Swastikas for Noddy is a1988 album byEnglish music groupCurrent 93. It charted onNew Musical Express's Independent LPs chart in March 1988.[1] It was originally issued simultaneously on CD (with poor sound quality) and LP by Crepuscule Records' industrial subsidiary L.A.Y.L.A.H. Records and later reissued as a remastered CD by Durtro Records in 1994 (with significantly improved sound) under the slightly revised title "Swastikas For Goddy", the renaming being due to copyright infringement issues involvingEnid Blyton's characterNoddy.[2]“I was obsessed with Noddy,” David Tibet recalled in a 2011 interview, in reference to the album. “I took a load of acid on the top of the house where Rose McDowall was living and I had a vision of Noddy crucified in the sky and it really impressed me… as you would expect. The next day I just went mad for buying Noddy. Before I’d seen him crucified I wasn’t any more interested in him than any other kid who’s read Noddy as a child. I was taking such a huge amount of speed at the time that I had a massive amount of energy so I just started hoovering around and would come back with bin-liners full of anything with Noddy on. Rugs, mugs, jugs, didn’t matter, bought it all, to the extent that I started wandering around London wearing a red Noddy hat with a bell on the end. Which was possibly not a good move to make in terms of fashion…”[3]