There is a lot of information in the introduction and description of temperament that appears to be opinion, unsupported by any references. For example "Its widely known as a wonderful companion that maintains its own personality, has a dignified reserve with strangers, has a strong bond to its family, and is relatively easy to train". If it is widely known then why is there no reference?? This all needs to be supported with references or deleted.— Precedingunsigned comment added byVectronn (talk •contribs)14:58, 18 January 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Hello Elf, thank you for the good work you are doing.
Just one important point for the readers concerning yards, kennels, crates, chained up: "some of the time" is NOT for Eurasiers. A well-behaved Eurasier will do fine IN his home, that's the place he should be. Latest after around 5 hours, an adult Eurasier should get the chance for a walk, romp or some exercise outdoors. Puppies should gradually be introduced to staying alone from time to time, starting off with very short periods like maybe one to five minutes.
Another question: The German article about the Eurasier in Wikipedia has photos on the commons section. Is it possible to use these in the English article, too? Thank you!
Hello Elf, could you please include the photos? Concerning staying alone (Yes) and confinements (No): Of course a Eurasier should learn to stay a while on its own and somewhere, if necessary. If I have workers in the house and it would get too dangerous for my dogs, I will have my Eurasiers in another room, where they have space to walk around. And a part time job should also not be a problem, during which a Eurasier will stay in his home. Of course, you have to gradually introduce this staying alone to a puppy and supervise it during this stage. In Germany, we try to find such families for Eurasier puppies that have this necessary time especially during the very first, most important weeks. You have a point with travelling or a stay at a vet, in which case getting even a Eurasier used to a larger crate would be necessary. In many other cases they do not need such a confinement, as this breed is generally very calm and non-destructive. At our Eurasier meetings in Germany we usually have many, many Eurasiers of all ages. Lateron some of them will come along into a specially chosen, dog-friendly restaurant, unleashed, and our Eurasiers then prefer to lie under the table or near their owner ... or they will stay all on their own in the hotel room or in the car, no further confinements are necessary. This is IN the breed, and can easily be promoted with positive reinforcement in the puppy.
Please note: A Wolf-Chow is NOT a Eurasier. Wolf-Chows were a pre-phase, which started by first mating Wolfspitz Bella and her three daughters with specifically chosen Chow Chow males. These offspring and their further generations were named Wolf-Chows. The Eurasier came into being after the Samoyed "Cito von Pol" was crossed in., 12 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I've removed the massive amount of external links that was accumulating at the bottom of the article and replaced with a single link to the Open Directory Project page. This now brings the article in line with the guidance atWP:LINKFARM.Miyagawa(talk)09:20, 22 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]