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The gospel

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Religious message of salvation or thanks

This article is about a theological concept. For the written accounts of Jesus's life, seeGospel.
For the film, seeThe Gospel (film).

Thegospel orgood news is atheological concept in several religions. In the historicalRoman imperial cult and today inChristianity, the gospel is a message aboutsalvation by adivine figure, a savior, who has brought peace or other benefits to humankind. InAncient Greek religion, the word designated a type of sacrifice or ritual dedication intended to thank the gods upon receiving good news.

The religious concept is found at least as far back as Greece'sClassical era and Roman authors are known to have adopted it toward the end of the1st century BCE. It is a central message of Christianity today, in which written accounts of the life and teaching ofJesus Christ are known asGospels.



Gospel (/ˈɡɒspəl/) is theOld English translation ofGreekεὐαγγέλιον, meaning "good news".[1] This may be seen from analysis ofeuangélion (εὖ,, '"good"' +ἄγγελος,ángelos, '"messenger"' +-ιον,-iondiminutive suffix). The Greek term wasLatinized asevangelium in theVulgate, and translated intoLatin asbona annuntiatio.

In Old English, it was translated asgōdspel (gōd, "good" +spel, "news"). The Old English term was retained asgospel inMiddle English Bible translations and hence remains in use also inModern English.

In Greek the term originally designated a reward ortip customarily paid to amessenger who has delivered good news. The term then came to designate the good news itself, and also areligious offering of thanks for good fortune.[2]

In Greek and Roman religion


Ancient Greece

A bull being taken to an altar of the goddessAthena

InAncient Greek religion the word εὐαγγέλια means a sacrifice offered for good tidings or good news.[3] Like other Greek religious thanks-offerings, offerings took the form ofanimal sacrifice, offerings of food and drink, and ritual dedications. News of military victory was frequently celebrated with an offering. In the playThe Knights byAristophanes of 424 BCE, the comic character Paphlagon proposes an excessive sacrifice of a hundredheifers toAthena to celebrate good news.[4] This word in Greek has a double meaning: the singular form means a reward paid to a human messenger who brings good news, and the plural form means a thanks-offering to the gods for good news.[5]


Octavian as the August Divine Father, the savior in ancient Roman gospel

TheRoman Imperial cult celebrated the gospel of theAugust One or Divus Augustus, a mythologized version of the firstRoman emperor Octavian, also known as Augustus Caesar.[6] Augustus was both a man and a god, "asavior who has made war to cease and who shall put everything in peaceful order."[7] This period of peace is called thePax Romana. To celebrate the good tidings of peace with an unusually grand gospel offering, governorPaullus Fabius Maximus suggested the ritual dedication of the calendar to Augustus, starting the new year on Augustus's birthday.[7] This dedication to the August One served to synchronize diverse local calendars across the Empire, and is the origin of the name of the monthAugust. The idea of dedication to a divine king's birthday later formed the basis of theJulian andGregorian calendars.

One implementation of this gospel calendar dedication is recorded in theCalendar Inscription of Priene. In it, theKoine Greek word for "good news" appears in celebrating the birth of the god and savior Augustus, sent byProvidence to bring peace. It announces the intention of the city ofPriene to change their calendar so that it begins on the birthday of Augustus, the first day of the good news. The Priene inscription is the most famous pre-Christian use of the concept of the gospel. Dated to 9 BCE, a few years before the birth of Jesus, the inscription demonstrates that the gospel was used as a political term before it was applied to Christianity.[8][9]

In the Bible and Christianity


Hebrew scripture


Theancient Hebrew nounבְּשׂוֹרָה (besorah) appears to carry the same double meaning as the equivalent Greek word for gospel, used for both a messenger delivering good news and a thanks-offering to a god upon receiving good news. The noun and verb forms are used several times in theHebrew Bible.[5]

Christian interpretation


Christian theology describes the good news ofsalvation in Jesus Christ not as a new concept, but one that has been foretold throughout the Hebrew scripture (known as theOld Testament in Christian Bibles) and was prophetically preached even at the time of thefall of man as contained in Genesis 3:14–15,[10] which has been called the "Proto-Evangelion" or "Proto-Gospel".[11][a][13][b]

New Testament


The Gospels

Further information:Gospel andLife of Jesus in the New Testament
TheSermon on the Mount in which Jesuscommented on the Jewish Law (author:Carl Bloch

Agenre of ancient biographies of Jesus took on the nameGospel because they tell good news of Jesus as the Christian savior, bringing peace and acting as a sacrifice who has redeemed mankind fromsin. The first four books of the ChristianNew Testament are thecanonical gospels:Matthew,Mark,Luke, andJohn. In addition, a number ofnon-canonical gospels exist or existed but are not officially included in theChristian Bible.

In the Pauline epistles


Paul the Apostle gave the following summary,one of the earliest Christian Creeds, (translated into English) of this good news (gospel) in theFirst Epistle to the Corinthians:

Now I make known to you, brothers and sisters, the gospel which I preached to you, which you also received, in which you also stand, by which you also are saved, if you hold firmly to the word which I preached to you, unless you believed in vain. For I handed down to you as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures

— 1 Corinthians 15:1–4[15]

Paul describes the gospel as being powerful andsalvific:

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.Romans 1:16[16]

In Acts

Further information:Kerygma

The good news can be summarized in many ways, reflecting various emphases.C. H. Dodd[17] has summarized the Christian good news as taught by the apostlePeter in theActs of the Apostles:[18]

In various Christian movements

"The certain mark by which a Christian community can be recognized is the preaching of the gospel in its purity."—Martin Luther[19]

The good news is described in many different ways in the Bible. Each one reflects different emphases, and describes part or all of the biblical narrative. Christian teaching of the good news—including the preaching of the Apostles in the Book of Acts—generally focuses upon theresurrection of Jesus and its implications. Sometimes in the Bible, the good news is described in other terms, but it still describes God's saving acts. For example, the Apostle Paul taught that the good news was announced to the patriarch Abraham in the words, "All nations will be blessed through you." (Galatians 3:6–9;[20] c.f. Genesis 12:1–3).[21]

Liberation theology


Liberation theology, articulated in the teachings of Latin American Catholic theologiansLeonardo Boff andGustavo Gutiérrez, emphasizes that Jesus came not only to save humanity, but also to liberate the poor and oppressed. A similar movement among the Latin American evangelical movement is theintegral mission, in which the Church is seen as an agent for positively transforming the wider world, in response to the good news.[22]

Christian mission

Missionary preaching in China usingThe Wordless Book
Main articles:Christian mission andGreat Commission

The Christian missions movement believes the Christian good news to be a message for all peoples, of all nations, tribes, cultures and languages. This movement teaches that it is through the good news of Jesus that the nations of humanity are restored to relationship with God and that the destiny of the nations is related to this process.[citation needed]Missiology professor Howard A. Snyder writes, "God has chosen to place the Church with Christ at the very center of His plan to reconcile the world to himself".[23][24]

Another perspective described in thePauline epistles is that it is through the good news of Jesus' death and resurrection, and the resulting worship of people from all nations, that evil is defeated on a cosmic scale. Reflecting on the third chapter of Ephesians 3,[25] theologian Howard A. Snyder writes:

God's plan for the church extends to the fullest extent of the cosmos. By God's 'manifold wisdom' the Church displays an early fullness of what Christ will accomplish at the conclusion of all the ages. The spectacle is to reach beyond the range of humanity, even to the angelic realms. The church is to be God's display of Christ's reconciling love.[26]

See also



  1. ^"Messianic prophecy has its origin in Genesis 3:15, which has been called the "protevangelium," the first Gospel promise. It was spoken by the LORD God (יְהוָה אֱלֹהִם) to the Serpent, used by Satan, in the hearing of Adam and Eve."[12]
  2. ^"After the Fall of man (Gen. 3) and its dire results, the loss of Paradise (3:23f.), death by sin (3:3; Rom. 5:12), and the cursing of the ground (3:17), preceded by the Protevangelium (3:15), the first revelation of themissio Dei, the Scriptures continue with the generations of Adam and the names of all the patriarchs from Adam to Noah..."[14]


  1. ^Woodhead 2004, p. 4.
  2. ^Liddell, Henry George; Scott, Robert (1940)."εὐαγγέλ-ιον".A Greek-English Lexicon. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  3. ^"εὐαγγέλια".Liddell, Scott, Jones Ancient Greek Lexicon (LSJ).
  4. ^Jim, Theodora Suk Fong (2012)."Naming a Gift: The Vocabulary and Purposes of Greek Religious Offerings".Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies.52:310–337.
  5. ^abBurrows, Millar (1925)."The Origin of the Term "Gospel""(PDF).Journal of Biblical Literature.44 (1/2):21–33.doi:10.2307/3260047.JSTOR 3260047.
  6. ^Carus, P (1918).Virgil's Prophecy on The Saviour's Birth: The Fourth Eclogue. London: The Open Court Publishing Co. pp. 14–17.
  7. ^abDanker, Frederick W. (1982).Benefactor: an Epigraphic Study of Graeco-Roman and New Testament Semantic Field. St. Louis, Missouri: Clayton Publishing House, Inc. p. 215-222.
  8. ^Cross, F.L. (1958)."Gospel".The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. Oxford University Press. p. 573.
  9. ^Murphy, Catherine."The Priene Calendar Inscription".Santa Clara University.
  10. ^3:14–15
  11. ^The Proto-Gospel, by R. C. Sproul.Archived 2008-12-03 at theWayback Machine
  12. ^Luther and the Christology of the Old TestamentArchived 2015-01-20 at theWayback Machine, by Dr. Raymond F. Surburg, p14
  13. ^The Lutheran Study Bible, p20, "3:15...This points to Christ and His defeat of Satan on the cross, and for this reason this verse is often called the 'protevangelium' (the first promise of the Gospel)"
  14. ^Worldwide Mission: The Work of the Triune GodArchived 2015-01-20 at theWayback Machine, by Dr. Paul Peter, p3
  15. ^1 Corinthians 15:1–4
  16. ^"Bible Gateway passage: Romans 1:16 - New International Version".Bible Gateway. Retrieved19 May 2022.
  17. ^What Does Kerygma Mean?
  18. ^"The Apostolic Preaching and Its Developments". 23 February 2007. Archived fromthe original on 23 February 2007.
  19. ^Tappert, T.G.,Selected Writings of Martin Luther, Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2007, p.325
  20. ^Galatians 3:6–9
  21. ^Genesis 12:1–3
  22. ^Padilla 2004, p. 20
  23. ^Snyder 1999, p. 139
  24. ^Ephesians 1:20–23
  25. ^Ephesians 3
  26. ^Snyder 1999, p. 138





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