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    Future Eventually people may realize that voting for Democrats is the only way to raisestate and federal minimum wages from $7.25 to at least $15 an hour, regain abortion rights, getexpanded Medicaid in the South, andCanadian-style Medicare for All (saving$1.5 trillion a year). These savings are combined with reversingTrump's tax cuts for the rich(2) back toprogressive taxation. Thenwealth concentration would be reversed, and the$36 trillion US national debt andaround $900 billion yearly interest (seechart) eliminated.

    Debt slavery by the rich! All wealth to the top


    Return to top. See Wikipedia:List of countries by household debt. All those stolen wages went to the billionaire club that loaned it back to us.Since 1975, $79 Trillion Has Flowed From Bottom 90% to Top 1% in US: Analysis. Republican recession is starting: Tariff wars, low minimum wages, high medical and student loan debts. Republicans like them all. All wealth to the top. Loaned back to us to enslave us.Late car payments hit highest level in decades.

    Wikipedia:Household debt in the United States.
    SeePNG image good for Facebook posts, etc.
    Trends in the Distribution of Family Wealth, 1989 to 2022.Congressional Budget Office. Wealth concentration.
    Facebook page with comments. OnCommons.
    Mean household net worth of the bottom 40% is in the red (in debt). See table 1. Imagesource. OnCommons.
    2013 data is used. SeePNG image info.

    US minimum wage, and the fight for $15

    $7.25 states below aremajority Republican in both houses. A GOP war on the poor. And the middle class, too, since theminimum wage bumps up wages above it. GetPNG map noting GOP states.
    List of US states by minimum wage.
    Convert a US list/table to a state-by-state data map. With examples and step-by step instructions.
    US minimum wage would be $25.52 an hour in 2023 if it had kept up with productivity. The stolen wages went to Trump's billionaire club, and stayed there due to Reagan and Trump's gutting ofprogressive taxation via tax cuts for the rich.
    Wikimedia page has sourcing. Full image shows up on Facebook by sharing the link.
    Americans disapprove of Trump concerning the economy, etc.. Feb 3-16, 2025 polling.
    FromGallup Poll. SeePNG image good for Facebook posts, cover image, etc..
    SeeFight for $15. US map below is percent of workers earning less than $15 per hour. Concerning the grayn/a statesCEPR wrote: "States that had minimum wages of at least $15 and those that were between $14 and $15 were not analyzed."
    Convert a US list/table to a state-by-state data map. With examples and step-by step instructions.

    US healthcare costs twice as much per person as in Canada


    Return to top. $6,319 for Canada in 2022. $12,555 for the US in 2022.Yet Canadians have a longer average lifespan. Single-payer healthcare is why.

    Save $1.5 trillion yearly in the US. Canada spent11.2 percent of its GDP for total healthcare costs in 2022. US spent16.6 percent in 2022. 5.4% is the difference.5.4% of US GDP is $1.5 trillion dollars in 2022.Universal single-payer healthcare savings, andprogressive taxation, could pay off the$36 trillion US national debt (seechart). Sharelink.

    Click to enlarge

    Trump's proposed tax cuts for the rich


    Return to top. Trump tax proposals. 2024 election. Average tax changes by income group in 2026. From:"A Distributional Analysis of Donald Trump's Tax Plan".Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy. October 7, 2024.

    Trump tax proposals. Average tax changes by income group in 2026.
    Trump tax proposals by category. Average tax changes by income group in 2026.

    $7.25 US federal minimum wage today. Vs $14 (inflation-adjusted) in 1968


    Return to top. Info onreal and nominal federal minimum wage over time. Real minimum wage isinflation-adjusted. Source for $14 an hour real minimum wage in 2024 dollars:State Minimum Wages: An Overview. Updated October 3, 2024. ByCongressional Research Service. See "Figure 1. The Federal Minimum Wage 1938 to 2024" on page 2.

    History of the US federal minimum wage. Over $14 (inflation-adjusted) peak in 1968. $7.25 an hour now due toRepublican filibusters in the US Senate. SeeWikimedia GIF chart.

    Maps showing the many failings of US Republican states


    Gaza and the West Bank. Some of the last bastions of settler colonialism


    Return to top. And its kept in place mainly by US aid. US could easily force Israel to remove its settlers by threatening to remove all aid and protection. Peace would ensue in the Middle East. The occupation is not the main problem. Settlers are. The US, even after the occupation ended, has bases in Germany and Japan to this day, but no settlers. US, and then Germany, did not allow Nazis in power, nor the existence of the Nazi party. Just like Hamas could be blocked from power. A road could be opened between Gaza and the West Bank. Just like the road from the West to Berlin before the wall fell. A free Palestine state, except for some non-interfering US/Israeli/UN/etc. bases.

    Gallup Poll showing US change from majority approval (Nov. 2023) to majority disapproval (March 2024) of Israeli military action in Gaza. Source:Majority in U.S. Now Disapprove of Israeli Action in Gaza. March 27, 2024 by Jeffrey M Jones.Gallup Poll.

    Tools. Page views. Expand/collapse table of contents


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    Note. If you want apageviews link in your owntools menu seeUser:PrimeHunter/Pageviews.js. For a pageviews linkbelow all article and talk page titles turn on XTools at the bottom of the appearance section ofthese gadget preferences.

    Note: Gohere for a tool tofully expand/collapse thetable of contents on long Wikipedia pages. Gohere andhere to lessen line spacing in table of contents. See:Phab:T302426. [ToC] test "show all sub-sections" button.

    Commons:Template:PD-map. Most maps are in the public domain


    Return to top. Note the Republican states (in the South for example). Post the PNG maps on Facebook, etc..

    Medicaid coverage gap of Affordable Care Act
    Simple map above created using another method. Seeits talk page for info.
    Wikipedia: Maternal mortality in the United States. SeePNG map with note.

    Wikimedia:SVG map andPNG[9] (for Facebook, etc.)

    The above 2 SVG maps have user-editable sections (any text editor) to allow creation of more maps on more topics. 2 different methods. See examples of one method atCommons:Category:English-language SVG choropleth maps of the United States made with templates‎. Feel free to create map templates for other countries too.User:Cmglee may be able to help with that.

    Commons:Template:PD-chart. Most charts are in the public domain


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    See Sep 25, 2024article byPew Research Center.

    Censorship on Wikipedia


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    Media regulation
    By location
    July 8, 1947, issue of theRoswell Daily Record, featureda story announcing the Roswell Army Air Field "capture" of a "flying saucer" from a ranch near Roswell. SeeRoswell Incident. The article came about fromWalter Haut's initial press release.

    SeeUser:Timeshifter/Userboxes for many userboxes. See also this old essay:User:Timeshifter/Unchecked admin misconduct. Admins with biases, combined with a few biased editors can block verified notable info. Happens all the time. SeeWikipedia:WikiProject Countering systemic bias. See:Systemic bias andcognitive bias. Seeconfirmation bias where editors only post references that agree with their viewpoints. And:Criticism of Wikipedia. Some of the following info may no longer be censored by the time you read this. Some censorship comes and goes depending on the whims of groups of editors. Examples of censorship: •Seven JFK Parkland Hospital ER doctors (see documentary anddiscussion) who testified on video that there was an entrance wound from the front; meaning that more than one shooter was required. Also, aseparate interview with Dr. Robert N. McClelland who was there. • Roswell UFO craft, 2 crash sites, and alien body retrieval were real according to eyewitnessU.S. Army officer Walter Haut. Haut issued the initial July 1947 "flying disc" press release. His 2002 notarized affidavit tells all. It was released in a 2007 book after his death in 2005. It is on pages 239-242 of the 2022 edition:Witness to Roswell, 75th Anniversary Edition: Unmasking the Government's Biggest Cover-up (more eyewitnesses).36 pages previewed in Google Books. Click "preview" button and scroll down to pages 239-240.Search within the book. Moonwalker Dr.Edgar Mitchell wrote the foreword. I have the inexpensiveKindle ebook. The 20 paragraph affidavit is online here:[10] (page 14).[11][12].Haut's daughter, Julie Shuster, in 2002, 3 years before his death,"verbally discussed each and every sentence" of the affidavit with him. She said it was not a deathbed confession. See Sept 2007MUFON UFO Journal:Issue 473. Page 15. Andthis article fromSpecial Broadcasting Service.Archived. SeeJulie Shuster on IMDb. More info:[13][14][15][16].

    About me


    Return to top. Just another guy with a PC. See:User:Timeshifter/Newsletters. See:commons:User:Timeshifter. About my username:Time dilation is a proven fact.Time travel is not, and I personally don't believe it is possible. But I could be wrong. :)

    Wikimedia Commons logoThis usercontributes toWikimedia Commons.
    This user is one of the2500 most active English Wikipedians of all time.
    50,000+This user has made over50,000 contributions to Wikipedia.
    83,000+This user has madeover83,000 contributions toWikimedia projects.
    Icon This user has been on Wikipedia for19 years, 5 months and 23 days.
    This user has been a member ofWikipedia since7 October 2005.

    Accessibility, color contrast


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    Determine hex colors for legend



    One way to determine the exact color is via freewareIrfanView. Open image. Then:

    Edit menu > Show Paint dialog > click on the eyedropper > click somewhere in the image > click on the color at the bottom of the Paint dialog > Write down the Red, Green, and Blue color numbers (RGB).

    ConvertRGB colors tohex color here:

    Backward cannabis laws in US Republican states


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    This map and info below is copied and adapted fromthis template on another wiki. It does not use any internal links, or templates, and so it can be copied anywhere. Adjust map and column width as needed. Choose betweenan SVG map ora PNG map (from SVG size choices on the Commons that are PNG). PNG works on Facebook.

    Wikipedia: Legality of cannabis by U.S. jurisdiction. Note the lack of more progressive cannabis laws inUS Republican states (in the South for example). It's not just cannabis prohibition.See many US maps showing the failings of Republican states. Andmirror. SeeMPP article on state CBD/low THC laws. For laws concerning hemp derivatives see:[17][18][19][20][21][22][23]. Sharelink. Andmirror.
    Map of cannabis laws in the US

           Legal for recreational use
           Legal for medical use
           No comprehensive medical program

    Map reflects laws of states and territories, including laws not in effect yet. Does not reflect federal, tribal, local laws. Map does not show legality (varies by state) ofhemp-derivedcannabinoids such asCBD ordelta-8-THC, which have been legal at federal level since the2018 Farm Bill. SeePNG map (for Facebook).

    Table. Canadians are richer, healthier, safer than Americans


    Return to top. The latest table (by itself) ishere.

    Share page links:canadacharts. And:CanadaCharts. Share PNG images on Facebook, etc.:Long PNG table. And:Short PNG table. Download an image. Upload to Facebook. Add link to this page. The images, text, and wiki tables are all in thepublic domain. They can be copied, adapted, edited, and shared anywhere. The wiki table can be copied (in whole or in part) to most wikis (Wikimedia, Fandom, Shoutwiki, etc.) since the wikitext only uses links withfull URLs, and sinceno templates are used within the tables. The wiki table can also be copied from the visible page directly to email since there is styling within the tables. And it is unaffected by light and dark backgrounds. For more info, data, sources, etc. see:Canadian single-payer universal healthcare versus US healthcare. And Wikipedia:Health spending as a percent of GDP by country (gross domestic product).

    Canadians are richer, healthier, safer than Americans.Their universal healthcare. Their far lower murder rate due tomuch lower percentage with handguns.2.
    CountryMedian wealth per adult.US dollars.Healthcare cost per person.US dollarsPPP.
    Canada$151,248 (2022)$6,319 (2022)
    USA$93,271 (2022)$12,555 (2022)
    CountryMaternal mortality rate per 100,000 births.Life expectancy. 2022
    Canada11 (2020)81.3 years
    USA33 (2021)77.4 years
    CountryUnder-5 mortality rate per 1000 live births. 2020Murder rateper 100,000. 2022
    Share:link to this chart. Orarticle link.

    Health spending by country


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    Health spending by country. Percent of GDP. See:Gross domestic product. 11.2% for Canada in 2022. 16.6% for the US in 2022.
    Health spending per capita. OECD countries. US dollars (using economy-widePPPs). Public, private, and total expenditures. $6,319 for Canada in 2022. $12,555 for the US in 2022.

    Table. More on Canada vs USA


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    Share link:myths. The table below can be copied, adapted, and edited anywhere. It is in thepublic domain. It can be copied to email or webpages. It can also be copied to any wiki easily since the wikitext only uses links with full URLs, and since no templates are used within the table.Share link:myths. The table below can be copied, adapted, and edited anywhere. It is in thepublic domain. It can be copied to email or webpages. It can also be copied to any wiki easily since the wikitext only uses links with full URLs, and since no templates are used within the table.

    Videos.US Republicanmyths about Canadian healthcare:1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465666768697071727374757677787980818283848586878889909192939495969798.Nations with better and healthier quality of life:12345678910111213141516.

    Create more tables and maps

    enThis user is anative speaker of theEnglish language.
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    Return to top. See my Commons user page:commons:User:Timeshifter formore charts. See theseWP:Template styles:Template:mw-datatable.Template:sticky-header.Template:sticky table start.Template:sort-under.Template:static-row-numbers.Template:table alignment.Template:Screen reader-only{{sro}}.

    Wikipedia can use more tables and maps. Seec:Commons: Map resources. AndHelp:Tables andHelp:Sortable tables. See also:c:Commons:Chart and graph resources. And:c:Commons:Convert tables and charts to wiki code or image files. And:c:Commons:Create charts and graphs online.

    Trump's 2017 tax cuts for the rich.
    On average, taxpayers in the income groups highlighted in yellow will incur a net cost (shown as a positive figure as this reduces the budget deficit), due in part to reduced healthcare subsidies. Higher income taxpayers receive a benefit via tax cuts (shown as a negative number as this increases the budget deficit). The percent of taxpayers in each income group is also shown for the 2023 period. "Taxpayer" in the chart refers to a tax return, meaning it could represent one person or a married couple filing jointly, among other options.[24][25].Commons source.



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    YouTube. See:

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    Return to top.Timeshifter (talk ·contribs ·deleted contribs ·page moves ·block user ·block log)


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    Subpage Index



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    See:The Signpost, Tech News, The Bugle, andCentralized discussion atUser:Timeshifter/Newsletters. See:Wikipedia:Dashboard.

    The Signpost
    22 March 2025
    Administrators' Newsletter
    March 2025

    Infoboxes. Psytrance, Life timeline. Operation Condor. Ukraine


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    Psychedelic trance
    Stylistic origins
    Cultural originsLate 1990s,Goa,India
    Derivative formsPsybient
    Fusion genres
    • Psybreaks
    • hard psy
    • psycore
    • psydub
    • psy tech trance
    Part ofa series on
    Denial of mass killings
    Instances of denial
    Scholarly controversy over mass killings
    Related topics
    Northern front

    Eastern front

    Southern front

    Other regions

    Naval operations

    Spillover & related incidents

    Northern Ukraine skirmishes
  • Kyiv strikes
  • Chernihiv strikes

  • Eastern front

    Southern front

    Other regions

    Spillover & related incidents

    Northern Ukraine skirmishes
  • Kyiv strikes
  • Chernihiv strikes

  • Eastern front

    Southern front

    Other regions

    Ukrainian incursion

    Naval operations

    Spillover & related incidents

    This box:
    −4500 —
    −4000 —
    −3500 —
    −3000 —
    −2500 —
    −2000 —
    −1500 —
    −1000 —
    −500 —
    0 —
    Operation Condor
    by city
    on military
    Russian-occupied Ukraine
    Belarus and Russia
    Attacks on
    Legal cases
    United States
    Other countries
    United Nations
    Terms and
    Key people

    Barnstars, thanks, funny comments, other things of note

    This editor has been thanked
    bythese Wikipedians.

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    The following comments and barnstars were copied fromUser talk:Timeshifter.

    Barnstars, comments, etc.

    You have GOT to be the coolest Wikisloth with super-powers that I ever met!! For a Sloth, you sure move at a quick pace!! :) Do you wear a "super cape", I wonder? That would really complete the whole outfit and mystique.. I keep trying to think of things I could maybe do for you since you are such a blessing and a help... Hmmm. Did you ever contactRoger Ebert before his untimely demise? Is there perhaps a photo of someone that I can search for on your behalf? Just say the words. I feel a great debt to you for your help over these years. --Leahtwosaints (talk) 12:00, 17 August 2013 (UTC)

    WikiProject Ireland Collaboration

    Thank you forinitiating this project. There may be a great opportunity for it - please check outtalk:Ireland#Ireland article names: Request for Remedy 2 andWikipedia talk:WikiProject Ireland Collaboration. —Sebastian 06:31, 27 January 2009 (UTC)

    The barnstars below were copied from my user talk page, and its archives. The latest one is on top.

    What a Brilliant Idea Barnstar
    For the concept of a noticeboard that would have allowed editors to air out complaints against abusive admins. Pity WP is not truly about improvement. —Djathinkimacowboy 01:18, 5 March 2012 (UTC)
    The Defender of the Wiki Barnstar
    You know, aside from wanting you to know I stronglysupported your idea for an admin complaint board, I strongly support your whole philosophy. A huge problem here is the ignoring of content dispute plus admins who will not get involved in anything. Much of the opposition to your board proposition are childish whiners, I noticed. They claim a new notice board will decrease editing time. Don't let them get you down with such fallacious 'reasoning'. Keep at it! Godspeed, and drop me a line anytime.--Djathinkimacowboy 14:43, 19 February 2012 (UTC)
    Bookbound barnstar
    ToTimeshifter, forcontributing to the Internet "meme"
    (as reported in theThe Washington Post)

    of"Neda," the slain Iranian protester.
     —Justmeherenow 07:31, 25 June 2009 (UTC)
    The Article Rescue Barnstar
    Thanks for savingFile:Day 18 of War on Gaza.PNG from deletion by doing a little legwork and using your extensive knowledge of copyright and image description procedures. Its much appreciated.Tiamuttalk 15:11, 12 March 2009 (UTC)
    The Working Man's Barnstar
    For your work on compiling detailed maps, free images, and in your efforts in categorization.Tiamut 20:24, 13 September 2007 (UTC)
    The Barnstar of Diligence
    For your efforts at organizing regional maps in the commons and your patience in explaining those effortsTiamut 22:32, 10 March 2007 (UTC)
    The Random Acts of Kindness Barnstar
    For remaining cool and encouraging others to do so, while retaining editorial integrity and passionately advocating for the truth (all POVs) to be presented :)Tiamut 10:51, 26 February 2007 (UTC)
    The Barnstar of Diligence
    For diligence on theIraq War subtitle debate and for helping solve a very tough issue. Also, nice work on keeping everyone (myself included) honest on the various casualties sections. Nicely done.Publicus 21:10, 8 February 2007 (UTC)

    Picture of the day


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    For more images like the one below see:

    Chestnut-naped antpitta
    Thechestnut-naped antpitta (Grallaria nuchalis) is a species of bird in theantpitta family, Grallariidae. Found in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, it inhabits bamboo stands in temperate to humidmontane forest, and in the undergrowth of adjacent forest that lacks bamboo, at elevations between 2,000 and 3,000 metres (6,600 and 9,800 feet). It is known to feed on insects and other invertebrates, and sings mostly at dawn and dusk, usually from a hidden low perch. This chestnut-naped antpitta of the subspeciesG. n. ruficeps was photographed in Las Tángaras, a nature reserve inChocó Department, Colombia.Photograph credit:Charles J. Sharp

    Wikipedia. Fast stats


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    As of Sunday, 30 March 2025, 03:20 (UTC), The English Wikipedia has 48,925,830 registered users, 125,074 active editors, and 848 administrators. Together we have made 1,278,295,448 edits, created 62,829,087 pages of all kinds and created 6,974,398 articles.

    ProPublica Nonprofit Explorer and Wikipedia finances


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    Update on Wikimedia's financial health. Wikipedia Signpost/2023-11-20/News and notes.

    WikipediaSignpost:Golden parachutes: Record severance payments at Wikimedia Foundation. 22 May 2023. This is outrageous. Just another example of the concentration of wealth and income into the hands of the 1% in the US.

    See:ProPublica Nonprofit Explorer:Wikimedia Foundation Org. It is interesting to look at the greatly increasing salaries of CEOs of nonprofits over the years. Far faster than other salaries. Salary transparency is a wonderful leveling tool.ProPublica's Nonprofit Explorer shows how some CEOs tried to sneak in a $300,000 pay increase one year, but had to drop back the following year. Why would I donate to a "nonprofit" like that?

    This is part of a pattern:Richest 1% bag nearly twice as much wealth as the rest of the world put together over the past two years. And:The First Trillionaire: No Cause for Celebration.

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    Collapsed tables of Wikipedia info


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