Solonetz (Ukrainian:Солонець, Russian:Солоне́ц,IPA:[səlɐˈnʲɛts]) is a Reference Soil Group of theWorld Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB). They have, within the upper 100 cm of the soil profile, a so-called "natric horizon" ("natrium" is the Latin term forsodium). A subsurface horizon (subsoil), higher inclay content than the upper horizon, has more than 15% exchangeable sodium. The name is based on theRussian соль (sol, meaningsalt). TheUkrainian folk word "solontsi" means salty soil. InUkraine, many villages are calledSolontsі.
Solonetz zones are associated withGleysols,Solonchaks andKastanozems.
InUSDA soil taxonomy, Solonetz corresponds to sodium-richAlfisols.