Rabbinic literature | ||||||||||||
![]() Talmud Readers byAdolf Behrman | ||||||||||||
Talmudic literature | ||||||||||||
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Halakhic Midrash | ||||||||||||
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Aggadic Midrash | ||||||||||||
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Targum | ||||||||||||
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Sifre (Hebrew:סִפְרֵי;siphrēy,Sifre, Sifrei, also,Sifre debe Rab orSifre Rabbah) refers to either of two works ofMidrash halakha, or classical Jewish legalbiblical exegesis, based on the biblical books ofNumbers andDeuteronomy.
The titleSifre debe Rav (lit. "the books of the school ofAbba Arikha") is used byChananel ben Chushiel,[1]Isaac Alfasi,[2] andRashi;[3] it occurs likewise inMakkot 9b.[4]
The 8th century author ofHalachot Gedolot names four "exegetical books belonging to the Scribes" (Heb.Midrash sofrim) and which, in all appearances, seem to refer to "Sifre debe Rav" and which comprised the following compositions: 1)Genesis Rabbah 2)Mekhilta of Rabbi Shimon ben Yochai (onExodus), 3)Sifrei (on Numbers) and 4)Sifrei (on Deuteronomy).[5]
Regarding the reference inSanhedrin 86a to the Sifre of Rabbi Simeon, seeMekhilta of Rabbi Shimon ben Yochai; the question has likewise been raised whether, given the well-known close relation that existed between the school ofShimon bar Yochai and that ofRabbi Ishmael,[6] the words וכלהו אליבא דר"ע apply to Rabbi Simeon's Sifre in the same degree as to the other works mentioned in thisTalmudic passage.[7]
Such questions, however, are unimportant in reference to the Sifre now extant; for this work is certainly not identical with the Talmudic Sifre; and, on closer investigation, it is found to be not a uniform work, but one composed of parts which did not originally belong together.Zecharias Frankel[8] drew attention to the difference between that portion of the Sifre which refers to Numbers and that which refers to Deuteronomy, although, curiously enough, he misunderstood this difference and consequently arrived at false conclusions.David Hoffmann has correctly defined the relation between the two in hisZur Einleitung in die Halachischen Midraschim.[9]
Rabbinical eras |
The Sifre to Numbers is evidently amidrash which originated in Rabbi Ishmael's school, and which has all the characteristics of such a work. It follows the same principles of exposition as does theMekhilta; the same group oftannaim appears, and the same technical terms are employed.[10] There are also many material points of similarity with the Mekhilta.[11] Theaggadic portions likewise contain many parallel passages.[12]
It is especially noteworthy that the explanation in Sifre[13] of thesotah law corresponds with a view expressed by Rabbi Ishmael (and also with the prescribedhalakha), that one witness being sufficient to convict, theordeal of the bitter water is not necessary. The explanation given in the Sifre to Numbers thus contradicts the explanation inSoṭah 31a and in Sifre,Deut. 188. The view expressed in theBabylonian Talmud[14] is curious, for it cites the explanation of the Sifre to Numbers, and adds thereto:ואמר רחמנא תרי לית בה אלא חד והיא לא נתפשה אסורה, whereas the deduction should read to the contrary,תרי לית בה אלא חד היתה שותה. The Babylonian Talmud, which evidently does not know Rabbi Ishmael's view, tries to interpret thebaraita in the sense of the prescribedhalakha. But thebaraita must in fact be interpreted in the opposite sense, namely, as following the view of Rabbi Ishmael, who, because עד always implies "two," as appears fromJerusalem Talmud Soṭah 20d, demands also in the case of a woman charged with adultery two witnesses of the alleged crime.
The passage introduced by the phraseסתם ספרי (Sifre 161) = "an anonymous Sifre," likewise echoes Rabbi Ishmael's views; and the same is true of Sifre 21 as compared with Sifre 7. The beginning of Sifre 7 appears to be, strangely enough, an anonymoushalakha expressing the opposite opinion,[15] though this also may at need be harmonized with Rabbi Ishmael's view. Sifre 39 likewise follows Rabbi Ishmael's view, according toHullin 49a. These and other less cogent reasons seem to indicate that the Sifre to Numbers originated in Rabbi Ishmael's school, although this does not exclude the assumption that the editor in addition borrowed much fromShimon bar Yochai's midrash[16] and other less-known midrashim.
Among thetannaim appearing in the Sifre to Numbers are:
The Sifre to Deuteronomy is of an entirely different nature. The main portion (Nos. 53-303),halakhic in character, is preceded and followed byaggadic parts, and it has all the characteristics of a midrash from the school of Rabbi Akiva. The principles underlying the exposition are the same as those inSifra. The termmufneh in the application of the principlegezerah shavah occurs only once, and is to be regarded as a later addition. The technical terms are largely the same in both midrashim, different terms being found only here and there in the Sifre. Moreover, the group oftannaim is different from that of theMekhilta le-Sefer Devarim (Mekhilta to Deuteronomy). Those frequently mentioned in the latter (Rabbi Josiah, Rabbi Jonathan, Nathan the Babylonian, and Rabbi Isaac) are mentioned rarely in the Sifre; and even then their names are evidently later additions. Many passages quoted as being anonymous correspond withRabbi Akiva's views.[17]
Similarly, somehalakhic differences between the Sifre and the Mekhilta may be pointed out.[18] All these points indicate that the Sifre to Deuteronomy originated in Rabbi Akiva's school; and, as several anonymous passages may be cited to express the views of Shimon bar Yochai, this midrash may with a fair degree of certainty be ascribed to him. Such anonymous passages are found in Sifre 72–74, several sections of whichMakkot 17a identifies as Shimon bar Yochai's interpretations. The same appears to be the case in Sifre 94, compared withSanhedrin 112a; ib. 103 withKiddushin 57a; ib. 121 with Sanhedrin 46b. Sifre 166, and perhaps also 165, likewise correspond with Shimon bar Yochai's views;[19] while in Sifre 303 the explanation of לא בערתי ממנו בטמא, and the omission of בכורים, also imply an agreement therewith.[20]
There are, however, some exceptions to the rule.[21] Sifre 230 likewise contradicts Shimon bar Yochai's view, according toKil'ayim 7:7. But, since it has not been claimed that the Sifre to Deuteronomy represents Shimon bar Yochai's midrash in its original form, these few exceptions prove nothing. The editor certainly drew upon other midrashic works besides Shimon bar Yochai's midrash, especially upon that of Rabbi Ishmael, as appears from a comparison with the Mekhilta to Deuteronomy,[22] as well as from the fact that several passages introduced by תנא [דבי] ר"י occur in the Sifre.[23]
Sifre 107, however, by no means corresponds with the passage תני ר"י inJerusalem TalmudEruvin 20c,[24] but rather expresses the opposite view. Sifre, Deut. 171, s.v. ד"א, corresponds perhaps withMegillah 25a, s.v. תנא דבי ר"י ; and Sifre 104 with the view of Rabbi Ishmael inMek.,Mishpaṭim, 201, according to the correct reading ofYalkut Shimoni, which has ר"י instead of ר"ש. It thus appears that the editor introduces the midrashim from Rabbi Ishmael's midrash with the phrase ד"א. David Hoffmann[25] concludes fromPesachim 68a and 71a that the editors of the Babylonian Talmud possessed the Sifre in another edition than the present one, which he takes to be a Palestinian edition. But the former passage indicates merely that theAmoraim occasionally had not memorized thebaraitot perfectly, an instance of inaccuracy with regard to the Sifre being evident in Hullin 74a.[26]
The final redaction of the Sifre must have been undertaken in the time of theAmoraim, since some of them, e.g.,Rabbai Bannai and RabbiJose ben Ḥanina, are mentioned therein. Both the Sifre to Numbers and that to Deuteronomy are divided into sections.
It may be said in general of the Sifre to Numbers and also of that to Deuteronomy that they are defective in many passages, and that theAmoraim probably possessed more trustworthy copies.[27] EvenRashi and theLekach Tov quote from the Sifre passages which are no longer extant.[28] While the middle,halakhic portion of the Sifre to Deuteronomy belongs toAkiva's school, theaggadic portions preceding and following it seem to come from works ofR. Ishmael's school. This appears clearly in the first part, which shows many formal and material similarities with theMekhilta. In regard to the latter portion, it may be said that Sifre, Deut. 344 reproduces R. Ishmael's view on the question at issue.[29] As for thehalakhic midrash, it may be said that, in contradistinction to the aggadic part, the collector used, aside fromR. Ishmael's midrash, that ofR. Simeon.[30]
The Christian polemicistRaymundus Martini in the 13th century claimed in hisPugio Fidei that Sifre contained the following passage, which is however not present in any modern copy:[31]
Go and learn the merit of Messiah the King, and the reward of the righteous from the first Adam, on whom was laid only one commandment of a prohibitive character, and he transgressed it. See how many deaths were appointed on him, and on his generations, and on the generations of his generations to the end of all generations. But which attribute is the greater - the attribute of goodness or the attribute of punishment (retribution)? He answered, the attribute of goodness is the greater, and the attribute of punishment the less. And Messiah the King, who was chastened and suffered for the transgressors, as it is said, “He was wounded for our transgressions,” and so on, how much more shall he justify (make righteous, by his merit) all generations; and this is what is meant when it is written, “And Jehovah made to meet upon him the sin of us all."
The earliest extant edition of the Sifre is that ofVenice, 1545. Other editions are:Hamburg, 1789;Sulzbach, 1802; with commentary byDavid Pardo,Salonica, 1804; with commentary byAbraham Lichtstein (זרא אברהם), part i.,Dyhernfurth, 1811; part ii.,Radwill, 1820; ed. Friedmann, Vienna, 1864.
A Latin translation of the Sifre is found inBiagio Ugolini,Thesaurus, vol. xv. A modern English translation is that ofJacob Neusner,Sifre to Numbers (1986) andSifre to Deuteronomy (1987).Reuven Hammer translated the sections related to Deutoronomy in "Sifre: A Tannaitic Commentary on the Book of Deuteronomy" (1987). A recent English translation was published by Marty Jaffee, and can be read online.[32]
This article incorporates text from a publication now in thepublic domain: Singer, Isidore; et al., eds. (1901–1906)."SIFRE".The Jewish Encyclopedia. New York: Funk & Wagnalls. It has the following bibliography: