In modern usage, "Scottish people" or "Scots" refers to anyone whose linguistic, cultural, family ancestral or genetic origins are from Scotland. TheLatin wordScoti[14] originally referred to the Gaels, but came to describe all inhabitants of Scotland.[15] Consideredpejorative by some,[16] the termScotch has also been used for Scottish people, now primarily outwith Scotland.
People of Scottish descent live in many countries. Emigration, influenced by factors such as theHighland andLowland Clearances, Scottish emigration to various locales throughout theBritish Empire, and latterlyindustrial decline and unemployment, have resulted in the spread ofScottish languages andculture. Large populations of Scottish people settled the 'New World' lands ofNorth and South America, Australia andNew Zealand. The highest concentrations of people of Scottish descent in the world outside of Scotland are inNova Scotia andPrince Edward Island in Canada,Otago andMurihiku/Southland in New Zealand, theFalkland Islands, andNorthern Ireland in the United Kingdom. Canada has the highest level of Scottish descendants per capita in the world and the second-largest population of Scottish descendants, after the United States.[17]
In modern times, the wordsScot andScottish are applied mainly to inhabitants of Scotland. The possible ancient Irish connotations are largely forgotten. The language known asUlster Scots, spoken in parts of northeastern Ireland, is the result of 17th- and 18th-century immigration to Ireland from Scotland.
In the English language, the wordScotch is a term to describe a thing from Scotland, such asScotch whisky. However, when referring to people, the preferred term isScots. Many Scottish people find the termScotch to be offensive when applied to people.[25] The Oxford Dictionary describesScotch as an old-fashioned term for "Scottish".[26]
St. Kildans sitting on the village streetVictorian-era Property of the National Trust for Scotland taken in 1886.
In theEarly Middle Ages, Scotland saw several ethnic or cultural groups mentioned in contemporary sources, namely thePicts, theGaels, theBritons, and theAngles, with the last of these settling in the southeast of the country. Culturally, these peoples are grouped according to language. Most of Scotland until the 13th century spokeCeltic languages, and these included, at least initially, theBritons, as well as theGaels and thePicts.[27]Germanic peoples included the Angles ofNorthumbria, who settled in south-eastern Scotland in the region between theFirth of Forth to the north and theRiver Tweed to the south. They also occupied the southwest of Scotland up to and including the Plain ofKyle. Their language,Old English, was the earliest form of the language which eventually became known asScots.
Use of the Gaelic language spread through nearly the whole of Scotland by the 9th century,[28] reaching a peak in the 11th to 13th centuries, but was never the language of the south-east of the country.[28]King Edgar divided theKingdom of Northumbria between Scotland and England; at least, most medieval historians now accept the 'gift' by Edgar. In any case, after the laterBattle of Carham the Scottish kingdom encompassed many English people, with even more quite possibly arriving after theNorman invasion of England in 1066. South-east of theFirth of Forth, then inLothian and theBorders (OE:Loðene), a northern variety ofOld English, also known asEarly Scots, was spoken.
As a result ofDavid I, King of Scots' return from exile in England in 1113, ultimately to assume the throne in 1124 with the help ofAnglo-Norman military force, David invited Anglo-Norman families from France and England to settle in lands he granted them to spread a ruling class loyal to him.[29] ThisDavidian Revolution, as many historians call it, brought a European style offeudalism to Scotland along with an influx of people of French descent – by invitation, unlikeEngland where it was by conquest. To this day, many of thecommon family names of Scotland can trace ancestry to Normans from this period, such as theStewarts, theBruces, theHamiltons, theWallaces and theMelvilles.
TheCovenanters were members of a 17th-century Scottish religious and political movement
TheNorthern Isles and some parts ofCaithness wereNorn-speaking (the west of Caithness was Gaelic-speaking into the 20th century, as were some small communities in parts of the Central Highlands). From 1200 to 1500, theEarly Scots language spread across the lowland parts of Scotland betweenGalloway and the Highland line, being used byBarbour in his historical epicThe Brus in the late 14th century in Aberdeen.[citation needed]
From 1500 on, Scotland was commonly divided by language into two groups of people,Gaelic-speaking "Highlanders" (the language formerly called Scottis by English speakers and known by many Lowlanders in the 18th century as "Erse") and theInglis-speaking "Lowlanders" (a language later to be calledScots). However, movement between the two regions increased over the last few centuries. Highlanders moved to major cities (e.g. Glasgow and Edinburgh) and regions bordering the southern Highlands (e.g. Lowland Stirlingshire and Perthshire). This is evidenced by people with traditional Gaelic surnames (including anglicised varieties) currently living in these areas. Lowlanders also settled in Highland regions such asMoray, which was traditionally Gaelic-speaking but replaced withDoric in the 19th century.[30] TheScottish Travellers use ofScottish Cant among themselves declined sharply in the 20th century, even if some terms found their way into youth and everyday language[31] and the Gaelic-basedBeurla Reagaird is all but extinct. Today, immigrants have brought other languages, such asPolish,Punjabi andUrdu, but almost every adult throughout Scotland is fluent in the English language.[citation needed]
HistorianSusan Reynolds has put forward how, since theMiddle Ages, there have been attempts to obfuscate the ethnic plurality of Scottish people due to the political practicalities ofnation building.[32] Academics have explored how 15th and 16th-century Scottish poets and orators, such asBlind Harry, constructed terms such as 'trew Scottis' in an effort to diminish differences between the ethnic groups living within Scotland in the popular consciousness.[33]
A 1974 International Political Science Association report defined this ethnic plurality in Scotland as the following: "The basic ethnic and cultural division in the British Isles has been that between the Anglo-Saxon peoples of England and the Scottish Lowlands and the Celtic peoples of Wales, Ireland and the Scottish Highlands.[34][full citation needed]
In 2014, historian Steven L. Danver, who specialises in indigenous ethnic research, wrote regarding Lowlands Scots and Gaelic Scots' unique ancestries: "The people of Scotland are divided into two groups - Lowland Scots in the southern part of the country and Highland Scots in the north - that differ from one another ethnically, culturally, and linguistically ... Lowlanders differ from Highlanders in their ethnic origin. While Highland Scots are of Celtic (Gaelic) descent, Lowland Scots are descended from people of Germanic stock. During the seventh century C.E., settlers of Germanic tribes of Angles moved from Northumbria in present-day northern England and southeastern Scotland to the area around Edinburgh. Their descendants gradually occupied all of the Lowlands."[35]
Knox College's Stuart Macdonald, who specialises in early modern Scottish history, writes that during the 18th and 19th centuries, the people of Scotland remained grouped into multiple ethnicities:[36]
To speak of Scots as a single ethnic group is also somewhat problematic. It would be more accurate in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries to talk of two distinct Scottish ethnic communities divided by language and culture, and, at times, mutual antagonisms – Highlanders and Lowlanders.
With regard to the period spanning the 16th century to the 18th century, sociologist Ian Carter's research into marriage patterns found little intermarrying between the groups.[37]
Today, Scotland has a population of just over five million people,[40] the majority of whom consider themselves Scottish.[41][42] It is estimated around 40 million people worldwide claim Scottish ancestry, particularly inAustralia,New Zealand, continentalEurope, theUnited States andCanada,[43] along with elsewhere in theUnited Kingdom.
Scots have travelled internationally for centuries, helping to build Scotland's international reputation and the promotion ofScottish culture,music,literature andart.[44] TheScottish Government uses the term "Scottish connections" when described Scottish diaspora, and recognises Scottish connections as people of Scottish heritage (by ancestry, marriage or other family connection), lived diaspora (those who moved to Scotland to permanently reside at any time for any reason), educational diaspora (alumni of Scottish educational institutions, and Scots studying or working in international institutions) and affinity (individuals who associate themselves with a connection to Scotland. This connection may be active through cultural, linguistic, friendship, or professional links, or who may simply be interested Scotland’s heritage or culture).[45]
Scottish-born American industrialist and philanthropistAndrew Carnegie
The majority of Scotch-Irish Americans originally came from Lowland Scotland and Northern England before migrating to the province ofUlster inIreland (seePlantation of Ulster) and thence, beginning about fivegenerations later, to North America in large numbers during the eighteenth century.
In the 2000 census, 4.8 million Americans[46] self-reported Scottish ancestry, 1.7% of the total U.S. population.Over 4.3 million self-reportedScotch-Irish ancestry, for a total of 9.2 million Americans self-reporting some kind of Scottish descent.Self-reported numbers are regarded by demographers as massive under-counts, because Scottish ancestry is known to be disproportionately under-reported among the majority of mixed ancestry,[47] and because areas where people reported "American" ancestry were the places where, historically, Scottish and Scotch-IrishProtestants settled in North America (that is: along the North American coast,Appalachia, and the SoutheasternUnited States). Scottish Americans descended from nineteenth-century Scottish emigrants tend to be concentrated in the West, while many inNew England are the descendants of emigrants, often Gaelic-speaking, from theMaritime Provinces ofCanada, from the 1880s onward.Americans of Scottish descent outnumber the population of Scotland, where 4,459,071 or 88.09% of people identified as ethnic Scottish in the 2001 Census.[48][49]
In the 2013American Community Survey 5,310,285 identified as Scottish and 2,976,878 as of Scots-Irish descent.[38]Americans of Scottish descent outnumber the population of Scotland, where 4,459,071 or 88.09% of people identified as ethnic Scottish in the 2001 Census.[50][51]
The number of Americans with a Scottish ancestor is estimated to be between 9 and 25 million[52][53][54][55] (up to 8.3% of the total US population), and "Scotch-Irish", 27 to 30 million[56][57] (up to 10% of the total US population), but these subgroups overlap and are often not distinguishable.The majority of Scotch-Irish originally came from Lowland Scotland and Northern England before migrating to the province ofUlster in Ireland (seePlantation of Ulster) and thence, beginning about fivegenerations later, to North America in large numbers during the 18th century.[citation needed]
The province ofNova Scotia, where over 30% of the population are of Scottish origin.
As the third-largestethnic group in Canada and amongst the first Europeans to settle in the country, Scottish people have made a large impact onCanadian culture since colonial times. According to the2011 Census of Canada, the number of Canadians claiming full or partial Scottish descent is 4,714,970,[61] or 15.10% of the nation's total population.
Many respondents may have misunderstood the question and the numerous responses for "Canadian" do not give an accurate figure for numerous groups, particularly those of British Isles origins. Scottish-Canadians are the 3rd biggest ethnic group in Canada. Scottish culture has particularly thrived in the Canadian province ofNova Scotia (Latin for "New Scotland"). There, inCape Breton, where both lowland and highland Scots settled in large numbers,Canadian Gaelic is still spoken by a small number of residents. Cape Breton is the home of theGaelic College of Celtic Arts and Crafts.Glengarry County in present-dayEastern Ontario is a historic county that was set up as a settlement forHighland Scots, where many from the Highlands settled to preserve their culture as a result of the Highland Clearances. Gaelic was the native language of the community since its settlement in the 18th century although the number of speakers decreased as a result of English migration[clarification needed]. As of the modern 21st century, there are still a few Gaelic speakers in the community.
John Kenneth Galbraith in his bookThe Scotch (Toronto: MacMillan, 1964) documents the descendants of 19th-century Scottish pioneers who settled inSouthwestern Ontario and affectionately referred to themselves as 'Scotch'. He states the book was meant to give a true picture of life in the community in the early decades of the 20th century.
By 1830, 15.11% of the colonies' total non-Aboriginal population were Scots, which increased by the middle of the century to 25,000, or 20–25% of the non-Aboriginal population. TheAustralian Gold Rush of the 1850s provided a further impetus for Scottish migration: in the 1850s 90,000 Scots immigrated to Australia, far more than other British or Irish populations at the time.[62] Literacy rates of the Scottish immigrants ran at 90–95%. By 1860, Scots made up 50% of the ethnic composition ofWestern Victoria,Adelaide,Penola andNaracoorte. Other settlements inNew South Wales includedNew England, theHunter Valley and theIllawarra.
Much settlement followed theHighland Potato Famine,Highland Clearances and theLowland Clearances of the mid-19th century.In the 1840s, Scots-born immigrants constituted 12% of the non-Aboriginal population. Out of the 1.3 million migrants from Britain to Australia in the period from 1861 to 1914, 13.5% were Scots. Just 5.3% of the convicts transported to Eastern Australia between 1789 and 1852 were Scots.[63]
A steady rate of Scottish immigration continued into the 20th century and substantial numbers of Scots continued to arrive after 1945.[64] From 1900 until the 1950s, Scots favoured New South Wales, as well as Western Australia and Southern Australia.[citation needed] A strong cultural Scottish presence is evident in theHighland Games, dance,Tartan Day celebrations, clan and Gaelic-speaking societies found throughout modern Australia.
According to the2011 Australian census, 130,204 Australian residents were born in Scotland,[65] while 1,792,600 claimed Scottish ancestry, either alone or in combination with another ancestry.[6] This is the fourth most commonly nominated ancestry and represents over 8.9% of the total population of Australia.
Scottish Highland family migrating toNew Zealand in 1844
Significant numbers of Scottish people also settled in New Zealand. Approximately 20 per cent of the original European settler population of New Zealand came from Scotland, and Scottish influence is still visible around the country.[66] TheSouth Island city ofDunedin, in particular, is known for its Scottish heritage and was named as a tribute toEdinburgh by the city's Scottish founders.
Scottish migration to New Zealand dates back to the earliest period of European colonisation, with a large proportion ofPākehā New Zealanders being of Scottish descent.[67] However, identification as "British" or "European" New Zealanders can sometimes obscure their origin. Many Scottish New Zealanders also haveMāori or other non-European ancestry.
The majority of Scottish immigrants settled on the South Island. All over New Zealand, the Scots developed different means to bridge the old homeland and the new. ManyCaledonian societies were formed, well over 100 by the early twentieth century, that helped maintain Scottish culture and traditions. From the 1860s, these societies organised annual Caledonian Games throughout New Zealand. The Games were sports meets that brought together Scottish settlers and the wider New Zealand public. In so doing, the Games gave Scots a path to cultural integration as Scottish New Zealanders.[68] In the 1961census there were 47,078 people living in New Zealand who were born in Scotland; in the2013 census there were 25,953 in this category.[69]
Many people of Scottish descent live in other parts of the United Kingdom. InUlster particularly the colonial policies ofJames VI, known as theplantation of Ulster, resulted in a Presbyterian and Scottish society, which formed theUlster-Scots community.[71] TheProtestant Ascendancy did not however benefit them much, as the ascendancy was predominantlyAnglican. The number of people of Scottish descent in England and Wales is difficult to quantify due to the many complex migrations on the island,[citation needed] and ancient migration patterns due to wars, famine and conquest.[citation needed] The 2011 Census recorded 708,872 people born in Scotland resident in England, 24,346 resident in Wales[72] and 15,455 resident in Northern Ireland.[73]
Northamptonshire townCorby became a centre for Scottish migration in the 1930s. In 1961 a third of residents were born in Scotland, and in 2011 the figure was 12.7%.[74]
Other European countries have had their share of Scots immigrants. The Scots have emigrated to mainland Europe for centuries as merchants and soldiers.[75] Many emigrated to France, Poland,[76]Italy, Germany, Scandinavia,[77] and the Netherlands.[78] Recently some scholars suggested that up to 250,000 Russian nationals may have Scottish ancestry.[79]
A number of Scottish people settled in South Africa in the 1800s and were known for their road-building expertise, their farming experience, and architectural skills.[80]
The first people from theLow Countries to settle in Scotland came in the wake ofMaud's marriage to the Scottish king,David I, in 1114.[83] Craftsmen and tradesmen followed courtiers and in later centuries a brisk trade grew up between the two nations: Scotland's primary goods (wool, hides, salmon and then coal) in exchange for the luxuries obtainable in the Netherlands, one of the major hubs of European trade.
By 1600, trading colonies had grown up on either side of the well-travelled shipping routes: the Dutch settled along the eastern seaboard of Scotland; the Scots congregating first inCampvere—where they were allowed to land their goods duty-free and run their own affairs—and then inRotterdam, where Scottish and DutchCalvinism coexisted comfortably. Besides the thousands (or, according to one estimate, over 1 million)[citation needed] of local descendants with Scots ancestry, both ports still show signs of these early alliances. Now a museum, 'The Scots House' in the town ofVeere was the only place outwith Scotland whereScots Law was practised. In Rotterdam, meanwhile, the doors of theScots International Church have remained open since 1643.[84]
The next wave of migration established commercial links with Russia.[88]
The 19th century witnessed the immense literary cross-references between Scotland and Russia.[clarification needed]
A Russian scholar, Maria Koroleva, distinguishes between 'the Russian Scots' (properly assimilated) and 'Scots in Russia', who remained thoroughly Scottish.[89]
There are several societies in contemporary Russia to unite[clarification needed] the Scots. The Russian census lists do not distinguish Scots from other British people, so it is hard to establish reliable figures for the number of Scots living and working in modern Russia.
From as far back as the mid-16th century there were Scots trading and settling inPoland.[90] A "Scotch Pedlar's Pack in Poland" became a proverbial expression. It usually consisted of cloths, woollen goods and linen kerchiefs (head coverings). Itinerants also sold tin utensils and ironware such as scissors and knives. Along with the protection offered byKing Stephen in the Royal Grant of 1576, a district inKraków was assigned to Scottish immigrants.
Records from 1592 mention Scots settlers who were granted citizenship of Kraków give their employment as traders or merchants. Fees for citizenship ranged from 12 Polish florins to a musket and gunpowder, or an undertaking to marry within a year and a day of acquiring a holding.
The Scots integrated well and many acquired great wealth. They contributed to many charitable institutions in the host country, but did not forget their homeland; for example, in 1701 when collections were made for the restoration fund of theMarischal College, Aberdeen, Scottish settlers in Poland gave generously.[citation needed]
By 1592, the Scottish community in Rome was big enough to merit the building ofSant'Andrea degli Scozzesi (St Andrew of the Scots). It was constructed for the Scottish expatriate community in Rome, especially for those intended for priesthood. The adjoining hospice was a shelter for Catholic Scots who fled their country because of religious persecution. In 1615,Pope Paul V gave the hospice and the nearby Scottish Seminar to theJesuits. It was rebuilt in 1645. The church and facilities became more important whenJames Francis Edward Stuart, the Old Pretender, set up residence in Rome in 1717, but were abandoned during the French occupation of Rome in the late 18th century. In 1820, although religious activity was resumed, it was no longer led by the Jesuits.Sant'Andrea degli Scozzesi was reconstructed in 1869 byLuigi Poletti. The church was deconsecrated in 1962 and incorporated into a bank (Cassa di Risparmio delle Province Lombarde). The Scottish Seminar also moved away. TheFeast of St Andrew is still celebrated there on 30 November.[98]
Gurro in Italy is said to be populated by the descendants of Scottish soldiers. According to local legend, Scottish soldiers fleeing theBattle of Pavia who arrived in the area were stopped by severe blizzards that forced many, if not all, to give up their travels and settle in the town. To this day, the town of Gurro is still proud of its Scottish links. Many of the residents claim that their surnames are Italian translations of Scottish surnames.[99] The town also has a Scottish museum.[100][101][failed verification]
Scottish actorSean Connery polled as "The Greatest Living Scot"[109] and "Scotland's Greatest Living National Treasure", before his death in late 2020.[110]
Historically, Scottish people have spoken many different languages and dialects. The Pictish language, Norse, Norman-French and Brythonic languages have been spoken by forebears of Scottish people. However, none of these is in use today. The remaining three major languages of the Scottish people are English,Scots (various dialects) andGaelic. Of these three, English is the most common form as a first language. There are some other minority languages of the Scottish people, such as Spanish, used by the population of Scots inArgentina.
There is still debate whether Scots is a dialect or a language in its own right, as there is no clear line to define the two. Scots is usually regarded as a midway between the two, as it is highly mutually intelligible with English, particularly the dialects spoken in the North of England as well as those spoken in Scotland, but is treated as a language in some laws.[citation needed]
After theUnion of Crowns in 1603, the Scottish Court moved withJames VI & I to London and English vocabulary began to be used by the Scottish upper classes.[111] With the introduction of theprinting press, spellings became standardised.Scottish English, a Scottish variation of southernEnglish English, began to replace the Scots language. Scottish English soon became the dominant language. By the end of the 17th century, Scots had practically ceased to exist, at least in literary form.[112] While Scots remained a commonly spoken language, the southern Scottish English dialect was the preferred language for publications from the 18th century to the present day. Today most Scottish people speak Scottish English, which has some distinctive vocabulary and may be influenced to varying degrees by Scots.
Lowland Scots, also known asLallans orDoric, is a language ofGermanic origin. It has its roots in NorthernMiddle English. After thewars of independence, the English used by Lowland Scots speakers evolved in a different direction from that of ModernEnglish. Since 1424, this language, known to its speakers asInglis, was used by theParliament of Scotland in its statutes.[111] By the middle of the 15th century, the language's name had changed fromInglis toScottis. Thereformation, from 1560 onwards, saw the beginning of a decline in the use of Scots forms. With the establishment of theProtestantPresbyterian religion, and lacking a Scots translation of the Bible, they used theGeneva Edition.[113] From that point on, God spoke English, not Scots.[114] Scots continued to be used in official legal and court documents throughout the 18th century. However, due to the adoption of the southern standard by officialdom and the Education system the use of written Scots declined. Lowland Scots is still a popular spoken language with over 1.5 million Scots speakers in Scotland.[115] Scots is used by about 30,000Ulster Scots[116] and is known in official circles asUllans. In 1993, Ulster Scots was recognised, along with Scots, as a variety of the Scots language by theEuropean Bureau for Lesser-Used Languages.[117]
Scottish Gaelic is aCeltic language with similarities to Irish.Scottish Gaelic comes fromOld Irish. It was originally spoken by theGaels ofDál Riata and theRhinns of Galloway, later being adopted by thePictish people of central and eastern Scotland. Gaelic (lingua Scottica,Scottis) became thede facto language of the wholeKingdom of Alba. Meanwhile, Gaelic independently spread fromGalloway intoDumfriesshire. It is unclear if the Gaelic of 12th-centuryClydesdale andSelkirkshire came from Galloway or other parts of Scotland. The predominance of Gaelic began to decline in the 13th century, and by the end of the Middle Ages, Scotland was divided into two linguistic zones, the English/Scots-speaking Lowlands and the Gaelic-speaking Highlands and Galloway. Gaelic continued to be spoken widely throughout the Highlands until the 19th century. TheHighland clearances actively discouraged the use of Gaelic, and caused the number of Gaelic speakers to fall.[118] Many Gaelic speakers emigrated to countries such as Canada or moved to the industrial cities oflowland Scotland. Communities, where the language is still spoken natively, are restricted to the west coast of Scotland; especially theHebrides. However, some Gaelic speakers also live in the cities ofGlasgow andEdinburgh. A report in 2005 by the Registrar General for Scotland based on the2001 UK Census showed about 92,400 people or 1.9% of the population can speak Gaelic, while the number of people able to read and write it rose by 7.5% and 10% respectively.[119] Outwith Scotland, there are communities of Scottish Gaelic speakers such as theCanadian Gaelic community; though their numbers have also been declining rapidly. The Gaelic language is recognised as a minority language by theEuropean Union. TheScottish Parliament is also seeking to increase the use of Gaelic in Scotland through theGaelic Language (Scotland) Act 2005. Gaelic is now used as a first language in some schools and is prominently seen in use ondual language road signs throughout the Gaelic-speaking parts of Scotland.
The modern people of Scotland remain a mix of different religions and no religion. Christianity is the largest faith in Scotland. In the2011 census, 53.8% of the Scottish population identified asChristian.[120] The Protestant and Catholic divisions still remain in the society. About 14.4 per cent of the population identifies as Catholic, according to the Scottish Household Survey for 2014.[121] In Scotland the main Protestant body is theChurch of Scotland which is Presbyterian. The high kirk for Presbyterians isSt Giles' Cathedral. In the United States, people of Scottish and Scots-Irish descent are chiefly Protestant[citation needed], especially in the US South, with many belonging to theBaptist orMethodist churches or variousPresbyterian denominations.
According to the Social Scottish Attitudes research, 52% of Scottish people identified as having no religion in 2016.[122] As a result, Scotland has thus become a secular and majority non-religious country.
ManyScottish surnames have becomeanglicised over the centuries. This reflected the gradual spread of English, initially in the form ofEarly Scots, from around the 13th century onwards, through Scotland beyond its traditional area in the Lothians. It also reflected some deliberate political attempts[citation needed] to promote the English language in the outlying regions of Scotland, including following the Union of the Crowns under KingJames VI of Scotland and I of England in 1603, and then theActs of Union of 1707 and the subsequent defeat of rebellions.[who?]
However, many Scottish surnames have remained predominantlyGaelic albeit written according to Englishorthographic practice (as with Irish surnames). ThusMacAoidh in Gaelic isMackay in English, andMacGill-Eain in Gaelic isMacLean and so on.Mac (sometimesMc) is common as, effectively, it means "son of".MacDonald,MacDougal,MacAulay,Gilmore,Gilmour,MacKinley,Macintosh,MacKenzie,MacNeill,MacPherson,MacLear,MacAra,Bruce,Campbell,Fraser,Oliver,Craig,Lauder,Menzies,Stewart,Galloway andDuncan are just a few of many examples of traditional Scottish surnames. There are, of course, also the many surnames, likeWallace andMorton, stemming from parts of Scotland which were settled by peoples other than the(Gaelic) Scots. The most common surnames in Scotland areSmith andBrown,[123] which each come from more than one origin: e.g. Smith might be a translation of Mac a' Ghobhainn (thence also e.g. MacGowan), and Brown can refer to the colour, or be akin to MacBrayne.[citation needed]
Anglicisation is not restricted to language. In hisSocialism: critical and constructive, published in 1921, future British Prime MinisterRamsay MacDonald wrote: "The Anglification of Scotland has been proceeding apace to the damage of its education, its music, its literature, its genius, and the generation that is growing up under this influence is uprooted from its past, and, beingdeprived of the inspiration of its nationality, is also deprived of its communal sense."[124]
^"Isle of Man Census Report 2006"(PDF).Economic Affairs Division, Isle of Man Government Treasury. 2006. p. 20.Archived(PDF) from the original on 17 July 2014. Retrieved10 December 2016.
^Bede used a Latin form of the word Scots as the name of theGaels ofDál Riata.Roger Collins, Judith McClure; Beda el Venerable, Bede (1999).The Ecclesiastical History of the English People: The Greater Chronicle; Bede's Letter to Egbert. Oxford University Press. p. 386.
^Anthony Richard (TRN) Birley, Cornelius Tacitus; Cayo Cornelio Tácito.Agricola and Germany. Oxford University Press.
^"Scotch" from the original on 4 March 2016. Retrieved25 April 2019.[Scotch is] disdained by the Scottish because of the many insulting and pejorative formations made from it by the English...
^Landsman, Ned C. (1 October 2001).Nation and Province in the First British Empire: Scotland and the Americas. Bucknell University Press.
^Freer, Allan (1871).The North British Review. Edmonston & Douglas. p. 119. andRobertson, Eben William (1862).Scotland Under Her Early Kings: a history of the kingdom to the close of the thirteenth century. Edmonston and Douglas. p. 286.
^Withers, C.Gaelic in Scotland 1698-1981 (1984) John Donald PublishersISBN0-85976-097-9
^Whyte, Betsy. The Yellow on the Broom (2002 (first published 1979)) Birlinn, p.187-197ISBN1-84158-135-6
^Atsuko Ichijo (2016). "The Uses of History: Why Europe is Good for Scotland".Scottish Nationalism and the Idea of Europe: Concepts of Europe and the Nation (British Politics and Society).Routledge. p. 127.ISBN978-1138981492.It is interesting to note that the recognition of the Scottish nation being a mixture of many different peoples, not being racially or ethnically pure, has been around since theMiddle Ages as discussed in Chapter 1. Moreover,Susan Reynolds argues that it is why the medieval Scots sought to present themselves as one people because it was the only way to claim rightful regal independence. The recognition of the racial and ethnic plurality of the Scottish nation was, according toanother historian, one of the reasons why Scotland failed to develop a classical nationalist ideology in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
^Rebecca Boorsma (2011). "Women of Independence". In Edward J Cowan; Lizanne Henderson (eds.).A History of Everyday Life in Medieval Scotland (A History of Everyday Life in Scotland).Edinburgh University Press. p. 172.ISBN978-0748621576.Harry used such phrases as ... 'trew Scottis' to display how Scotland could 'over-come the ethnic, linguistic, and political differences which had the potential to divide Scotland and make it vulnerable to English agression'.
^Stuart Macdonald (2008). "Presbyterian and Reformed Christians and Ethnicity". In Paul Bramadat; David Seljak (eds.).Christianity and Ethnicity in Canada.University of Toronto Press. p. 176.ISBN978-0802095848.
^Scotia. Vol. 17.Old Dominion University. 1993. p. 12.In the 19th and 20th century there was not in Scotland one ethnic group: there were three and they had very different histories and interests.The Reformation changed lowland Scotland but the highlands remained feudal, Roman Catholic and Gaelic-speaking. Sociologist Ian Carter's work on the marriage patterns of leading Scottish families between 1500 and 1700 shows a very clear division at the highland line: highland families inter-married with highland families rather than with lowlanders.
^David McCrone, Professor of Sociology, University of Edinburgh."Scottish Affairs, No. 24, Summer 1998; Opinion Polls in Scotland: July 1997 – June 1998". Archived fromthe original on 21 December 2013.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) During 1997–1998 two polls were undertaken. During the first when asked about their national identity 59 per cent of the people polled stated they were Scottish or more Scottish than British, 28 per cent stated they were equally Scottish and British, while 10 per cent stated they were British or more British than Scottish. In the second poll 59 per cent of the people polled stated they were Scottish or more Scottish than British, 26 per cent stated they were equally Scottish and British, while 12 per cent stated they were British or more British than Scottish.
^The Scottish Government (21 September 2006)."One Scotland Many Cultures 2005/06 – Waves 6 and 7 Campaign Evaluation".Archived from the original on 6 June 2011. Retrieved23 May 2010.When asked what ethnic group they belonged to over five surveys, in the 2005/2006 period, people reporting that they were Scottish rose from 75 per cent to 84 per cent, while those reporting that they were British dropped from 39 per cent to 22 per cent. "a number of respondents selected more than one option, usually both Scottish and British, hence percentages adding to more than 100% ... This indicates a continued erosion of perceived Britishness among respondents..."
^James McCarthy and Euan Hague, 'Race, Nation, and Nature: The Cultural Politics of "Celtic" Identification in the American West',Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Volume 94 Issue 2 (5 Nov 2004), p. 392, citing J. Hewitson,Tam Blake and Co.: The Story of the Scots in America (Edinburgh: Canongate Books, 1993).
^Tanja Bueltmann, "'No Colonists are more Imbued with their National Sympathies than Scotchmen,'"New Zealand Journal of History (2009) 43#2 pp 169–181onlineArchived 6 June 2014 at theWayback Machine
^SeeDavid Armitage, "The Scottish Diaspora", particularly pp. 272–278, inJenny Wormald (ed.),Scotland: A History, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005.
^Way, George and Squire, Romily. (1994).Collins Scottish Clan & Family Encyclopedia. (Foreword by The Rt Hon. The Earl of Elgin KT, Convenor, TheStanding Council of Scottish Chiefs). pp. 387 - 388.
^Wijaczka, Jacek (2010)."Szkoci"(PDF).Pod wspólnym niebem. Narody dawnej Rzeczypospolitej (in Polish). Warsaw: Bellona.ISBN9788311117242.Archived(PDF) from the original on 23 July 2022. Retrieved22 May 2022. p. 212:Szkoci nie tylko służyli jako żołnierze w armii polskiej, lecz także pomagali ją unowocześniać...Kolejny Szkot z Pucka, James Murray od roku 1621 kierował budową floty w Gdańsku. Dzięki jego działalności flota królewska w 1627 roku liczyła dziesięć okrętów. Jako dowódca zbudowanego przez siebie galeonu „Król Dawid" wziął udział, w randze kontradmirała, w morskiej bitwie pod Oliwą (1627). Ze względu na barwny życiorys stał się bohaterem pięciu powieści Jerzego Rychlińskiego (między innymi Galeon kapitana Mory, Warszawa 1968).
Spence, Rhoda, ed.The Scottish Companion: a Bedside Book of Delights. Edinburgh: R. Paterson, 1955. vi, 138 p.N.B.: Primarily concerns Scottish customs, character, and folkways.