Type | Liqueur |
Alcohol by volume | 60–100 proof (30–50 vol-%) |
Colour | Clear |
Flavour | Typically raspberry, apple, pear, plum, cherry, peach, apricot, or peppermint |
Schnapps (/ʃnɑːps/ or/ʃnæps/) orschnaps is a type ofalcoholic beverage that may take several forms, including distilledfruit brandies,[1] herballiqueurs,infusions, and "flavored liqueurs" made by adding fruit syrups, spices, or artificial flavorings toneutral grain spirits.
The Englishloanword "schnapps" is derived from the colloquial German wordSchnaps[ʃnaps]ⓘ (plural:Schnäpse),[2][3] which is used in reference tospirit drinks.[4]The wordSchnaps stems fromLow German and is related to the German term "schnappen", meaning "snap", which refers to the spirit usually being consumed in a quick slug from a small glass (i.e., ashot glass).[5]
The German termSchnaps refers to "any kind of strong, dry spirit",[6] similar to howeau de vie (water of life) is used in French,aguardiente (burning water) in Spanish, oraguardente in Portuguese.
AnObstler, orObstbrand (from the GermanObst, fruit andBrand, brandy),[7] is a traditional type of schnaps made by fermenting macerated fruit and distilling to produce a clear, unsweetened fruit brandy.Obstler is traditionally produced in Austria, Switzerland, northern Slovenia, southern Germany, and the culturally German regions ofAlsace andLorraine in modern-day France.Obstler is mainly associated with the southern part of the German-language area; in northern Germany, almost all traditional distilled beverages are grain-based.
The main kinds of fruit used forObstbrände areapples,apricots,cherries,pears, plums (bothmirabelle andpurple plums), andquinces. Fruits other than these are rarely used. Apples together with pears produceObstwasser (fruit water); pears are used to produceBirnenbrand; when made from theWilliams pear, it is known asPoire Williams orWilliamsbrand. Several types of plums makeZwetschgenwasser [de] ("plum water"); cherries makeKirschwasser ("cherry water"); and apricots are used to make AustrianMarillenschnaps (apricot brandy).
The different kinds ofObstler are similar to the varieties ofRakija found in the Balkans and Eastern Europe.Slivovitz is a popular schnapps made fromDamson plums found throughout the region;pálinka is a traditional distilled beverage made of any fruits grown in Hungary.
AGeist[8] (meaning "spirit" in German) is a type ofschnapps, similar to fruit brandy, that is created by infusing macerated fresh berries inneutral spirits[9][10] and steeping for some time before distillation. Neutral alcohol is necessary because many berries have a sugar content that is too low to economically ferment and distill; raspberries, for instance, contain between 4.5 and 6.0% sugar.[9][11]
The most commonGeist isHimbeergeist, made from raspberries. Other common fruits are blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, currants, rowanberries, apricots, peaches, and sloes.[9] Other flavorings are also possible, such as nuts, herbs, orrose petals.[8]
Many liqueurs referred to as schnapps, but distinct from fruit brandies, are created by the addition of herbal or fruit flavors to aneutral spirit by various methods. The neutral spirit used can vary by location and tradition.
The most popular schnapps in theUK ispeach schnapps.[12] It is consumed in a variety of ways, such ason the rocks, ormixed with other drinks to form a variety ofcocktails.[13] It is made by adding peachflavouring to a neutral grain spirit. It is typically clear and has a strong, sweet taste. It became popular in the UK in the 1970s and 1980s.[14] The leading brand is Archers, but somelarge supermarkets do have theirown branded peach schnapps, which is sold at a reduced price.[15] Archers peach schnapps is more similar to the American style of schnapps.
Kräuterlikör (herbal liqueur) is similar to Italianamaro. Well-known brands includeJägermeister,Underberg,Kuemmerling,Killepitsch, andWurzelpeter.
An inexpensive, heavily sweetened form of liqueur[16] is made in America by mixing neutral grain spirit with fruit syrup, spices, or other flavors. Referred to as "schnapps",[6] these are bottled with an alcohol content typically between 15 and 20% ABV (30–40 proof), though some may be much higher. Schnapps, specifically peach and peppermint schnapps, exploded in popularity in America in the 1980s.[6]
An Aber Gut (German for "but good") is a traditionalWisconsin cocktail made with a shot of brandy topped off with a splash of (usually peppermint) schnapps. It is popular in the fall and winter for its apparent warming properties, and a similar drink is found inMinnesota called a Snowball.[17][18]