Southern Syria (Arabic:سوريا الجنوبية‹See RfD›Sūriyā l-Janūbiyya) is a geographical term referring to the southern portion of either the Ottoman-periodVilayet of Syria,[1] or the modern-dayArab Republic of Syria.
The term was used in the Arabic language primarily from 1919 until the end of theFranco-Syrian war in July 1920, during which theArab Kingdom of Syria existed.[2][3][4][5]
Zachary Foster, in hisPrinceton Universitydoctoral dissertation, has written that in the decades prior toWorld War I, the term “Southern Syria” was the least frequently used out of ten different ways to describe theregion of Palestine in Arabic, noting it was so rare that “it took me nearly a decade to find a handful of references”.[6]
Throughout the Ottoman period, prior to World War I, the Levant was viewed administratively as part of one province called theVilayet of Syria and was divided into districts known as "Sanjaks".
Palestine was, by the end of 19th and early 20th centuries divided into theMutasarrifate of Jerusalem, theNablus Sanjak, and theAcre Sanjak (underBeirut Vilayet from 1888, and previously underSyria Vilayet), and a short-livedMutasarrıfate of Karak inTransjordan (split as a new administrative unit fromSyria Vilayet in 1894/5).[citation needed] In 1884, the governor of Damascus proposed the establishment of a new Vilayet in southern Syria, composed of the regions of Jerusalem,Balqa' and Ma'an though nothing came out of this.[7]
In the beginning of Faisal’s reign in theArab Kingdom of Syria, particularly after the San Remo Conference of March 1920, the term "Southern Syria" emerged as a politicalneologism synonymous with Palestine,[2] and it would take on an increased political significance as a way of rejecting the separation of Palestine from the Kingdom.[8]
In the early 20th century, the term "Southern Syria" was a slogan that implied support for aGreater Syria nationalism associated with thekingdom promised to theHashemite dynasty of theHejaz by the British during World War I.
After the war, theHashemite princeFaisal attempted to establish Pan-Levantine state —a united kingdom that would comprise all of what eventually becameSyria,Lebanon,Israel,Jordan, andPalestine, but he was stymied by conflicting promises made by the British to different parties (seeSykes–Picot Agreement), leading to theFrench creation of themandate of Syria and Lebanon in 1920.
One of the resolutions adopted at the firstPalestinian Arab Congress in 1919, Jerusalem, was:
"We consider Palestine nothing but part of Arab Syria, and it has never been separated from it at any stage. We are tied to it by national, religious, linguistic, moral, economic, and geographic bounds."[9]
Yoav Gelber notes that the Historians ofPalestinian Nationalism such asYehoshua Porath and Muhammad Y. Muslih consider the declaration to have been ideologically disingenuous, pointing out that there was a split among Palestinians regarding the resolutions' implications. The younger generation was eager to pursue political opportunities in a unified Levantine state underFaisal I, and the older generation wished for Palestine's Independence to maintain their autonomous power in the post-Ottoman world order. Nonetheless, the resolution was mainly supported in the hopes of thwarting support for theJewish National Homeland that was introduced in the1917 Balfour Declaration on the occasion of the upcomingSan Remo Conference by presenting that Palestine already belongs to anothernation thanJews.[10][11] The notables in Faisal's government in Damascus, such as Iraqis and Damascenes, including the Palestinians, had some conflict, and each sought to place their interests above others.[10]
According to the Minutes of the Ninth Session of theLeague of Nations'Permanent Mandates Commission, held in 1926, "Southern Syria" was suggested by some as the name ofMandatory Palestine in the Arabic language. The reports say the following:
"Colonel Symes explained that the country was described as 'Palestine' by Europeans and as 'Falestin' by the Arabs. The Hebrew name for the country was the designation 'Land of Israel', and the Government, to meet Jewish wishes, had agreed that the word "Palestine" in Hebrew characters should be followed in all official documents by the initials that stood for that designation. As a set-off to this, certain Arab politicians suggested that the country should be called 'Southern Syria' in order to emphasize its close relation with another Arab State".[12][13]
In 1932, a Palestinian Arab party named whose name "Hizb Al-Istiqlal" (Independence Party ) was established inMandatory Palestine by theSorbonne educated lawyerAwni Abd al-Hadi, whom Daniel Pipes says it the reaffirmed support for the incorporation of Palestine and its people into a Pan-Levantine state.[14]
After when Mandatory Palestine ceased to exist in the aftermath of the Palestine War: the term has been used by Syrian Baathists who sought to expand Syria's borders and justify aggression against Israel, such as Hafiz Al Assad in 1974. The Baathists later went on to create Baathist Palestinian groups such as Al-Saqia in an effort to dominate thePLO and wrest it fromFatah. As of the 1990sIsraeli-Syrian peace process, and theSyrian Civil War in the early 2010s: the Baathist party of Syria stopped claimingIsrael and thePalestinian territories as "Southern Syria".
The Arabs described "the area that became Israel," as Meir put it, in at least ten different ways in the decades prior to World War I, roughly in this order of frequency: Palestine; Syria; Sham; the Holy Land; the Land of Jerusalem; the District of Jerusalem + the District of Balqa + the District of Acre; southern Sham; the southern part of Sham; the Land of Jerusalem + the land of Gaza + the land of Ramla + the land of Nablus + the land of Haifa + the land of Hebron (i.e. cities were used, not regions); "the southern part of Syria, Palestine"; and southern Syria. The Arabic term "southern Syria" so rarely appeared in Arabic sources before 1918 that I've included every reference to the phrase I've ever come across in the footnote at the end of this paragraph (it did appear more often in Western languages). Golda Meir, Mikhaʼel Asaf and my Shabbat hosts were right about Southern Syria, but by focusing only on the facts that supported their arguments and ignoring all the others, they got the story completely wrong. They used facts to obscure the history. If the term rarely appeared in Arabic before World War I, how do propagandists even know it existed? Before World War I, they don't. It took me nearly a decade to find a handful of references, and I can assure you few if any propagandists are familiar with its Arabic usage before 1918. But that changed dramatically in 1918, when the term gained traction for a couple of years until 1920. That's because the Hijazi nobleman Faysal revolted against the Ottoman Empire in 1916 during the First World War (alongside "Lawrence of Arabia"), and established an Arab Kingdom in Damascus in 1918 which he ruled until the French violently overthrew him in 1920. During his period of rule, many Arabs in Palestine thought naively that if they could convince Palestine's British conquerors the land had always been part of Syria—indeed, that it was even called "southern Syria"—then Britain might withdraw its troops from the region and hand Palestine over to Faysal. This led some folks to start calling the place southern Syria. The decision was born out of the preference of some of Palestine's Arabs to live under Arab rule from Damascus rather than under British rule from Jerusalem—the same British who, only a few months earlier, in 1917, had declared in the Balfour Declaration their intention to make a national home for the Jews in Palestine.
Al-Fatat became a leading force in the establishment of the First Syrian government under Prince Faisal. It was during this period that the term Southern Syria became synonymous with Palestine, but the expression gained an added political significance after 1918 – for example, in the creation of Aref and Dajani's newspaper, Surya al-janubiyya, signaling the unity of Jerusalem with Damascus, in response to the British-Zionist schemes of separating Palestine from Syria. In other words, the term Southern Syria, which so far had been a geographic designation, was now explicitly used instead for Palestine as a reaction to the attempts by the British Mandate authorities to excise Palestine from Syria.