Uttanasana (Sanskrit:उत्तानासन;IAST:uttānāsana) orStanding Forward Bend,[1] with variants such asPadahastasana where the toes are grasped, is a standing forward bendingasana in modernyoga as exercise.
The name comes from the Sanskrit words उत्तानuttāna, "intense stretch";[2] and आसन;āsana, "posture" or "seat".[3]
The pose is a modern one, first seen in the 20th century. A pose with the name Uttānāsana is illustrated in the 19th centurySritattvanidhi but it is quite different from the modern pose (lying on the back, with elbows touching the knees and the hands behind the neck).[4] The modern pose is described inKrishnamacharya's 1934Yoga Makaranda,[5] and in the works of his pupils,B. K. S. Iyengar's 1966Light on Yoga[6] andPattabhi Jois'sAshtanga (vinyasa) yoga.[2][7]Theos Bernard however illustrates the related pose "Padhahasthasana" (sic) in his 1944 report of his experience ofhatha yoga on the border of India and Tibet, suggesting the existence of a separate tradition.[8]
The pose is entered from the standing position ofTadasana, bending forward at the hips until the palms can be placed on the floor, ultimately behind the heels.[6]