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For theSūlaimānīJamia inTurkey, seeSüleymancılar. For the city in Iraqi Kurdistan, seeSulaymaniyah.

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TheSulaymani branch ofTayyibi Isma'ilism is anIslamic community, of which around 70,000 members reside inYemen, while a few thousandSulaymani Bohras can be found in India. TheSulaymanis are sometimes headed by aDa'i al-Mutlaq from the Makrami family.[1]

It is not correct that this branch is headed by one from the Makrami family always as the D'ai al Mutlaq could be from other families and communities. Examples: the first Da'i was Dhuayb Bin Mousa (Hamdan), Dawud Bin Ajab Shah (Indian), Sulayman Bin Al Hassan (Indian) and some of his brothers and sons were Indians. It is, however, true for the very recent Da'is have came from the Makrami family, with exception of the late Da'i Abdullah bin Mohammad, who was not from the Makrami family.



Founded in 1592, the Sulaymanis are mostly concentrated inYemen but are also found inPakistan andIndia. The denomination is named after its 27th Daʻī,Sulayman bin Hassan.

The total number of Sulaymanis currently are around 300,000, mainly living in the eastern district ofJabal Haraz in northwestYemen and inNajran,Saudi Arabia.[2] Beside theBanu Yam ofNajran, the Sulaymanis are in Haraz, among the inhabitants of the Jabal Maghariba and in Hawzan, Lahab and Attara, as well as in the district of Hamadan and in the vicinity of Yarim.

In India there are between 3000 and 5000 Sulaymanis living mainly inVadodara,Hyderabad,Mumbai andSurat. InPunjab, Pakistan and there is a well-established Sulaymani community inSindh. Some ten thousand Sulaymanis live in rural areas of Punjab known to the Sulaymani asJazeera-e Sind; these Sulaymani communities have been in the Jazeera-e Sind from the time of Fatimid Imam-CaliphAl-Mu'izz li-Din Allah when he sent his Daʻīs to Jazeera-e Sind.

There are also some 900–1000 Sulaymanis mainly from South Asia scattered around the world, in the Persian Gulf States,United States,Canada,Thailand,Australia,Japan and theUnited Kingdom. The Sulaymanis split off from the Tayyibi community, following a succession dispute upon the death ofDawood Bin Ajabshah in 1589. While most of the Tayyibis in India recognisedDawood Bin Qutub as his successor and thus forming theDawoodi Bohras, the Yemeni community followedSulayman bin Hassan.

Starting from 1677, Sulayman's successors almost always came from the Makrami family. Theda'is madeNajran their headquarters and ruled the area, supported by theBanu Yam, until their power waned under the successive rules of the Ottomans and Saudis.[1] The leadership of the Sulaymaniyah, whose Indian community was small, reverted to the Yemen with the succession of the thirtiethDa'i al-Mutlaq, Ibrahim ibn Muhammad ibn Fahd Al-Makrami, in 1677. Since then the position of the dai al mutlaq has remained in various branches of the al Makrami family except for the time of the forty-sixth dai, an Indian.

The Makrami da'is usually resided in Badr inNajran,Saudi Arabia. With the backing of the tribe of theBanu Yam they ruled Najran independently and at times extended their sway over other parts of the Yemen and Arabia until the incorporation ofNajran intoSaudi Arabia in 1934. The peak of their power was in the time of the thirty-thirdDa'i al-Mutlaq, Isma'il ibn Hibat Allah (1747–1770), who defeated the Wahhabiyah orWahhabism inNajd and invaded Hadramawt. He is also known as the author of anesoteric Qur'an commentary, virtually the only religious work of a Sulaymani author published so far. SinceNajran came under Saudi rule, the religious activity of theda'is and their followers has been severely restricted. In the Yemen the Sulaymaniyah are found chiefly in the region of Manakha and the Haraz mountains. In India they live mainly in Baroda, Ahmadabad, and Hyderabad and are guided by a representative (mansub) of theDa'i al-Mutlaq residing in Hyderabad, India.

Sulaymanida'i al-mutlaqs


The following is a list of religious leaders (da'i al-mutlaq) of the Sulaymani Isma'ilis.[3] For the 26 predecessors, seeList of Dai of Dawoodi Bohra.SeeSulayman bin Hassan for more information.

  1. Sulayman bin Hassan al-Hindi
  2. Ja'far bin Sulayman al-Hindi
  3. Muhammad bin al-Fahd al-Makrami
  4. Ali bin Sulayman al-Hindi
  5. Ibrahim bin Muhammad al-Makrami
  6. Muhammad bin Isma'il al-Makrami
  7. Hibat-Allah bin Ibrahim al-Makrami
  8. Isma'il bin Hibat-Allah al-Makrami
  9. Hasan bin Hibat-Allah al-Makrami
  10. Abd-al-Ali bin Hasan al-Makrami
  11. Abd-Allah bin Ali al-Makrami
  12. Yusuf bin Ali al-Makrami
  13. Husayn bin Husayn al-Makrami
  14. Isma'il bin Muhammad al-Makrami
  15. Hasan bin Muhammad al-Makrami
  16. Hasan bin Isma'il Shabaam
  17. Ahmad bin Isma'il al-Makrami
  18. Abd-Allah bin Ali al-Makrami
  19. Ali bin Hibat-Allah al-Makrami
  20. Ali bin Muhsin Shabaam
  21. Ghulam Husayn bin Hazrat Farhat Ali Husami
  22. Sharaf-al-Din Husayn bin Ahmad al-Makrami
  23. Jamal-al-Din Ali bin Sharaf-al-Din Husayn al-Makrami
  24. Sharafi Hasan bin Husayn al-Makrami
  25. Husayn bin Isma'il al-Makrami
  26. Abdullah bin Muhammad al-Makrami
  27. Ahmed bin Ali al-Makrami
  28. Ali bin Hāsin al-Makrami

History of the Imāmī Sūlaymānīs

The historical emergence of theShī‘ahImāmīTāyyībī-Mustā‘lī Sūlaymānī-Ismā'īlīs
The schematic history of the development of theImāmī-Mustā‘lī Sulaymanism from otherShī‘ahMuslim sects
Wahb BarrahFatimahAbdul-MuttalibNatīla
Aminah bint WahabʿAbd AllāhAsad ibnHashimFatimah bint Qays‘Abbas
Khadija bintKhuwaylidMuhammad
(Family tree)
Abi TalibFatimah bint AsadʿAbd Allāh
Fatima ZahraAli al Murtaza
(Family tree)
Khawlah b. Ja'faral-HanafiyyahʿAli binʿAbd Allāh b.‘Abbas
Hasan al MujtabaHusayn ibn Ali(Family)Shahr BanuIbn al-Hanifiyyah
Fatimah bintHasanZayn al-'AbidinJayda al-SindhiKaysanites
Farwah bint
Al-Qasim ibnMuhammad
Muhammad al-BaqirZayd ash-Shahīd(Zaydiyyah)FirstSufi
Abu Hashim(Hashimiyya)
Ja'far al-SadiqYemen-FiversZaydi-AlavidsMuhammad "al-Imām"
Isma'il ibn JafarAl-Aftah
Musa al-KadhimIbrāhim ibn Ali ibn′Abd Allah
ImāmīIsmā'īlīsmMuhammad al-AftahIbrāhim ibn MūsāImāmīAthnā‘ashariyyahMuslim’īyyah
SevenersFātimā al-Ma‘sūmahAli al-RidaIshaq al-Turk
ʿAbadullāh(Wafī Aḥmad)Ḥamdān Qarmaṭ'l-ʾAšʿaṯAl-Tustari
Muhammad al-Taqī(Jawad)Muḥammirah
Aḥmad(Taqī Muhammad)Abū Sa'idMūsā al-MūbārraqāAli al HadiKhurrāmīyah
Ḥusayn(Raḍī ʿAbdillāh)Abū-TāhirMuhammad ibn Ali al-HadiHasan al-AskariKızılbaş
Ubayd Allāh(Fatimids)QarmatisNāimī-ḤurūfīsIbn Nusayr(‘Ulyāʾiyya)
al-QāʾimʿAlī Al-Aʿlā(Baktāsh’īyyah)Muhammad
(Imām Zāmān)
al-ManṣūrPasīkhānī(Nuktawiyya)Imamiyyah(Twelvers)Sarı Saltuk(Baktāshīs)
al-MuʿizzNasīmīJa'farisAlevisOtman Baba
al-ʿAzīzAkhbarisShaykhisUsulisBalım Sultan
al-ḤākimSafavids(SafavīIran)Nuqta-yi Ula(Bábis)Velayat-e-faqih(Iran, Islamic Rep.)Gül Baba(Hurufi-Bektaşi)
Mírzá Yaḥyá(Azalis)Mírzá Ḥusayn(Baháʼís)Other Alevis(Bektashism)
Al-Mustanṣir bi-LlāhDā'īNasir KhusrawBadakhshan &AfganPamirisYarsanis
(Sultan Sahak)
Al-Musta'li(Musta'lis)Muḥammad ibnAbū TamīmAl-Nizār
Ostad Elahi
Al-ĀmirHashshashins(Ḥ. bin Sabbah)Işık Alevis
At-Tayyib(Tayyibis)Al-Ḥāfīz(Hafizis)Ḥasan ʿAlā(AlamūtNizārīs)Alians
(Demir Baba)
(Baba Rexheb)
Zoeb Musa(Dawoodis)Agha Khans(Nizārī Ismā'īlīs)PamirIsmāʿīlīsmChepnis
Sulayman(Sulaymanis)Ali bin Ibrāhim
(Alavi Bohra)
Hebtiahs BohraA . Hussain Jivaji
Jafari Bohras (Syed Jafar Ahmad Shirazi)Progressive Dawoodis (Asghar Ali)Atba-i-Malak Vakil (A. Qadir Ebrahimji)Atba-i-Malak Badar (Ghulam Hussain Miya Khan)

See also



  1. ^ab"Ismaʿilism III. Ismaʿili History".Encyclopædia Iranica. Retrieved4 August 2018.
  2. ^"Muslim Sect Sees Struggle Through Christian Lens".The New York Times. 21 October 2010.
  3. ^Daftary, Farhad (2004).Ismaili Literature. I.B. Tauris. pp. 448–449.

Further reading

  • Daftary, Farhad (1990).The Ismā'īlīs: Their History and Doctrines. Cambridge University.
  • Fyzee, Asaf A. (1940). "Three Sulaymani Dai's".Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society:101–104.
  • Hollister, John Norman (1953).The Shi'a of India. London: Luzac.
  • Lokhandwalla (1955). "The Bohras, a Muslim community of Gujarat".Studia Islamica.3.
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