Trump administration.[108] On August 18, USAGM announced it was setting up its own Office of Internet Freedom with less strict grant requirements and began soliciting OTF's grantees to apply to the new office.[109][110] On August 20, OTF sued USAGM in the US Court for Federal Claims for withholding nearly $20 million in previously agreed grant funds.[111] On October 15,summary judgment was granted nullifying Pack's attempt to replace the OTF board.[112]
On September 29, six senior USAGM officials filed a whistleblower complaint in which they alleged that Pack or one of his aides had ordered research conducted into the voting history of at least one agency employee, which would be a violation of laws protecting civil servants from undue political influence.[113] NPR reported that two Pack aides had compiled a report on VOA White House bureau chiefSteven L. Herman's social media postings and other writings in an attempt to charge him with a conflict of interest, and that the agency released a conflict of interest policy stating in part that a "journalist who on Facebook 'likes' a comment or political cartoon that aggressively attacks or disparages the President must recuse themselves from covering the President."[114] Apreliminary injunction issued on November 20 barred Pack "from making personnel decisions involving journalists at the networks; from directly communicating with editors and journalists employed by them; and from investigating any editors or news stories produced by them," and characterized the investigation of Herman as an "unconstitutional prior restraint" of his, his editors', and fellow journalists' free speech.[115]
Suspended officials from Voice of America sued the agency news outlet on October 8. They accused Pack of using Voice of America as a vehicle to promote the personal agenda of President Trump and of violating a statutory firewall intended to prevent political interference with the agency, and they sought their reinstatement.[116]
In June 2020, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden's campaign told Vox News that Biden would fire Pack if Biden won election.[117] In November 2020, US District CourtJudge Beryl Howell found Pack violated theFirst Amendment rights of Voice of America journalists.[118]
In December 2020,The Washington Post reported that Pack was refusing to cooperate withPresident-elect Biden's transition team and, in an end run around the court order, had persuaded VOA Acting Director Biberaj to step down, replacing him withRobert Reilly, a former VOA director who had written critically of Muslims, gays, and lesbians.[119][120] On December 19, 33 days before President-elect Biden's inauguration, Pack named Ted Lipien, a former VOA veteran journalist who headed the Polish Service during the final struggle for democracy in Poland in the 1980s and a former acting associate director of VOA who, according to NPR, "became a sharp critic of USAGM, VOA and the other affiliated networks on a pair of blogs" and "of the three network presidents affected, the only one without established partisan ties," as head of RFE/RL, andJeffrey Scott Shapiro, a writer forBreitbart andThe Washington Times who had claimed President Obama "hates America," as head of the Office of Cuba Broadcasting.[121][122][123][124] On December 30, NPR reported Pack was attempting to add contractual language that would make it impossible to fire the broadcasting board members he had installed for two years, after which they could only be fired "for cause." Reportedly the new contracts were withdrawn after inquiries from media and Congress.[125]
Then-Secretary of StateMike Pompeo speaks at VOA headquarters in January 2021.
On January 11, 2021, VOA interim director Reilly ordered veteran reporterPatsy Widakuswara off the White House beat. Earlier that day, Widakuswara had followed US Secretary of StateMike Pompeo out of the building after his speech criticizing the VOA[126] and his VOA-sponsored interview with VOA Director Robert Reilly during which reporters were not allowed to ask questions.[127] Widakuswara asked Pompeo what he was doing to repair the international reputation of the U.S. and whether he regretted saying there would be a second Trump administration.[128][129] The theme of the preceding interview with VOA Director Robert Reilly was reportedly the dangers of censorship.[130] In response, dozens of VOA journalists, including Widakuswara, wrote and circulated a petition calling on Reilly and public affairs specialist Elizabeth Robbins to resign.[131] In a statement,U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee ChairmanGregory Meeks and ranking memberMichael McCaul said, "Absent a legitimate reason for this move, which has not been provided, we believe she should be reinstated".[127] Widakuswara was reinstated to the White House beat after President Biden requested the resignation of Michael Pack.[126]
On January 19, the nonprofitGovernment Accountability Project, representing fired USAGM employees and whistleblowers, sent a letter to the congressional foreign affairs committees, theU.S. Office of Special Counsel, and theInspector General of the US Department of State. The letter said that Pack had hired theMcGuireWoods law firm to investigate USAGM employees and the OTF at a cost of over $2 million in the last quarter of 2020, bypassing US government investigators including USAGM's own Office of Human Resources, and called for further investigation of what it termed a gross misuse of taxpayer dollars.[132]The Washington Post later reported that a second law firm, Caplin & Drysdale, had also been granted a similarno-bid contract in possible violation of federal contracting regulations for a total cost of $4 million.[133]
Also on January 19, the last full day of the Trump presidency, Pack named a slate of five directors to head each of the three USAGM boards for RFE/RL, Radio Free Asia, and Middle East Broadcasting Networks: conservative radio talk show host Blanquita Cullum,Liberty Counsel officer Johnathan Alexander, former White House staffer Amanda Milius, conservative writer Roger Simon, andCenter for the National Interest Fellow Christian Whiton.[134]
The following day, Pack resigned at the request of the Biden administration.[135] On January 21, Shapiro resigned from the Office of Cuba Broadcasting. Biden named veteran VOA journalistKelu Chao to replace Pack. Chao in turn dismissed Riley and Robbins from VOA, naming Yolanda Lopez, another VOA veteran, as acting director; Lopez had also been reassigned in the wake of the Pompeo interview.[136] On January 22, the Biden administration firedVictoria Coates and her deputy Robert Greenway from the Middle East Broadcasting Networks, naming Kelley Sullivan as acting head.[137][138]
In December 2024, Donald Trump, as president-elect, announcedKari Lake would be his choice for VOA Director. Lake had called for imprisoning journalists whose reporting she called "lies",[139] called for imprisoning a political opponent,[139]lost elections for Arizona governor and senator, advanced false claims around both her and Trump's election losses and left her previous job with the Phoenix, Arizona, affiliate ofFox News after controversies including spreadingCOVID-19 misinformation.[140] Though the president may make a nomination, under the International Broadcasting Act only theInternational Broadcasting Advisory Board has the authority to approve the appointment or removal of the VOA Director.[141][142]
In February 2025, theDepartment of Government Efficiency (DOGE) put forward a proposal for VoA andRadio Free Europe as two government-owned media agencies, to be considered for closure as a cost saving measure for the U.S. federal government.[143] The latest proposal comes after previously made suggestions by other government officials to shutter the agency.[144][145] In February and March 2025, it was reported that at VOA, a chief national correspondent was placed on paid absence and a veteran reporter serving as the White House bureau chief was reassigned. At the same time, it was also reported that at least two articles containing criticism of Trump were not published or were changed after publication. A Trump Administration official,Richard Grenell, called the VOA chief correspondent's comments "treasonous" in a post on X.[146][147]
VOA Burmese goes dark at 21:00 Myanmar Time on March 15, 2025 as a result of staff reductions and lockouts.
On March 14 night, Trump signed anexecutive order to reduce the functions of several agencies including the U.S. Agency for Global Media to the minimum required by law.[148][149] The next day, all employees could not access VOA headquarters, and many VOA foreign language broadcasts replaced news and other regularly scheduled programming with music.[150][14][15] More than 1,300 Voice of America employees were placed on leave.[13][14][150] VOA has also set about ending contracts with theAssociated Press,Reuters andAgence France-Presse.Kari Lake, the special advisor to the USAGM selected by Trump, estimated ending these contracts would save $53 million.[151] Michael Abramowitz, the director of VOA, said in aFacebook post on March 15, that he was also placed on leave, along with “virtually the entire staff” of 1,300. The announcement came exactly 24 hours after President Trump signed an executive order to gut VOA’s parent agency as well as the network having a move to terminate contracts withThe Associated Press,Reuters, andAgence France-Presse.[151] Some of VOA’s local-language radio stations have stopped broadcasting news reports and switched over to music automation to fill the airtime.[152]
A study was done on Chinese students in America. It found that through the VOA, they disapproved of the actions of the Chinese government.[153] Another study was done on Chinese scholars in America, and found that the VOA had an effect on their political beliefs. Their political beliefs did not change in relation to China, though, as they did not tend to believe the VOA's reports on China.[154]
In February 2013, a documentary released byChina Central Television interviewed a Tibetan allegedself-immolator who survived his suicide attempt. The interviewee said he was motivated by Voice of America's broadcasts of commemorations of people who committed suicide in political self-immolation. VOA denied instigating self-immolations and demanded that the Chinese station retract its report.[155]
On April 19, 2017, the VOA Mandarin Service interviewed Chinese real estate tycoonGuo Wengui in a live broadcast. Thegovernment of China warned VOA representatives not to interview Guo about his "unsubstantiated allegations".[156][157] The interview was scheduled by the team for three hours. After Guo alleged that he had evidence of corruption among the members of thePolitburo Standing Committee of China, the highest political authority of China, the interview was abruptly cut off by VOA leadership, after one hour and 17 minutes. Guo's allegations involved Fu Zhenhua andWang Qishan (a member of the Politburo Standing Committee, and the leader of the anti-graft movement).[158]
On August 27, four U.S. Congressmen requested that theOffice of Inspector General (OIG) conduct an investigation into the interruption.[159] The OIG investigation concluded that the VOA leadership decision to curtail the Guo interview was based solely onjournalistic best practices, rather than due to any pressure from the Chinese government.[160] Another investigation, byMark Feldstein, Chair of Broadcast Journalism at theUniversity of Maryland, College Park, concluded that "VOA’s senior management did its best to make decisions consistent with journalism’s best practices and industry standards,” and “was not improperly influenced by the Chinese government or anyone else. The failure [of the VOA Mandarin Service interview team] to comply with leadership's instructions during the Guo interview 'was a colossal and unprecedented violation of journalistic professionalism and broadcast industry standards.'"[160] The Feldstein report also noted that "There had been a grossly negligent approach" by the VOA Mandarin Service interview team to pre-interview vetting, and failure to "corroborate the authenticity of Guo's evidence or interview other sources," in violation of industry standards. The VOA Mandarin Service interview team apparently "demonstrated greater loyalty to its source than to its employer – at the expense of basic journalistic standards of accuracy, verification, and fairness," the Feldstein report concluded.[161][162]
The Amharic Service was started in 1982.[163] From 1982 to 1986, the VOA service had a mix of staff consisting of former members of theEthiopian People's Revolutionary Party (EPRP) and US-educated staff without strong political involvement in the 1974Ethiopian Revolution and the associated student movement of the revolutionary period. Reporting was mostly critical of theDerg led byMengistu Haile Mariam.[163]
The 1986 to 1996 phase was according to Annette Sheckler, who became head of the VOA Horn of Africa Service in December 1998, opposed to theTigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF)/Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), which took control of Ethiopia in 1991. According to Sheckler, the reporting became more politicized due to the loss of qualified staff, the role of EPRP-supporting staff being opposed to the TPLF government, and the role of former Derg officials who were recruited to the Service. US ambassadors to Ethiopia Mark Bass, Irvin Hicks, and David Shinn objected to what they saw as a lack of balance in the Service. Sheckler believed the Chief of the Horn of Africa service's EPRP background was a factor in what she viewed as imbalanced reporting. Broadcasts inTigrinya andOromo were added in addition to Amhara.[163] Sheckler sees the 18-month period during 1996–98, with a new temporary service Chief, as having become "essentially ungovernable" with a "legacy of personal animosity, hostility and complete lack of professionalism".[163] Sheckler described the June 1998 phase of theEritrean–Ethiopian War as exacerbating ethnic conflicts within the service. Sheckler wrote memos to VOA leadership describing her assessment of serious problems in the service, and was fired on November 20, 1998, officially for "a lack of professional journalistic ethics"; she describes the reason for her firing as "telling the truth".[163]
Peter Heinlein led the service from 2012 to 2014. In 2013, he wrote a complaint about his view of problems in the service. He saw a significant flaw being the confusion of roles in which translators, untrained in the principles and methods of journalism, took on the role of journalists.[164] The service was mostly seen as anti-Ethiopian government until 2018, when Negussie Mengesha, the head of the VOA Africa division for several years, met the newly appointed Ethiopian prime ministerAbiy Ahmed.[164]
In May 2021, several former employees accused VOA'sAmharic service, under the leadership of Negussie Mengesha, of being biased in favor of the government of Abiy Ahmed, including failing to report onatrocities committed during theTigray War.[165] VOA journalist Jason Patinkin said that he had reported the problems "at every level of the VOA hierarchy". Patinkin resigned from the service, saying that VOA had "sided with the perpetrators both by commission and omission" of "potential crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing and perhaps even genocide".[164]
In June 2021,Mail & Guardian reported on an investigation based on "hundreds of internal memos and interviews with about a dozen former and current members" of the VOA Horn of Africa service.[164]Mail & Guardian stated that during the Tigray War, the only major foreign news service that was not harassed by Ethiopian security services was VOA. VOA gave frequent coverage to theMai Kadra massacre, mostly attributed to Tigrayan youth and documented byAmnesty International, while later focusing on the Ethiopian government's dismissal of Amnesty International's report on theAxum massacre rather than on the methods and content of the report itself. During 107 meetings of the Horn of Africa service from November 4, 2020, to April 30, 2021, during the Tigray War, most (81%) of the meetings did not have approvals by Tizita Belachew, head of the service, or by Solomon Abate, of stories on the war that included Tigrayan points of view; a majority of the stories only showed government or military officials' points of view; a fifth of the meetings had no reports on the war. Instructions emailed to staff stated that the terms "civil war" and "war" were forbidden in reporting on the Tigray War, with Scott Stearns writing on 14 November, according toMail & Guardian, "There are to be no deviations from these instructions by any member of any Africa division language service on any platform."[164]
After theOctober 7, 2023, Hamas attack on Israel, an email was sent to Voice of America staff from the associate editor for news standards with guidance related to how to refer to the actions ("terrorist acts" or "acts of terror") and advice about how to refer to individual members of Hamas, i.e. to use the term "terrorist" only in direct quotes from sources.[166] At the time, VOA was not the only news outlet with journalists discussing how to objectively refer to theIsraeli–Palestinian conflict.[166] Six Republican members of Congress signed a letter sent by SenatorBill Hagerty, which criticized and strongly objected to the editorial guidance about how to refer to individual members of Hamas.[166] USAGM chief executive Amanda Bennett sent a letter to the senators to clarify that the VOA email was guidance only, and "There is no policy prohibiting the use of the words 'terror,' 'terrorism,' or 'terrorist'" at VOA, and stating the news organizations within USAGM "counsel care and attention in the use of the words but do not place any restrictions on the appropriate use."[166] The controversy prompted Congress to reduce the budget of VOA's parent organization, USAGM.[167]
VOA's service in Iran had a negative impact onKurds andKurdistan according to the publicationKurdish Life in 2000. They claimed that the VOA exacerbated the conflict between theTalabani and theBarzani.[168] They further claimed that the VOA covered up wrongful imprisonments, wrongful arrests, and the building of extremist mosques. According to the same publication, Kurds were being turned into fanatics, and a new generation of terrorists was forming because of the VOA. They claimed the VOA was doing this to helpPUK.[169]
On June 12, 2024, the House Foreign Affairs Committee concluded that there was "credible evidence of corruption" regarding the matter of Setareh Derakhshesh Sieg, the former director of Voice of America's Persian News Network (PNN).[176] Sieg had been terminated in January 2021 for falsifying her education credentials and corruption-related offenses, but was rehired before resigning abruptly in September 2023 as the Committee intensified its investigation.[177][178]
The VOA's DEEWA Radio airs in Pakistan. Although in 2015 some listeners were suspicious that the program was promoting an American agenda, others said they were experiencing a positive effect. Some listeners felt that the programs were giving a voice to the voiceless, giving them a sense of empowerment.[179] In 2018, the Pakistani authorities blocked the website of VOA's Pashto and Urdu language radio service.[180][181]
In January 2016, upon his arrival in Moscow, Russian authorities detained and then deportedJeff Shell, the Chairman of the Broadcasting Board of Governors that oversees the Voice of America, despite his having a valid Russian visa.[182] Russian authorities did not explain their actions.[182]
Round-the-clock broadcasting of Current Time began on February 7, 2017.[183][184][185]
In December 2017, under a new directive from Russia'sKremlin after a new law was passed by theState Duma (Russia's lower house of parliament) and the upper houseFederation Council and signed by Russian PresidentVladimir Putin, Voice of America was deemed a "foreign agent" under theRussian foreign agent law.[186][187] In June 2021, the Russian news agencyTASS reported that Russia's state communications watchdogRoskomnadzor complained that the foreign agent Voice of America radio station challengingly refused to observe Russian law because it had not established a Russian legal entity.[188]Roskomnadzor also said that VOA was as a foreign agent "obliged to mark their content and provide information about all aspects of their activity, including a detailed description of contacts with the authorities."[188]
In March 2022, VOA and other news broadcasters, including theBBC,Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, andDeutsche Welle were blocked in Russia,[189] as after theRussian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Russian authorities increased censorship of independent journalism, anti-war protests, and dissenting voices.[190][191][192][193] Nevertheless, many Russians have usedVPNs and other software to get around Russian government blocks.[194][195] As of March 2022, VOA broadcasts were reaching people in Russia and the region through TV, FM and medium wave radio, digital, and direct-to-home satellite.[193] In May 2023, Russia banned then-acting VOA chief Yolanda Lopez from ever entering the country.[196]
On June 30, 2022, the Turkish media watchdog,Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK), blocked access to VOA's website amerikaninsesi.com inTurkey because VOA had not applied for the necessary licence, which would subject VOA to certain obligations.[197][198] The RTÜK regulation requires foreign news outlets that publish in Turkey to apply for publication licenses, mandates that at least half of the media organization be owned by a Turkish citizen, and would force VOA to remove content deemed inappropriate by RTÜK.[199] VOA Turkish subsequently broadcast over a different VOA website domain name, voaturkce.com, which in August 2023 was blocked as well.[200] VOA said that "Given VOA's status as a public service international broadcaster legally required to provide 'accurate, objective, and comprehensive' news coverage to its global audience, VOA cannot comply with any directive intended to enable censorship."[200] VOA Turkey, after it was blocked, shared instructions on its social media accounts as to how to use a VPN to access its content.[201]
The current director, Michael Abramowitz, assumed the position in July 2024. He previously served as president ofFreedom House and spent nearly 25 years as a reporter and editor forThe Washington Post.[202]
In December 2024, president-elect Trump announced he would name former news anchorKari Lake to be the director of VOA.[203] Under the International Broadcasting Act only theInternational Broadcasting Advisory Board has the authority to approve the appointment or removal of the VOA Director.[141][142]
Voice of America has been a part of several agencies. From its founding in 1942 to 1945, it was part of theOffice of War Information, and then from 1945 to 1953 as a function of the State Department. VOA was placed under theU.S. Information Agency in 1953. When the USIA was abolished in 1999, VOA was placed under the BBG which is an autonomous U.S. government agency, with bipartisan membership. The Secretary of State has a seat on the BBG.[204] The BBG was established as a buffer to protect VOA and other U.S.-sponsored, non-military, international broadcasters from political interference. It replaced the Board for International Broadcasting (BIB) that oversaw the funding and operation ofRadio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, a branch of VOA.[65]
Under the Eisenhower administration in 1959, VOA DirectorHenry Loomis commissioned a formal statement of principles to protect the integrity of VOA programming and define the organization's mission, and was issued by DirectorGeorge V. Allen as a directive in 1960 and was endorsed in 1962 by USIA directorEdward R. Murrow.[205] VOA's charter was signed into law by PresidentGerald Ford.[4]: 218 The charter requires it to "present the policies of the United States clearly and effectively."[206]: 218 Academics including Téwodros W. Workneh have described this as apublic diplomacy function.[206]: 218 VOA's charter also requires it to be "a reliable and authoritative source of news" which "shall be accurate, objective, and comprehensive".[206]: 218 According to former VOA correspondent Alan Heil, the internal policy of VOA News is that any story broadcast must have two independently corroborating sources or have a staff correspondent witness an event.[207]
The Voice of America "Firewall" was put in place with the 1976 VOA Charter and laws passed in 1994 and 2016 as a way of ensuring the integrity of VOA's journalism. This policy fights against propaganda and promotes unbiased and objective journalistic standards in the agency. The charter is one part of this firewall and the other laws assist in ensuring high standards of journalism.[208][209]
TheBethany Relay Station, operational from 1944 to 1994, was based on a 625-acre (2.53 km2) site inUnion Township (now West Chester Township) inButler County, Ohio, nearCincinnati.[211] Major transmitter upgrades first were undertaken around 1963, when shortwave and medium-wave transmitters were built, upgraded, or rebuilt.[44] The site is now a recreational park with a Voice of America museum. Other former sites include California (Dixon andDelano), Hawaii,Okinawa, Liberia (Monrovia), Costa Rica, Belize, and at least two in Greece (Kavala and Rhodos).
The Voice of America website had five English-language broadcasts as of 2014 (worldwide,Learning English,Cambodia,Zimbabwe, andTibet). Additionally, the VOA website has versions in 48 foreign languages.[214][1]
Radio programs are marked with an "R"; television programs with a "T":
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