Reconstruction of an earlyworld map made byAnaximander of the 6th century BCE, dividing the known world into three large landmasses, one of which was named Europe
The place name Evros was first used by the ancient Greeks to refer to their northernmost province, which bears the same name today. The principal river there – Evros (today'sMaritsa) – flows through the fertile valleys ofThrace,[27] which itself was also called Europe, before the term meant the continent.[28]
In classicalGreek mythology,Europa (Ancient Greek:Εὐρώπη,Eurṓpē) was aPhoenician princess. One view is that her name derives from theAncient Greek elementsεὐρύς (eurús) 'wide, broad', andὤψ (ōps,gen.ὠπός,ōpós) 'eye, face, countenance', hence their compositeEurṓpē would mean 'wide-gazing' or 'broad of aspect'.[29][30][31][32]Broad has been anepithet of Earth herself in the reconstructedProto-Indo-European religion and the poetry devoted to it.[29] An alternative view is that ofRobert Beekes, who has argued in favour of a pre-Indo-European origin for the name, explaining that a derivation fromeurus would yield a differenttoponym than Europa. Beekes has located toponyms related to that of Europa in the territory of ancient Greece, and localities such as that ofEuropos inancient Macedonia.[33]
There have been attempts to connectEurṓpē to a Semitic term forwest, this being eitherAkkadianerebu meaning 'to go down, set' (said of the sun) orPhoenician'ereb 'evening, west',[32] which is at the origin ofArabicmaghreb andHebrewma'arav.Martin Litchfield West stated that "phonologically, the match between Europa's name and any form of the Semitic word is very poor",[34] while Beekes considers a connection to Semitic languages improbable.[33]
Most major world languages use words derived fromEurṓpē orEuropa to refer to the continent. Chinese, for example, uses the wordŌuzhōu (歐洲/欧洲), which is an abbreviation of the transliterated nameŌuluóbā zhōu (歐羅巴洲) (zhōu means "continent"); a similar Chinese-derived termŌshū (欧州) is also sometimes used in Japanese such as in the Japanese name of the European Union,Ōshū Rengō (欧州連合), despite thekatakanaYōroppa (ヨーロッパ) being more commonly used. In some Turkic languages, the originally Persian nameFrangistan ("land of theFranks") is used casually in referring to much of Europe, besides official names such asAvrupa orEvropa.[35]
By 1947 a growing rift between the western Allied Powers and theSoviet Union became evident as a result of the rigged1947 Polish legislative election, which constituted an open breach of theYalta Agreement. March of that year saw two important developments. First was the signing of theTreaty of Dunkirk betweenFrance and theUnited Kingdom. The treaty assured mutual assistance in the event of future military aggression against either nation. Though it officially named Germany as a threat, in reality the actual concern was for the Soviet Union. A few days later came the announcement of theTruman Doctrine which pledged American support for democracies to counter the Soviets.
The year 1948 marked the beginning of the institutionalised modernEuropean integration. In March 1948 theTreaty of Brussels was signed, establishing theWestern Union (WU), followed by theInternational Authority for the Ruhr. Furthermore, theOrganisation for European Economic Co-operation (OEEC), the predecessor of the OECD, was also founded in 1948 to manage theMarshall Plan, which led to the Soviets creatingComecon in response. The ensuingHague Congress of May 1948 was a pivotal moment in European integration, as it led to the creation of theEuropean Movement International, theCollege of Europe[44] and most importantly to the foundation of theCouncil of Europe on 5 May 1949 (which is nowEurope Day). The Council of Europe was one of the first institutions to bring the sovereign states of (then only Western) Europe together, raising great hopes and fevered debates in the following two years for further European integration.[citation needed] It has since been a broad forum to further cooperation and shared issues, achieving for example theEuropean Convention on Human Rights in 1950. Essential for the actual birth of the institutions of the EU was theSchuman Declaration on 9 May 1950 (the day after the fifthVictory in Europe Day) and the decision by six nations (France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, West Germany and Italy) to followSchuman and draft theTreaty of Paris. This treaty was created in 1952 theEuropean Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), which was built on theInternational Authority for the Ruhr, installed by the Western Allies in 1949 to regulate the coal and steel industries of the Ruhr area in West Germany.[45] Backed by theMarshall Plan with large funds coming from the United States since 1948, the ECSC became a milestone organisation, enabling European economic development and integration and being the origin of the main institutions of the EU such as theEuropean Commission andParliament.[46]Founding fathers of the European Union understood that coal and steel were the two industries essential for waging war, and believed that by tying their national industries together, a future war between their nations became much less likely.[47]In parallel with Schuman, thePleven Plan of 1951 tried but failed to tie the institutions of the developing European community under theEuropean Political Community, which was to include the also proposedEuropean Defence Community, an alternative toWest Germany joiningNATO which was established in 1949 under theTruman Doctrine. In 1954 theModified Brussels Treaty transformed the Western Union into theWestern European Union (WEU).West Germany eventually joined both the WEU and NATO in 1955, prompting theSoviet Union to form theWarsaw Pact in 1955 as an institutional framework for its military domination in the countries ofCentral and Eastern Europe. Assessing the progress of European integration theMessina Conference was held in 1955, ordering theSpaak report, which in 1956 recommended the next significant steps of European integration.
The European Union was formally established when theMaastricht Treaty—whose main architects wereHorst Köhler,[58]Helmut Kohl andFrançois Mitterrand—came into force on 1 November 1993.[24][59] The treaty also gave the nameEuropean Community to the EEC, even if it was referred to as such before the treaty. With further enlargement planned to include the formercommunist states of Central and Eastern Europe, as well asCyprus andMalta, theCopenhagen criteria for candidate members to join the EU were agreed upon in June 1993. The expansion of the EU introduced a new level of complexity and discord.[60] In 1995, Austria, Finland, and Swedenjoined the EU.
In 2002, euro banknotes and coins replaced national currencies in 12 of the member states. Since then, theeurozone has increased to encompass 20 countries. The euro currency became the second-largest reserve currency in the world. In 2004, the EU sawits biggest enlargement to date when Cyprus, the Czech Republic,Estonia,Hungary,Latvia,Lithuania,Malta,Poland,Slovakia, andSlovenia joined the union.[61]
In 2007, Bulgaria and Romania became EU members. Later that year, Slovenia adopted the euro,[61] followed by Cyprus and Malta in 2008, Slovakia in 2009, Estonia in 2011, Latvia in 2014, Lithuania in 2015, and Croatia in 2023.
In 2012, the EU received theNobel Peace Prize for having "contributed to the advancement of peace and reconciliation, democracy, and human rights in Europe".[64][65] In 2013,Croatia became the 28th EU member.[66]
On 24 February 2022, after massing on the borders of Ukraine, theRussian Armed Forces undertook an attempt for a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.[71][72] The European Union imposedheavy sanctions on Russia and agreed on a pooled military aid package to Ukraine for lethal weapons funded via theEuropean Peace Facility off-budget instrument.[73]
The ancientRoman Agora in Athens illuminated with a Next Generation EU sign
Next Generation EU (NGEU) is aEuropean Commissioneconomic recovery package to support the EU member states to recover from theCOVID-19 pandemic, in particular those that have been particularly hard hit. It is sometimes styledNextGenerationEU andNext Gen EU, and also called theEuropean Union Recovery Instrument.[74] Agreed in principle by theEuropean Council on 21 July 2020 and adopted on 14 December 2020, the instrument is worth€750 billion. NGEU will operate from 2021 to 2026,[75] and will be tied to the regular2021–2027 budget of the EU's Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF). The comprehensive NGEU and MFF packages are projected to reach €1824.3 billion.[76]
Preparing the Union for a new great enlargement is a political priority for the Union, with the goal of achieving 35 member states by 2030. Institutional and budgetary reforms are being discussed in order for the Union to be ready for the new members.[77][78][79][80]
In May 2024, concerns rise, that the outcome of the elections in June, can undermine some of the crucial policies of the EU in the domain of environment, diplomacy,economy.The war in Ukraine by creating inflation, lowering life level created a possibility of strong changes in the 2024 elections.[81][82]
Since the end ofWorld War II,sovereignEuropean countries have entered into treaties and thereby co-operated and harmonised policies (orpooled sovereignty) in an increasing number of areas, in theEuropean integration project or theconstruction of Europe (French:la construction européenne). The following timeline outlines the legal inception of theEuropean Union (EU)—the principal framework for this unification. The EU inherited many of its present responsibilities from theEuropean Communities (EC), which were founded in the 1950s in the spirit of theSchuman Declaration.
Legend: S: signing F: entry into force T: termination E: expiry de facto supersession Rel. w/ EC/EU framework: de facto inside outside
^abcdeAlthough not EU treatiesper se, these treaties affected thedevelopment of the EU defence arm, a main part of the CFSP. The Franco-British alliance established by the Dunkirk Treaty wasde facto superseded by WU. The CFSP pillar was bolstered by some of the security structures that had been established within the remit of the 1955Modified Brussels Treaty (MBT). The Brussels Treaty wasterminated in 2011, consequently dissolving the WEU, as themutual defence clause that the Lisbon Treaty provided for EU was considered to render the WEU superfluous. The EU thusde facto superseded the WEU.
^Between the EU's founding in 1993 and consolidation in 2009, the union consisted ofthree pillars, the first of which were the European Communities. The other two pillars consisted of additional areas of cooperation that had been added to the EU's remit.
The European Union operates through a hybrid system ofsupranational andintergovernmental decision-making,[83][84] and according to theprinciple of conferral (which says that it should act only within the limits of the competences conferred on it by thetreaties) and ofsubsidiarity (which says that it should act only where an objective cannot be sufficiently achieved by the member states acting alone).Laws made by the EU institutions are passed in a variety of forms.[85] Generally speaking, they can be classified into two groups: those which come into force without the necessity for national implementation measures (regulations) and those which specifically require national implementation measures (directives).[d]
EU policy is in general promulgated byEU directives, which are then implemented in thedomestic legislation of itsmember states, andEU regulations, which are immediately enforceable in all member states.Lobbying at the EU level by special interest groups is regulated to try to balance the aspirations of private initiatives with public interest decision-making process.[86]
Map showing the member states of the European Union (clickable)
Through successiveenlargements, the EU and its predecessors have grown from thesix founding states of the EEC to 27 members. Countries accede to the union by becoming a party to the foundingtreaties, thereby subjecting themselves to the privileges and obligations of EU membership. This entails a partial delegation of sovereignty to the institutions in return for representation within those institutions, a practice often referred to as "pooling of sovereignty".[87][88] In some policies, there are several member states that ally with strategic partners within the union. Examples of such alliances include theBaltic Assembly, theBenelux Union, theBucharest Nine, theCraiova Group, theEU Med Group, theLublin Triangle, theNew Hanseatic League, theThree Seas Initiative, theVisegrád Group, and theWeimar Triangle.
To become a member, a country must meet theCopenhagen criteria, defined at the 1993 meeting of the European Council in Copenhagen. These require a stable democracy that respects human rights and therule of law; a functioningmarket economy; and the acceptance of the obligations of membership, including EU law. Evaluation of a country's fulfilment of the criteria is the responsibility of theEuropean Council.[89]
Subdivisions of member-states are based on the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS), ageocode standard for statistical purposes. Thestandard, adopted in 2003, is developed and regulated by the European Union, and thus only covers themember states of the EU in detail. The Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics is instrumental in the European Union'sStructural Funds and Cohesion Fund delivery mechanisms and for locating the area where goods and services subject to Europeanpublic procurement legislation are to be delivered.
Maps of Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) subdivisions (prior to 2018, including non-EU member states)
Article 50 of theLisbon Treaty provides the basis for a member toleave the EU. Two territories have left the union:Greenland (anautonomous province of Denmark) withdrew in 1985;[101] theUnited Kingdom formally invoked Article 50 of the Consolidated Treaty on European Union in 2017, and became the only sovereign state to leave when itwithdrew from the EU in 2020.
Member states retain in principle all powers except those that they have agreed collectively to delegate to the Union as a whole, though the exact delimitation has on occasions become a subject of scholarly or legal disputes.[102][103]
In certain fields, members have awardedexclusive competence and exclusive mandate to the Union. These are areas in which member states have entirely renounced their own capacity to enact legislation. In other areas, the EU and its member states share the competence to legislate. While both can legislate, the member states can only legislate to the extent to which the EU has not. In other policy areas, the EU can only co-ordinate, support and supplement member state action but cannot enact legislation with the aim of harmonising national laws.[104] That a particular policy area falls into a certain category of competence is not necessarily indicative of whatlegislative procedure is used for enacting legislation within that policy area. Different legislative procedures are used within the same category of competence, and even with the same policy area. The distribution of competences in various policy areas between member states and the union is divided into the following three categories:
The European Union has seven principal decision-making bodies, itsinstitutions: theEuropean Parliament, theEuropean Council, theCouncil of the European Union, theEuropean Commission, theCourt of Justice of the European Union, theEuropean Central Bank and theEuropean Court of Auditors. Competence in scrutinising and amending legislation is shared between the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament, while executive tasks are performed by the European Commission and in a limited capacity by the European Council (not to be confused with the aforementioned Council of the European Union). Themonetary policy of the eurozone is determined by the European Central Bank. The interpretation and the application of EU law and the treaties are ensured by the Court of Justice of the European Union. The EU budget is scrutinised by the European Court of Auditors. There are also a number of ancillary bodies which advise the EU or operate in a specific area.
The Union's executive branch is organised as adirectorial system, where the executive power is jointly exercised by several people. The executive branch consists of the European Council and European Commission.
The European Council sets the broad political direction of the Union. It convenes at least four times a year and comprises thepresident of the European Council (presentlyAntónio Costa), thepresident of the European Commission and one representative permember state (either itshead of state orhead of government). Thehigh representative of the union for foreign affairs and security policy (presentlyKaja Kallas) also takes part in its meetings. Described by some as the union's "supreme political leadership",[106] it is actively involved in the negotiation oftreaty changes and defines the EU's policy agenda and strategies. Its leadership role involves solving disputes between member states and the institutions, and to resolving any political crises or disagreements over controversial issues and policies. It acts as a "collective head of state" andratifies important documents (for example, international agreements and treaties).[107] Tasks for the president of the European Council are ensuring the external representation of the EU,[108] driving consensus and resolving divergences among member states, both during meetings of the European Council and over the periods between them. The European Council should not be mistaken for theCouncil of Europe, an international organisation independent of the EU and based in Strasbourg.
TheEuropean Commission acts both as the EU'sexecutive arm, responsible for the day-to-day running of the EU, and also thelegislative initiator, with the sole power to propose laws for debate.[109][110][111] The commission is 'guardian of the Treaties' and is responsible for their efficient operation and policing.[112] It has 27European commissioners for different areas of policy, one from each member state, though commissioners are bound to represent the interests of the EU as a whole rather than their home state. The leader of the 27 is thepresident of the European Commission (presentlyUrsula von der Leyen for 2019–2024, reelected for the 2024–2029 term),proposed by the European Council, following and taking into account the result of the European elections, and is then elected by the European Parliament.[113] The President retains, as the leader responsible for the entire cabinet, the final say in accepting or rejecting a candidate submitted for a given portfolio by a member state, and oversees the commission's permanent civil service. After the President, the most prominent commissioner is the high representative of the union for foreign affairs and security policy, who isex-officio avice-president of the European Commission and is also chosen by the European Council.[114] The other 25 commissioners are subsequently appointed by theCouncil of the European Union in agreement with the nominated president. The 27 commissioners as a single body are subject to approval (or otherwise) by a vote of theEuropean Parliament. All commissioners are first nominated by the government of the respective member state.[115]
The council, as it is now simply called[116] (also called the Council of the European Union[117] and the "Council of Ministers", its former title),[118] forms one half of the EU's legislature. It consists of a representative from each member state's government and meets indifferent compositions depending on the policy area being addressed. Notwithstanding its different configurations, it is considered to be one single body. In addition to the legislative functions, members of the council also haveexecutive responsibilities, such as the development of aCommon Foreign and Security Policy and the coordination of broad economic policies within the Union.[119] ThePresidency of the council rotates between member states, with each holding it for six months. Beginning on 1 July 2024, the position is held by Hungary.[120]
The European Parliament is one of threelegislative institutions of the EU, which together with theCouncil of the European Union is tasked with amending and approving the European Commission's proposals. 705members of the European Parliament (MEPs) are directlyelected byEU citizens every five years on the basis ofproportional representation. MEPs are elected on a national basis and they sit according topolitical groups rather than their nationality. Each country has a set number of seats and is divided intosub-national constituencies where this does not affect the proportional nature of the voting system.[121] In theordinary legislative procedure, the European Commission proposes legislation, which requires the joint approval of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union to pass. This process applies to nearly all areas, including theEU budget. The parliament is the final body to approve or reject the proposed membership of the commission, and can attempt motions of censure on the commission by appeal to theCourt of Justice. Thepresident of the European Parliament carries out the role of speaker in Parliament and represents it externally. The president andvice-presidents are elected by MEPs every two and a half years.[122]
Thejudicial branch of the European Union is formally called theCourt of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and consists of two courts: theCourt of Justice and theGeneral Court.[123] TheCourt of Justice is thesupreme court of the European Union in matters ofEuropean Union law. As a part of the CJEU, it is tasked with interpreting EU law and ensuring its uniform application across allEU member states under Article 263 of the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). The Court was established in 1952, and is based inLuxembourg. It is composed of one judge permember state – currently 27 – although it normally hears cases in panels of three, five or fifteen judges. The Court has been led by presidentKoen Lenaerts since 2015. The CJEU is the highest court of the European Union in matters ofUnion law. Its case-law provides that EU law has supremacy over any national law that is inconsistent with EU law.[124] It is not possible to appeal against the decisions of national courts in the CJEU, but rather national courts refer questions of EU law to the CJEU. However, it is ultimately for the national court to apply the resulting interpretation to the facts of any given case. Although, only courts of final appeal are bound to refer a question of EU law when one is addressed. The treaties give the CJEU the power for consistent application of EU law across the EU as a whole. The court also acts as an administrative and constitutional court between the other EU institutions and the Member States and can annul or invalidate unlawful acts of EU institutions, bodies, offices and agencies.
TheGeneral Court is a constituent court of the European Union. It hears actions taken against theinstitutions of the European Union by individuals and member states, although certain matters are reserved for the Court of Justice. Decisions of the General Court can be appealed to the Court of Justice, but only on a point of law. Prior to the coming into force of theLisbon Treaty on 1 December 2009, it was known as the Court of First Instance.
TheEuropean Central Bank (ECB) is one of the institutions of themonetary branch of the European Union, the prime component of theEurosystem and the European System of Central Banks. It is one of the world'smost important central banks. TheECB Governing Council makesmonetary policy for theeurozone and the European Union, administers theforeign exchange reserves of EU member states, engages in foreign exchange operations, and defines the intermediate monetary objectives and key interest rate of the EU. TheECB Executive Board enforces the policies and decisions of the Governing Council, and may direct the national central banks when doing so. The ECB has the exclusive right to authorise the issuance ofeuro banknotes. Member states can issueeuro coins, but the volume must be approved by the ECB beforehand. The bank also operates theT2 (RTGS) payments system. TheEuropean System of Central Banks (ESCB) consists of the ECB and the national central banks (NCBs) of all 27 member states of the European Union. The ESCB is not the monetary authority of the eurozone, because not all EU member states have joined the euro. The ESCB's objective is price stability throughout the European Union. Secondarily, the ESCB's goal is to improve monetary and financial cooperation between the Eurosystem and member states outside the eurozone.
TheEuropean Court of Auditors (ECA) is theauditory branch of the European Union. It was established in 1975 inLuxembourg in order to improve EU financial management. It has 27 members (1 from each EU member-state) supported by approximately 800 civil servants. TheEuropean Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) is the EU'scivil service recruitment body and operates its selection of candidates via generalist and specialist competitions. Each institution is then able to recruit staff from among the pool of candidates selected by EPSO. On average, EPSO receives around 60,000–70,000 applications a year with around 1,500–2,000 candidates recruited by the European Union institutions. TheEuropean Ombudsman is theombudsman branch of the European Union that holds the institutions, bodies and agencies of the EU to account, and promotes good administration. The Ombudsman helps people, businesses and organisations facing problems with the EU administration by investigating complaints, as well as by proactively looking into broader systemic issues. The current Ombudsman isEmily O'Reilly. TheEuropean Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO) is theprosecutory branch of the union with juridical personality, established under the Treaty of Lisbon between 23 of the 27 states of the EU following the method of enhanced cooperation. It is based in Kirchberg, Luxembourg City alongside the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Auditors
EU funding programmes 2014–2020 (€1,087 billion)[125]
Sustainable Growth/Natural Resources (38.6%)
Competitiveness for Growth and Jobs (13.1%)
Global Europe (6.1%)
Economic, Territorial and Social Cohesion (34.1%)
Administration (6.4%)
Security and Citizenship (1.7%)
The European Union had an agreed budget of€170.6 billion in 2022. The EU had a long-term budget of €1,082.5 billion for the period 2014–2020, representing 1.02% of the EU-28's GNI. In 1960, the budget of theEuropean Community was 0.03 per cent of GDP.[126]
Of this, €54bn subsidisedagriculture enterprise, €42bn was spent ontransport, building and the environment, €16bn oneducation and research, €13bn on welfare, €20bn on foreign and defence policy, €2bn infinance, €2bn inenergy, €1.5bn in communications, and €13bn in administration.
Bodies combatting fraud have also been established, including theEuropean Anti-fraud Office and theEuropean Public Prosecutor's Office. The latter is a decentralized independent body of the European Union (EU), established under theTreaty of Lisbon between 22 of the 27 states of the EU following the method ofenhanced cooperation.[130] The European Public Prosecutor's Office investigate and prosecute fraud against thebudget of the European Union and other crimes against the EU's financial interests including fraud concerning EU funds of over €10,000 and cross-borderVAT fraud cases involving damages above €10 million.
Constitutionally, the EU bears some resemblance to both aconfederation and afederation,[131][132] but has not formally defined itself as either. (It does not have a formal constitution: its status is defined by theTreaty of European Union and theTreaty on the Functioning of the European Union). It is more integrated than a traditional confederation of states because the general level of government widely employsqualified majority voting in some decision-making among the member states, rather than relying exclusively on unanimity.[133][134] It is less integrated than a federal state because it is not a state in its own right: sovereignty continues to flow 'from the bottom up', from the several peoples of the separate member states, rather than from a single undifferentiated whole. This is reflected in the fact that the member states remain the 'masters of the Treaties', retaining control over the allocation of competences to the union through constitutional change (thus retaining so-calledKompetenz-kompetenz); in that they retain control of the use of armed force; they retain control of taxation; and in that they retain a right of unilateral withdrawal under Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union. In addition, the principle ofsubsidiarity requires that only those matters that need to be determined collectively are so determined.
Under the principle ofsupremacy, national courts are required to enforce the treaties that their member states have ratified, even if doing so requires them to ignore conflicting national law, and (within limits) even constitutional provisions.[f] Thedirect effect and supremacy doctrines were not explicitly set out in the European Treaties but were developed by the Court of Justice itself over the 1960s, apparently under the influence of its then most influential judge, FrenchmanRobert Lecourt.[135] The question whether the secondary law enacted by the EU has a comparable status in relation to national legislation, has been a matter of debate among legal scholars.
Primary law
The European Union is based on a series oftreaties. These first established the European Community and the EU, and then made amendments to those founding treaties.[136] These are power-giving treaties which set broad policy goals and establish institutions with the necessary legal powers to implement those goals. These legal powers include the ability to enact legislation[g] which can directly affect all member states and their inhabitants.[h] The EU haslegal personality, with the right to sign agreements and international treaties.[137]
Secondary law
The main legal acts of the European Union come in three forms:regulations,directives, anddecisions. Regulations become law in all member states the moment they come into force, without the requirement for any implementing measures,[i] and automatically override conflicting domestic provisions.[g] Directives require member states to achieve a certain result while leaving them discretion as to how to achieve the result. The details of how they are to be implemented are left to member states.[j] When the time limit for implementing directives passes, they may, under certain conditions, havedirect effect in national law against member states. Decisions offer an alternative to the two above modes of legislation. They are legal acts which only apply to specified individuals, companies or a particular member state. They are most often used incompetition law, or on rulings on State Aid, but are also frequently used for procedural or administrative matters within the institutions. Regulations, directives, and decisions are of equal legal value and apply without any formal hierarchy.[138]
Foreign policy co-operation between member states dates from the establishment of the community in 1957, when member states negotiated as a bloc in international trade negotiations under theEU's common commercial policy.[139] Steps for more wide-ranging co-ordination in foreign relations began in 1970 with the establishment ofEuropean Political Cooperation which created an informal consultation process between member states with the aim of forming common foreign policies. In 1987 the European Political Cooperation was introduced on a formal basis by theSingle European Act. EPC was renamed as theCommon Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) by theMaastricht Treaty.[140]
The stated aims of the CFSP are to promote both the EU's own interests and those of theinternational community as a whole, including the furtherance of international co-operation, respect for human rights, democracy, and the rule of law.[141] The CFSP requires unanimity among the member states on the appropriate policy to follow on any particular issue. The unanimity and difficult issues treated under the CFSP sometimes lead to disagreements, such as those which occurred over thewar in Iraq.[142]
The coordinator and representative of the CFSP within the EU is thehigh representative of the union for foreign affairs and security policy who speaks on behalf of the EU in foreign policy and defence matters, and has the task of articulating the positions expressed by the member states on these fields of policy into a common alignment. The high representative heads up theEuropean External Action Service (EEAS), a unique EU department[143] that has been officially implemented and operational since 1 December 2010 on the occasion of the first anniversary of the entry into force of theTreaty of Lisbon.[144] The EEAS serves as a foreign ministry anddiplomatic corps for the European Union.[145]
Besides the emerging international policy of the European Union, the international influence of the EU is also felt throughenlargement. The perceived benefits of becoming a member of the EU act as an incentive for both political and economic reform in states wishing to fulfil the EU's accession criteria, and are considered an important factor contributing to the reform of European formerly Communist countries.[146]: 762 This influence on the internal affairs of other countries is generally referred to as "soft power", as opposed to military "hard power".[147]
Humanitarian aid is financed directly by the budget (70 per cent) as part of the financial instruments for external action and also by theEuropean Development Fund (30 per cent).[149] The EU's external action financing is divided into 'geographic' instruments and 'thematic' instruments.[149] The 'geographic' instruments provide aid through theDevelopment Cooperation Instrument (DCI,€16.9billion, 2007–2013), which must spend 95 per cent of its budget onofficial development assistance (ODA), and from theEuropean Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI), which contains some relevant programmes.[149] The European Development Fund (EDF,€22.7billion for the period 2008–2013 and€30.5billion for the period 2014–2020) is made up of voluntary contributions by member states, but there is pressure to merge the EDF into the budget-financed instruments to encourage increased contributions to match the 0.7 per cent target and allow theEuropean Parliament greater oversight.[149][150]
In 2016, the average among EU countries was 0.4 per cent and five had met or exceeded the 0.7 per cent target: Denmark, Germany, Luxembourg, Sweden and the United Kingdom.[151]
International cooperation and development partnerships
The European Union uses foreign relations instruments like theEuropean Neighbourhood Policy which seeks to tie those countries to the east and south of the European territory of the EU to the union. These countries, primarily developing countries, include some who seek to one day become either amember state of the European Union, or more closely integrated with the European Union. The EU offers financial assistance to countries within the European Neighbourhood, so long as they meet the strict conditions of government reform, economic reform and other issues surrounding positive transformation. This process is normally underpinned by an Action Plan, as agreed by both Brussels and the target country.
The predecessors of the European Union were not devised as a military alliance becauseNATO was largely seen as appropriate and sufficient for defence purposes.[154] In 2025, Europe initiated theReArm program, a strategic breakthrough aimed at mobilising local industrial capabilities and bolstering European equipment production, involves a financial investment of €800 billion to support the development and procurement, simultaneously enhancing the continent's overall military readiness and self-sufficiency.[155][156][157]
23 EU members are members of NATO while the remaining member states follow policies ofneutrality.[158] TheWestern European Union, a military alliance with a mutual defence clause, closed in 2011[159] as its role had been transferred to the EU.[160] Following theKosovo War in 1999, theEuropean Council agreed that "the Union must have the capacity for autonomous action, backed by credible military forces, the means to decide to use them, and the readiness to do so, in order to respond to international crises without prejudice to actions by NATO". To that end, a number of efforts were made to increase the EU's military capability, notably theHelsinki Headline Goal process. After much discussion, the most concrete result was theEU Battlegroups initiative, each of which is planned to be able to deploy quickly about 1500 personnel.[161] The EU Strategic Compass adopted in 2022 reaffirmed the bloc's partnership with NATO, committed to increased military mobility and formation of a 5,000-strong EU Rapid Deployment Capacity[162]
EU forces have been deployed on peacekeeping missions from middle and northern Africa to thewestern Balkans and western Asia.[166] EU military operations are supported by a number of bodies, including theEuropean Defence Agency,European Union Satellite Centre and theEuropean Union Military Staff.[167] The European Union Military Staff is the highest military institution of the European Union, established within the framework of the European Council, and follows on from the decisions of the Helsinki European Council (10–11 December 1999), which called for the establishment of permanent political-military institutions. The European Union Military Staff is under the authority of theHigh Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and the Political and Security Committee. It directs all military activities in the EU context, including planning and conducting military missions and operations in the framework of theCommon Security and Defence Policy and the development of military capabilities, and provides the Political and Security Committee with military advice and recommendations on military issues. In an EU consisting of 27 members, substantial security and defence co-operation is increasingly relying on collaboration among all member states.[168]
The EU's member states cover an area of 4,233,262 square kilometres (1,634,472 sq mi),[k] and therefore a large part of theEuropean continent. The EU's highest peak isMont Blanc in theGraian Alps, 4,810.45 metres (15,782 ft)above sea level.[170] The lowest points in the EU areLammefjorden, Denmark, andZuidplaspolder, Netherlands, at 7 m (23 ft) below sea level.[171] The landscape, climate, and economy of the EU are influenced by its coastline, which is 65,993 kilometres (41,006 mi) long.
The climate of the European Union is of atemperate,continental nature, with amaritime climate prevailing on the western coasts and amediterranean climate in the south. The climate is strongly conditioned by theGulf Stream, which warms the western region to levels unattainable at similar latitudes on other continents. Western Europe is oceanic, while eastern Europe is continental and dry. Four seasons occur in western Europe, while southern Europe experiences awet season and adry season. Southern Europe is hot and dry during the summer months. The heaviest precipitation occurs downwind of water bodies due to the prevailingwesterlies, with higher amounts also seen in theAlps.
Increase of average yearly temperature in selected cities in Europe (1900–2017)[172]
In 1957, when the European Economic Community was founded, it had no environmental policy.[173] Over the past 50 years, an increasingly dense network of legislation has been created, extending to all areas of environmental protection, including air pollution, water quality, waste management, nature conservation, and the control of chemicals, industrial hazards, and biotechnology.[173] According to theInstitute for European Environmental Policy, environmental law comprises over 500 Directives, Regulations and Decisions, making environmental policy a core area of European politics.[174]
European policy-makers originally increased the EU's capacity to act on environmental issues by defining it as a trade problem.[173]Trade barriers and competitive distortions in the Common Market could emerge due to the different environmental standards in each member state.[175] In subsequent years, the environment became a formal policy area, with its own policy actors, principles and procedures. The legal basis for EU environmental policy was established with the introduction of the Single European Act in 1987.[174]
Initially, EU environmental policy focused on Europe. More recently, the EU has demonstrated leadership in global environmental governance, e.g. the role of the EU in securing the ratification and coming into force of theKyoto Protocol despite opposition from the United States. This international dimension is reflected in the EU's Sixth Environmental Action Programme,[176] which recognises that its objectives can only be achieved if key international agreements are actively supported and properly implemented both at EU level and worldwide. The Lisbon Treaty further strengthened the leadership ambitions.[173] EU law has played a significant role in improving habitat and species protection in Europe, as well as contributing to improvements in air and water quality and waste management.[174]
Mitigatingclimate change is one of the top priorities of EU environmental policy. In 2007, member states agreed that, in the future, 20 per cent of the energy used across the EU must berenewable, and carbon dioxide emissions have to be lower in 2020 by at least 20 per cent compared to 1990 levels.[177] In 2017, the EU emitted 9.1 per cent of globalgreenhouse-gas emissions.[178] The European Union claims that already in 2018, its GHG emissions were 23% lower than in 1990.[179]
The EU has adopted anemissions trading system to incorporatecarbon emissions into the economy.[180] TheEuropean Green Capital is an annual award given to cities that focuses on the environment, energy efficiency, and quality of life in urban areas to createsmart city. In the2019 elections to the European Parliament, the green parties increased their power, possibly because of the rise of post materialist values.[181] Proposals to reach a zero carbon economy in the European Union by 2050 were suggested in 2018 – 2019. Almost all member states supported that goal at an EU summit in June 2019. The Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, and Poland disagreed.[182] In June 2021, the European Union passed aEuropean Climate Law with targets of 55% GHG emissions reduction by 2030 andcarbon neutrality by 2050.[183] Also in the same year, the European Union and the United States pledged to cutmethane emissions by 30% by 2030. The pledge is considered as a big achievement for climate change mitigation.[184] A research report from November 2024 declared that theCzech Republic is the EU's most toxic country in Europe for care emissions.[185]
GDP (PPP) per capita in 2021 (including non-EU countries)
Thegross domestic product (GDP), a measure of economic activity, of EU member states was US$16.64 trillion in 2022, around 16.6 per cent of the world GDP.[186] There is a significant variation in GDP per capita between and within individual EU states. The difference between the richest and poorest regions (281 NUTS-2 regions of theNomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics) ranged, in 2017, from 31 per cent (Severozapaden, Bulgaria) of the EU28 average (€30,000) to 253 per cent (Luxembourg), or from€4,600 to€92,600.[187]
EU member states own the estimated third largest after the United States (US$140trillion) andChina (US$84trillion)net wealth in the world, equal to around one sixth (US$76trillion) of theUS$454trillion global wealth.[188] Of the top500 largest corporations in the world measured by revenue in 2010, 161 had their headquarters in the EU.[189] In 2016, unemployment in the EU stood at 8.9 per cent[190] while inflation was at 2.2 per cent, and the account balance at −0.9 per cent of GDP. The average annual net earnings in the European Union was around€25,000[191] in 2021.
TheEuro is the official currency in 20 member states of the EU. The creation of aEuropean single currency became an official objective of the European Economic Community in 1969. In 1992, having negotiated the structure and procedures of a currency union, the member states signed theMaastricht Treaty and were legally bound to fulfil the agreed-on rules including theconvergence criteria if they wanted to join themonetary union. The states wanting to participate had first to join theEuropean Exchange Rate Mechanism. To prevent the joining states from getting into financial trouble or crisis after entering the monetary union, they were obliged in the Maastricht treaty to fulfil important financial obligations and procedures, especially to show budgetary discipline and a high degree of sustainable economic convergence, as well as to avoid excessive government deficits and limit the government debt to a sustainable level, as agreed in theEuropean Fiscal Pact.
Free movement of capital is intended to permit movement of investments such as property purchases and buying of shares between countries.[192] Until the drive towardseconomic and monetary union the development of the capital provisions had been slow. Post-Maastricht there has been a rapidly developing corpus of ECJ judgements regarding this initially neglected freedom. The free movement of capital is unique insofar as it is granted equally to non-member states.
In 1999, the currency union started to materialise through introducing a common accounting (virtual) currency ineleven of the member states. In 2002, it was turned into a fully-fledged conventible currency, wheneuro notes and coins were issued, while the phaseout of national currencies in the eurozone (consisting by then of 12 member states) was initiated. The eurozone (constituted by the EU member states which have adopted the euro) has since grown to 20 countries.[194][195]
The 20 EU member states known collectively as theeurozone have fully implemented the currency union by superseding their national currencies with theeuro. The currency union represents 345million EU citizens.[196] The euro is the second largestreserve currency as well as the second most traded currency in the world after theUnited States dollar.[197][198][199]
The euro, and the monetary policies of those who have adopted it in agreement with the EU, are under the control of the ECB.[200] The ECB is the central bank for the eurozone, and thus controlsmonetary policy in that area with an agenda to maintainprice stability. It is at the centre of theEurosystem, which comprehends all the eurozone national central banks.[201] The ECB is also the central institution of theBanking Union established within the eurozone, as the hub ofEuropean Banking Supervision. There is also aSingle Resolution Mechanism in case of a bank default.
As a political entity, the European Union is represented in theWorld Trade Organization (WTO). Two of the original core objectives of the European Economic Community were the development of a common market, subsequently becoming asingle market, and acustoms union between its member states.
The single market involvesthe free circulation of goods, capital, people, and services within the EU,[196] The free movement of services and of establishment allows self-employed persons to move between member states to provide services on a temporary or permanent basis. While services account for 60 per cent to 70 per cent of GDP, legislation in the area is not as developed as in other areas. This lacuna has been addressed by theServices in the Internal Market Directive 2006 which aims to liberalise the cross border provision of services.[202] According to the treaty the provision of services is a residual freedom that only applies if no other freedom is being exercised.
The customs union involves the application of acommon external tariff on all goods entering the market. Once goods have been admitted into the market they cannot be subjected to customs duties, discriminatory taxes orimport quotas, as they travel internally. The non-EU member states ofIceland,Norway,Liechtenstein andSwitzerland participate in the single market but not in the customs union.[90] Half the trade in the EU is covered by legislation harmonised by the EU.[203]
TheEuropean Union Association Agreement does something similar for a much larger range of countries, partly as a so-called soft approach ('a carrot instead of a stick') to influence the politics in those countries.The European Union represents all its members at theWorld Trade Organization (WTO), and acts on behalf of member states in any disputes. When the EU negotiates trade related agreement outside the WTO framework, the subsequent agreement must be approved by each individual EU member state government.[204]
The EU operates acompetition policy intended to ensure undistorted competition within the single market.[l] In 2001 the commission for the first time prevented a merger between two companies based in the United States (General Electric andHoneywell) which had already been approved by their national authority.[205] Another high-profile case,against Microsoft, resulted in the commission finingMicrosoft over€777 million following nine years of legal action.[206]
The European Union has concludedfree trade agreements (FTAs)[207] and other agreements with a trade component with many countries worldwide and is negotiating with many others.[208] The European Union's services trade surplus rose from $16 billion in 2000 to more than $250 billion in 2018.[209] In 2020, in part due to the COVID-19 pandemic, China became the EU's largest trading partner, displacing the United States.[210] The European Union is the largest exporter in the world[211] and in 2008 was the largest importer of goods and services.[212][213] Internal trade between the member states is aided by the removal of barriers to trade such astariffs andborder controls. In theeurozone, trade is helped by not having any currency differences to deal with amongst most members.[204] Externally, the EU's free-trade agreement withJapan is perhaps its most notable one. TheEU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement was officially signed on 17 July 2018, becoming the world's largest bilateral free trade deal when it went into effect on 1 February 2019, creating an open trade zone covering nearly one-third of global GDP.[214][215]
The total energy supply of the EU was 59 billionGJ in 2019, about 10.2 per cent of the world total. Approximately three fifths of the energy available in the EU came from imports (mostly of fossil fuels).Renewable energy contributed 18.1 per cent of the EU's total energy supply in 2019, and 11.1 per cent of the final energy consumption.[217]
The EU has had legislative power in the area of energy policy for most of its existence; this has its roots in the originalEuropean Coal and Steel Community. The introduction of a mandatory and comprehensive European energy policy was approved at the meeting of the European Council in October 2005, and the first draft policy was published in January 2007.[218]
The EU has five key points in its energy policy: increase competition in theinternal market, encourage investment and boost interconnections between electricity grids; diversify energy resources with better systems to respond to a crisis; establish a new treaty framework for energy co-operation with Russia while improving relations with energy-rich states in Central Asia[219] and North Africa; use existing energy supplies more efficiently while increasingrenewable energy commercialisation; and finally increase funding for new energy technologies.[218]
In 2007, EU countries as a whole imported 82 per cent of their oil, 57 per cent of their natural gas[220] and 97.48 per cent of their uranium[221] demands. The three largest suppliers of natural gas to the European Union are Russia, Norway andAlgeria, that amounted for about three quarters of the imports in 2019.[222] There is a strongdependence on Russian energy that the EU has been attempting to reduce.[223] However, in May 2022, it was reported that the European Union is preparing another sanction against Russia over its invasion of Ukraine. It is expected to target Russian oil, Russian and Belarusian banks, as well as individuals and companies. According to an article by Reuters, two diplomats stated that the European Union may impose a ban on imports of Russian oil by the end of 2022.[224] In May 2022, theEuropean Commission published the 'RePowerEU' initiative, a €300 billion plan outlining the path towards the end of EU dependence on Russian fossil fuels by 2030 and the acceleration on the clean energy transition.[225]
Air transportation is organised under the TEN-T by theTrans-European Airport network. Europeanairports are categorized as international, community, or regional. TheCharles de Gaulle Airport is the busiest in the EU, located in and near the city ofParis, in France.[229] TheEuropean Common Aviation Area (ECAA) is asingle market inaviation. ECAA agreements were signed on 5 May 2006 inSalzburg, Austria between the EU and some third countries. The ECAA liberalises the air transport industry by allowing any company from any ECAA member state to fly between any ECAA member states airports, thereby allowing a "foreign" airline to provide domestic flights. TheSingle European Sky (SES) is an initiative that seeks to reform the Europeanair traffic management system through a series of actions carried out in four different levels (institutional, operational, technological and control and supervision) with the aim of satisfying the needs of the European airspace in terms of capacity, safety, efficiency and environmental impact. Civilaviation safety is under the responsibility of theEuropean Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). It carries outcertification, regulation and standardisation and also performs investigation and monitoring. The idea of a European-level aviation safety authority goes back to 1996, but the agency was only legally established in 2002, and began operating in 2003.
Members of the EU committed by treaty to join the Schengen Area in the future
The Schengen Area is an area comprising 29 European countries that have officially abolished all passport and all other types ofborder control at their mutual borders. Being an element within the widerarea of freedom, security and justice policy of the EU, it mostly functions as a single jurisdiction undera common visa policy for international travel purposes. The area is named after the 1985Schengen Agreement and the 1990Schengen Convention, both signed inSchengen, Luxembourg. Of the 27 EU member states, 25 participate in the Schengen Area. Of the EU members that are not part of the Schengen Area, one—Cyprus—is legally obligated to join the area in the future;Ireland maintains anopt-out, and instead operatesits own visa policy. The fourEuropean Free Trade Association (EFTA) member states,Iceland,Liechtenstein,Norway, andSwitzerland, are not members of the EU, but have signed agreements in association with the Schengen Agreement. Also, threeEuropean microstates –Monaco,San Marino and theVatican City – maintain open borders for passenger traffic with their neighbours, and are therefore consideredde facto members of the Schengen Area due to the practical impossibility of travelling to or from them without transiting through at least one Schengen member country.
TheEuropean Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA), headquartered inPrague, Czech Republic, was established in 2021 to manage theEuropean Union Space Programme in order to implement the pre-existingEuropean Space Policy, established on 22 May 2007 between the EU and theEuropean Space Agency (ESA), known collectively as theEuropean Space Council. This was the first common political framework for space activities established by the EU. Each member state has pursued to some extent their own national space policy, though often co-ordinating through the ESA.Günter Verheugen, theEuropean Commissioner for Enterprise and Industry, has stated that even though the EU is "a world leader in the technology, it is being put on the defensive by the United States and Russia and that it only has about a 10-year technological advantage on China and India, which are racing to catch up."
Galileo is aglobal navigation satellite system (GNSS) that went live in 2016, created by the EU through the ESA, operated by the EUSPA, with two ground operations centres inFucino, Italy, andOberpfaffenhofen, Germany. The €10 billion project is named after the Italian astronomerGalileo Galilei. One of the aims of Galileo is to provide an independent high-precision positioning system so European political and military authorities do not have to rely on the USGPS, or the RussianGLONASS systems, which could be disabled or degraded by their operators at any time. TheEuropean Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS) is asatellite-based augmentation system (SBAS) developed by the ESA andEUROCONTROL. Currently, it supplements the GPS by reporting on the reliability and accuracy of their positioning data and sending out corrections. The system will supplement Galileo in a future version. TheCopernicus Programme is the EU's Earth observation programme coordinated and managed by EUSPA in partnership with ESA. It aims at achieving a global, continuous, autonomous, high quality, wide range Earth observation capacity, providing accurate, timely and easily accessible information to, among other things, improve the management of the environment, understand andmitigate the effects of climate change, and ensure civil security.
The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is theagricultural policy of the European Union. It implements a system ofagricultural subsidies and other programmes. It was introduced in 1962 and has since then undergone several changes to reduce the EEC budget cost (from 73% in 1985 to 37% in 2017) and consider rural development in its aims. It has, however, been criticised on the grounds of its cost and its environmental and humanitarian effects.
Likewise, the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) is thefisheries policy of the European Union. It sets quotas for which member states are allowed to catch each type of fish, as well as encouraging thefishing industry by various market interventions andfishing subsidies. It was introduced in 2009 with the Treaty of Lisbon, which formally enshrined fisheries conservation policy as one of the handful of "exclusive competences" reserved for the European Union.
The free movement of persons means thatEU citizens can move freely between member states to live, work, study or retire in another country. This required the lowering of administrative formalities and recognition of professional qualifications of other states.[233] The EU seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was 6.7 per cent in September 2018.[234] The euro area unemployment rate was 8.1 per cent.[234] Among the member states, the lowest unemployment rates were recorded in the Czech Republic (2.3 per cent), Germany and Poland (both 3.4 per cent), and the highest in Spain (10.61 per cent in 2024)[235] and Greece (9.6 per cent in November 2024).[236]
The European Union has long sought to mitigate the effects of free markets by protecting workers' rights and preventingsocial andenvironmental dumping.[citation needed] To this end it has adopted laws establishing minimum employment and environmental standards. These included theWorking Time Directive and theEnvironmental Impact Assessment Directive. The European Directive about Minimum Wage, which looks to lift minimum wages and strengthen collective bargaining was approved by the European Parliament in September 2022.[237]
The fiveEuropean Structural and Investment Funds are supporting the development of the EU regions, primarily the underdeveloped ones, located mostly in the states ofcentral and southern Europe.[238][239] Another fund (theInstrument for Pre-Accession Assistance) provides support for candidate members to transform their country to conform to the EU's standard. Demographic transition to a society of ageing population, low fertility-rates and depopulation of non-metropolitan regions is tackled within this policies.
Map showing the population density byNUTS3 region, 2017, including non-EU countries
The population of the EU in 2024 was about 449 million people, corresponding to 5.8 per cent of the world population.[6][240] Thepopulation density across the EU was 106 inhabitants per square kilometre, which is more than the world average.[241] It is highest in areas in central and western Europe, sometimes referred to as the "blue banana", whileSweden andFinland in the north are much more sparsely populated.
The total population of the EU has been slightly decreasing for several years, contracting by 0.04 per cent in 2021.[242] This is due to a low birth rate of about 1.5 children per woman, less than the world average of 2.3.[243] In total, 4.1 million babies were born in the EU in 2021.[244]Immigration to Europe partially compensates for the natural population decrease.
5.3 per cent of the people residing in the EU are notEU citizens.[241] There were 31 non-EU citizenships that each accounted for at least 1 per cent of non-EU citizens living in the EU, of which the largest wereMoroccan,Turkish,Syrian andChinese.[245] Around 1.9 million peopleimmigrated to one of the EU member states from a non-EU country during 2020, and a total of 956,000 people emigrated from a member state to go to a non-EU country during the same year.[246]
More than two thirds (68.2%) of EU inhabitants lived inurban areas in 2020, which is slightly less than the world average.[241] Cities are largely spread out across the EU with a large grouping in and around theBenelux.[247] The EU contains about 40 urban areas with populations of over 1million. With a population of over 13 million,[248]Paris is the largest metropolitan area and the onlymegacity in the EU.[249] Paris is followed byMadrid,Barcelona,Berlin, theRuhr,Milan, andRome, all with a metropolitan population of over 4million.
The most widely spoken language in the EU isEnglish; the language is spoken by 44 per cent of the population (2016 data) and studied by 95 per cent of school students,[262] although following thewithdrawal of the United Kingdom less than 1 per cent of the population speak it natively.German andFrench are spoken by 36 per cent and 30 per cent of the population.[263] More than half (56 per cent) of EU citizens are able to engage in a conversation in a language other than their mother tongue.[264]
Luxembourgish (in Luxembourg) andTurkish (in Cyprus) are the only two national languages that are not official languages of the EU.Catalan,Galician andBasque are not recognised official languages of the EU but have official status in Spain. Therefore, official translations of the treaties are made into them and citizens have the right to correspond with the institutions in these languages.[265][266] There are about 150regional andminority languages in the EU, spoken by up to 50 million people.[267] TheEuropean Charter for Regional or Minority Languages ratified by most EU states provides general guidelines that states can follow to protect their linguistic heritage. TheEuropean Day of Languages is held annually on 26 September and is aimed at encouraging language learning across Europe.[268]
The EU has no formal connection to any religion. Article 17 of theTreaty on the Functioning of the European Union[269] recognises the "status under national law of churches and religious associations" as well as that of "philosophical and non-confessional organisations".[270] The preamble to theTreaty on European Union mentions the "cultural, religious and humanist inheritance of Europe".[270][271] Discussion over the draft texts of the European Constitution and later theTreaty of Lisbon included proposals to mentionChristianity or agod, or both, in the preamble of the text, but the idea faced opposition and was dropped.[272]
Eurostat'sEurobarometer opinion polls showed in 2005 that 52 per cent of EU citizens believed in a god, 27 per cent in "some sort of spirit or life force", and 18 per cent had no form of belief.[275] Many countries have experienced falling church attendance and membership in recent years.[276] The countries where the fewest people reported a religious belief were Estonia (16 per cent) and the Czech Republic (19 per cent).[275] The most religious countries were Malta (95 per cent, predominantly Catholic) as well as Cyprus and Romania (both predominantly Orthodox) each with about 90 per cent of citizens professing a belief in God. Across the EU, belief was higher among women, older people, those with religious upbringing, those who left school at 15 or 16, and those "positioning themselves on the right of the political scale".[275]
Basic education is an area where the EU's role is limited to supporting national governments. In higher education, the policy was developed in the 1980s in programmes supporting exchanges and mobility. The most visible of these has been theErasmus Programme, a university exchange programme which began in 1987. In its first 20 years, it supported international exchange opportunities for well over 1.5 million university and college students and became a symbol of European student life.[277]
There are similar programmes for school pupils and teachers, for trainees invocational education and training, and for adult learners in theLifelong Learning Programme 2007–2013. These programmes are designed to encourage a wider knowledge of other countries and to spread good practices in the education and training fields across the EU.[278][279] Through its support of theBologna Process, the EU is supporting comparable standards and compatible degrees across Europe.
Scientific development is facilitated through the EU'sFramework Programmes, the first of which started in 1984. The aims of EU policy in this area are to co-ordinate and stimulate research. The independentEuropean Research Council allocates EU funds to European or national research projects.[280] EUresearch and technological framework programmes deal in a number of areas, for example energy where the aim is to develop a diverse mix ofrenewable energy to help the environment and to reduce dependence on imported fuels.[281]
All EU and many other European countries offer their citizens a freeEuropean Health Insurance Card which, on a reciprocal basis, provides insurance for emergency medical treatment insurance when visiting other participating European countries.[285] A directive on cross-border healthcare aims at promoting co-operation on health care between member states and facilitating access to safe and high-quality cross-border healthcare for European patients.[286][287][288]
The life expectancy in the EU was 80.1 year at birth in 2021, among the highest in the world and around nine years higher than the world average.[289] In general, life expectancy is lower inEastern Europe than inWestern Europe.[290] In 2018, the EU region with the highest life expectancy wasMadrid, Spain at 85.2 years, followed by the Spanish regions ofLa Rioja andCastilla y León both at 84.3 years,Trentino in Italy at 84.3 years andÎle-de-France in France at 84.2 years.[291]
The EU has also sought to coordinate the social security and health systems of member states to facilitate individuals exercising free movement rights and to ensure they maintain their ability to access social security and health services in other member states. Since 2019 there has been a European commissioner for equality and theEuropean Institute for Gender Equality has existed since 2007. A Directive on countering gender-based violence has been proposed.[292][293] In September 2022, a European Care strategy was approved in order to provide "quality, affordable and accessible care services".[294] TheEuropean Social Charter is the main body that recognises the social rights of European citizens.
In 2020, the first ever European Union Strategy on LGBTIQ equality was approved underHelena Dalli mandate.[295] In December 2021, the commission announced the intention of codifying a union-wide law against LGBT hate crimes.[296]
Since the creation of the European Union in 1993, it has developed its competencies in the area of justice and home affairs; initially at an intergovernmental level and later by supranationalism. Accordingly, the union has legislated in areas such asextradition,[297] family law,[298] asylum law,[299] and criminal justice.[300]
Prohibitions against discrimination have a long standing in the treaties. In more recent years, these have been supplemented by powers to legislate against discrimination based on race, religion, disability, age, and sexual orientation.[p] The treaties declare that the European Union itself is "founded on the values of respect forhuman dignity,freedom, democracy,equality, therule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging tominorities ... in a society in which pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality between women and men prevail."[303] By virtue of these powers, the EU has enacted legislation onsexism in the work-place,age discrimination, andracial discrimination.[q]
In 2009, theLisbon Treaty gave legal effect to theCharter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. The charter is a codified catalogue offundamental rights against which the EU's legal acts can be judged. It consolidates many rights which were previously recognised by the Court of Justice and derived from the "constitutional traditions common to the member states".[304] The Court of Justice has long recognised fundamental rights and has, on occasion, invalidated EU legislation based on its failure to adhere to those fundamental rights.[305]
Signing theEuropean Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) is a condition for EU membership.[r] Previously, the EU itself could not accede to the convention as it is neither a state[s] nor had the competence to accede.[t] The Lisbon Treaty and Protocol 14 to the ECHR have changed this: the former binds the EU to accede to the convention while the latter formally permits it.
The EU is independent from the Council of Europe, although they share purpose and ideas, especially on the rule of law, human rights and democracy. Furthermore, theEuropean Convention on Human Rights andEuropean Social Charter, as well as thesource of law for theCharter of Fundamental Rights are created by the Council of Europe. The EU has also promoted human rights issues in the wider world. The EU opposes the death penalty and has proposed its worldwide abolition. Abolition of the death penalty is a condition for EU membership.[306] On 19 October 2020, the European Union revealed new plans to create a legal structure to act againsthuman rights violations worldwide. The new plan was expected to provide the European Union with greater flexibility to target and sanction those responsible for serious human rights violations and abuses around the world.[307]
Examples of identity, travel and health documents used in the EU
Apassport, displaying the name of the member state, the nationalcoat of arms and the words "European Union" given in their official language(s) (Irish version pictured)
Sport is mainly the responsibility of the member states or other international organisations, rather than of the EU. There are some EU policies that have affected sport, such as the free movement of workers, which was at the core of theBosman ruling that prohibited national football leagues from imposing quotas on foreign players with EU member state citizenship.[312]
TheTreaty of Lisbon requires any application of economic rules to take into account the specific nature of sport and its structures based on voluntary activity.[313] This followed lobbying by governing organisations such as theInternational Olympic Committee andFIFA, due to objections over the application of free market principles to sport, which led to an increasing gap between rich and poor clubs.[314] The EU does fund a programme for Israeli, Jordanian, Irish, and British football coaches, as part of the Football 4 Peace project.[315]
Theflag of Europe consists of acircle of 12 golden stars on a blue background. Originally designed in 1955 for the Council of Europe, the flag was adopted by theEuropean Communities, the predecessors of the present European Union, in 1986. The Council of Europe gave the flag a symbolic description in the following terms,[316] though the official symbolic description adopted by the EU omits the reference to the "Western world":[317]
Against the blue sky of the Western world, the stars symbolise the peoples of Europe in a form of a circle, the sign of union. The number of stars is invariablytwelve, the figure twelve being the symbol of perfection and entirety.
— Council of Europe. Paris, 7–9 December 1955.
United in Diversity was adopted as the motto of the union in 2000, having been selected fromproposals submitted by school pupils.[318] Since 1985, theflag day of the union has beenEurope Day, on 9 May (the date of the 1950Schuman declaration). Theanthem of the EU is an instrumental version of the prelude to theOde to Joy, the 4th movement ofLudwig van Beethoven'sninth symphony. The anthem was adopted by European Community leaders in 1985 and has since been played on official occasions.[319]Besides naming the continent, theGreek mythological figure ofEuropa has frequently been employed as apersonification of Europe. Known from the myth in whichZeus seduces her in the guise of a white bull, Europa has also been referred to in relation to the present union. Statues of Europa and the bull decorate several of the EU's institutions and a portrait of her is seen on the 2013 series ofeuro banknotes. The bull is, for its part, depicted on all residence permit cards.[320]
Charles the Great, also known as Charlemagne (Latin:Carolus Magnus) and later recognised asPater Europae ("Father of Europe"),[321][322][323] has a symbolic relevance to Europe. The commission has namedone of its central buildings in Brussels after Charlemagne and the city ofAachen has since 1949 awarded theCharlemagne Prize to champions of European unification.[324] Since 2008, the organisers of this prize, in conjunction with the European Parliament, have awarded theCharlemagne Youth Prize in recognition of similar efforts led by young people.[325]
The majority of media in the European Union are national-orientated, although some EU-wide media focusing on European affairs have emerged since the early 1990s, such asEuronews,Eurosport,EUobserver,EURACTIV orPolitico Europe.[328][329]Arte is a public Franco-German TV network that promotes programming in the areas of culture and the arts. 80 per cent of its programming are provided in equal proportion by the two member companies, while the remainder is being provided by theEuropean Economic Interest GroupingARTE GEIE and the channel's European partners.[330]
TheMEDIA Programme of the European Union has supported the European popular film and audiovisual industries since 1991. It provides support for the development, promotion and distribution of European works within Europe and beyond.[331]
The European Union has had a significant positive economic effect on most member states.[332] According to a 2019 study of the member states who joined from 1973 to 2004, "without European integration, per capita incomes would have been, on average, approximately 10% lower in the first ten years after joining the EU".[332] Greece was the exception reported by the study, which analysed up to 2008, "to avoid confounding effects from the global financial crisis".[332] A 2021 study in theJournal of Political Economy found that the 2004 enlargement had aggregate beneficial economic effects on all groups in both the old and new member states. The largest winners were the new member states, in particular unskilled labour in the new member states.[333]
The European Union is frequently cited as having made a major contribution to peace in Europe, in particular by pacifying border disputes,[334][335] and to the spread of democracy, especially by encouraging democratic reforms in aspiring Eastern European member states after the collapse of the USSR.[336][337] ScholarThomas Risse wrote in 2009, "there is a consensus in the literature on Eastern Europe that the EU membership perspective had a huge anchoring effects for the new democracies."[337] However,R. Daniel Kelemen argues that the EU has proved beneficial to leaders who are overseeingdemocratic backsliding, as the EU is reluctant to intervene in domestic politics, gives authoritarian governments funds which they can use to strengthen their regimes, and becausefreedom of movement within the EU allows dissenting citizens to leave their backsliding countries. At the same time, the union might provide throughArticle 7 of the Treaty on European Union an external constraint that preventselectoral autocracies, currently Hungary,[338] from progressing intoclosed autocracies.[339]
^.eu, .ευ, and .ею are representative of the whole of the EU; member states also have their own TLDs.
^This figure is from February 2020, and takes account of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union. The population of the UK is roughly 0.9% of the world's population.[14]
^These legislative instruments are dealt with in more detailbelow.
^According to the principle ofsupremacy as established by the ECJ in Case 6/64,Falminio Costa v. ENEL [1964] ECR 585. See Craig and de Búrca, ch. 7. See also:Factortame litigation:Factortame Ltd. v. Secretary of State for Transport (No. 2) [1991] 1 AC 603,Solange II (Re Wuensche Handelsgesellschaft, BVerfG decision of 22 October 1986 [1987] 3 CMLR 225,265) andFrontini v. Ministero delle Finanze [1974] 2 CMLR 372;Raoul George Nicolo [1990] 1 CMLR 173.
^To do otherwise would require the drafting of legislation which would have to cope with the frequently divergent legal systems and administrative systems of all of the now 28 member states. See Craig and de Búrca, p. 115.
^This figure includes the extra-European territories of member states that are part of the EU, and excludes the European territories of member states which are not part of the Union. For more information, seeSpecial member state territories and the European Union.
^Council Directive 2000/43/EC of 29 June 2000 implementing the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of racial or ethnic origin (OJ L 180, 19 July 2000, pp. 22–26); Council Directive 2000/78/EC of 27 November 2000 establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation (OJ L 303, 2 December 2000, pp. 16–22).
^And is effectively treated as one of the Copenhagen This is a political and not a legal requirement for membership.Archived 26 June 2008 at theWayback Machine.
^Cybriwsky, Roman Adrian (2013).Capital Cities around the World: An Encyclopedia of Geography, History, and Culture.ABC-CLIO. p. 64.ISBN978-1-61069-248-9.Brussels, the capital of Belgium, is considered to be the de facto capital of the EU
^Phelan, William (2012). "What IsSui Generis About the European Union? Costly International Cooperation in a Self-Contained Regime".International Studies Review.14 (3):367–385.doi:10.1111/j.1468-2486.2012.01136.x.ISSN1468-2486.
^"European Union".Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved3 July organisation comprising 28 European countries and governing common economic, social, and security policies ...
^"European Union".The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency. Retrieved12 February 2016.
^According to P.C. Schmitter, Comparative Politics: Its Past, Present and Future (2016), 1 Chinese Political Science Review, 397, at 410, "European Union is the most complex polity in the world".
^Kiljunen, Kimmo (2004). The European Constitution in the Making. Centre for European Policy Studies. pp. 21–26.ISBN978-92-9079-493-6.
^Burgess, Michael (2000). Federalism and European union: The building of Europe, 1950–2000. Routledge. p. 49.ISBN0-415-22647-3. "Our theoretical analysis suggests that the EC/EU is neither a federation nor a confederation in the classical sense. But it does claim that the European political and economic elites have shaped and moulded the EC/EU into a new form of international organization, namely, a species of "new" confederation."
^Peterson, John (August 2008). "Enlargement, reform and the European Commission. Weathering a perfect storm?".Journal of European Public Policy.15 (5):761–780.doi:10.1080/13501760802133328.S2CID154664296.
^Laursen, Finn (1 June 1997)."The EU 'neutrals,' the CFSP and defence policy".Biennial Conference of the European Union Studies Association. Seattle, WA: University of Pittsburgh. p. 27. Retrieved24 July 2009.
^"EU supply and demand for nuclear fuels"(PDF).Euratom Supply Agency – Annual Report 2007. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. 2008. p. 22.ISBN978-92-79-09437-8. Retrieved1 March 2009.European uranium mining supplied just below 3% of the total EU needs, coming from the Czech Republic and Romania (a total of 526 tU). Nuclear energy and renewable energy are treated differently from oil, gas, and coal in this respect.
^Ford, Peter (22 February 2005)."What place for God in Europe".USA Today. The Christian Science Monitor. Archived fromthe original on 31 August 2010. Retrieved24 July 2009.
^Case 11/70, Internationale Handelsgesellschaft v. Einfuhr und Vorratstelle für Getreide und Futtermittel; Article 6(2) of the Maastricht Treaty (as amended).
^(in French)Guide graphique relatif à l'emblème européen (1996), p. 3:Description symbolique: Sur le fond bleu du ciel, les étoiles figurant les peuples d'Europe forment un cercle en signe d'union. Elles sont au nombre invariable de douze, symbole de la perfection et de la plénitude...Description héraldique: Sur fond azur, un cercle composé de douze étoiles d'or à cinq rais, dont les pointes ne se touchent pas. cf."Graphical specifications for the European Emblem".European Commission. Archived fromthe original on 22 June 2006. Retrieved4 August 2004.
^Riché, Preface xviii, Pierre Riché reflects: "[H]e enjoyed an exceptional destiny, and by the length of his reign, by his conquests, legislation and legendary stature, he also profoundly marked the history of Western Europe."
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