"______, thy name is ______" is asnowclone used to indicate the completeness with which something or somebody (indicated by the second part) embodies a particular quality (indicated by the first part), usually a negative one.
In most instances, the usage is an allusion to theShakespearean playHamlet (I, ii, 146). In this work, the title character is chastised by his uncle (and new stepfather), Claudius, for grieving his father so much, calling it unmanly. In his resultant soliloquy, Hamlet denounces his mother's swift remarriage with the statement, "Frailty, thy name is woman."[1] He thus describes all of womankind as frail and weak in character.[2] The phrase is recognized as one of the "memorable expressions" from the play to become "proverbial".[3]
In the bookIdiom Structure in English by Adam Makkai, the author asserts that the phrase is included among English idioms that are expressed in a "standard format" and whose usage "signals to the hearer that he is using an authority in underscoring his own opinion."[4] Researchers Andrew Littlejohn and Sandhya Rao Mehta acknowledged that the famous quote rendered not only adiscursive use, but aconstructional one as well,[5] noting that "the structure itself can be used as a salient, but neutral equation formula...'noun thy name is noun.'"[5]
Supreme Court JusticeAntonin Scalia, dissenting from the Court's decision in King v. Burwell, upholding thePatient Protection and Affordable Care Act, repeatedly used the construction to criticize the Court's majority opinion, stating: "Understatement, thy name is an opinion on the Affordable Care Act!"; "Impossible possibility, thy name is an opinion on the Affordable Care Act!"; and "Contrivance, thy name is an opinion on the Affordable Care Act!" (25 June 2015)[6]
The poetAnne Sexton titled a poem "Divorce, Thy Name Is Woman".
Borrowing directly fromHamlet, Edmond Dantès (disguised as Abbé Busoni) utters the phrase "Frailty, thy name is woman!" inThe Count of Monte Cristo after learning that his fiancée, Mercédès, has married his rival Fernand.
In theJames Joyce novelUlysses, Leopold Bloom utters the phrase, "Frailty, thy name is marriage," in response to a quip.
In theClive Cussler novel "Plague Ship", Juan Cabrillo quips, "Ego, thy name is Gomez," to Corporation helicopter pilot Gomez Adams after he brags about his perfect takeoff.
The Half Man Half Biscuit song "Whiteness, Thy Name Is Meltonian", from the 1993 albumThis Leaden Pall, refers to a brand of None-More-White shoe polish.
The lyrics "Frailty, thy name is weakness. Vengeance, thy name is pain" appear in theDark Tranquillity song "...Of Melancholy Burning".
Gil Grissom onCSI:Crime Scene Investigation says, "Vanity, thy name is Hodges" (6.13; 2005), referring to another CSI, David Hodges, after walking in on him trying to color some of his greying hair with a sharpie while looking intensely at his reflection in a piece of lab equipment.[10]
Dr. Perry Cox on Scrubs says to Dr. Elliot Reid, "Hypocrisy, thy name is you" (in the episode "My Inconvenient Truth", 2007).
Winn Schott onSupergirl says to James Olsen, "Jealousy, thy name is Olsen" (1.18; 2016), when Olsen denied he had a look after seeing how Kara talks to Barry Allen.[11]
InCommunity (TV series), afterJeff refuses to wear short shorts to play pool, Coach Bogner says "Vanity, thy name is... his name. It's first day I didn't catch it."
In theSpongeBob SquarePants episode "Plankton's Army,"Plankton exclaims, "Victory, thy name is Plankton" upon assembling the titular army (3.18b, 2004).
In theTed Lasso episode "Carol of the Bells," Ted exclaims, "Hubris, thy name is Ted" having seen his son prefer a gift to his company.
InTetsuya Takahashi'sXenosaga Episode I, when Albedo kidnaps the realian MOMO in order to extract the Y-Data implemented into her by her late father Joachim Mizrahi, he holds a short speech in which he addresses her with the words "Frailty, thy name is women." He then goes on by stating "No...that's not right. You little realians weren't even born from a women's womb," referring to the artificial nature of her existence. (Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc. (2003. Xenosaga Episode I (PS2 Version)[Video game]. Tokio: Bandai Namco Entertainment.)
Littlejohn, Andrew; Rao Mehta, Sandhya (4 December 2012).Language Studies: Stretching the Boundaries. Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.ISBN978-1443839723.