TourBook is thebrand name of a series ofUnited Statestravel guides published by theAmerican Automobile Association (AAA). The books are published annually in editions that cover one to five states each (depending on size). Editions coveringCanadian provinces are also available and created in association with theCanadian Automobile Association (CAA). Additional TourBooks have been published forMexico and theCaribbean. TourBooks are free to AAA and CAA members.
TourBooks provides an overview of each state or province, followed by detailed travel information for each state or province, organized by city. The books provide listings of major attractions, lodging, and restaurants. Highlighted attractions are identified with a "GEM" icon ("Great Experience for Members"). Most lodging and restaurants are rated using AAA's "Diamond" system, from one to five, with "one diamond" indicating basic but adequate facilities and service and "five diamond" being reserved for the highest levels of luxury and elegance.[1] Some establishments forgo AAA rating but are included for completeness.