Intypography, athin space is aspace character whose width is usually1⁄5 or1⁄6 of anem. It is used to add a narrow space, such as between nestedquotation marks or to separateglyphs that interfere with one another. It is not as narrow as thehair space. It is also used in theInternational System of Units and in many countries as athousands separator when writing numbers in groups of three digits, in order to facilitate reading.[1] It also avoids the ambiguity of the comma, used as a thousands separator in many countries but as a decimal point in Europe.
InUnicode, thin space is encoded atU+2009 THIN SPACE ( ,  ). Some text editors, such as IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio, will display the character as its suggested abbreviation of "THSP
".[2] Unicode'sU+202F NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE is anon-breaking space with a width similar to that of the thin space.
InLaTeX andPlain TeX,\thinspace
produces a narrow,non-breaking space.[3][4] Inside and outside of math formulae in LaTeX,\,
also produces a narrow, non-breaking space.
In all versions ofLibreOffice and in some ofMicrosoft Word, the special characters and symbolsdialog (often available viaInsert > Symbol orInsert > Special Characters), has both the thin space and the narrow no-break space available for point-and-click insertion. In LibreOffice's Symbol dialog, there is an easy-to-find box field to narrow the searching; in Word's Symbol dialog, under font = "(normal text)", the characters are found in subset = "General Punctuation", Unicode character 2009 and nearby. Other word processing programs and in many Linux configurations, have ways of producing a thin space using keyboard shortcuts.