Edge of the habitat at which trees are capable of growing
Tree line aboveSt. Moritz, Switzerland. May 2009In this view of an alpine tree line, the distant line looks particularly sharp. The foreground shows the transition from trees to no trees. These trees are stunted in growth and one-sided because of cold and constant wind.
Thetree line is the edge of ahabitat at whichtrees are capable of growing and beyond which they are not. It is found at highelevations and highlatitudes. Beyond the tree line, trees cannot tolerate the environmental conditions (usually low temperatures, extreme snowpack, or associated lack of available moisture).[1]: 51 The tree line is sometimes distinguished from a lowertimberline, which is the line below which trees form a forest with a closedcanopy.[2]: 151 [3]: 18
At the tree line, tree growth is often sparse, stunted, and deformed by wind and cold. This is sometimes known askrummholz (German for "crooked wood").[4]: 58
The tree line often appears well-defined, but it can be a more gradual transition. Trees grow shorter and often at lower densities as they approach the tree line, above which they are unable to grow at all.[4]: 55 Given a certain latitude, the tree line is approximately 300 to 1000 meters below the permanentsnow line and roughly parallel to it.[5]
Due to their vertical structure, trees are more susceptible to cold than more ground-hugging forms of plants.[6] Summer warmth generally sets the limit to which tree growth can occur: while tree lineconifers are very frost-hardy during most of the year, they become sensitive to just 1 or 2 degrees of frost in mid-summer.[7][8] A series of warm summers in the 1940s seems to have permitted the establishment of "significant numbers" of spruce seedlings above the previous treeline in the hills nearFairbanks, Alaska.[9][10] Survival depends on a sufficiency of new growth to support the tree. Wind canmechanically damage tree tissues directly, including blasting with windborne particles, and may also contribute to the desiccation offoliage, especially of shoots that project above the snow cover.[citation needed]
The actual tree line is set by the mean temperature, while the realized tree line may be affected by disturbances, such aslogging,[6] or grazing[11] Most human activities cannot change the actual tree line, unless they affect the climate.[6] The tree line follows the line where the seasonal mean temperature is approximately 6 °C or 43 °F.[12][6] The seasonal mean temperature is taken over all days whose mean temperature is above 0.9 °C (33.6 °F). A growing season of 94 days above that temperature is required for tree growth.[13]
Because ofclimate change, which leads to earlier snow melt and favorable conditions for tree establishment, the tree line inNorth Cascades National Park has risen more than 400 feet (120 m) in 50 years.[14]
An alpine tree line is the highest elevation that sustains trees; higher up it is too cold, or the snow cover lasts for too much of the year, to sustain trees.[2]: 151 The climate above the tree line ofmountains is called analpine climate,[15]: 21 and the habitat can be described as thealpine zone.[16] Treelines on north-facing slopes in the northern hemisphere are lower than on south-facing slopes, because the increased shade on north-facing slopes means thesnowpack takes longer to melt. This shortens the growing season for trees.[17]: 109 In the southern hemisphere, the south-facing slopes have the shorter growing season.
The alpine tree line boundary is seldom abrupt: it usually forms a transition zone between closed forest below and treeless alpine zone above. This zone of transition occurs "near the top of the tallest peaks in the northeastern United States, high up on the giantvolcanoes in central Mexico, and on mountains in each of the 11 western states and throughout much of Canada and Alaska".[18] Environmentally dwarfed shrubs (krummholz) commonly form the upper limit.
The decrease in air temperature with increasing elevation creates the alpine climate. The rate of decrease can vary in different mountain chains, from 3.5 °F (1.9 °C) per 1,000 feet (300 m) of elevation gain in the dry mountains of the western United States,[18] to 1.4 °F (0.78 °C) per 1,000 feet (300 m) in the moister mountains of the eastern United States.[19] Skin effects andtopography can createmicroclimates that alter the general cooling trend.[20]
Compared with arctic tree lines, alpine tree lines may receive fewer than half of the number of degree days (above 10 °C (50 °F)) based on air temperature, but because solar radiation intensities are greater at alpine than at arctic tree lines the number of degree days calculated from leaf temperatures may be very similar.[18]
At the alpine tree line, tree growth is inhibited when excessive snow lingers and shortens the growing season to the point where new growth would not have time to harden before the onset of fall frost. Moderate snowpack, however, may promote tree growth by insulating the trees from extreme cold during the winter, curtailing water loss,[21] and prolonging a supply of moisture through the early part of the growing season. However, snow accumulation in sheltered gullies in theSelkirk Mountains of southeastern British Columbia causes the tree line to be 400 metres (1,300 ft) lower than on exposed intervening shoulders.[22]
In some mountainous areas, higher elevations above thecondensation line, or on equator-facing and leeward slopes, can result in low rainfall and increased exposure to solar radiation. This dries out the soil, resulting in a localized arid environment unsuitable for trees. Many south-facing ridges of the mountains of the Western U.S. have a lower treeline than the northern faces because of increased sun exposure and aridity. Hawaii's treeline of about 8,000 ft (2,400 m) is also above the condensation zone and results due to a lack of moisture.[citation needed]
Oncoasts and isolated mountains, the tree line is often much lower than in corresponding altitudes inland and in larger, more complex mountain systems, because strongwinds reduce tree growth. In addition, the lack of suitable soil, such as alongtalus slopes or exposed rock formations, prevents trees from gaining an adequate foothold and exposes them to drought and sun.[citation needed]
Treeline visible in lower left, northern Quebec, Canada, while trees also grow in the sheltered river valleys
The Arctic tree line is the northernmostlatitude in theNorthern Hemisphere where trees can grow; farther north, it is too cold all year round to sustain trees.[23] Extremely low temperatures, especially when prolonged, can freeze the internal sap of trees, killing them. In addition,permafrost in the soil can prevent trees from getting their roots deep enough for the necessary structural support.[citation needed]
Unlike alpine tree lines, the northern tree line occurs at low elevations. The Arctic forest–tundra transition zone in northwestern Canada varies in width, perhaps averaging 145 kilometres (90 mi) and widening markedly from west to east,[24] in contrast with the telescoped alpine timberlines.[18] North of the arctic tree line lies the low-growingtundra, and southwards lies theboreal forest.
Two zones can be distinguished in the Arctic tree line:[25][26] a forest–tundra zone of scattered patches ofkrummholz or stunted trees, with larger trees along rivers and on sheltered sites set in a matrix of tundra; and "open boreal forest" or "lichen woodland", consisting of open groves of erect trees underlain by a carpet ofCladonia spp.lichens.[25] The proportion of trees to lichen mat increases southwards towards the "forest line", where trees cover 50 percent or more of the landscape.[18][27]
A southern treeline exists in theNew Zealand Subantarctic Islands and the AustralianMacquarie Island, with places where mean annual temperatures above 5 °C (41 °F) support trees and woody plants, and those below 5 °C (41 °F) do not.[28]Another treeline exists in the southwesternmost parts of theMagellanic subpolar forests ecoregion, where the forest merges into the subantarctic tundra (termed Magellanic moorland or Magellanic tundra).[29] For example, the northern halves ofHoste andNavarino Islands haveNothofagus antarctica forests but the southern parts consist of moorlands and tundra.
The alpine tree line at a location is dependent on local variables, such asaspect of slope,rain shadow and proximity to eithergeographical pole. In addition, in some tropical or island localities, the lack of biogeographical access to species that have evolved in asubalpine environment can result in lower tree lines than one might expect by climate alone.[citation needed]
Averaging over many locations and localmicroclimates, the treeline rises 75 metres (245 ft) when moving 1 degree south from 70 to 50°N, and 130 metres (430 ft) per degree from 50 to 30°N. Between 30°N and 20°S, the treeline is roughly constant, between 3,500 and 4,000 metres (11,500 and 13,100 ft).[35]
Here is a list of approximate tree lines from locations around the globe:
The coldLabrador Current originating in the arctic makes eastern Canada the sea-level region with the most southern tree-line in the northern hemisphere.
Exposed to thewesterly storm track, summer is extraordinarily cool for the latitude, with frequent summer snow. Springtime receives an extreme amount of cold, heavy precipitation; winds are likewise extreme.
Like the alpine tree lines shown above, polar tree lines are heavily influenced by local variables such asaspect of slope and degree of shelter. In addition,permafrost has a major impact on the ability of trees to place roots into the ground. When roots are too shallow, trees are susceptible towindthrow and erosion. Trees can often grow in rivervalleys at latitudes where they could not grow on a more exposed site. Maritime influences such asocean currents also play a major role in determining how far from the equator trees can grow as well as the warm summers experienced in extreme continental climates.[citation needed] In northern inlandScandinavia there is substantial maritime influence on high parallels that keep winters relatively mild, but enough inland effect to have summers well above the threshold for the tree line. Here are some typical polar treelines:
Approx. longitude
Approx. latitude of tree line
TheNorth Atlantic current makes Arctic climates in this region warmer than other coastal locations at comparable latitude. In particular the mildness of winters preventspermafrost.
Extremecontinental climate means the summer is warm enough to allow tree growth at higher latitudes, extending to northernmost forests of the world at 72°28'N atAry-Mas (102° 15' E) in theNovaya River valley, a tributary of theKhatanga River and the more northernLukunsky grove at 72°31'N, 105° 03' E east from Khatanga River.
Very strong influence of the Labrador Current on summer temperatures as well as altitude effects (much of Labrador is a plateau). In parts ofLabrador, the treeline extends as far south as 53°N. Along the coast the northernmost trees are at 58°N inNapartok Bay.
Determined by experimental tree planting in the absence of native trees because of isolation from natural seed sources; a very few trees are surviving, but growing slowly, atSøndre Strømfjord, 67°N. There is one natural forest in theQinngua Valley.
Trees exist onTierra del Fuego (55°S) at the southern end of South America, but generally not onsubantarctic islands and not in Antarctica. Therefore, there is no explicit Antarctic tree line.[citation needed]
Kerguelen Island (49°S),South Georgia (54°S), and other subantarctic islands are all so heavily wind-exposed and with a too-cold summer climate (tundra) that none have any indigenous tree species. TheFalkland Islands (51°S) summer temperature is near the limit, but the islands are also treeless, although some planted trees exist.[citation needed]
Antarctic Peninsula is the northernmost point in Antarctica (63°S) and has the mildest weather—it is located 1,080 kilometres (670 mi) fromCape Horn onTierra del Fuego—yet no trees survive there; only a few mosses, lichens, and species of grass do so. In addition, no trees survive on any of the subantarctic islands near the peninsula.[citation needed]
Trees growing along the north shore of theBeagle Channel, 55°S.
SouthernRata forests exist onEnderby Island andAuckland Islands (both 50°S) and these grow up to an elevation of 370 metres (1,200 ft) in sheltered valleys. These trees seldom grow above 3 m (9.8 ft) in height and they get smaller as one gains altitude, so that by 180 m (600 ft) they are waist-high. These islands have only between 600 and 800 hours of sun annually.Campbell Island (52°S) further south is treeless, except for one stunted Spruce, probably planted in 1907.[48] The climate on these islands is not severe, but tree growth is limited by almost continual rain and wind. Summers are very cold with an average January temperature of 9 °C (48 °F). Winters are mild 5 °C (41 °F) but wet.Macquarie Island (Australia) is located at 54°S and has no vegetation beyond snow grass and alpine grasses and mosses.[citation needed]
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^ab"Treeline".The Canadian Encyclopedia. Archived fromthe original on 2010-12-03. Retrieved2011-06-22.
^"Mount Washington State Park". New Hampshire State Parks. Archived fromthe original on 2013-04-03. Retrieved2013-08-22.Tree line, the elevation above which trees do not grow, is about 4,400 feet in the White Mountains, nearly 2,000 feet below the summit of Mt. Washington.