Shilhaha (Elamitesi-il-ha-ha, orshi-il-ha-ha,mshi-il-ha-ha, cf. middle-Elamiteshilha ‘strong’[1]) was anElamite ruler of the 20th century BC (Middle Chronology). He was first to be attested as sukkalmah in Elam,[2] effectively founding theSukkalmah Dynasty. At least 11 rulers of this dynasty used the phrase “descendant of Šilhaha” (ruhušak) in their titles as evidence of their legitimacy.[2] Inscriptions on a bronze “gunagi” vessel[3] and on Atta-Hušu cylindroid[4] show that he was contemporary ofEbarat II, one of the last kings ofShimashki.
^Desset, François (2018)."Nine Linear Elamite Texts Inscribed on Silver "Gunagi" Vessels (X, Y, Z, F', H', I', J', K' and L'): New Data on Linear Elamite Writing and the History of the Sukkalmaḫ Dynasty".
^Mofidi-Nasrabadi, B. (2009)."Aspekte der Herrschaft und der Herrscherdarstellungen in Elam im 2. Jt. v.". Ugarit Verlag, Münster.
Potts, D. T., The Archaeology of Elam, Cambridge University Press, 2016.
Katrien De Graef (2012). "Dual power in Susa: Chronicle of a transitional period from Ur III via Šimaški to the Sukkalmas." Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 75, pp 525–546