His predecessor,Ataulf, had been mortally wounded in his stables at the palace ofBarcelona by an assassin. The assassin was probably a loyal servant ofSarus, aGothic noble and personal enemy whom Ataulf had earlier slain. At Ataulf's death, Sarus' faction, theAmali, violated the Gothic tradition of succession by immediately making Sigeric, the brother of Sarus, king.
After becoming the king, Sigeric murdered Ataulf's children by his first wife. He also forcedGalla Placidia, widow to Ataulf and daughter of Roman EmperorTheodosius I and sister to EmperorHonorius to walk more than twelve miles on foot among the crowd of captives driven ahead of the mounted Sigeric. On the seventh day after his accession, Sigeric was assassinated and replaced him with Ataulf's relative,Wallia.[1]
Because Sigeric was an Amali, a member of a rival clan-based subgroup among the Visigoths to the Balti (of which Ataulf and Wallia were part), Sigeric is the only one who does not belong in the succession of kings usually labeled theBalti dynasty, if the kingship is defined by Balti dynastic connections. Due to this, as well as to the fact that his reign was a usurpation, and brief, Sigeric does not appear on some Visigothic king lists.
Henry Bradley,The Goths: from the Earliest Times to the End of the Gothic Dominion in Spain. Second edition, 1883, New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, chapter 11.