Thallophytes (Thallophyta orThallobionta) are apolyphyletic group of non-motileorganisms traditionally described as "thalloid plants", "relatively simple plants" or "lower plants". They form adivision of kingdomPlantae that includelichens andalgae and occasionallybryophytes,bacteria andslime moulds. Thallophytes have a hidden reproductive system and hence they are also incorporated into the similarCryptogamae category (together withferns), as opposed toPhanerogamae. Thallophytes are defined by having undifferentiated bodies (thalloid,pseudotissue), as opposed tocormophytes (Cormophyta) with roots and stems. Various groups of thallophytes are major contributors to marine ecosystems.
Several different definitions of the group have been used.
Thallophytes (Thallophyta or Thallobionta) are a polyphyletic group of non-mobile organisms traditionally described as "thalloid plants", "relatively simple plants" or "lower plants".Stephan Endlicher, a 19th-centuryAustrianbotanist, separated the vegetable kingdom into the thallophytes (algae, lichens, fungi) and the cormophytes (includingbryophytes and thus being equivalent toEmbryophyta in this case) in 1836.[1][2] This definition of Thallophyta is approximately equivalent to Protophyta, which has always been a loosely defined group.[3]
In theLindley system (1830–1839), Endlicher's cormophytes were divided into the thallogens (including the bryophytes), and cormogens ("non-flowering" plants with roots), as well as the six other classes. Cormogens were a much smaller group than Endlicher's cormophytes,[4] including just the ferns (andEquisetopsida) and the plants now known aslycopodiophytes.
Thallophyta is a division of the plant kingdom including primitive forms of plant life showing a simple plant body. Including unicellular to largealgae,fungi,lichens.[5]
The first ten phyla are referred to as thallophytes. They are simple plants without roots stems or leaves.[6]
They are non-embryophyta. These plants grow mainly in water.
The Thallophyta have been divided into two subdivisions:[7]
The term Euthallophyta was originally used byAdolf Engler.[8]