Asticky mat, also called atacky mat orcleanroom mat, is amat with anadhesive surface that is placed at the entrances or exits to certain workplaces toremove contaminants from the bottoms offootwear and wheeled carts such ashand trucks.[2] They are an example of anengineering control within thehierarchy of hazard controls.[1]
Sticky mats are typically used incleanrooms[2] and construction sites.[3] Their purpose is to preventcontaminants from entering the site with personnel, andhazardous materials from exiting. In a cleanroom setting, airborne particles that are not removed by the ventilation system deposit themselves onto a surface, where they can be transported by personnel walking on or past them.[2][4]
Sticky mats can be temporary or permanent. Temporary sticky mats are made of a stack of adhesive plastic film layers that are periodically peeled off and discarded. Permanent mats are made of apolymer, usuallypolyester- orpolyvinyl chloride-based, that binds particles throughelectrostatic forces. The peeling process for temporary mats may dislodge particles from the mat, causing inhalation risk.[2][5] However, permanent mats must be washed with amop anddetergent, which is more time-consuming and may be done less often.[5]
A 2012 study found that temporary adhesive mats reduced the particle level onshoes andovershoes by 20–50% while permanent polymeric flooring reduced it by approximately 80%, and that adhesive mats released more particles when they were dirtier and when they were peeled quickly.[2] However, sticky mats placed outside the entrance to anoperating room or suite have not been shown to reduce the number of organisms on shoes orstretcher wheels, nor do they reduce the risk ofsurgical site infections.[6]