The exact spelling of the title is disputed.[2] The transmitted title (paradosis) is "Suida", which is also attested inEustathius' commentary onHomer's epic poems; several conjectures has been made, both defending it and trying to correct it in "Suda".[3]
Paul Maas advocated for the Σοῦδα spelling, connecting it to the Latin verbsuda, the second-person singular imperative ofsudāre, "to sweat".[4]
Franz Dölger also defended Σοῦδα, tracing its origins back to Byzantine military lexicon (σοῦδα, "ditch, trench", then "fortress").[5][6]
Henri Grégoire, starting from a critique to Dölger's interpretation, defended a proposal advanced by one of his pupils, and explained the word Σοῦδα as the acrostic of Συναγογὴ ὀνομάτων ὑπὸ διαφόρων ἀνδρῶν σοφῶν, "Collection of names (words) by different learned men", or alternatively Συναγογὴ ὀνομαστικῆς ὕλης δι' ἀλφαβήτου, "Collection of lexicographical material in alphabetical order".[7][8][9][10] This suggestion was also supported by French Hellenist and ByzantinistAlphonse Dain.[11]
Silvio Giuseppe Mercati wrote on the matter twice: firstly in an article appeared in the academic journalByzantion,[12] and later in an expanded version of the same.[13] He suggested a link with the Neo-Latin substantiveguida ("guide"), transliterated in Greek as γουίδα and later miswritten as σουίδα. This interpretation was strongly criticized by Dölger, who also refused to publish Mercati's first article in theByzantinische Zeitschrift; on the other hand, Giuseppe Schirò supported it.[14][15]
Other suggestions include Jan Sajdak's theory that σοῦδα / σουίδα may derive fromsanskritsuvidyā (which he translated into Latin:perfecta cumulataque scientia, "collected and systemized knowledge");[17][18] Giuseppe Scarpat's link to an unidentified Judas, the supposed author of the Lexicon;[19] and Hans Gerstinger's explanation which points at Russiansudá "here", as the answer to the question "τί ποῦ κεῖται;" "what is it and where is it?".[20] The most recent explanation[which?] as of 2024 has been advanced byClaudia Nuovo, who defended Σοῦδα on palaeographical, philological and historical grounds[how?].[3]
TheSuda is somewhere between a grammatical dictionary and an encyclopedia in the modern sense. It explains the source, derivation, and meaning of words according to thephilology of its period, using such earlier authorities asHarpocration andHelladios.[21][22] It is a rich source of ancient and Byzantine history and life, although not every article is of equal quality, and it is an "uncritical" compilation.[21]
Much of the work is probably interpolated,[21] and passages that refer toMichael Psellos (c. 1017–1078) are deemedinterpolations which were added in later copies.[21]
Thislexicon contains numerous biographical notices on political, ecclesiastical, and literary figures of the Byzantine Empire to the tenth century, those biographical entries being condensations from the works ofHesychius of Miletus, as the author himself avers. Other sources were the encyclopedia ofConstantine VII Porphyrogenitus (reigned 912–959) for the figures in ancient history, excerpts ofJohn of Antioch (seventh century) forRoman history, the chronicle ofHamartolus (Georgios Monachos, 9th century) for the Byzantine age[22][21][24], the biographies ofDiogenes Laërtius, and the works ofAthenaeus andPhilostratus. Other principal sources include a lexicon by "Eudemus," perhaps derived from the workOn Rhetorical Language by Eudemus of Argos.[25]
The lexicon copiously draws fromscholia to the classics (Homer,Aristophanes,Thucydides,Sophocles, etc.), and for later writers,Polybius,Josephus, theChronicon Paschale,George Syncellus,George Hamartolus, and so on.[21][22] TheSuda quotes or paraphrases these sources at length. Since many of the originals are lost, theSuda serves as an invaluable repository of literary history, and this preservation of the "literary history" is more vital than the lexicographical compilation itself, by some estimation.[22]
The lexicon is arranged alphabetically with some slight deviations from common vowel order and place in the Greek alphabet[21] (including at each case the homophonousdigraphs, e.g.αι, ει, οι, that had been previously, earlier in the history of Greek, distinctdiphthongs or vowels) according to a system (formerly common in many languages) calledantistoichia (ἀντιστοιχία); namely the letters follow phonetically in order of sound according the pronunciation of the tenth century, which was similar tothat of Modern Greek. The order is:
In addition, double letters are treated as single for the purposes of collation (asgemination had ceased to be distinctive). The system is not difficult to learn and remember, but some editors—for example,Immanuel Bekker – rearranged theSuda alphabetically.
Little is known about the compiler of theSuda. He probably lived in the second half of the 10th century, because the death of emperorJohn I Tzimiskes and his succession byBasil II andConstantine VIII are mentioned in the entry under "Adam" which is appended with a briefchronology of the world.[21] At any rate, the work must have appeared by the 12th century, since it is frequently quoted from and alluded to byEustathius who lived from about 1115 AD to about 1195 or 1196.[21] It has also been stated that the work was acollective work, thus not having had a single author, and that the name which it is known under does not refer to a specific person.[27]
The work deals withbiblical as well aspagan subjects, from which it is inferred that the writer was aChristian.[21] In any case, it lacks definite guidelines besides some minor interest in religious matters.[27]
The standard printed edition was compiled by Danish classical scholarAda Adler in the first half of the twentieth century. A modern collaborative English translation, theSuda On Line, was completed on 21 July 2014.[28]
^It is worth noticing that Adler's edition maintains the spellingSuida/Σουΐδα (as Gaisford's and Bekker's editions did), in continuity with the manuscripts, but modern scholarship prefersSuda/Σούδα.
^abNuovo, Claudia (2022). "Un'ultimateichotaphromachia per il lessicoSuda".Jahrbuch der österreichischen Byzantinistik.72:421–426.
^Dölger, Franz (1936).Der Titel der sogenannten Suidaslexicons.Sitzungsberichte der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Abteilung. Jahrgang 1936.Heft 6. München: Bayerische Akademie des Wissenschaften.
^Grégoire, Henri (1937). "Suidas et son mystère".Les études classiques.6:346–355.
^Grégoire, Henri (1937). "Étymologies byzantino-latines".Byzantion.12:293–300,658–666.
^Grégoire, Henri (1938). "La teichotaphromachia".Byzantion.13:389–391.
^Grégoire, Henri (1944–1945). "La fin d'une controverse: koptō taphron, taphrokopō".Byzantion.17:330–331.
^Dain, Alphonse (1937). "Suda dans les traités militaires".Annuaire de l'Institut de Philologie et d'Histoire Orientales et Slaves.5:233–241.
^Mercati, Silvio Giuseppe (1957). "Intorno al titolo dei lessici di Suida-Suda e di Papia".Byzantion. 25/26/27 (1):173–93.
^Mercati, Silvio Giuseppe (1960). "Intorno al titolo dei lessici di Suida-Suda e di Papia".Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Memorie, Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche.8 (10):3–50.
^Schirò, Giuseppe (1958). "Da Suida-Suda a Guida".Archivio Storico per la Calabria e la Lucania.27:171–176.
^Schirò, Giuseppe (1962). "Si torna a Suida (= Guida)".Rivista di cultura classica e medioevale.4:240–241.
^Hemmerdinger, Bertrand (1998). "Suidas, et non la Souda".Bollettino dei Classici. 3rd Series.19:31–32.
^Sajdak, Jan (1933). "Literatura Bizantyńska". In Lam, S.; Brückner, A. (eds.).Wielka literatura powszechna Trzaski, Everta i Michalskiego. Vol. 4. Literatury słowiańskie, literatura bizantyjska i nowogrecka. Warszawa. p. 723.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
^Sajdak, Jan (1934). "Liber Suda".Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk. Prace Komisji Filologicznej.7:249–272.
^Scarpat, Giuseppe (1960–1961). "Una nuova ipotesi sull'autore del lessico detto di Suida".Atti del Sodalizio Glottologico Milanese.14:3–11.
^Gerstringer, Hans (1961). "Review of: S. G. Mercati, Intorno al titolo dei lessici di Suida-Suda e di Papia, Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Memorie, Classe di scienze morali, storiche e filologiche VIII, 10 (1960) 3–50".Gnomon.50:783–785.
^Krumbacher, Karl (1897),Byzantinische Literatur, p. 566, cited byHerbermann (1913)
^Karl Krumbacher concluded the two main biographical sources were "Constantine VII for ancient history, Hamartolus (Georgios Monarchos) for the Byzantine age".[23]
^Krumbacher, Karl,Geschichte der byzantinischen Litteratur,pp. 268f.
Dickey, Eleanor.Ancient Greek Scholarship: a guide to finding, reading, and understanding scholia, commentaries, lexica, and grammatical treatises, from their beginnings to the Byzantine period. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 2006.ISBN9780195312935.