Space exploration on Soviet stamps
Yuri Gagarin on 12 April 1961, became the first human in outer space and the first to orbit the Earth. A Soviet stamp issued after the Gagarin's flightValentina Tereshkova , the first woman in spaceSoviet space exploration history has been well documented onSoviet stamps . TheseSoviet stamps cover a broad spectrum of subjects related to theSoviet space program . While much of the focus has been placed on the nation'snotable "firsts" in space flight , including: Earth orbitingsatellite ,Sputnik 1 ;animal in space , the dogLaika onSputnik 2 ;human in space and Earth orbit ,Yuri Gagarin onVostok 1 ; first spacewalk,Alexei Leonov onVoskhod 2 ;woman in space ,Valentina Tereshkova onVostok 6 ;Moon impact , 1959, and uncrewed landing;space station ; andinterplanetary probe ; numerous stamps have paid tribute to more generalastronomical topics as well.[ 1] [ 2]
Gurevich, Iakov Borisovich and Vladimir Il'ich Shcherbakov.Kosmicheskaia filateliia: katalog-spravochnik . Moscow: Radio i sviaz, 1986, 126p. Kvasnikov, IU. S.Rossiiskaia kosmonavtika na pochtovykh markakh 1951–1995 . Moscow: Novosti Kosmonavtiki?, 1996, 154p. Kvasnikov, Yuri.Russian Cosmonautics On Postage Stamps . Falkirk: Astro Space Stamp Society, 1999, 35p. Reichman, James G.Soviet and Russian philatelic items related to dogs in space . Mesa, Arizona, James G. Reichman, 2012, 97p. Sashenkov, Evgeniĭ Petrovich.Sovetskaia kosmonavtika v filatelii: katalog-spravochnik . Moscow: Glavnaia Filatelisticheskaia kontora, Soiuzpechati Ministerstva sviazi SSSR, 1967, 138p.
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