Seaweed, ormacroalgae, refers to thousands of species ofmacroscopic,multicellular,marinealgae. The term includes some types ofRhodophyta (red),Phaeophyta (brown) andChlorophyta (green) macroalgae. Seaweed species such askelps provide essential nursery habitat for fisheries and other marine species and thus protect food sources; other species, such asplanktonic algae, play a vital role incapturing carbon and producing at least 50% of Earth's oxygen.[3]
Natural seaweed ecosystems are sometimes under threat from human activity. For example, mechanicaldredging of kelp destroys the resource and dependent fisheries. Other forces also threaten some seaweed ecosystems; for example, awasting disease in predators ofpurple urchins has led to an urchin population surge which has destroyed largekelp forest regions off the coast of California.[4]
"Seaweed" lacks a formal definition, but seaweed generally lives in the ocean and is visible to the naked eye. The term refers to both flowering plants submerged in the ocean, likeeelgrass, as well as larger marine algae. Generally, it is one of several groups of multicellularalgae;red,green andbrown.[7] They lack one common multicellular ancestor, forming apolyphyletic group. In addition, blue-green algae (Cyanobacteria) are occasionally considered in seaweed literature.[8]
The number of seaweed species is still a topic of discussion among scientists, but it is most likely that there are several thousand species of seaweed.[9]
Seaweed covers this rocky seabed on the east coast of Australia.
Two environmental requirements dominate seaweedecology. These are seawater (or at leastbrackish water) and light sufficient to supportphotosynthesis. Another common requirement is an attachment point, and therefore seaweed most commonly inhabits thelittoral zone (nearshore waters) and within that zone, on rocky shores more than on sand or shingle. In addition, there are fewgenera (e.g.,Sargassum andGracilaria) which do not live attached to the sea floor, but float freely.
Seaweed occupies various ecological niches. At the surface, they are only wetted by the tops of sea spray, while some species may attach to a substrate several meters deep. In some areas, littoral seaweed colonies can extend miles out to sea.[citation needed] The deepest living seaweed are some species ofred algae. Others have adapted to live intidal rock pools. In this habitat, seaweed must withstand rapidly changing temperature andsalinity and occasional drying.[12]
Macroalgae and macroalgal detritus have also been shown to be an important food source for benthic organisms, because macroalgae shed oldfronds.[13]These macroalgal fronds tend to be utilized bybenthos in theintertidal zone close to the shore.[14][15]Alternatively,pneumatocysts (gas filled "bubbles") can keep the macroalgaethallus afloat; fronds are transported by wind and currents from the coast into the deep ocean.[13] It has been shown thatbenthic organisms also at several 100 m tend to utilize these macroalgae remnants.[15]
As macroalgae takes upcarbon dioxide and releasesoxygen in thephotosynthesis, macroalgae fronds can also contribute tocarbon sequestration in the ocean, when the macroalgal fronds drift offshore into the deepocean basins and sink to the sea floor without being remineralized by organisms.[13] The importance of this process forblue carbon storage is currently a topic of discussion among scientists.[16][17][18]
Nowadays a number of vectors—e.g., transport on ship hulls, exchanges among shellfish farmers, global warming, opening of trans-oceanic canals—all combine to enhance the transfer of exotic seaweeds to new environments. Since the piercing of the Suez Canal, the situation is particularly acute in the Mediterranean Sea, a 'marine biodiversity hotspot' that now registers over 120 newly introduced seaweed species -the largest number in the world.[19]
Seaweed farming orkelp farming is the practice ofcultivating andharvesting seaweed. In its simplest form farmers gather from natural beds, while at the other extreme farmers fully control the crop'slife cycle.
The largest seaweed-producing countries as of 2022 areChina (58.62%) andIndonesia (28.6%); followed bySouth Korea (5.09%) and thePhilippines (4.19%). Other notable producers includeNorth Korea (1.6%),Japan (1.15%),Malaysia (0.53%),Zanzibar (Tanzania, 0.5%), andChile (0.3%).[23][24] Seaweed farming has frequently been developed to improve economic conditions and to reduce fishing pressure.[25]
TheFood and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reported that world production in 2019 was over 35 million tonnes. North America produced some 23,000 tonnes of wet seaweed. Alaska, Maine, France, and Norway each more than doubled their seaweed production since 2018. As of 2019, seaweed represented 30% of marineaquaculture.[26] In 2023, the global seaweed extract market was valued at $16.5 billion, with strong projected growth.[27]
Alginate,agar andcarrageenan are gelatinous seaweed products collectively known ashydrocolloids orphycocolloids. Hydrocolloids are food additives.[36] The food industry exploits their gelling, water-retention, emulsifying and other physical properties. Agar is used in foods such as confectionery, meat and poultry products, desserts and beverages and moulded foods. Carrageenan is used in salad dressings and sauces, dietetic foods, and as a preservative in meat and fish, dairy items and baked goods.
Seaweeds are used as animal feeds. They have long been grazed by sheep, horses and cattle in Northern Europe, even though their nutritional benefits are questionable. Their protein content is low and their heavy metal content is high, especially for arsenic and iodine, which are respectively toxic and nutritious.[37][38]
They are valued for fish production.[39] Adding seaweed to livestock feed can substantially reducemethane emissions from cattle,[40] but only from their feedlot emissions. As of 2021, feedlot emissions account for 11% of overall emissions from cattle.[41]
Alginates are used in wound dressings (seealginate dressing), and dental moulds. Inmicrobiology,agar is used as a culture medium. Carrageenans, alginates and agaroses, with other macroalgal polysaccharides, havebiomedicine applications.Delisea pulchra may interfere with bacterial colonization.[42] Sulfated saccharides from red and green algae inhibit someDNA andRNA-envelopedviruses.[43]
Seaweed extract is used in some diet pills.[44] Other seaweed pills exploit the same effect asgastric banding, expanding in the stomach to make the stomach feel more full.[45][46]
Seaweed cultivation in the open ocean can act as a form of carbon sequestration to mitigate climate change.[29][47] Studies have reported that nearshore seaweed forests constitute a source ofblue carbon, as seaweed detritus is carried into the middle and deep ocean thereby sequestering carbon.[30][29][48][49][50]Macrocystis pyrifera (also known as giant kelp) sequesters carbon faster than any other species. It can reach 60 m (200 ft) in length and grow as rapidly as 50 cm (20 in) a day.[51] According to one study, covering 9% of the world's oceans with kelp forests could produce "sufficientbiomethane to replace all of today's needs in fossil fuel energy, while removing 53 billion tons of CO2 per year from the atmosphere, restoring pre-industrial levels".[52][53]
Seaweed is under consideration as a potential source ofbioethanol.[55][56]
Seaweed is lifted out of the top of an algae scrubber/cultivator, to be discarded or used as food, fertilizer, or skin care.
Alginates are used in industrial products such as paper coatings, adhesives, dyes, gels, explosives and in processes such as paper sizing, textile printing, hydro-mulching and drilling. Seaweed is an ingredient in toothpaste, cosmetics and paints. Seaweed is used for the production of bio yarn (a textile).[57]
Several of these resources can be obtained from seaweed throughbiorefining.
Seaweed collecting is the process of collecting, drying and pressing seaweed. It was a popular pastime in the Victorian era and remains a hobby today. In some emerging countries, seaweed is harvested daily to support communities.
Women in Tanzania grow "Mwani" (seaweed in Swahili). The farms are made up of little sticks in neat rows in the warm, shallow water. Once they harvest the seaweed, it is used for many purposes: food, cosmetics, fabric, etc.
Seaweed is sometimes used to build roofs on houses onLæsø inDenmark.[58]
Rotting seaweed is a potent source ofhydrogen sulfide, a highly toxic gas, and has been implicated in some incidents of apparent hydrogen sulfide poisoning.[59] It can cause vomiting and diarrhea.[60]
Bacterial diseaseice-ice infectsKappaphycus (red seaweed), turning its branches white. The disease caused heavy crop losses in the Philippines, Tanzania and Mozambique.[62]
Seaurchin barrens have replaced kelp forests in multiple areas. They are "almost immune to starvation". Lifespans can exceed 50 years. When stressed by hunger, their jaws and teeth enlarge, and they form "fronts" and hunt for food collectively.[62]
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