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Long distance transmission of text
This article is about telegraphy generally. For telegraphy over conducting wires, seeElectrical telegraph.
"Telegraph" redirects here. For other uses, seeTelegraph (disambiguation).

Replica of aChappe telegraph on theLitermont nearNalbach, Germany

Telegraphy is the long-distance transmission of messages where the sender uses symbolic codes, known to the recipient, rather than a physical exchange of an object bearing the message. Thusflag semaphore is a method of telegraphy, whereaspigeon post is not. Ancientsignalling systems, although sometimes quite extensive and sophisticated as in China, were generally not capable of transmitting arbitrary text messages. Possible messages were fixed and predetermined, so such systems are thus not true telegraphs.

The earliest true telegraph put into widespread use was theChappe telegraph, anoptical telegraph invented byClaude Chappe in the late 18th century. The system was used extensively in France, and European nations occupied by France, during theNapoleonic era. Theelectric telegraph started to replace the optical telegraph in the mid-19th century. It was first taken up in Britain in the form of theCooke and Wheatstone telegraph, initially used mostly as an aid torailway signalling. This was quickly followed by a different system developed in the United States bySamuel Morse. The electric telegraph was slower to develop in France due to the established optical telegraph system, but an electrical telegraph was put into use with a code compatible with the Chappe optical telegraph. The Morse system was adopted as the international standard in 1865, using a modifiedMorse code developed in Germany in 1848.[1]

Theheliograph is a telegraph system using reflected sunlight for signalling. It was mainly used in areas where the electrical telegraph had not been established and generally used the same code. The most extensive heliograph network established was in Arizona and New Mexico during theApache Wars. The heliograph was standard military equipment as late asWorld War II.Wireless telegraphy developed in the early 20th century became important for maritime use, and was a competitor to electrical telegraphy usingsubmarine telegraph cables in international communications.

Telegrams became a popular means of sending messages once telegraph prices had fallen sufficiently. Traffic became high enough to spur the development of automated systems—teleprinters andpunched tape transmission. These systems led to newtelegraph codes, starting with theBaudot code. However, telegrams were never able to compete with the letter post on price, and competition from thetelephone, which removed their speed advantage, drove the telegraph into decline from 1920 onwards. The few remaining telegraph applications were largely taken over by alternatives on theinternet towards the end of the 20th century.



The wordtelegraph (fromAncient Greek:τῆλε (têle) 'at a distance' andγράφειν (gráphein) 'to write') was coined by the French inventor of thesemaphore telegraph,Claude Chappe, who also coined the wordsemaphore.[2]

A telegraph is a device for transmitting and receiving messages over long distances, i.e., for telegraphy. The wordtelegraph alone generally refers to anelectrical telegraph. Wireless telegraphy is transmission of messages over radio with telegraphic codes.

Contrary to the extensive definition used by Chappe, Morse argued that the termtelegraph can strictly be applied only to systems that transmitand record messages at a distance. This is to be distinguished fromsemaphore, which merely transmits messages. Smoke signals, for instance, are to be considered semaphore, not telegraph. According to Morse, telegraph dates only from 1832 whenPavel Schilling invented one of the earliest electrical telegraphs.[3]

A telegraph message sent by anelectrical telegraph operator or telegrapher usingMorse code (or aprinting telegraph operator using plain text) was known as a telegram. A cablegram was a message sent by a submarine telegraph cable,[4] often shortened to "cable" or "wire". The suffix -gram is derived from ancient Greek:γραμμα (gramma), meaning something written, i.e. telegram means something written at a distance and cablegram means something written via a cable, whereas telegraph implies the process of writing at a distance.

Later, a Telex was a message sent by aTelex network, a switched network ofteleprinters similar to a telephone network.

Awirephoto or wire picture was a newspaper picture that was sent from a remote location by afacsimile telegraph. A diplomatic telegram, also known as adiplomatic cable, is a confidential communication between adiplomatic mission and theforeign ministry of its parent country.[5][6] These continue to be called telegrams or cables regardless of the method used for transmission.



Early signalling

A section of theGreat Wall of China built during theMing dynasty (1368–1644)

Passing messages by signalling over distance is an ancient practice. One of the oldest examples is the signal towers of theGreat Wall of China. By 400 BC, signals could be sent bybeacon fires ordrum beats, and by 200 BC complex flag signalling had developed. During theHan dynasty (202 BC – 220 AD), signallers mainly used flags and wood fires—via the light of the flames swung high into the air at night, and via dark smoke produced by the addition of wolf dung during the day—to send signals.[7] By theTang dynasty (618–907) a message could be sent 1,100 kilometres (700 mi) in 24 hours. TheMing dynasty (1368–1644) usedartillery as another possible signalling method. While the signalling was complex (for instance, flags of different colours could be used to indicate enemy strength), only predetermined messages could be sent.[8] The Chinese signalling system extended well beyond the Great Wall. Signal towers away from the wall were used to give early warning of an attack. Others were built even further out as part of the protection of trade routes, especially theSilk Road.[9]

Signal fires were widely used in Europe and elsewhere for military purposes. The Roman army made frequent use of them, as did their enemies, and the remains of some of the stations still exist. Few details have been recorded of European/Mediterranean signalling systems and the possible messages. One of the few for which details are known is a system invented byAeneas Tacticus (4th century BC). Tacticus's system had water filled pots at the two signal stations which were drained in synchronisation. Annotation on a floating scale indicated which message was being sent or received. Signals sent by means oftorches indicated when to start and stop draining to keep the synchronisation.[10]

None of the signalling systems discussed above are true telegraphs in the sense of a system that can transmit arbitrary messages over arbitrary distances. Lines of signallingrelay stations can send messages to any required distance, but all these systems are limited to one extent or another in the range of messages that they can send. A system likeflag semaphore, with an alphabetic code, can certainly send any given message, but the system is designed for short-range communication between two persons. Anengine order telegraph, used to send instructions from the bridge of a ship to the engine room, fails to meet both criteria; it has a limited distance and very simple message set. There was only one ancient signalling system described thatdoes meet these criteria. That was a system using thePolybius square to encode an alphabet.Polybius (2nd century BC) suggested using two successive groups of torches to identify the coordinates of the letter of the alphabet being transmitted. The number of said torches held up signalled the grid square that contained the letter. There is no definite record of the system ever being used, but there are several passages in ancient texts that some think are suggestive. Holzmann and Pehrson, for instance, suggest thatLivy is describing its use byPhilip V of Macedon in 207 BC during theFirst Macedonian War. Nothing else that could be described as a true telegraph existed until the 17th century.[10][11]: 26–29  Possibly the first alphabetictelegraph code in the modern era is due toFranz Kessler who published his work in 1616. Kessler used a lamp placed inside a barrel with a moveable shutter operated by the signaller. The signals were observed at a distance with the newly invented telescope.[11]: 32–34 

Optical telegraph

Schematic of a Prussian optical telegraph (orsemaphore) tower,c. 1835
19th-century demonstration of the semaphore
Main article:Optical telegraph

Anoptical telegraph is a telegraph consisting of a line of stations in towers or natural high points which signal to each other by means of shutters or paddles. Signalling by means of indicator pointers was calledsemaphore. Early proposals for an optical telegraph system were made to theRoyal Society byRobert Hooke in 1684[12] and were first implemented on an experimental level by SirRichard Lovell Edgeworth in 1767.[13] The first successful optical telegraph network was invented byClaude Chappe and operated in France from 1793.[14] The two most extensive systems were Chappe's in France, with branches into neighbouring countries, and the system ofAbraham Niclas Edelcrantz in Sweden.[11]: ix–x, 47 

During 1790–1795, at the height of theFrench Revolution, France needed a swift and reliable communication system to thwart the war efforts of its enemies. In 1790, the Chappe brothers set about devising a system of communication that would allow the central government to receive intelligence and to transmit orders in the shortest possible time. On 2 March 1791, at 11 am, they sent the message "si vous réussissez, vous serez bientôt couverts de gloire" (If you succeed, you will soon bask in glory) between Brulon and Parce, a distance of 16 kilometres (10 mi). The first means used a combination of black and white panels, clocks, telescopes, and codebooks to send their message.

In 1792, Claude was appointedIngénieur-Télégraphiste and charged with establishing a line of stations between Paris andLille, a distance of 230 kilometres (140 mi). It was used to carry dispatches for the war between France and Austria. In 1794, it brought news of a French capture ofCondé-sur-l'Escaut from the Austrians less than an hour after it occurred.[15] A decision to replace the system with an electric telegraph was made in 1846, but it took a decade before it was fully taken out of service. Thefall of Sevastopol was reported by Chappe telegraph in 1855.[11]: 92–94 

ThePrussian system was put into effect in the 1830s. However, they were highly dependent on good weather and daylight to work and even then could accommodate only about two words per minute. The last commercial semaphore link ceased operation in Sweden in 1880. As of 1895, France still operated coastal commercial semaphore telegraph stations, for ship-to-shore communication.[16]

Electrical telegraph

Main article:Electrical telegraph
See also:Electrical telegraphy in the United Kingdom
Cooke and Wheatstone's five-needle, six-wire telegraph (1837)

The early ideas for an electric telegraph included in 1753 usingelectrostatic deflections ofpith balls,[17] proposals forelectrochemical bubbles in acid byCampillo in 1804 andvon Sömmering in 1809.[18][19] The first experimental system over a substantial distance was byRonalds in 1816 using anelectrostatic generator. Ronalds offered his invention to theBritish Admiralty, but it was rejected as unnecessary,[20] the existing optical telegraph connecting the Admiralty in London to their main fleet base inPortsmouth being deemed adequate for their purposes. As late as 1844, after the electrical telegraph had come into use, the Admiralty's optical telegraph was still used, although it was accepted that poor weather ruled it out on many days of the year.[21]: 16, 37  France had an extensive optical telegraph system dating from Napoleonic times and was even slower to take up electrical systems.[22]: 217–218 

Eventually, electrostatic telegraphs were abandoned in favour ofelectromagnetic systems. An early experimental system (Schilling, 1832) led to a proposal to establish a telegraph betweenSt Petersburg andKronstadt, but it was never completed.[23] The first operative electric telegraph (Gauss andWeber, 1833) connectedGöttingen Observatory to the Institute of Physics about 1 km away during experimental investigations of the geomagnetic field.[24]

The first commercial telegraph was byCooke andWheatstone following their English patent of 10 June 1837. It was demonstrated on theLondon and Birmingham Railway in July of the same year.[25] In July 1839, a five-needle, five-wire system was installed to provide signalling over a record distance of 21 km on a section of theGreat Western Railway betweenLondon Paddington station and West Drayton.[26][27] However, in trying to get railway companies to take up his telegraph more widely forrailway signalling, Cooke was rejected several times in favour of the more familiar, but shorter range, steam-powered pneumatic signalling. Even when his telegraph was taken up, it was considered experimental and the company backed out of a plan to finance extending the telegraph line out toSlough. However, this led to a breakthrough for the electric telegraph, as up to this point the Great Western had insisted on exclusive use and refused Cooke permission to open public telegraph offices. Cooke extended the line at his own expense and agreed that the railway could have free use of it in exchange for the right to open it up to the public.[21]: 19–20 

AMorse key (c. 1900)

Most of the early electrical systems required multiple wires (Ronalds' system was an exception), but the system developed in the United States byMorse andVail was a single-wire system. This was the system that first used the soon-to-become-ubiquitousMorse code.[25] By 1844, the Morse system connectedBaltimore to Washington, and by 1861 the west coast of the continent was connected to the east coast.[28][29] TheCooke and Wheatstone telegraph, in a series of improvements, also ended up with a one-wire system, but still using their own code andneedle displays.[26]

The electric telegraph quickly became a means of more general communication. The Morse system was officially adopted as the standard for continental European telegraphy in 1851 with a revised code, which later became the basis ofInternational Morse Code.[30] However, Great Britain and theBritish Empire continued to use the Cooke and Wheatstone system, in some places as late as the 1930s.[26] Likewise, the United States continued to useAmerican Morse code internally, requiring translation operators skilled in both codes for international messages.[30]

Railway telegraphy

An early Cooke and Wheatstone double-needle railway telegraph instrument at theNational Railway Museum
A block signalling instrument as used in Britain in the 20th century
See also:Railway signalling

Railway signal telegraphy was developed in Britain from the 1840s onward. It was used to manage railway traffic and to prevent accidents as part of the railway signalling system. On 12 June 1837 Cooke and Wheatstone were awarded a patent for an electric telegraph.[31] This was demonstrated betweenEuston railway station—where Wheatstone was located—and the engine house at Camden Town—where Cooke was stationed, together withRobert Stephenson, theLondon and Birmingham Railway line's chief engineer. The messages were for the operation of the rope-haulage system for pulling trains up the 1 in 77 bank. The world's first permanent railway telegraph was completed in July 1839 between London Paddington and West Drayton on theGreat Western Railway with an electric telegraph using a four-needle system.

The concept of asignalling "block" system was proposed by Cooke in 1842. Railway signal telegraphy did not change in essence from Cooke's initial concept for more than a century. In this system each line of railway was divided into sections or blocks of varying length. Entry to and exit from the block was to be authorised by electric telegraph and signalled by the line-side semaphore signals, so that only a single train could occupy the rails. In Cooke's original system, a single-needle telegraph was adapted to indicate just two messages: "Line Clear" and "Line Blocked". Thesignaller would adjust his line-side signals accordingly. As first implemented in 1844 each station had as many needles as there were stations on the line, giving a complete picture of the traffic. As lines expanded, a sequence of pairs of single-needle instruments were adopted, one pair for each block in each direction.[32]


Main article:Wigwag (flag signals)

Wigwag is a form offlag signalling using a single flag. Unlike most forms of flag signalling, which are used over relatively short distances, wigwag is designed to maximise the distance covered—up to 32 km (20 mi) in some cases. Wigwag achieved this by using a large flag—a single flag can be held with both hands unlike flag semaphore which has a flag in each hand—and using motions rather than positions as its symbols since motions are more easily seen. It was invented by US Army surgeonAlbert J. Myer in the 1850s who later became the first head of theSignal Corps. Wigwag was used extensively during theAmerican Civil War where it filled a gap left by the electrical telegraph. Although the electrical telegraph had been in use for more than a decade, the network did not yet reach everywhere and portable, ruggedized equipment suitable for military use was not immediately available. Permanent or semi-permanent stations were established during the war, some of them towers of enormous height and the system was extensive enough to be described as a communications network.[33][34]


Australian troops using a Mance mk.V heliograph in theWestern Desert in November 1940
Main article:Heliograph
US Forest Service lookout using a Colomb shutter type heliograph in 1912 at the end of a telephone line

Aheliograph is a telegraph that transmits messages by flashing sunlight with a mirror, usually using Morse code. The idea for a telegraph of this type was first proposed as a modification of surveying equipment (Gauss, 1821). Various uses of mirrors were made for communication in the following years, mostly for military purposes, but the first device to become widely used was a heliograph with a moveable mirror (Mance, 1869). The system was used by the French during the1870–71 siege of Paris, with night-time signalling usingkerosene lamps as the source of light. An improved version (Begbie, 1870) was used by British military in many colonial wars, including theAnglo-Zulu War (1879). At some point, a morse key was added to the apparatus to give the operator the same degree of control as in the electric telegraph.[35]

Another type of heliograph was theheliostat orheliotrope fitted with a Colomb shutter. The heliostat was essentially a surveying instrument with a fixed mirror and so could not transmit a code by itself. The termheliostat is sometimes used as a synonym forheliograph because of this origin. The Colomb shutter (Bolton andColomb, 1862) was originally invented to enable the transmission of morse code bysignal lamp betweenRoyal Navy ships at sea.[35]

The heliograph was heavily used byNelson A. Miles inArizona andNew Mexico after he took over command (1886) of the fight againstGeronimo and otherApache bands in theApache Wars. Miles had previously set up the first heliograph line in the US betweenFort Keogh andFort Custer inMontana. He used the heliograph to fill in vast, thinly populated areas that were not covered by the electric telegraph. Twenty-six stations covered an area 320 by 480 km (200 by 300 mi). In a test of the system, a message was relayed 640 km (400 mi) in four hours. Miles' enemies usedsmoke signals and flashes of sunlight from metal, but lacked a sophisticated telegraph code.[36] The heliograph was ideal for use in the American Southwest due to its clear air and mountainous terrain on which stations could be located. It was found necessary to lengthen the morse dash (which is much shorter in American Morse code than in the modern International Morse code) to aid differentiating from the morse dot.[35]

Use of the heliograph declined from 1915 onwards, but remained in service in Britain andBritish Commonwealth countries for some time. Australian forces used the heliograph as late as 1942 in theWestern Desert Campaign ofWorld War II. Some form of heliograph was used by themujahideen in theSoviet–Afghan War (1979–1989).[35]


Main article:Teleprinter
A Baudot keyboard, 1884
A Creed Model 7 teleprinter, 1931

A teleprinter is a telegraph machine that can send messages from a typewriter-like keyboard and print incoming messages in readable text with no need for the operators to be trained in the telegraph code used on the line. It developed from various earlier printing telegraphs and resulted in improved transmission speeds.[37] TheMorse telegraph (1837) was originally conceived as a system marking indentations on paper tape. A chemical telegraph making blue marks improved the speed of recording (Bain, 1846), but was delayed by a patent challenge from Morse. The first true printing telegraph (that is printing in plain text) used a spinning wheel oftypes in the manner of adaisy wheel printer (House, 1846, improved byHughes, 1855). The system was adopted byWestern Union.[38]

Early teleprinters used theBaudot code, a five-bit sequential binary code. This was a telegraph code developed for use on the French telegraph using a five-key keyboard (Baudot, 1874). Teleprinters generated the same code from a full alphanumeric keyboard. A feature of the Baudot code, and subsequent telegraph codes, was that, unlike Morse code, every character has a code of the same length making it more machine friendly.[39] The Baudot code was used on the earliestticker tape machines (Calahan, 1867), a system for mass distributing information on current price of publicly listed companies.[40]

Automated punched-tape transmission

Creed paper tape reader atThe National Museum of Computing
See also:Punched tape

In apunched-tape system, the message is first typed onto punched tape using the code of the telegraph system—Morse code for instance. It is then, either immediately or at some later time, run through a transmission machine which sends the message to the telegraph network. Multiple messages can be sequentially recorded on the same run of tape. The advantage of doing this is that messages can be sent at a steady, fast rate making maximum use of the available telegraph lines. The economic advantage of doing this is greatest on long, busy routes where the cost of the extra step of preparing the tape is outweighed by the cost of providing more telegraph lines. The first machine to use punched tape was Bain's teleprinter (Bain, 1843), but the system saw only limited use. Later versions of Bain's system achieved speeds up to 1000 words per minute, far faster than a human operator could achieve.[41]

The first widely used system (Wheatstone, 1858) was first put into service with the BritishGeneral Post Office in 1867. A novel feature of the Wheatstone system was the use ofbipolar encoding. That is, both positive and negative polarity voltages were used.[42] Bipolar encoding has several advantages, one of which is that it permitsduplex communication.[43] The Wheatstone tape reader was capable of a speed of 400 words per minute.[44]: 190 

Oceanic telegraph cables

The first message is received by theSubmarine Telegraph Company in London from Paris on theFoy–Breguet instrument in 1851. The equipment in the background is a Cooke and Wheatstone set for onward transmission.
Main articles:Transatlantic telegraph cable andSubmarine communications cable
The Eastern Telegraph Company network in 1901

A worldwide communication network meant that telegraph cables would have to be laid across oceans. On land cables could be run uninsulated suspended from poles. Underwater, a good insulator that was both flexible and capable of resisting the ingress of seawater was required. A solution presented itself withgutta-percha, a natural rubber from thePalaquium gutta tree, afterWilliam Montgomerie sent samples to London from Singapore in 1843. The new material was tested byMichael Faraday and in 1845 Wheatstone suggested that it should be used on the cable planned betweenDover andCalais byJohn Watkins Brett. The idea was proved viable when theSouth Eastern Railway company successfully tested a three-kilometre (two-mile) gutta-percha insulated cable with telegraph messages to a ship off the coast ofFolkestone.[45] The cable to France was laid in 1850 but was almost immediately severed by a French fishing vessel.[46] It was relaid the next year[46] and connections to Ireland and theLow Countries soon followed.

Getting a cable across the Atlantic Ocean proved much more difficult. TheAtlantic Telegraph Company, formed inLondon in 1856, had several failed attempts. A cable laid in 1858 worked poorly for a few days, sometimes taking all day to send a message despite the use of the highly sensitivemirror galvanometer developed by William Thomson (the futureLord Kelvin) before being destroyed by applying too high a voltage. Its failure and slow speed of transmission prompted Thomson andOliver Heaviside to find better mathematical descriptions of longtransmission lines.[47] The company finally succeeded in 1866 with an improved cable laid bySSGreat Eastern, the largest ship of its day, designed byIsambard Kingdom Brunel.[48][47]

An overland telegraph from Britain to India was first connected in 1866 but was unreliable so a submarine telegraph cable was connected in 1870.[49] Several telegraph companies were combined to form theEastern Telegraph Company in 1872. Australia was first linked to the rest of the world in October 1872 by a submarine telegraph cable atDarwin.[50]

From the 1850s until well into the 20th century, British submarine cable systems dominated the world system. This was set out as a formal strategic goal, which became known as theAll Red Line.[51] In 1896, there were thirty cable-laying ships in the world and twenty-four of them were owned by British companies. In 1892, British companies owned and operated two-thirds of the world's cables and by 1923, their share was still 42.7 percent.[52] DuringWorld War I, Britain's telegraph communications were almost completely uninterrupted while it was able to quickly cut Germany's cables worldwide.[51]


Alexander Bain's facsimile machine, 1850

In 1843, Scottish inventorAlexander Bain invented a device that could be considered the firstfacsimile machine. He called his invention a "recording telegraph". Bain's telegraph was able to transmit images by electrical wires.Frederick Bakewell made several improvements on Bain's design and demonstrated a telefax machine. In 1855, an Italian priest,Giovanni Caselli, also created an electric telegraph that could transmit images. Caselli called his invention "Pantelegraph". Pantelegraph was successfully tested and approved for a telegraph line betweenParis andLyon.[53][54]

In 1881, English inventorShelford Bidwell constructed thescanning phototelegraph that was the first telefax machine to scan any two-dimensional original, not requiring manual plotting or drawing. Around 1900, German physicistArthur Korn invented theBildtelegraph widespread in continental Europe especially since a widely noticed transmission of a wanted-person photograph from Paris to London in 1908 used until the wider distribution of the radiofax. Its main competitors were theBélinographe byÉdouard Belin first, then since the 1930s, theHellschreiber, invented in 1929 by German inventorRudolf Hell, a pioneer in mechanical image scanning and transmission.

Wireless telegraphy

Marconi watching associates raising the kite (a "Levitor" by B.F.S. Baden-Powell[55]) used to lift the antenna atSt. John's, Newfoundland, December 1901
Main article:Wireless telegraphy
Post Office Engineers inspect theMarconi Company's equipment atFlat Holm, May 1897.

The late 1880s through to the 1890s saw the discovery and then development of a newly understood phenomenon into a form ofwireless telegraphy, calledHertzian wave wireless telegraphy, radiotelegraphy, or (later) simply "radio". Between 1886 and 1888,Heinrich Rudolf Hertz published the results of his experiments where he was able to transmitelectromagnetic waves (radio waves) through the air, provingJames Clerk Maxwell's 1873 theory ofelectromagnetic radiation. Many scientists and inventors experimented with this new phenomenon but the consensus was that these new waves (similar to light) would be just as short range as light, and, therefore, useless for long range communication.[56]

At the end of 1894, the young Italian inventorGuglielmo Marconi began working on the idea of building a commercial wireless telegraphy system based on the use of Hertzian waves (radio waves), a line of inquiry that he noted other inventors did not seem to be pursuing.[57] Building on the ideas of previous scientists and inventors Marconi re-engineered their apparatus by trial and error attempting to build a radio-based wireless telegraphic system that would function the same as wired telegraphy. He would work on the system through 1895 in his lab and then in field tests making improvements to extend its range. After many breakthroughs, including applying the wired telegraphy concept of grounding the transmitter and receiver, Marconi was able, by early 1896, to transmit radio far beyond the short ranges that had been predicted.[58] Having failed to interest the Italian government, the 22-year-old inventor brought his telegraphy system to Britain in 1896 and metWilliam Preece, a Welshman, who was a major figure in the field and Chief Engineer of theGeneral Post Office. A series of demonstrations for the British government followed—by March 1897, Marconi had transmitted Morse code signals over a distance of about 6 km (3+12 mi) acrossSalisbury Plain.

On 13 May 1897, Marconi, assisted by George Kemp, aCardiff Post Office engineer, transmitted the first wireless signals over water toLavernock (near Penarth in Wales) fromFlat Holm.[59] His star rising, he was soon sending signals across theEnglish Channel (1899), from shore to ship (1899) and finally across the Atlantic (1901).[60] A study of these demonstrations of radio, with scientists trying to work out how a phenomenon predicted to have a short range could transmit "over the horizon", led to the discovery of a radio reflecting layer in the Earth's atmosphere in 1902, later called theionosphere.[61]

Radiotelegraphy proved effective for rescue work in seadisasters by enabling effective communication between ships and from ship to shore. In 1904, Marconi began the first commercial service to transmit nightly news summaries to subscribing ships, which could incorporate them into their on-board newspapers. A regular transatlantic radio-telegraph service was finally begun on 17 October 1907.[62][63] Notably, Marconi's apparatus was used to help rescue efforts after the sinking ofRMS Titanic. Britain's postmaster-general summed up, referring to theTitanic disaster, "Those who have been saved, have been saved through one man, Mr. Marconi...and his marvellous invention."

Non-radio wireless telegraphy


The successful development of radiotelegraphy was preceded by a 50-year history of ingenious but ultimately unsuccessful experiments by inventors to achieve wireless telegraphy by other means.[citation needed]

Ground, water, and air conduction

Several wireless electrical signaling schemes based on the (sometimes erroneous) idea that electric currents could be conducted long-range through water, ground, and air were investigated for telegraphy before practical radio systems became available.

The original telegraph lines used two wires between the two stations to form a completeelectrical circuit or "loop". In 1837, however,Carl August von Steinheil ofMunich,Germany, found that by connecting one leg of the apparatus at each station to metal plates buried in the ground, he could eliminate one wire and use a single wire for telegraphic communication. This led to speculation that it might be possible to eliminate both wires and therefore transmit telegraph signals through the ground without any wires connecting the stations. Other attempts were made to send the electric current through bodies of water, to span rivers, for example. Prominent experimenters along these lines includedSamuel F. B. Morse in the United States andJames Bowman Lindsay in Great Britain, who in August 1854, was able to demonstrate transmission across a mill dam at a distance of 500 yards (457 metres).[64]

Tesla's explanation in the 1919 issue of "Electrical Experimenter" on how he thought his wireless system would work

US inventorsWilliam Henry Ward (1871) andMahlon Loomis (1872) developed electrical conduction systems based on the erroneous belief that there was an electrified atmospheric stratum accessible at low altitude.[65][66] They thought atmosphere current, connected with a return path using "Earth currents" would allow for wireless telegraphy as well as supply power for the telegraph, doing away with artificial batteries.[67][68] A more practical demonstration of wireless transmission via conduction came inAmos Dolbear's 1879 magneto electric telephone that used ground conduction to transmit over a distance of a quarter of a mile.[69]

In the 1890s inventorNikola Tesla worked on an air and ground conductionwireless electric power transmission system, similar to Loomis',[70][71][72] which he planned to include wireless telegraphy. Tesla's experiments had led him to incorrectly conclude that he could use the entire globe of the Earth to conduct electrical energy[73][69] and his 1901 large scale application of his ideas, a high-voltage wireless power station, now calledWardenclyffe Tower, lost funding and was abandoned after a few years.

Telegraphic communication using earth conductivity was eventually found to be limited to impractically short distances, as was communication conducted through water, or between trenches during World War I.

Electrostatic and electromagnetic induction
Thomas Edison's 1891 patent for a ship-to-shore wireless telegraph that used electrostatic induction

Both electrostatic and electromagnetic induction were used to develop wireless telegraph systems that saw limited commercial application. In the United States,Thomas Edison, in the mid-1880s, patented an electromagnetic induction system he called "grasshopper telegraphy", which allowed telegraphic signals to jump the short distance between a running train and telegraph wires running parallel to the tracks.[74] This system was successful technically but not economically, as there turned out to be little interest by train travelers in the use of an on-board telegraph service. During theGreat Blizzard of 1888, this system was used to send and receive wireless messages fromtrains buried in snowdrifts. The disabled trains were able to maintain communications via their Edison induction wireless telegraph systems,[75] perhaps the first successful use of wireless telegraphy to send distress calls. Edison would also help to patent a ship-to-shore communication system based on electrostatic induction.[76]

The most successful creator of an electromagnetic induction telegraph system wasWilliam Preece, chief engineer of Post Office Telegraphs of theGeneral Post Office (GPO) in theUnited Kingdom. Preece first noticed the effect in 1884 when overhead telegraph wires inGrays Inn Road were accidentally carrying messages sent on buried cables. Tests inNewcastle succeeded in sending a quarter of a mile using parallel rectangles of wire.[21]: 243  In tests across theBristol Channel in 1892, Preece was able to telegraph across gaps of about 5 kilometres (3.1 miles). However, his induction system required extensive lengths ofantenna wires, many kilometers long, at both the sending and receiving ends. The length of those sending and receiving wires needed to be about the same length as the width of the water or land to be spanned. For example, for Preece's station to span theEnglish Channel fromDover, England, to the coast ofFrance would require sending and receiving wires of about 30 miles (48 kilometres) along the two coasts. These facts made the system impractical on ships, boats, and ordinary islands, which are much smaller thanGreat Britain orGreenland. Also, the relatively short distances that a practical Preece system could span meant that it had few advantages overunderwater telegraph cables.

Telegram services

"Telegram" redirects here. For the instant messaging service, seeTelegram (software). For other uses, seeTelegram (disambiguation).
Western Union telegram (1930)
Western Union telegram sent to President Dwight Eisenhower wishing him a speedy recovery from his heart attack on Sept 26, 1955
Western Union telegram sent to President Dwight Eisenhower wishing him a speedy recovery from his heart attack on Sept 26, 1955

A telegram service is a company or public entity that delivers telegraphed messages directly to the recipient. Telegram services were not inaugurated untilelectric telegraphy became available. Earlier optical systems were largely limited to official government and military purposes.

Historically, telegrams were sent between a network of interconnected telegraph offices. A person visiting a local telegraph office paid by the word to have a message telegraphed to another office and delivered to the addressee on a paper form.[77]: 276  Messages (i.e. telegrams) sent by telegraph could be delivered bytelegraph messenger faster than mail,[40] and even in the telephone age, the telegram remained popular for social and business correspondence. At their peak in 1929, an estimated 200 million telegrams were sent.[77]: 274 

In 1919, the Central Bureau for Registered Addresses was established in thefinancial district ofNew York City. The bureau was created to ease the growing problem of messages being delivered to the wrong recipients. To combat this issue, the bureau offered telegraph customers the option to register unique code names for their telegraph addresses. Customers were charged $2.50 per year per code. By 1934, 28,000 codes had been registered.[78]

Telegram services still operate in much of the world (seeworldwide use of telegrams by country), but e-mail andtext messaging have rendered telegrams obsolete in many countries, and the number of telegrams sent annually has been declining rapidly since the 1980s.[79] Where telegram services still exist, the transmission method between offices is no longer by telegraph, but bytelex orIP link.[80]

Telegram length


As telegrams have been traditionally charged by the word, messages were often abbreviated to pack information into the smallest possible number of words, in what came to be called "telegram style".

The average length of a telegram in the 1900s in the US was 11.93 words; more than half of the messages were 10 words or fewer.[81] According to another study, the mean length of the telegrams sent in the UK before 1950 was 14.6 words or 78.8 characters.[82] For German telegrams, the mean length is 11.5 words or 72.4 characters.[82] At the end of the 19th century, the average length of a German telegram was calculated as 14.2 words.[82]


Main article:Telex
ITT Creed Model 23B teleprinter with telex dial-up facility

Telex (telegraph exchange) was a public switched network of teleprinters. It used rotary-telephone-stylepulse dialling for automatic routing through the network. It initially used theBaudot code for messages. Telex development began in Germany in 1926, becoming an operational service in 1933 run by theReichspost (the German imperial postal service). It had a speed of 50 baud—approximately 66 words per minute. Up to 25 telex channels could share a single long-distance telephone channel by usingvoice frequency telegraphymultiplexing, making telex the least expensive method of reliable long-distance communication.[83] Telex was introduced into Canada in July 1957, and the United States in 1958.[84] A new code,ASCII, was introduced in 1963 by theAmerican Standards Association. ASCII was a seven-bit code and could thus support a larger number of characters than Baudot. In particular, ASCII supported upper and lower case whereas Baudot was upper case only.



Telegraph use began to permanently decline around 1920.[21]: 248  The decline began with the growth of the use of thetelephone.[21]: 253  Ironically, the invention of the telephone grew out of the development of theharmonic telegraph, a device which was supposed to increase the efficiency of telegraph transmission and improve the profits of telegraph companies. Western Union gave up its patent battle withAlexander Graham Bell because it believed the telephone was not a threat to its telegraph business. TheBell Telephone Company was formed in 1877 and had 230 subscribers which grew to 30,000 by 1880. By 1886 there were a quarter of a million phones worldwide,[77]: 276–277  and nearly 2 million by 1900.[44]: 204  The decline was briefly postponed by the rise of special occasion congratulatory telegrams. Traffic continued to grow between 1867 and 1893 despite the introduction of the telephone in this period,[77]: 274  but by 1900 the telegraph was definitely in decline.[77]: 277 

There was a brief resurgence in telegraphy duringWorld War I but the decline continued as the world entered theGreat Depression years of the 1930s.[77]: 277  After theSecond World War new technology improved communication in the telegraph industry.[85] Telegraph lines continued to be an important means of distributing news feeds fromnews agencies by teleprinter machine until the rise of the internet in the 1990s. For Western Union, one service remained highly profitable—thewire transfer of money. This service kept Western Union in business long after the telegraph had ceased to be important.[77]: 277  In the modern era, the telegraph that began in 1837 has been gradually replaced bydigital data transmission based oncomputerinformation systems.[85]

Social implications


Optical telegraph lines were installed by governments, often for a military purpose, and reserved for official use only. In many countries, this situation continued after the introduction of the electric telegraph. Starting in Germany and the UK, electric telegraph lines were installed by railway companies. Railway use quickly led to private telegraph companies in the UK and the US offering a telegraph service to the public using telegraph along railway lines. The availability of this new form of communication brought on widespread social and economic changes.

The electric telegraph freed communication from the time constraints of postal mail and revolutionized the global economy and society.[86][87] By the end of the 19th century, the telegraph was becoming an increasingly common medium of communication for ordinary people. The telegraph isolated the message (information) from the physical movement of objects or the process.[88]

There was some fear of the new technology. According to authorAllan J. Kimmel, some people "feared that the telegraph would erode the quality of public discourse through the transmission of irrelevant, context-free information."Henry David Thoreau thought of the Transatlantic cable "...perchance the first news that will leak through into the broad flapping American ear will be that Princess Adelaide has the whooping cough." Kimmel says these fears anticipate many of the characteristics of the modern internet age.[89]

Initially, the telegraph was expensive, but it had an enormous effect on three industries: finance, newspapers, and railways. Telegraphy facilitated the growth of organizations "in the railroads, consolidated financial and commodity markets, and reduced information costs within and between firms".[87] In the US, there were 200 to 300 stock exchanges before the telegraph, but most of these were unnecessary and unprofitable once the telegraph made financial transactions at a distance easy and drove down transaction costs.[77]: 274–75  This immense growth in the business sectors influenced society to embrace the use of telegrams once the cost had fallen.

Worldwide telegraphy changed the gathering of information for news reporting. Journalists were using the telegraph for war reporting as early as 1846 when theMexican–American War broke out. News agencies were formed, such as theAssociated Press, for the purpose of reporting news by telegraph.[77]: 274–75  Messages and information would now travel far and wide, and the telegraph demanded a language "stripped of the local, the regional; and colloquial", to better facilitate a worldwide media language.[88] Media language had to be standardized, which led to the gradual disappearance of different forms of speech and styles ofjournalism and storytelling.

The spread of the railways created a need for an accuratestandard time to replace local standards based on localnoon. The means of achieving this synchronisation was the telegraph. This emphasis on precise time has led to major societal changes such as the concept of thetime value of money.[77]: 273–74 

During the telegraph era there was widespread employment ofwomen in telegraphy. The shortage of men to work as telegraph operators in theAmerican Civil War opened up the opportunity for women of a well-paid skilled job.[77]: 274  In the UK, there was widespread employment of women as telegraph operators even earlier – from the 1850s by all the major companies. The attraction of women for the telegraph companies was that they could pay them less than men. Nevertheless, the jobs were popular with women for the same reason as in the US; most other work available for women was very poorly paid.[39]: 77 [21]: 85 

The economic impact of the telegraph was not much studied by economic historians until parallels started to be drawn with the rise of the internet. In fact, the electric telegraph was as important as the invention of printing in this respect. According to economist Ronnie J. Phillips, the reason for this may be thatinstitutional economists paid more attention to advances that required greater capital investment. The investment required to build railways, for instance, is orders of magnitude greater than that for the telegraph.[77]: 269–70 

In popular culture


The optical telegraph was quickly forgotten once it went out of service. While it was in operation, it was very familiar to the public across Europe. Examples appear in many paintings of the period. Poems include "Le Telégraphe" byVictor Hugo, and the collectionTelegrafen: Optisk kalender för 1858 byElias Sehlstedt [sv][90] is dedicated to the telegraph. In novels, the telegraph is a major component inLucien Leuwen byStendhal, and it features inThe Count of Monte Cristo, byAlexandre Dumas.[11]: vii–ix  Joseph Chudy's 1796 opera,Der Telegraph oder die Fernschreibmaschine, was written to publicise Chudy's telegraph (a binary code with five lamps) when it became clear that Chappe's design was being taken up.[11]: 42–43 

An illustration declaring that the submarine cable between England and France would bring those countries peace and goodwill

Rudyard Kipling wrote a poem in praise of submarine telegraph cables; "And a new Word runs between: whispering, 'Let us be one!'"[91][92] Kipling's poem represented a widespread idea in the late nineteenth century that international telegraphy (and new technology in general)[93] would bring peace and mutual understanding to the world.[94] When a submarine telegraph cable first connected America and Britain, theNew York Post declared:

It is the harbinger of an age when international difficulties will not have time to ripen into bloody results, and when, in spite of the fatuity and perveseness of rulers, war will be impossible.[95]

Newspaper names


Numerous newspapers and news outlets in various countries, such asThe Daily Telegraph in Britain,The Telegraph in India,De Telegraaf in the Netherlands, and theJewish Telegraphic Agency in the US, were given names which include the word "telegraph" due to their having received news by means of electric telegraphy. Some of these names are retained even though different means of news acquisition are now used.

See also



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  28. ^Watson, J.; Hill, A. (2015).Dictionary of Media and Communication Studies (9th ed.). London, UK: Bloomsbury – via Credo Reference.
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  33. ^Rebecca Raines,Getting the Message ThroughArchived 26 October 2019 at theWayback Machine, US Government Printing Office, 1996ISBN 0160872812.
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  35. ^abcdDavid L. Woods, "Heliograph and mirrors", pp. 208–211 in, Christopher H. Sterling (ed),Military Communications: From Ancient Times to the 21st Century, ABC-CLIO, 2008ISBN 1851097325.
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  37. ^"Typewriter May Soon Be Transmitter of Telegrams"(PDF),The New York Times, 25 January 1914
  38. ^"David Edward Hughes". Clarkson University. 14 April 2007. Archived fromthe original on 22 April 2008.
  39. ^abBeauchamp, K.G. (2001).History of Telegraphy: Its Technology and Application.IET. pp. 394–395.ISBN 978-0-85296-792-8.
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  41. ^Anton A. Huurdeman,The Worldwide History of Telecommunications, p. 72, Wiley, 2003ISBN 0471205052.
  42. ^Ken Beauchamp,History of Technology, p. 87, Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2001ISBN 0852967926.
  43. ^Lewis Coe,The Telegraph: A History of Morse's Invention and Its Predecessors in the United States, pp. 16–17, McFarland, 2003ISBN 0786418087.
  44. ^abTom Standage,The Victorian Internet, Berkley, 1999ISBN 0-425-17169-8.
  45. ^Haigh, K R (1968).Cable Ships and Submarine Cables. London: Adlard Coles Ltd. pp. 26–27.
  46. ^abSolymar, Laszlo.The Effect of the Telegraph on Law and Order, War, Diplomacy, and Power PoliticsArchived 16 October 2015 at theWayback Machine inInterdisciplinary Science Reviews,Vol. 25,No. 3,pp. 204 f. 2000. Accessed 1 August 2014.
  47. ^abGuarnieri, M. (2014). "The Conquest of the Atlantic".IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine.8 (1): 53–56/67.doi:10.1109/MIE.2014.2299492.S2CID 41662509.
  48. ^Wilson, Arthur (1994). The Living Rock: The Story of Metals Since Earliest Times and Their Impact on Civilization. p. 203. Woodhead Publishing.ISBN 978-1-85573-301-5.
  49. ^G.C. Mendis (1952).Ceylon Under the British. Asian Educational Services. p. 96.ISBN 978-81-206-1930-2.
  50. ^Briggs, Asa and Burke, Peter: "A Social History of the Media: From Gutenberg to the Internet", p110. Polity, Cambridge, 2005.
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  52. ^Headrick, D.R., & Griset, P. (2001). Submarine telegraph cables: business and politics, 1838–1939. The Business History Review, 75(3), 543–578.
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  54. ^"The Institute of Chemistry - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem" Archived fromthe original on 6 May 2008.
  55. ^"First Atlantic Ocean crossing by a wireless signal"Archived 26 March 2022 at theWayback 12 July 2012.
  56. ^view was held byNikola Tesla,Oliver Lodge,Alexander Stepanovich Popov, amongst others (also Brian Regal,Radio: The Life Story of a Technology, page 22)
  57. ^John W. Klooster (2009).Icons of Invention: The Makers of the Modern World from Gutenberg to Gates. ABC-CLIO. p. 161.ISBN 978-0-313-34743-6.
  58. ^Sungook Hong.Wireless: From Marconi's Black-box to the Audion. MIT Press - 2001, page 21.
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  61. ^Victor L. Granatstein (2012).Physical Principles of Wireless Communications, Second Edition. CRC Press. p. 8.ISBN 978-1-4398-7897-2.
  62. ^"The Clifden Station of the Marconi Wireless Telegraph System".Scientific American. 23 November 1907.
  63. ^Second Test of the Marconi Over-Ocean Wireless System Proved Entirely SuccessfulArchived 19 October 2013 at theWayback Machine. Sydney Daily Post. 24 October 1907.
  64. ^Fahie, J. J.,A History of Wireless Telegraphy, 1838–1899, 1899, p. 29.
  65. ^Christopher Cooper,The Truth About Tesla: The Myth of the Lone Genius in the History of Innovation, Race Point Publishing, 2015, pp. 154, 165
  66. ^Theodore S. Rappaport, Brian D. Woerner, Jeffrey H. Reed,Wireless Personal Communications: Trends and Challenges, Springer Science & Business Media, 2012, pp. 211–215
  67. ^Christopher Cooper,The Truth About Tesla: The Myth of the Lone Genius in the History of Innovation, Race Point Publishing, 2015, p. 154
  68. ^Thomas H. White, section 21, MAHLON LOOMIS
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  70. ^Proceedings of the United States Naval Institute – Volume 78 – p. 87
  71. ^W. Bernard Carlson,Tesla: Inventor of the Electrical Age, Princeton University Press – 2013, p. H-45
  72. ^Marc J. Seifer,Wizard: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla: Biography of a Genius, Citadel Press – 1996, p. 107
  73. ^Carlson, W. Bernard (2013).Tesla: Inventor of the Electrical Age. Princeton University Press. p. 301.ISBN 1400846552
  74. ^(U.S. patent 465,971,Means for Transmitting Signals Electrically, US 465971 A, 1891
  75. ^"Defied the storm's worst-communication always kept up by 'train telegraphy,'"New York Times, March 17, 1888, p. 8. Proquest Historical Newspapers (subscription). Retrieved February 6, 2008.
  76. ^Christopher H. Sterling,Encyclopedia of Radio 3-Volume Set, Routledge – 2004, p. 833
  77. ^abcdefghijklRonnie J. Phillips,"Digital technology and institutional change from the gilded age to modern times: The impact of the telegraph and the internet"Archived 8 August 2020 at theWayback Machine,Journal of Economic Issues, vol. 34, iss. 2, pp. 267–89, June 2000.
  78. ^James, Gleick (2011),The information : a history, a theory, a flood, Books on Tape,ISBN 978-0-307-91498-9,OCLC 689998325, retrieved12 April 2021
  79. ^Tom Standage,The Victorian Internet, Afterword, Walker & Co, 2007ISBN 978-0-802-71879-2.
  80. ^"TELEGRAM NOT DEAD. STOP".Ars Technica. 19 June 2013. Retrieved14 May 2019.
  81. ^Hochfelder, David (2012).The Telegraph in America, 1832–1920. The Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 79.ISBN 978-1-42140747-0.
  82. ^abcFrehner, Carmen (2008).Email, SMS, MMS: The Linguistic Creativity of Asynchronous Discourse in the New Media Age. Bern: Peter Lang AG. pp. 187, 191.ISBN 978-303911451-1.
  83. ^"Telegraphy and Telex" Global Website. Retrieved14 October 2022.
  84. ^Phillip R. Easterlin, "Telex in New York", Western Union Technical Review, April 1959: 45
  85. ^ab"The End of The Telegraph Era".Britannica. 22 July 2024.
  86. ^Downey, Gregory J. (2002)Telegraph Messenger Boys: Labor, Technology, and Geography, 1850–1950, Routledge, New York and London, p. 7
  87. ^abEconomic History Encyclopedia (2010) "History of the U.S. Telegraph Industry","EH.Net Encyclopedia: History of the U.S. Telegraph Industry". Archived fromthe original on 2 May 2006. Retrieved14 December 2005.
  88. ^abCarey, James (1989).Communication as Culture, Routledge, New York and London, p. 210
  89. ^Allan J. Kimmel,People and Products: Consumer Behavior and Product Design, pp. 53–54, Routledge, 2015ISBN 1317607503.
  90. ^Sehlstedt, Elias,Telegrafen: Optisk Kalender för 1858 ([1]), Tryckt Hos Joh Beckman, 1857.ISBN 9171201823.
  91. ^Kipling, Rudyard."The Seven Seas". Retrieved8 August 2022 – viaWikisource.
  92. ^Jonathan Reed Winkler,Nexus: Strategic Communications and American Security in World War I, p. 1, Harvard University Press, 2009.ISBN 0674033906.
  93. ^Armand Mattelart,Networking the World, 1794–2000, p. 19. University of Minnesota Press, 2000.ISBN 0816632871.
  94. ^John A. Britton,Cables, Crises, and the Press: The Geopolitics of the New Information System in the Americas, 1866–1903, p. xi, University of New Mexico Press, 2013.ISBN 0826353983.
  95. ^Lindley, David (2004).Degrees Kelvin: a tale of genius, invention, and tragedy. Joseph Henry Press. p. 138.ISBN 0309167825.

Further reading

  • Britton, John A.Cables, Crises, and the Press: The Geopolitics of the New International Information System in the Americas, 1866–1903. (University of New Mexico Press, 2013).
  • Fari, Simone.Formative Years of the Telegraph Union (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015).
  • Fari, Simone.Victorian Telegraphy Before Nationalization (2014).
  • Gorman, Mel. "Sir William O'Shaughnessy, Lord Dalhousie, and the establishment of the telegraph system in India."Technology and Culture 12.4 (1971): 581–601onlineArchived 21 April 2021 at theWayback Machine.
  • Hindmarch-Watson, Katie. "Embodying Telegraphy in Late Victorian London."Information & Culture 55, no. 1 (2020): 10-29.
  • Hochfelder, David,The Telegraph in America, 1832–1920 (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012).
  • Huurdeman, Anton A.The Worldwide History of Telecommunications (John Wiley & Sons, 2003)
  • John, Richard R.Network Nation: Inventing American Telecommunications (Harvard University Press; 2010) 520 pages; the evolution of American telegraph and telephone networks.
  • Kieve, Jeffrey L. (1973).The Electric Telegraph: a Social and Economic History. David and Charles.ISBN 0-7153-5883-9.
  • Lew, B., and Cater, B. "The Telegraph, Co-ordination of Tramp Shipping, and Growth in World Trade, 1870–1910",European Review of Economic History 10 (2006): 147–73.
  • Müller, Simone M., and Heidi JS Tworek. "'The telegraph and the bank': on the interdependence of global communications and capitalism, 1866–1914."Journal of Global History 10#2 (2015): 259–283.
  • O'Hara, Glen. "New Histories of British Imperial Communication and the 'Networked World' of the 19th and Early 20th Centuries"History Compass (2010) 8#7pp 609–625, Historiography,
  • Richardson, Alan J. "The cost of a telegram: Accounting and the evolution of international regulation of the telegraph."Accounting History 20#4 (2015): 405–429.
  • Standage, Tom (1998).The Victorian Internet. Berkley Trade.ISBN 0-425-17169-8.
  • Thompson, Robert Luther.Wiring a continent: The history of the telegraph industry in the United States, 1832–1866 (Princeton UP, 1947).
  • Wenzlhuemer, Roland. "The Development of Telegraphy, 1870–1900: A European Perspective on a World History Challenge."History Compass 5#5 (2007): 1720–1742.
  • Wenzlhuemer, Roland.Connecting the nineteenth-century world: The telegraph and globalization (Cambridge UP, 2013).online review
  • Winseck, Dwayne R., and Robert M. Pike.Communication & Empire: Media, Markets & Globalization, 1860–1930 (2007), 429pp.
  • The Victorian Internet: The Remarkable Story of the Telegraph and the Nineteenth Century's On-Line Pioneers, a book about the telegraph



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