Softwood iswood fromgymnosperm trees such asconifers. The term is opposed tohardwood, which is the wood fromangiosperm trees. The main differences between hardwoods and softwoods is that the softwoods completely lackvessels (pores).[1] The main softwood species (pines, spruces, larches, false tsugas) also have resin canals (or ducts) in their structure.[2]
SEM images showing the presence of pores in hardwoods (oak, top) and absence in softwoods (pine, bottom)
Softwood iswood fromgymnosperm trees such aspines andspruces. Softwoods are not necessarily softer than hardwoods.[3] The hardest hardwoods are much harder than any softwood,[4] but in both groups there is enormous variation with the range of wood hardness of the two groups overlapping. For example,balsa wood, which is a hardwood, is softer than most softwoods, whereas thelongleaf pine,Douglas fir, andyew softwoods are much harder than several hardwoods.[citation needed]
Several specific natural, macroscopic and microscopic features of wood are used in the identification process of a softwood species.[5]
Softwoods are generally most used by the construction industry and are also used to producepaper pulp, and card products.[6] In many of these applications, there is a constant need for density and thickness monitoring and gamma-ray sensors have shown good performance in this case.[7]
Certain species of softwood are more resistant to insect attack fromwoodworm, as certain insects prefer damp hardwood.
Softwood is the source of about 80% of the world's production oftimber,[10] with traditional centres of production being theBaltic region (includingScandinavia andRussia),North America and China. Softwood is typically used in construction as structural carcassing timber, as well as finishing timber.