TheSinti (masc. sing.Sinto; fem. sing.Sintetsa, Sinta) are a subgroup of theRomani people.[3][4][5] They are found mostly in Germany, France, Italy andCentral Europe, numbering some 200,000 people.[1][a][7] They were traditionallyitinerant, but today only a small percentage of Sinti remain unsettled. In earlier times, they frequently lived on the outskirts of communities.
The origin of the Sinti people, as with the broader Romani people, lies generally in theIndian subcontinent. While people from the western Indian subcontinent'sSindh region were mentioned in 1100 byAhmad ibn Muhammad al-Maydani, it is unclear whether theSindhi people were the ancestors of modern Sinti, though it is clear that Sinti and other Romani people originated in the northern Indian subcontinent.[8][b]
The origin of the name is disputed.[c] Scholar Jan Kochanowski, and many Sinti themselves, believe it derives fromSindhi, the name of the people ofSindh inmedieval India (a region now in southeastPakistan).[8][11] Romani HistorianIan Hancock states that the connection betweenSinti andSindhi is not tenable on linguistic grounds and that in the earliest samples of Sinte Romani, the endonym ofKale was used instead.[4]
ScholarYaron Matras argued thatSinti is a later term in use by the Sinti from only the 18th century on, and is likely a European loanword.[d][11] This view is shared by Romani linguistRonald Lee, who stated the name's origin probably lies in the German wordReisende, meaning 'travellers'.[12]
A recent study by Estonian and Indian researchers found genetic similarities between European Romani men and Indian men in their sample.[13]
The Sinti arrived inAustria andGermany in theLate Middle Ages as part of the emigration from theIndian Subcontinent,[14] eventually splitting into two groups:Eftavagarja ("the Seven Caravans") andEstraxarja ("from Austria").[15][16] They arrived in Germany before 1540.[17] The two groups expanded, the Eftavagarja intoFrance andPortugal, where they are called "Manouches", and to theBalkans, where they are called "Ciganos" (from Byzantine Greek "τσιγγάνος" and "Ἀτσίγγανος", deriving from Ancient Greek "ἀθίγγανος", meaning "untouchable"[e][f]); and the Estraxarja intoItaly andCentral Europe, mainly what are nowCroatia,Slovenia,Hungary,Romania, theCzech Republic andSlovakia, eventually adopting various regional names.[16]
From 1926-1973,Pro Juventute, a Swiss children's charity, with the support of Swiss authorities, committed crimes against humanity against theYenish,Manouche, andSinti people in Switzerland by forcibly removing children from their families and placing them in foster homes, adoptive families, and correctional institutions through theKinder der Landstrasse (Children of the Open Road) project. This was part of a wider effort to forcibly assimilate these traditionally nomadic communities into the sedentary Swiss society. In February 2025, the Swiss government formally acknowledged that the forced removals and assimilation efforts constitute a crime against humanity under international law.[18]
The Sinti migrated to Germany in the early 15th century. Despite their long presence, they were still generally regarded as beggars and thieves, and, by 1899, the police kept a central register on Sinti, Roma, andYenish peoples.Nazi Germany considered them racially inferior (seeNazism and race), and persecuted them throughout Germany during the Nazi period – theNuremberg Laws of 1935 often being interpreted to apply to them as well as the Jews.[19]
Adolf Eichmann recommended that Nazi Germany solve the "Gypsy Question" simultaneously with theJewish Question, resulting in the deportation of the Sinti to clear room to build homes for ethnic Germans.[20] Some were sent to the territory ofPoland, or elsewhere, including some deported to the territory ofYugoslavia by theHamburg Police in 1939.[21] Others were confined to designated areas, and many were eventually murdered in gas chambers.[22] Many Sinti and Roma were taken toAuschwitz-Birkenau, where they were put in a special section, called the "gypsy camp".Josef Mengele often performed some of his infamous experiments on Sinti and Roma. On 2 August 1944, the "gypsy camp" was closed, and approximately 4,000 Sinti and Roma were gassed during the night of 2–3 August and burnt in the crematoria. The date 2 August is commemorated as Roma and Sinti Holocaust Remembrance Day.[23]
Memorial inNuremberg opposite Frauentorgraben 49, where on 15 September 1935 theNuremberg Laws were adopted in the ballroom of the Industrial & Cultural Association clubhouse
In theconcentration camps, the Sinti were forced to wear either a black triangle, indicating their classification as "asocial", or a brown triangle,[24] specifically reserved for Sinti, Roma, andYenish peoples.
^"Individual groups can be classified into major metagroups: the Roma of East European extraction; the Sinti in Germany and Manouches in France and Catalonia; the Kaló in Spain, Ciganos in Portugal and Gitans of southern France; and the Romanichals of Britain." – Kalaydjieva, Gresham, & Calarell 2001[6]
^"The ancestors of today's 12 to 15 million Roma came from India about 1,000 years ago, and their descendants eventually migrated to six continents. The Romanic language language is most closely related to Punjabi and Hindi and is still spoken by millions of Roma and Sinti (Romani people of Central Europe)." – Sturman 2019[9][volume needed][page needed]
^"Already in 18th and 19th century scholarly discussions, the name 'Sinti' was associated occasionally with that of the Indian province of Sindh. There is, in fact, no connection at all. The word 'Sinti' has the inflection typical of a European loanword in Romani, and cannot have been part of the original Indian vocabulary of the language. The fact that it is found solely among Romani speakers in Germany and neighboring regions and only more recent sources, suggests that it is a later borrowing into this specific dialect of Romanic, and was not part of the language in pre-European times. " – Stauber & Vago 2007[10][page needed]
^"[U]p to the late 18th century the Sinti referred to themselves as ‘Kale’ (lit. ‘blacks’). The term ‘Sinti’ or ‘Sinte’ (see below) may be found in 18th and 19th century linguistic documentation alongside ‘Kale,’ and appears to have been borrowed from the secret vocabulary of the Yenish travelers, perhaps because of its usefulness in concealing ethnic identity. Only toward the late 19th century does the self-appellation ‘Sinti’ replace ‘Kale’ entirely in Germany." – Margalit & Matras 2007[5]
^ The dictionary definition ofτσιγγάνος at Wiktionary
^abcGrimes, Barbara F. (2003). "Central Indo-Aryan Languages". In Frawley, William (ed.).Romani, Sinte.International Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Vol. 1 (2nd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. p. 294.ISBN978-0-19-513977-8.OCLC51478240 – via Internet Archive.
^Sturman, Janet Lynn, ed. (2019).The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Music and Culture. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications.ISBN978-1-5063-5337-1.OCLC1090239829.
^Shapiro, Paul A.; Ehrenreich, Robert M. (2002).Roma and Sinti: under-studied victims of Nazism: symposium proceedings. Washington, D.C.: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies. p. 24.OCLC1410465443.
Zimmermann, Michael (1996).Rassenutopie und Genozid. Die Nationalsozialistische Lösung der Zigeunerfrage (in German). Hamburg: Christians.ISBN978-3767212701.
Reemtsma, Katrin (1996).Sinti und Roma: Geschichte, Kultur, Gegenwart [Sinti and Roma: History, Culture, Present] (in German). München: C.H. Beck.OCLC1330614109.
Winter, Walter Stanoski (2014).Winter Time: Memoirs of a German Who Survived Auschwitz. Translated by Robertson, Struan. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press.ISBN978-1-902806-38-9.OCLC1132299807.