Seville has a municipal population of about 701,000 as of 2022[update], and ametropolitan population of about 1.5 million, making it the largest city in Andalusia, thefourth-largest city in Spain. Itsold town, with an area of 4 square kilometres (2 sq mi), contains aUNESCOWorld Heritage Site comprising three buildings: theAlcázar palace complex, theCathedral and theGeneral Archive of the Indies. The Seville harbour, located about 80 kilometres (50 miles) from the Atlantic Ocean, is the only river port in Spain.[3] The capital of Andalusia features hot temperatures in the summer, with daily maximums routinely above 35 °C (95 °F) in July and August.
Seville was founded as theRoman city ofHispalis. Known asIshbiliyah after theIslamic conquest in 711, Seville became the centre of the independentTaifa of Seville following the collapse of theCaliphate of Córdoba in the early 11th century; later it was ruled byAlmoravids andAlmohads until being incorporated to theCrown of Castile in 1248.[4] Owing to its role as gateway of theSpanish Empire's trans-atlantic trade, managed from theCasa de Contratación, Seville became one of the largest cities in Western Europe in the 16th century. Following a deterioration in drought conditions in the Guadalquivir, the American trade gradually moved away from the city of Seville, in favour initially of downstream-dependent berths and eventually of theBay of Cádiz – to which were eventually transferred control of both thefleets of the Indies (1680) and theCasa de Contratación (1717).[5]
According to Manuel Pellicer Catalán, the name "Sevilla" derives from the ancient nameSpal, meaning "lowland" in thePhoenician language (cognate to the HebrewShfela and the ArabicAsfalأسفل).[6][7] It is ultimately from Phoeniciansefela, meaning "plain, valley."[8]Hisbaal is another old name for Seville. It appears to have originated during thePhoenician colonisation of theTartessian culture in south-western Iberia, and according to a new proposal, it refers to the godBaal.[9]
DuringRoman rule, the name was Latinised asHispal and later asHispalis. After theUmayyad invasion, this name remained in use among theMozarabs,[10] being adapted into Arabic asIšbīliya (إشبيلية): since the /p/phoneme does not exist in Arabic, it was replaced by /b/; the Latin place-name suffix-is was Arabized as-iya, anda/æ/ turned intoī/iː/ due to the phonetic phenomenon calledimāla.[11]
In the meantime, the city's official name had been changed toḤimṣ al-Andalus (حمص الأندلس), in reference to the city ofHoms in modern Syria,the jund of which Seville had been assigned to upon the Umayyad conquest;[12][13][10][14] "Ḥimṣ al-Andalus" remained a customary and affectionate name for the city during the whole period throughout the Muslim Arab world,[10][15][16] being referred to for example in the encyclopedia ofYaqut al-Hamawi[17] or inAbu al-Baqa ar-Rundi'sRitha' al-Andalus.[18]
The city is sometimes referred to as the "Pearl of Andalusia".
The inhabitants of the city are known assevillanos (feminine form:sevillanas) orhispalenses, after the Roman name of the city.
NO8DO is the official motto of Seville, popularly believed to be arebus signifying the SpanishNo me ha dejado, meaning "She [Seville] has not abandoned me". The phrase, pronounced withsynalepha as[nomaðeˈxaðo] no-madeja-do, is written with an eight in the middle representing the wordmadeja[maˈðexa] "skein [of wool]". Legend states that the title was given by KingAlfonso X, who was resident in the city'sAlcázar and supported by the citizens when his son, laterSancho IV of Castile, tried to usurp the throne from him.
The emblem is present on Seville's municipal flag, and features on city property such as manhole covers, andChristopher Columbus's tomb in the cathedral.
Seville is approximately 2,200 years old. The passage of the various civilizations instrumental in its growth has left the city with a distinct personality, and a large and well-preserved historical centre.
The mythological founder of the city is Hercules (Heracles), commonly identified with the Phoenician godMelqart, who the myth says sailed through theStrait of Gibraltar to the Atlantic, and founded trading posts at the current sites ofCádiz and of Seville.[19] The original core of the city, in the neighbourhood of the present-day street, Cuesta del Rosario, dates to the 8th century BC,[20] when Seville was on an island in theGuadalquivir.[21] Archaeological excavations in 1999 found anthropic remains under the north wall of the Real Alcázar dating to the 8th–7th century BC.[22] The town was calledHisbaal by the Phoenicians and by the Tartessians, the indigenous pre-Roman Iberian people ofTartessos, who controlled the Guadalquivir Valley at the time.
The city was known fromRoman times asHispal and later asHispalis. Hispalis developed into one of the great market and industrial centres of Hispania, while the nearby Roman city ofItalica (present-daySantiponce, birthplace of the Roman emperorsTrajan andHadrian)[23] remained a typically Roman residential city. Large-scale Roman archaeological remains can be seen there and at the nearby town ofCarmona as well.
Existing Roman features in Seville itself include the remains exposedin situ in the underground Antiquarium of theMetropol Parasol building, the remnants of anaqueduct, three pillars of atemple inMármoles Street, the columns ofLa Alameda de Hércules and the remains in the Patio de Banderas square near theSeville Cathedral. The walls surrounding the city were originally built during the rule ofJulius Caesar, but their current course and design were the result of Moorish reconstructions.[24]
Following Roman rule, there were successive conquests of the Roman province ofHispania Baetica by the GermanicVandals,Suebi andVisigoths during the 5th and 6th centuries.
Seville (Ishbīliya)was sacked by Vikings in the mid-9th century. After Vikings arrived by 25 September 844, Seville fell to invaders on 1 October, and they stood for 40 days before they fled from the city.[27] During Umayyad rule, under an Andalusi-Arab framework, the bulk of the population wereMuladi converts, to which Christian and Jewish minorities added up.[28] Up until the arrival of theAlmohads in the 12th century, the city remained as the see of a Metropolitan Archbishop,[29] the leading Christian religious figure in al-Andalus. However, the transfer of the relics ofSaint Isidore toLeón circa 1063, in the taifa period, already hinted at a possible worsening of the situation of the local Christian minority.[30]
The city fell to the Almohads on 17 January 1147 (12Shaʽban 541).[33][34] After an informal Almohad settlement in Seville during the early stages of the Almohad presence in the Iberian Peninsula and then a brief relocation of the capital of al-Andalus to Córdoba in 1162 (which had dire consequences for Seville, reportedly depopulated and under starvation),[35] Seville became the definitive seat of the Andalusi part of the Almohad Empire in 1163,[36][37] a twin capital alongsideMarrakesh. Almohads carried out a large urban renewal.[38] By the end of the 12th century, the walled enclosure perhaps contained 80,000 inhabitants.[39]
In the wider context of the Castilian–Leonese conquest of the Guadalquivir Valley that ensued in the 13th century,Ferdinand III laid siege on Seville in 1247. Anaval blockade came to prevent relief of the city.[40] The city surrendered on 23 November 1248,[41] after fifteen months of siege. The conditions of capitulation contemplated the eviction of the population, with contemporary sources seemingly confirming that a mass movement of people out of Seville indeed took place.[42]
The city's development continued after theCastilian conquest in 1248. Public buildings were constructed including churches—many of which were built in theMudéjar andGothic styles—such as the Seville Cathedral, built during the 15th century withGothic architecture.[43] Other Moorish buildings were converted into Catholic edifices, as was customary of the Catholic Church during theReconquista. The Moors' Palace became the Castilian royal residence, and duringPedro I's rule it was replaced by the Alcázar (the upper levels are still used by theSpanish royal family as the official Seville residence).
In the1391 pogrom against the Jews, all the synagogues in Seville were converted to churches (renamed Santa María la Blanca, San Bartolomé, Santa Cruz, and Convento Madre de Dios). The Jewish quarter's land and shops (which were located in modern-daySanta Cruz neighbourhood) were appropriated by the church and many Jewish homes were burned down. 4000 Jews were killed during the pogrom and many others wereforced to convert.
The first tribunal of theSpanish Inquisition was instituted in Seville in 1478. Its primary charge was to ensure that all nominal Christians were really behaving like Christians, and not practicing what Judaism they could in secret. At first, the activity of the Inquisition was limited to the dioceses ofSeville andCórdoba, where the Dominican friar, Alonso de Ojeda, had detectedconverso activity.[44] The firstAuto de Fé took place in Seville on 6 February 1481, when six people were burned alive. Alonso de Ojeda himself gave the sermon. The Inquisition then grew rapidly. The Plaza de San Francisco was the site of the 'autos de fé'. By 1492, tribunals existed in eight Castilian cities: Ávila, Córdoba, Jaén, Medina del Campo, Segovia, Sigüenza, Toledo, and Valladolid;[45] and by theAlhambra Decree all Jews wereforced to convert to Catholicism or be exiled (expelled) from Spain.[46]
Following theColumbian exploration of theNew World, Seville was chosen as headquarters of theCasa de Contratación in 1503, which was the decisive development for Seville becoming the port and gateway to the Indies.[47] Unlike other harbors, reaching the port of Seville required sailing about 80 kilometres (50 mi) up the River Guadalquivir. The choice of Seville was made in spite of the difficulties for navigation in the Guadalquivir stemming from the increasingtonnage of ships as a result of the relentless drive to make maritime transport cheaper during the late Middle Ages.[48] Nevertheless, technical suitability issues notwithstanding, the choice was still reasonable in the sense that Seville had become the largest demographic, economic and financial centre of Christian Andalusia in the late Middle Ages.[49] In addition, factors favouring the choice of Seville include the Andalusian coastline being largely under the seigneurial control of theHouse of Medina Sidonia, Seville enjoying an important hinterland and administrative expertise, and its inland location also providing conditions for military security and enforcement of tax control.[50]
A 'golden age of development' commenced in Seville, due to its being the only port awarded the royal monopoly for trade withSpanish Americas and the influx of riches from them. Since onlysailing ships leaving from and returning to the inland port of Seville could engage in trade with the Spanish Americas, merchants from Europe and other trade centers needed to be in Seville to acquire New World trade goods. The city's population grew to more than a hundred thousand people.[51]
Seville in the late 16th century,Museum of America, MadridAnonymous painting illustrating the effects of the 1649 plague
In the early 17th c., Seville's monopoly on overseas trade was broken, with the port ofCádiz now the monopoly port of trade assilting of the Guadalquivir river in the 1620s made Seville's harbors harder to use.[52][53] TheGreat Plague of Seville in 1649, exacerbated by excessive flooding of the Guadalquivir, reduced the population by almost half, and it did not recover until the early 19th century.[54][55] By the 18th century, Seville's international importance was in steep decline, after the monopoly port for the trade to the Americas was relocated to Cádiz. Cádiz had gifted the Bourbon claimant to the throne in theWar of the Spanish Succession funding that helped it pursue the war. The reward to Cádiz was the rights of the monopoly port. TheHouse of Trade (which registered ships, cargoes, and persons travelling to the New World), and the large scale overseas commercial enterprises of themerchant guild relocated to Cádiz. The House of Trade had been housed in rented quarters, but the purpose-built headquarters of the merchant guild was left vacant.[56]
During the monarchy ofCharles III, theArchive of the Indies was established in Seville in the old headquarters of the merchant guild. Documents pertaining to Spain's overseas empire were moved there from existing archival repositories, includingSimancas and the House of Trade, were consolidated in a single repository. One scholar argues that the establishment of the Archive of the Indies marks a decisive moment in Spain's history, with the 18th c. Bourbon monarchy conceiving of its overseas territories as colonies of the metropole rather than entities under the jurisdiction of the crown on an equal basis as the kingdoms in the Iberian peninsula.[57]
During the 18th century Charles III promoted Seville's industries. Construction of theReal Fábrica de Tabacos (Royal Tobacco Factory) began in 1728. It was the second-largest building in Spain, after the royal residenceEl Escorial.[citation needed] Since the 1950s it has been the seat of the rectorate (administration) of theUniversity of Seville, as well as its Schools of Law, Philology (language/letters), Geography, and History.[58]
The Torre del Oro and the harbor in the second half of the 19th century
Between 1825 and 1833, Melchor Cano acted as chief architect in Seville; most of the urban planning policy and architectural modifications of the city were made by him and his collaborator Jose Manuel Arjona y Cuba.[60]
Industrial architecture surviving today from the first half of the 19th century includes the ceramics factory installed in the Carthusian monastery at La Cartuja in 1841 by the Pickman family, and now home to the El Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo (CAAC),[61] which manages the collections of the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Sevilla.[62] It also houses the rectory of the UNIA.[63]
In the years that QueenIsabel II ruled directly, about 1843–1868, the Sevillian bourgeoisie invested in a construction boom unmatched in the city's history. TheIsabel II bridge, better known as the Triana bridge, dates from this period; street lighting was expanded in the municipality and most of the streets were paved during this time as well.[64]
By the second half of the 19th century, Seville had begun an expansion supported by railway construction and the demolition of part of its ancient walls, allowing the urban space of the city to grow eastward and southward. TheSevillana de Electricidad Company was created in 1894 to provide electric power throughout the municipality,[65] and in 1901 thePlaza de Armas railway station was inaugurated.
In 1929 the city hosted theIbero-American Exposition, which accelerated the southern expansion of the city and created new public spaces such as theParque de María Luisa (Maria Luisa Park) and the adjoiningPlaza de España. Not long before the opening, the Spanish government began a modernisation of the city in order to prepare for the expected crowds by erecting new hotels and widening the mediaeval streets to allow for the movement of automobiles.[66]
General Varela rallying military and civilians in Seville (September 1936)
Seville fell very quickly at the beginning of theSpanish Civil War in 1936. GeneralQueipo de Llano carried out a coup within the city, quickly capturing the city centre.[67] Radio Seville opposed the uprising and called for the peasants to come to the city for arms, while workers' groups established barricades.[67] Queipo then moved to capture Radio Seville, which he used to broadcast propaganda on behalf of the Francoist forces.[67] After the initial takeover of the city, resistance continued among residents of the working-class neighbourhoods for some time, until a series of fierce reprisals took place.[68]
UnderFrancisco Franco's rule Spain was officially neutral in World War II (although it did collaborate with theAxis powers),[69][70][71] and like the rest of the country, Seville remained largely economically and culturally isolated from the outside world. In 1953 the shipyard of Seville was opened, eventually employing more than 2,000 workers in the 1970s. Before the existence of wetlands regulation in the Guadalquivir basin, Seville suffered regular heavy flooding; perhaps worst of all were the floods that occurred in November 1961 when the River Tamarguillo, a tributary of the Guadalquivir, overflowed as a result of a prodigious downpour of rain, and Seville was consequently declared a disaster zone.[72]
Trade unionism in Seville began during the 1960s with the underground organisational activities of the Workers' Commissions or Comisiones Obreras (CCOO), in factories such as Hytasa, the Astilleros shipyards, Hispano Aviación, etc. Several of the movement's leaders were arrested in 1972, and later sentenced to prison in 1973.[73][74]
On 3 April 1979 Spain held its first democratic municipal elections after the end of Franco's dictatorship; councillors representing four different political parties were elected in Seville. On 5 November 1982,Pope John Paul II arrived in Seville to officiate at a Mass before more than half a million people at the fairgrounds. He visited the city again on 13 June 1993, for the International Eucharistic Congress.
In 1992, coinciding with the fifth centenary of theDiscovery of the Americas, theUniversal Exposition was held for six months in Seville, on the occasion of which the local communications network and urban infrastructure was greatly improved under a 1987PGOU plan launched by MayorManuel del Valle:[75] the SE-30 ring road around the city was completed and new highways were constructed; the newSeville-Santa Justa railway station had opened in 1991, while the Spanish High-Speed Rail system, theAlta Velocidad Española (AVE), began to operate between Madrid-Seville. TheSeville Airport was expanded with a new terminal building designed by the architectRafael Moneo, and various other improvements were made. TheAlamillo Bridge and theCentenario Bridge, both crossing over the Guadalquivir, also were built for the occasion. Some of the installations remaining at the site after the exposition were converted into the Scientific and Technological ParkCartuja 93.
In 2004 the Metropol Parasol project, commonly known asLas Setas ('The Mushrooms'), due to the appearance of the structure, was launched to revitalise thePlaza de la Encarnación, for years used as a car park and seen as a dead spot between more popular tourist destinations in the city. The Metropol Parasol was completed in March 2011,[76] costing just over €102 million in total, more than twice as much as originally planned.[77] Constructed from crossed wooden beams,Las Setas is said to be the largest timber-framed structure in the world.[78]
Seville has an area of 141 km2 (54 sq mi), according to the National Topographic Map(Mapa Topográfico Nacional) series from theInstituto Geográfico Nacional – Centro Nacional de Información Geográfica, the country's civilian survey organisation (pages 984, 985 and 1002). The city is situated in the fertile valley of the River Guadalquivir. The average heightabove sea level is 7 metres (23 feet). Most of the city is on the east side of the river, whileTriana,La Cartuja andLos Remedios are on the west side. TheAljarafe region lies further west, and is considered part of themetropolitan area. The city has boundaries on the north withLa Rinconada,La Algaba andSantiponce; on the east withAlcalá de Guadaira; on the south withDos Hermanas andGelves and on the west withSan Juan de Aznalfarache,Tomares andCamas.
Seville is on the sameparallel as United States west coast citySan Jose in central California.São Miguel, the main island of theAzores archipelago, lies on the same latitude. Further east from Seville in theMediterranean Basin, it is on the same latitude asCatania in Sicily, Italy and just south ofAthens, the capital ofGreece. Beyond that, it is located on the same parallel as South Korean capital,Seoul. Seville is located inland, not very far from the Andalusian coast, but still sees a much more continental climate than the nearest port cities,Cádiz andHuelva. Its distance from the sea makes summers in Sevilla much hotter than along the coastline.
Seville's climate is a veryhot-summer Mediterranean climate (Köppen climate classificationCsa), featuring very hot, long, dry summers and mild winters with moderate rainfall.[79] Seville has an annual average temperature of 19.6 °C (67 °F). The annual average temperature is 25.7 °C (78 °F) during the day and 13.3 °C (56 °F) at night.[80] Seville is located in theGuadalquivir Valley, which is often referred to as "the frying pan of Spain", as it features the hottest cities in the country.[81][82][83]
Seville is the warmest city inContinental Europe.[84] It is also the hottest major metropolitan area in Europe, with summer average high temperatures of above 36 °C (97 °F)[85] and the hottest in Spain.[86] After the city ofCórdoba (also in Andalusia), Seville has the hottest summer inEurope among all cities with a population over 100,000 people, with average daily highs above 36.0 °C (97 °F) in July and August.[87] On average, Seville has around 60 days a year with maximum temperatures over 35.0 °C (95.0 °F).[88]
Temperatures above 40 °C (104 °F) are not uncommon in summer. In fact, it became the first city in the world to name aheat wave, with a nickname "Zoe".[89] The hottest temperature extreme of 46.6 °C (116 °F) was registered by the weather station atSeville Airport on 23 July 1995 while the coldest temperature extreme of −5.5 °C (22 °F) was also registered by the airport weather station on 12 February 1956.[90] A historical record high (disputed) of 50.0 °C (122 °F) was recorded on 4 August 1881, according to theNOAA Satellite and Information Service.[91] There is an unaccredited record by the National Institute of Meteorology of 47.2 °C (117 °F) on 1 August during the2003 heat wave, according to a weather station (83910 LEZL) located in the southern part of Seville Airport, near the former US San Pablo Air Force Base. This temperature would be one of the highest ever recorded in Spain, yet it hasn't been officially confirmed.[92]
The average sunshine hours in Seville are approximately 3250-3300 per year. Snowfall is virtually unknown. Since the year 1500, only 10 snowfalls have been recorded/reported in Seville. During the 20th century, Seville registered just 2 snowfalls, the last one on 2 February 1954.[93][94]
Winters are mild: December and January are the coolest months, with average maximum temperatures around 16 to 17 °C (61 to 63 °F) and minimums of 6 to 7 °C (43 to 45 °F).
Summers are very hot: July and August are the hottest months, with average maximum temperatures around 36 to 37 °C (97 to 99 °F) and minimums of 20 to 21 °C (68 to 70 °F).
The average yearlyprecipitation is of 502 mm (19.8 in) and there are around 50 rainy days per year, with frequenttorrential rain. December is the wettest month, with an average rainfall around 80 millimetres (3.1 in).
Climate data forSeville Airport (1991-2020), extremes (1941–present)
Plenary meeting of the municipal council in theSeville's city hall, seat ofAyuntamiento.
Seville is amunicipality, the basic level of local government in Spain. TheAyuntamiento is the body charged with the municipal government and administration. The Plenary of theayuntamiento is formed by 31 elected municipal councillors, who in turn invest themayor. Thelast municipal election took place on 28 May 2023. The current mayor isJosé Luis Sanz (People's Party), who has held the post since 17 June 2023.
Seville is a big tourist centre in Spain. In 2018, there were over 2.5-million travellers and tourists who stayed at a tourist accommodation, placing it third in Spain after Madrid and Barcelona. The city has an overall low level of seasonality, so there are tourists year-round.[99] There are many landmarks, museums, parks, gardens and other kinds of tourist spots around the city so there is something for everyone. The Alcázar, the cathedral, and theGeneral Archive of the Indies are UNESCOWorld Heritage Sites.
Many of the city's most important sights and monuments are located in the historic centre (Casco Antiguo). To the north of the centre is the Macarena neighbourhood, which contains some important monuments and religious buildings, such as the Museum and Catholic Church ofLa Macarena or theHospital de las Cinco Llagas. Across the river, on the west bank of the Guadalquivir, the neighbourhood of Triana had an important role in the history of the city.
TheGiralda, originally built by theAlmohads as a minaret to the Great Mosque of Seville, is now the bell tower of the cathedral.
The Seville Cathedral, officially the Cathedral of Saint Mary of the See, is considered the largest Gothic cathedral in the world and one of the largest cathedrals in the world.[100][101][102] Incorporating parts of the city's former main mosque that was built under the Almohads in the 12th century, the current building is a massive Gothic structure begun after 1401 and finished in 1506, with additional reconstruction occurring between 1511 and 1519.[103] The church contains a number of important tombs, including one of the two claimed burial places of Christopher Columbus,[104] as well as many important artworks, including the largestretable (altarpiece) in Spain.[103] A number of later additions, mostly inPlateresque orRenaissance style, were added around the outside of the Gothic structure after its initial construction.[103]
One of the city's most prominent landmarks is the cathedral's bell tower, theGiralda, formerly the minaret of the Almohad mosque. The minaret's main shaft is a little over 50 meters tall. The tower was further heightened in the 16th century by the addition of a large Renaissance-stylebelfry, which brings its total height to around 95 or 96 meters.[105][106] The top of the tower is crowned by theGiraldillo, a cast bronzeweather vane sculpture, from which the name "Giralda" is derived.[106]
To the south of the cathedral, the Alcázar is a sprawling palace and garden complex which served as the city's center of power. The site was occupied since ancient times but was located outside the Roman city walls.[109] The current palace complex was founded in the 10th century as a governor's palace, then expanded in the 11th century when it became the palace of the Abbadid rulers. Some limited parts of the palace still date from its 12th-century expansion under Almohad rule, but most of the site was redeveloped after the Christian conquest of the city in the 13th century. A major construction campaign took place in the 1360s under Pedro I, who constructed a new palace in Mudéjar style, aided in part by craftsmen from Granada. Richly-decorated chambers and courtyards date from this period, such as thePatio de las Doncellas and theSalón de Embajadores.[109][110] Further additions took place under theCatholic Monarchs in Renaissance style, which continued under theHabsburgs. The extensive gardens were also redesigned in this style and then further developed in the 17th century.[103] The palace has been used as a filming location for various productions, includingGame of Thrones.[111]
TheArchbishop's Palace stands over the site of the formerRoman baths of the city. The property was originally donated by Ferdinand III to Bishop Don Remondo in 1251, but the current building was built in the second half of the 16th century, followed by later additions. Its Baroque doorway was completed in 1704 by Lorenzo Fernándes de Iglesias.[112]
A number of other houses and wealthy mansions have been preserved across the city since the 16th century.[113] Among the most famous is theCasa de Pilatos ('House of Pilate'), an aristocratic mansion blending multiple architectural styles. The house, bought by the Enriquez de Ribera family in 1483,[114] has a typical courtyard plan but mixes olderIsabelline and Mudéjar decoration with later Renaissance elements.[115] After Don Fadrique Enriquez de Ribera returned from a pilgrimage to Jerusalem in 1520, he commissioned a stoneportal at the entrance of the family mansion. The portal became the starting point for theVia Crucis to the Cruz del Campo, and later writers claimed it was modeled on the doorway of the house ofPontius Pilate in the Holy Land, thus earning the house its current name.[115][114]
Thecity walls of Seville were first built in ancient times on the orders ofJulius Caesar.[117] After the Viking attack on the city in 844, the walls were rebuilt on the orders ofAbd ar-Rahman II. They were expanded under the Almoravids in 1126 and in 1221 the Almohads added a moat and a second outer line of walls. Most of the walls were demolished after 1861 to reduce restrictions on urban development, but a significant portion of the northern walls can still be seen today.[117]
TheTorre del Oro is an Almohad defensive tower dating to 1220–1221. The tower was integrated into the city's defensive system and protected the city's harbour, along with another tower across the river. Between the bases of the two towers a chain could be raised to block ships and prevent entry into the port.[118]
The 16th-century Plateresque façade of theCity Hall
TheCity Hall (Ayuntamiento) was begun by architectDiego de Riaño, who worked on it between 1527 and 1534 and designed the eastern façade onPlaza de San Francisco, a highlight of the Plateresque style.[119][120] He was succeeded by other architects, includingHernan Ruiz II after 1560, who added a double-archedloggia on the western façade.[120] The Royal Prison originally stood nearby, where Cervantes was imprisoned and where it is believed he was inspired to writeDon Quixote.[120] In 1840, the nearby Convent of San Francisco was demolished and replaced by the present-dayPlaza Nueva in 1854. After this, the city hall's was partly remodeled by Demetrio de los Ríos and Balbino Marrón. It was given a new western façade inNeoclassical style, completed in 1867.[120][121]
The General Archive of the Indies (Archivo General de Indias), located between the Cathedral and the Alcázar, is the repository of valuable archival documents relating to the Spanish Empire in the Americas and the Philippines up to 1760.[122] The building itself was designed in aSpanish Renaissance style in 1572 byJuan de Herrera to house the merchants' guild. Construction began in the 1580s and was not finished until 1646. The building was converted into the new Archive of the Indies in 1785.[123]
ThePalacio de San Telmo was originally a naval college established in 1671. Between 1722 and 1735 the building was completed by Leonardo de Figueroa and his son Matías, who designed its present-day façade, one of the most important monuments of Baroque architecture in Andalusia.[108] The building now serves as the seat for theAndalusian Autonomous Government.[124]
TheRoyal Tobacco Factory (Real Fábrica de Tabacos), located near the Palacio de San Telmo, was built between 1728 and 1771. It was designed in a Baroque style by Sebastian van der Borcht.[108] It replaced an earliertobacco factory built in 1687, which in turn had replaced Seville's first tobacco factory, San Pedro, which opened in a former women's penitentiary in 1620.[125] Upon completion, the new factory was the largest industrial building in the world and included its own chapel and its own prison, and operated under its own laws.[125]
The city'sbullring, theReal Maestranza, was designed in 1761 by Vicente San Martin. Its Baroque façade was completed in 1787 but the rest of the building was only completed in 1881.[126] The venue can accommodate 14,000 spectators.[127]
The Metropol Parasol, inLa Encarnación square, is the world's largest wooden structure.[128] A monumental umbrella-like building designed by the German architectJürgen Mayer, finished in 2011. This modern architecture structure houses the central market and an underground archaeological complex. The terrace roof is a city viewpoint.[129]
The sprawlingParque de María Luisa (María Luisa Park) was designed by architect Aníbal González for the 1929 Ibero-American Exposition. The park includes two major plazas, thePlaza de España and thePlaza de América, and several monuments and museums. They include outstanding examples of regionalistRevival architecture, a mix ofNeo-Mudéjar andNeo-Renaissance, lavishly ornamented with typical glazed tiles.[130][131]
At the park's north end, the semi-circularPlaza de España is marked by tall towers and a series of benches covered in painted tiles dedicated to each of the 48provinces of Spain.[130] The location has been used in the filming of several movies.[132]
At the southern end of the park, thePlaza de América is flanked by three structures emulating different historical styles: the Royal Pavilion has Gothic features, the Mudéjar Pavilion has a Mudéjar style, and theBellas Artes Pavilion has a Renaissance style. The two latter pavilions are each used as museums today.[133][130]
The most important art collection of Seville is the Museum of Fine Arts of Seville. It was established in 1835 in the former Convent ofLa Merced. It holds many masterworks byMurillo,Pacheco,Zurbarán,Valdés Leal, and others masters of the Baroque Sevillian School, containing also Flemish paintings of the 15th and 16th centuries.
TheArcheological Museum of Seville, which contains collections from theTartessian, Roman, Almohad, and Christian periods. It is located atPlazaAmérica inParque de María Luisa.
TheBullfighting Museum, in the Maestranza bullring.
The Palace of the Countess of Lebrija, a private collection that contains many of the mosaic floors discovered in the nearby Roman town of Italica.
TheCentroVelázquez (Velázquez Centre) located at the Old Priests Hospital in the touristic Santa Cruz neighbourhood.
TheAntiquarium in Metropol Parasol, an underground museum which is composed of the most important archaeological site of the ancient Roman stage of Seville and remains preserved.
TheCastillo de San Jorge (Castle of St. George) is situated near the Triana market, next to the Isabel II bridge. It was the last seat for the Spanish Inquisition.
The Museum and Treasure ofLa Macarena, where the collection of theMacarena brotherhood is exhibited. This exhibition gives visitors an accurate impression of Seville'sHoly Week.
La Casa de la Ciencia (The House of Science), a science centre and museum opposite the María Luisa Park.
Museum of Pottery in Triana.
Pabellon de la Navegación (Pavilion of Navigation).
In addition to the large Parque de María Luisa, the city contains other parks and gardens, including:
The Alcázar Gardens, within the grounds of the Alcázar palace, consist of several sectors developed in different historical styles.
The Gardens of Murillo and the Gardens of Catalina de Ribera, both along and outside the south wall of the Alcázar, lie next to the Santa Cruz quarter.
TheParque del Alamillo y San Jerónimo, the largest park in Andalusia, was originally built forSeville Expo '92 to reproduce the Andalusian native flora. It lines both Guadalquivir shores around theSan Jerónimomeander. The 32-metres-high bronze sculpture,The Birth of a New Man (popularly known as Columbus's Egg,el Huevo de Colón), by the Georgian sculptorZurab Tsereteli,[134] is located in its northwestern sector.
The American Garden, also completed for Expo '92, is inLa Cartuja. It is a public botanical garden, with a representative collection of American plants donated by different countries on the occasion of the world exposition. Despite its extraordinary botanical value, it remains a mostly abandoned place.
TheBuhaira Gardens, also historically known as theHuerta del Rey, are a public park and historic site, originally created as a garden estate during the Almohad period (12th century).[135][136]: 211
TheTeatro Lope de Vega is located on Avenida de María Luisa avenue (next toParque de María Luisa). It was built in 1929, being its architectVicente Traver y Tomás. It was the auditorium of the pavilion of the city in the Ibero-American Exhibition. This pavilion had a large room that became the Casino of the Exhibition. The theatre occupied an area of 4600 m2 and could accommodate 1100 viewers. Its architecture isSpanish Baroque Revival, being the building faithful to this style both in the set and in its ornamentation.
It has hosted varied performances, including theater, dance, opera,jazz, andflamenco and nowadays the most outstanding of the panorama is its programming national and international, becoming one of the most important theatres in Spain.[137]
Other important theatres areTeatro de la Maestranza, Auditorio Rocío Jurado and Teatro Central.
There are many entertainment options around the city of Seville and one of its biggest attractions is the numerous festivals that happen around the year. Some of the festivals concentrate on religion and culture, others focus on the folklore of the area, traditions, and entertainment.[138]
Guiding cross of thecofradía of La Macarena as it passes through the Street of Fray Luis Sotelo.
Semana Santa is celebrated all over Spain and Latin America, but the celebration in Seville is large and well known as a Fiesta of International Tourist Interest. Fifty-four local brotherhoods,[139] or "cofradías", organize floats and processions throughout the week, reenacting the story of the Passion of Christ. There is traditional music and art incorporated into the processions, making Semana Santa an important source of both material and immaterial Sevillian cultural identity.[140][141][142]
Seville is home to the bi-annual flamenco festival La Bienal, which claims to be "the biggest flamenco event worldwide" and lasts for nearly a month.[143]
In the district of Triana, the Velá de Santiago y Santa Ana is held every July and includes sporting events, performances, and cultural activities as the city honors St. James and St. Ana.[144]
The April Fair (Feria de Abril) is a huge celebration that takes place in Seville about two weeks after the Holy Week. It was previously associated with celebrating livestock; however, nowadays its purpose is to create a fun cheerful environment tied to the appreciation of the Spanish folklore.[145]
During the Feria, families, businesses, and organisations set upcasetas (marquees) in which they spend the week dancing, drinking, and socialising. Traditionally, women wear elaborate flamenco dresses and men dress in their best suits. The marquees are set up on a permanent fairground in the district of Los Remedios,[146] in which each street is named after a famous bullfighter.
The International Boat Show of Seville is an annual event that takes place in the only inland maritime port of the country, which is one of the most important in Europe.[147]
Hailing from Seville,Triana is considered as the benchmark of flamenco rock and as the founding fathers ofrock andaluz.[148]
Seville had a vibrant rock music scene in the 1970s and 1980s[149] with bands likeTriana,Alameda andSmash, who fused Andalusia's traditional flamenco music with British-style progressive rock. The punk rock groupReincidentes and indie bandSr Chinarro, as well as singerKiko Veneno, rose to prominence in the early 1990s. The city's music scene now features rap acts such asSFDK,Mala Rodríguez,Dareysteel,Tote King,Dogma Crew,Bisley DeMarra,Haze andJesuly. Seville's diverse music scene is reflected in the variety of its club-centred nightlife.
Despite its name, thesevillana dance, commonly presented as flamenco, is not thought to be of Sevillan origin. However, the folksongs calledsevillanas are authentically Sevillan, as is the four-part dance performed with them.
TheTriana district in Seville is considered a birthplace of flamenco, where it found its beginning as an expression of the poor and marginalized. Seville's Romani population, known as Flamencos, were instrumental in the development of the art form. While it began as and remains a representation of Andalusian culture, it has also become a national heritage symbol of Spain.[152][153][154][155] There are more flamenco artists in Seville than anywhere else in the country, supporting an entire industry surrounding it and drawing in a significant amount of tourism for the city.[156]
Thetapas scene is one of the main cultural attractions of the city: people go from one bar to another, enjoying small dishes called tapas (literally "lids" or "covers" in Spanish, referring to their probable origin as snacks served on small plates used to cover drinks). Local specialities include fried and grilled seafood (includingsquid,choco (cuttlefish),swordfish, marinateddogfish, andortiguillas), grilled and stewed meat,spinach withchickpeas,Jamón ibérico, lamb kidneys in sherry sauce,snails,caldo de puchero, andgazpacho. A sandwich known as aserranito is the typical and popular version of fast food.
Typical desserts from Seville includepestiños, a honey-coated sweet fritter;torrijas, fried slices of bread with honey;roscos fritos, deep-fried sugar-coated ring doughnuts;magdalenas or fairy cakes;yemas de San Leandro,[citation needed] which provide the city'sconvents with a source of revenue; andtortas de aceite, a thin sugar-coated cake made with olive oil.Polvorones andmantecados are traditional Christmas products, whereaspestiños andtorrijas are typically consumed during theHoly Week.
BitterSeville oranges grow on trees lining the city streets. Large quantities are collected and exported to Britain to be used inmarmalade.[157] Locally, the fruit is used predominantly in aromatherapy, herbal medicine, and dietary diet products, rather than as a foodstuff.[158] According to legend, the Arabs brought the bitter orange to Seville from East Asia via Iraq around the 10th century to beautify and perfume their patios and gardens, as well as to provide shade.[159] The flowers of the tree are a source ofneroli oil, commonly used inperfumery and in skin lotions for massage.
In 2021, the municipal water company, Emasesa, began a pilot scheme to use the methane produced as the fruit ferments to generate clean electricity. The company plans to use 35 tonnes of fruit to generate clean energy to power one of the city's water purification plants.[160]
Seville is the most populated city in southern Spain, and has the largest GDP (gross domestic product) of any in Andalusia,[161] accounting for one-quarter of its total GDP.[161] All municipalities in the metropolitan area depend directly or indirectly on Seville's economy, while agriculture dominates the economy of the smaller villages, with some industrial activity localised in industrial parks. TheDiputación de Sevilla (Deputation of Seville), with provincial headquarters in the Antiguo Cuartel de Caballería (Old Cavalry Barracks) on Avenida Menendez Pelayo, provides public services to distant villages that they can not provide themselves.[162]
The economic activity of Seville cannot be detached from the geographical and urban context of the city; the capital of Andalusia is the centre of a growing metropolitan area. Aside from traditional neighbourhoods such as Santa Cruz, Triana and others, those further away from the centre, such asNervión, Sevilla Este, and El Porvenir have seen recent economic growth. Until the economic crisis of 2007, this urban area saw significant population growth and the development of new industrial and commercial parks.[163]
During this period, availability of infrastructure in the city contributed to the growth of an economy dominated by the service sector,[164] but in which industry still holds a considerable place.[165]
The 1990s saw massive growth in investment in infrastructure in Seville, largely due to its hosting of theUniversal Exposition of Seville in 1992. This economic development of the city and its urban area is supported by good transportation links to other Spanish cities, including a high-speedAVE railway connection to Madrid, and a new internationalairport.
Seville has the only inland port in Spain, located 80 km (50 mi) from the mouth of the River Guadalquivir. This harbour complex offers access to the Atlantic and the Mediterranean and allows trade in goods between the south of Spain (Andalusia,Extremadura) and Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. The port has undergone reorganisation. Annualtonnage rose to 5.3 million tonnes of goods in 2006.[166]
Cartuja 93 is a research and development park,[167] employing 15,000 persons. TheParque Tecnológico y Aeronáutico Aerópolis (Technological and Aeronautical Park)[168] is focused on the aircraft industry. Outside of Seville are ninePS20 solar power towers which use the city's sunny weather to provide most of it with clean and renewable energy.
TheSevilla Tower skyscraper was started in March 2008 and was completed in 2015. With a height of 180.5 metres (592 feet) and 40floors, it is the tallest building inAndalusia.
TheConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas en Sevilla (CSIC) is based in the formerPavilion of Peru in theMaria Luisa Park. In April 2008 the city council of Seville provided a grant to renovate the building to create theCasa de la Ciencia (Science Centre) to encourage popular interest in science.[169] The internationally recognised companyNeocodex has its headquarters in Seville; it maintains the first and largestDNA bank in Spain and has made significant contributions to scientific research in genetics.[170] Seville is also considered an important technological and research centre for renewable energy and the aeronautics industry.[171][172]
The output of the research centres in Sevillan universities working in tandem with city government, and the numerous local technology companies, have made Seville a leader among Spanish cities in technologicalresearch and development. TheParque Científico Tecnológico Cartuja 93 is a nexus of private and public investment in various fields of research.[173]
Principal fields of innovation and research are telecommunications, new technologies, biotechnology (with applications in local agricultural practices), environment and renewable energy.
Seville is served by the TUSSAM(Transportes Urbanos de Sevilla)bus network which runs buses throughout the city. The Consorcio de Transportes de Sevilla communicates by bus with all the satellite towns of Seville.
Two bus stations serve transportation between surrounding areas and other cities:Plaza de Armas Station, with destinations north and west, andPrado de San Sebastián Station, covering routes to the south and east.Plaza de Armas station has direct bus lines to many Spanish cities as well asLisbon, Portugal.
TheSeville Metro ('Metro de Sevilla' in Spanish) is a light metro system serving the city of Seville and itsmetropolitan area. The system is completely independent of other rail networks and street traffic, ensuring a dedicated right-of-way for its trains. All stations are equipped withplatform screen doors, enhancing passenger safety and operational efficiency.
The Seville Metro was the sixth metro system to be constructed in Spain, following the networks in Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Bilbao, and Palma de Mallorca. It was designed to provide a modern, efficient, and high-capacity transit solution for Seville and its growing suburbs.
As of 2024, the Seville Metro consists of a single line, the line, which features 21 stations and connects key areas of the city with neighboring municipalities ofMairena del Aljarafe,San Juan de Aznalfarache andDos Hermanas.
Line is currently under construction, and once completed, it will enhance connectivity by linking northern and southern parts of the city. Lines 2 and 4 remain in the planning phase.
In 2024, the Seville Metro transported more than 22 million passengers[174], making it the fifth-largest metro system in Spain in terms of annual ridership. It plays a crucial role in reducing traffic congestion and promoting sustainable urban mobility in the Andalusian capital.
MetroCentro is a surface tramway serving the centre of the city. It began operating in October 2007.
The service has just five stops: Plaza Nueva, Archivo de Indias, Puerta de Jerez, Prado de San Sebastián and San Bernardo, all as part ofPhase I of the project. It is expected to be extended to Santa JustaAVE station, including four new stops: San Francisco Javier, Eduardo Dato, Luis de Morales, and Santa Justa. This extension was postponed although the City Council had made expanding the metro lines a priority.[citation needed]
TheSeville-Santa Justa railway station is served by theAVEhigh-speed rail system, operated by the Spanish state-owned rail companyRenfe. A five-line commuter rail service (Cercanías) joins the city with the Metropolitan area. Seville is on the Red Ciudades AVE, a net created with Seville connected to 17 major cities of Spain withhigh-speed rail.
Although Seville is close to the Portuguese city ofFaro, it is not possible to cross the border by train.[175]
The Sevicicommunity bicycle program has integrated bicycles into the public transport network. Bicycles are available for hire around the city at low cost, and green curb-raised bicycle lanes can be seen on most major streets. The number of people using bicycles as a means of transport in Seville has increased substantially in recent years, multiplying tenfold from 2006 to 2011.[176] As of 2015[update], an estimated 9 percent of all mechanized trips in the city (and 5.6 percent of all trips including those on foot) are made by bicycle.[177]
The city council signed a contract with the multinational corporationJCDecaux, an outdoor advertising company. The public bicycle rental system is financed by a local advertising operator in return for the city signing over a 10-year licence to exploit citywide billboards. The overall scheme is called Cyclocity[178] byJCDecaux, but each city's system is branded under an individual name.
The San Pablo Airport is the main airport for Seville and isAndalusia's second busiest airport, afterMálaga's, and first in cargo. The airport handled 7,544,357 passengers and just under 9,891 tonnes of cargo in 2019.[180] It has oneterminal and onerunway.
It is one of many bases for the Spanish low-cost carrierVueling, and from November 2010Ryanair based aircraft at the airport.[181][needs update] In addition, Ryanair opened its firstaircraft maintenance facility in Spain at Seville Airport in 2019.[182]
This enabled low-cost direct flights to several Spanish cities, as well as to the neighbor country of Portugal with weekly flights to Porto[183] and to other European cities.
Seville is the only commercial river port in Spain and the only inland city in the country where cruise ships can arrive in the historical centre. On 21 August 2012, the Muelle de las Delicias, controlled by the Port Authority of Seville, hosted the cruise shipAzamara Journey for two days, the largest ship ever to visit the town. This vessel belongs to the shipping companyRoyal Caribbean and can accommodate up to 700 passengers.[184]
Seville has one ring road, the SE-30, which connects with the dual carriageway of the south, the A-4, that directly communicates the city withCádiz,Cordoba andMadrid. Also there is another dual carriageway, the A-92, linking the city withOsuna,Antequera,Granada,Guadix andAlmeria. The A-49 links Seville withHuelva and theAlgarve in the south ofPortugal.
The average amount of time people spend commuting with public transit in Sevilla, for example to and from work, on a weekday is 34 min. 7% of public transit riders, ride for more than two hours every day. The average amount of time people wait at a stop or station for public transit is eight minutes, while 15% of riders wait for over 20 minutes on average every day. The average distance people usually ride in a single trip with public transit is 5.6 kilometres (3.5 mi), while 7% travel for over 12 kilometres (7.5 mi) in a single direction.[185]
The US and the UPO are important centres of learning in Western Andalusia as they offer a wide range of academic courses; consequently, the city has a large number of students fromHuelva andCádiz.
Seville is the setting of the novelThe Seville Communion byArturo Pérez-Reverte.
Seville is both the location and setting for much of the 1985Doctor Who television serial "The Two Doctors".
Seville is also used as one of the locations in Dan Brown'sDigital Fortress.
Seville is one of the settings inJostein Gaarder's bookThe Orange Girl (Appelsinpiken).
Seville is the hometown of the two main characters in the 2000 filmThe Road to El Dorado byDreamWorks. Miguel and Tulio are con artists that stow away on a ship bound for theNew World and win a map for the fabled lost city of gold,El Dorado, and are invariably seen as gods by the locals.
Robert Wilson's police novelThe Hidden Assassins (2006) concerns a terrorist incident in Seville and the political context thereof, with much local colour.
TheAlcázar and other sites appear in the television seriesGame of Thrones, in the cities of Dorne.
In the 2016 filmAssassin's Creed, Master Assassins Aguilar de Nerha and Maria escape execution and are pursued by Templars through the city, eventually performing Leaps of Faith off of an unfinished Seville Cathedral to escape.
InMission: Impossible 2, Ethan Hunt is sent to Seville to recruit Nyah Nordoff-Hall.
Kansas City, Missouri (United States), 1969. The relationship between Seville and Kansas City is due to a small replica of the Giralda tower, Sevilla's cathedral belltower, that exists in Kansas City.[204][205]
Teresa Sánchez López who won the title of Miss National in theMiss Spain contest 1984 and, representing Spain, was close to the crown ofMiss Universe in 1985 (1st runner up).
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