Ukkin (UKKIN) is theSumerian word or symbol forassembly,temple council orDivine council, written ideographically with thecuneiform sign 𒌺 (Borger 2003 nr. 73, encoded byUnicode at code point U+1233A).[3][4]
InAkkadian it is transliterated asPuḫru orPuḫrum and was used in the context of "public assembly", of both Gods and people with the ultimate meaning of a "totality" of living things. A council of the gods specifically is referred to in Akkadian asPuḫru Ilani orPuḫur Ilani.[5][6] The word was later adopted intoAramaic.[6] InHittite language it is transliterated asPankuš orTuyila.[7] In theHellenistic era the wordKiništu was used and it found an equivalent in the wordQāhāl in other ancient languages.[5][6]
H. Zimmern noted that theBabylonianNew Year feast was also called puhru and connected this with the modern day Jewish holiday ofPurim.[8]