At an altitude of approximately 584 m (1,916 ft), the city is a minorhill station resort, with a cooler climate than the surrounding lowlands. The area around Sukabumi is also a popular destination forwhitewater rafting.Tea andRubber production is a major industry in the area. The suburban area surrounding Sukabumi circling the mountain has grown tremendously in population, such that northernSukabumi Regency, hugging the volcano, and borderingGreater Jakarta, is home to the bulk of theregency's population.
The area of the city is 48.31 km2, and the population at the 2010 Census was 300,359,[3] while the 2020 Census was 346,325;[4] the official estimate as at mid 2023 was 364,914.[2] However, some 1.8 million people, as of the 2010 census figures, live in the surrounding metropolitan area within Sukabum1 Regency, notably in Cisaat and Gunung Guruh Districts to the west of the city and Kebonpedes District to the east. The bulk of the metropolitan area population is unusual in that it forms a narrow southwest ring around Mount Gede. The eastern portion of the ringed population belt continues on intoCianjur Regency.
The area around Sukabumi was already inhabited at least in the 11th century. The first written record found in this area was theSanghyang Tapak inscription in Cibadak, 20 km west of the city. Written inKawi script, the stone tells about the prohibition of fishing activity in the nearby river by the authorities of theSunda Kingdom.[5]
At the end of the 16th century, the area was captured by theBanten Sultanate, after the fall of theSunda Kingdom. The area however became contested in the 1620s between Banten, theMataram Sultanate in the east and theBatavia-basedDutch East India Company. After a series of military clashes between them, the area was included in a buffer zone territory between Banten and Mataram, although the area is consideredde jure as a part of Mataram.[6]
In 1677, after the Dutch forced Mataram to sign a series of unequal treaties as a consequence of Dutch assistance for quelling theTrunajaya rebellion, Sukabumi came under direct control ofTjiandjoer.[7][8] By that time, there were only few rural Sundanese settlements existed, one of the largest was Tjikole.[9]
The area around the present-day Sukabumi (or Soekaboemi inVan Ophuijsen Spelling System) began to develop in the 18th century when theDutch East India Company started to open coffee plantation areas in the westernPriangan region ofJava.[10][11] Due to the high demands of coffee in Europe, in the year of 1709 theDutch governor-generalAbraham van Riebeeck started to open coffee plantations around the area of Tjibalagoeng (present-dayBogor),Tjiandjoer, Djogdjogan, Pondok Kopo, and Goenoeng Goeroeh.[12] Coffee plantations in these five areas had then undergone expansion and intensification during the era ofHendrick Zwaardecroon (1718–1725), where the Tjiandjoer regent at that timeWira Tanoe III acquired territorial expansion ofhis regency as a compensation for more coffee plantations openings.[13][14]
The growth of Goenoeng Goeroeh coffee plantation led to the establishment of small settlements around its area, one of those was the Tjikole (Cikole) hamlet, named after the nearby Tjikole River. In 1776, regent of Tjiandjoer Wira Tanoe Datar VI established the Tjikole Viceregency which were the indirect predecessor of the present-day Sukabumi Regency.[15] The viceregency consisted of six districts of Djampang Koelon, Djampang Tengah, Goenoeng Parang, Tjiheoelang, Tjimahi, and Tjitjoeroeg. The administrative center was located in Tjikole, due to its very strategic locations for communications betweenBatavia and Tjiandjoer which were the capital of thePriangan Residency at that time.[16][17]
Andries de Wilde proposed the renaming of Tjikole to Soekaboemi to theRaffles administration
After the Dutch East Indies were under the rule of theBritish in 1811, vast lands in the Tjikole area were bought byStamford Raffles, theGovernor-General of the Dutch East Indies at that time, via an auction held in Batavia.[18] The name Soekaboemi was first used on 1815, when a Priangan-based plantation owner (known then asPreanger Planter) and surgeon,Andries de Wilde visited Tjikole in 1814. From his consultations with local people, De Wilde wrote a letter to Nicolaus Engelhard, a friend and plantation investor, where de Wilde asked Engelhard to propose aname change of the viceregency from Tjikole to Soekaboemi, to which Raffles agreed.[19][20]
In Dutch colonial times, Soekaboemi was the site of thePolitieschool, the colonialpolice academy. On 8 December 1941, the Empire of Japaninvaded the Dutch East Indies as part ofWorld War II and on 6 March 1942, the city came underaerial bombardment by Japanese aircraft. During this attack, both civilian targets (including houses and two schools) and strategic targets (the police academy, the railway line, and the radio station) were hit, resulting in many casualties. During theJapanese occupation, Soekaboemi became the meeting place ofMohammad Hatta andSutan Sjahrir with representatives of the Japanese Empire to discuss the future of the Dutch East Indies, but both were given 'city prisoner' status. Soekaboemi also became one of the detention sites ofAmerican andAustralian prisoners of war.[21][22]
Also during the occupation, the Japanese created a strategic garrison inUjung Genteng, part of the SouthSukabumi Regency. Remains of the harbor and lookout towers at the end of this peninsula are still in place, along with the caves that the Japanese lived and died in towards the end of the war.Ujung Genteng is directly North ofChristmas Island and Australia and would have made an excellent point of defense or attack, without official records to substantiate this, it is presumed that they had their sights on Christmas Island and a close link to Australia.[citation needed]
In early 2005,Sukabumi Regency became the first place in Indonesia thatpolio was reported in ten years, the beginning of a nationwide outbreak of the disease which had been believed to be eradicated in the country.[23]
The city of Sukabumi is divided into sevendistricts (kecamatan), listed below with their areas and their populations at the 2010 Census[3] and the 2020 Census,[4] together with the official estimates as of 2023.[2] The table also includes the number ofadministrative villages (all classed as urbankelurahan) in each district, and its postal codes.
Sukabumi has an elevation moderatedtropical rainforest climate (Af) with moderate rainfall from July to September and heavy rainfall in the remaining months.
After almost one year of hiatus, the railway transport between Sukabumi andBogor of 57 kilometers was reactivated, with the new train called 'Pangrango' on 9 November 2013. The train has one executive-class car and three economy-class cars.[32]
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^Jaya, Ruyatna (2003).Sejarah Sukabumi. Sukabumi City Government. p. 8.
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^Badan Pusat Statistik, Jakarta, 26 September 2024, Kecamatan Baros Dalam Angka 2024 (Katalog-BPS 1102001.3272010)
^Badan Pusat Statistik, Jakarta, 26 September 2024, Kecamatan Lembursitu Dalam Angka 2024 (Katalog-BPS 1102001.3272011)
^Badan Pusat Statistik, Jakarta, 26 September 2024, Kecamatan Cibeureum Dalam Angka 2024 (Katalog-BPS 1102001.3272012)
^Badan Pusat Statistik, Jakarta, 26 September 2024, Kecamatan Citamiang Dalam Angka 2024 (Katalog-BPS 1102001.3272020)
^Badan Pusat Statistik, Jakarta, 26 September 2024, Kecamatan Warudoyong Dalam Angka 2024 (Katalog-BPS 1102001.3272030)
^Badan Pusat Statistik, Jakarta, 26 September 2024, Kecamatan Gunung Puyuh Dalam Angka 2024 (Katalog-BPS 1102001.3272040)
^Badan Pusat Statistik, Jakarta, 26 September 2024, Kecamatan Cikole Dalam Angka 2024 (Katalog-BPS 1102001.3272050)