Ukrainian Ye orRound Ye (Є є; italics:Єє) is a character of theCyrillic script. It is a separate letter in theUkrainian alphabet, thePannonian Rusyn alphabet, and both theCarpathian Rusyn alphabets; in all of these, it comes directly afterЕ. In modernChurch Slavonic, it is considered a variant form ofYe (Е е) (there, the selection of Є and Е is driven by orthography rules). Until the mid-19th century, Є/є was also used inRomanian andSerbian. Other modern Slavonic languages may use Є/є shapes instead of Е/е for decorative purposes. Then, the letter is usually referred to by the older nameYest (which also refers to the conventionalYe). If the two need to be distinguished, the descriptive nameBroad E is sometimes used (in contrast with "Narrow E"). It can also be found in the writing of theKhanty language.
In Ukrainian, Є/є commonly represents the sound/je/ or/jɛ/ like the pronunciation of⟨ye⟩ in "yes". (Seeusage for more detail.)
Letter Є/є was derived from one of the variant forms of CyrillicYe (Е е), known as "broad E" or "anchor E". Є-shaped letters can be found in late uncial (ustav) and semi-uncial (poluustav) Cyrillic manuscripts, especially ones of Ukrainian origin. Typically it corresponds to the letterIotated E (Ѥ ѥ) of older monuments. Certain old primers and grammar books of Church Slavonic language had listed Є/є as a letter distinct from Е/е and placed it near the end of the alphabet (the exact alphabet position varies). Among modern-style Cyrillic scripts (known as "civil script" or "Petrine script"), Є/є was first used in Serbian books (end of the 18th century and first half of the 19th century); sometimes, Serbian printers might be using Э/э instead of Є/є due to font availability. For the modern Ukrainian language, Є/є has been used since 1837 (orthography of almanach "Русалка Днѣстровая" (Rusalka Dnistrovaya)). InCyrillic numerals, Є is always preferred to E to represent 5.
InoldSerbian orthography, Є/є represented same sounds as in Ukrainian and Rusyn: the sound combination/je/ or the vowel sound/e/ after a palatalized consonant.
In the oldest Slavonic manuscripts, Є was just a graphical variant of Е and thus represents/e/ without palatalization. Later Є replacedѤ (i.e. denotes/ʲe/ after consonants and/je/ after vowels and in an initial position). Later on, it also accepted both a decorative role (as an initial letter of a word, even if there was no iotation) and an orthographical role, to make the distinction between certainhomonymical forms (mostly betweenplural andsingular).
Since the mid-17th century, the Church Slavonic orthography has the following main rules related to the usage of shapes Є and Е:
in an initial position, always use Є;
otherwise, use Е with the following exceptions:
in noun's endings, use -євъ and -ємъ for plural and -евъ, -емъ for singular;
in other endings, suffixes and roots of nouns, adjectives, participles, numerals and pronouns, use Є for plural/dual, if there exists a homonymous form in the singular (either of the same word or a different one; the actual rule is much more complicated and not well-defined, as there are multiple other ways to eliminate such homonymy);
publishers fromKyiv also use Є in thegenitive case of three pronouns (менє, тебє, себє), and Е in theaccusative case (мене, тебе, себе);
as a numerical sign (with value 5) use Є, not Е (the rule has often been ignored outside of theRussian Empire).
In the modern Church Slavonic alphabet, the 6th letter is typically shown asЄєе (one uppercase accompanied with two variants of lowercase).
The different shapes Є and Е exist only in lowercase; thus inall caps andsmall caps styles, the distinction between Є and Е disappears.
Old Believers print their books using an older variant of New Church Slavonic language. Its orthography combines the fully formal system described above with the older tradition to use Є phonetically (after vowels, to represent iotated/je/).
Півторак Г. П. Український алфавіт // Українська мова: Енциклопедія. — К.: Українська енциклопедія, 2000.ISBN966-7492-07-9 — С. 679–680. (H. Pivtorak, "Ukrainian Alphabet")