It is one of the Brazilian states with the most mountainous terrain, where 52% of the territory is located above 600 metres.[8] According to theKöppen-Geiger climate classification system, Santa Catarina predominantly features ahumid subtropical climate (Cfa) in the coastal lowlands and the lower altitude areas of the plateau, whilst the remainder of the plateau is characterised by anoceanic climate (Cfb).[9]
The state of Santa Catarina is one of the oldest states in Brazil. It separated from São Paulo in 1738, withJosé da Silva Pais serving as its first governor. The state was established to extend Portuguese dominions to southern Brazil, reaching as far as theRio de la Plata region.[10] It is also the oldest state in the South Region of Brazil, predating Rio Grande do Sul (1807) and Paraná (1853). The state was populated by various peoples throughout its history, such as the indigenous Carijós people of theTupi-Guarani group, and later became an important destination forAzorean Portuguese,Italian,German, and other European immigrants.[10] African slaves and their descendants also contributed to the formation of the state's population.[11]
Francisco Dias Velho, who arrived on theisland now known as Santa Catarina around 1675, is said to have given the place its name. There, he built a chapel dedicated toCatherine of Alexandria, whom, it is claimed, one of his daughters was named after.[17][18] Other authors attribute the origin of the name toSebastian Cabot, a Venetian explorer and cartographer, who is said to have dedicated the island. At that time, Sebastian Cabot passed through the area between 1526 and 1527. He is thought to have consecrated it toSaint Catherine, or rather, honoured his wife, Catarina Medrano.[18] The name of the state is derived from that of the island.[17]
The state's native inhabitants are calledCatarinenses orBarrigas-Verdes (lit. Green-Belly).[19][20][21] The origin of the term comes from the waistcoat worn by the soldiers of the Portuguese military forces, under Joaquim Francisco do Livramento. These troops, in 1753, departed from Santa Catarina to fight inRio Grande do Sul and secured for Brazil the conquest of theCaptaincy of Santa Catarina.[20][21]
Originating fromCatholicism, the name honours the state's patron saint.[17][18] TheRomans worshipped an ancient deity,Sancus, who ensured promises and oaths were not violated, mandating their fulfilment. From his name comes the Latin verb sancire, "to consecrate". Sanctus, "holy, consecrated, which must, above all, be treated with respect", is the past participle of the verb itself. Etymologically, the name Catherine derives from theGreek termεκατερινα, meaning "pure" or "immaculate".[22][23]
Colonial settlement on the Island of Santa Catarina
Anita Garibaldi Museum, in Laguna, where the independence of theJuliana Republic was proclaimed
At the outset of the16th century, the area now known as the state of Santa Catarina was populated by the Carijós, a tribe belonging to theTupi-Guarani group. These Indigenous peoples were catechised (educated and pacified in the Catholic faith) starting from 1549.[24]
Expeditions fromPortugal andSpain commenced exploration of the Santa Catarina coast in the early years following Brazil's discovery by Europeans.[25]Sebastian Cabot, en route to theRio de la Plata, navigated past theisland then known as Dos Patos, bestowing upon it the name Santa Catarina in 1526. In 1534, John III of Portugal awarded the mainland territories toPedro Lopes de Sousa. Nevertheless, these lands remained largely uninhabited, withJesuits, Spanish, and Portuguese settlers exploring them but failing to establish any permanent settlements throughout the 16th century.[25]
From the outset of Brazil's colonisation, the lands of Brazil'ssouthern region did not greatly interest the Portuguese colonisers. This was due to the absence ofprecious metals and its colder climate (asfrosts hindered the cultivation ofsugarcane). The Portuguese only began to take an interest in the region in the mid-17th century. The settlement ofNossa Senhora da Graça do Rio de São Francisco was established by Manuel Lourenço de Andrade and his friends in 1658. The present-day city was the first permanent settlement in the region.[25]
The settlement ofNossa Senhora do Desterro, on the island of Santa Catarina, was established by the PaulistabandeiranteFrancisco Dias Velho in 1675. At that time, the notable settler was accompanied by his heirs, slaves, and servants. In 1676, the settlement ofLaguna was initiated by Domingos de Brito Peixoto. The Captaincy of Santa Catarina, initially linked toSão Paulo, was founded in 1738. It was separated from São Paulo and incorporated intoRio de Janeiro's in 1739.[25]
From the 1740s onwards, initiated byAlexandre de Gusmão, minister of KingJohn V, Portugal began a colonisation and settlement project in southern Brazil, aiming to secure possession of the territory disputed by the Spanish. With this objective, immigration fromMadeira Island and theAzores was sought. An insular defensive system was implemented. From 1748 to 1756, around five thousand Azorean immigrants began to populate the island and the coastline of the captaincy. Disputes between Portugal and Spain led to the occupation and destruction of the island of Santa Catarina by Spanish troops in 1777. TheFirst Treaty of San Ildefonso forced the Spanish to surrender the invaded region.[25]
The Captaincy of Our Lady of the Rosary of Paranaguá was founded by the Marquis of Cascais in 1656.[26] It replaced the Captaincy of Santana,[27][28] which began at the mouth of the Paranaguá Bay and ended in the current city ofLaguna.[27][29][30][31] It is bounded by the Captaincy of Santo Amaro (part of the second section ofSão Vicente) to the north,[27] the salty waters of the Atlantic Ocean to the east, and theGovernorate of New Andalusia to the west.[32][33] These extinct states were delimited by theTreaty of Tordesillas.[32][34]
The captaincy was elevated to the status of a province with the declaration ofindependence of Brazil. The province of Santa Catarina suffered profound consequences from theRagamuffin War, which took place inRio Grande do Sul in 1835. The revolutionaries, led byGiuseppe Garibaldi andDavid Canabarro, invaded Laguna and declared theJuliana Republic in July 1839. Defeated by the troops of theEmpire of Brazil, the rebels left Laguna.[25] The new South American country had a short duration because, when its independence was proclaimed, it stopped paying theRiograndense Republic due to lack of resources.[35] The last Ragamuffin trenches were demolished in 1840. European colonisation, especially fromGermany andItaly, was boosted in the second half of the 19th century. The colonies of Dona Francisca, laterJoinville, were established in 1850;Blumenau in 1852; andBrusque in 1860.[25]
The armed conflicts spread throughout the coast of Santa Catarina. Defeated in 1894, the revolutionaries were severely punished by the loyalist troops.Hercílio Luz was elected governor in 1894 and developed a policy for the pacification of the region and the repair of the infrastructural problems that the state had suffered. Desterro was renamed Florianópolis, in honour ofFloriano Peixoto, following a turn of events that cost the lives of the defenders of the revolution.[25]
TheContestado War began in 1912. This conflict pitted the needy inhabitants of the region located between theNegro,Iguazu,Canoas, andUruguay rivers against the official forces.[36][37][38][25] José Maria de Santo Agostinho, a healer considered sacred, led the backlanders. Moreover,Paraná and Santa Catarina were disputing the region where they lived, which is why the area was called Contestado.[25] The disagreement between the two federative units and the armed conflict of thecaboclos only ended completely in 1916. Santa Catarina's territory was invaded by the rebellious forces, which came from Rio Grande do Sul, in 1930. However, Florianópolis resisted until the triumph of therevolution throughout the country.[25]
During theSecond World War, it was necessary to address the issue ofNazi infiltration in the state. In this area, the Brazilian military effort was not compromised by groups of Germans, following a futile attempt. Up until 1945, intervenors governed the state throughout PresidentGetúlio Vargas's administration. Since the 1950s, encouragement for the colonisation of the far west and the centre of the state byItalian-Brazilian settlers has contributed to the progress of Santa Catarina. These settlers came from Rio Grande do Sul.[25]
Santa Catarina has 77% of its territory above 300 metres and 52% above 600 metres, making it one of theBrazilian federative units with the highest relief. Four geomorphological units, ranging from the coast to the interior, form the state's relief: the coastal lowland, the Serra do Mar, thePalaeozoic plateau, and theBasaltic plateau.[8] The lowest altitudes are found in the coastal lowland, which encompasses lands located below 200 metres. In the northern part, it is quite wide, extending far inland through the valleys of the rivers that flow from the Serra do Mar. Meanwhile, towards the south, it gradually narrows.[8]
The Serra do Mar occupies the coastal lowland in the western part. In the north of the state, it forms the mountainous edge of a reasonably average plateau. It has a very different feature from what is found in other states such asParaná andSão Paulo. In Santa Catarina, it constitutes a range of mountains, with points above one thousand metres. This range is formed by a group of massifs isolated by the deep valleys of the rivers that descend to the Atlantic Ocean. Behind theSerra do Mar, the Palaeozoic plateau extends. Its flattened area is divided into spaces separated by rivers, which flow eastward. The Palaeozoic plateau decreases in altitude from north to south. In the southern portion of the state, it merges with the coastal plain, since the Serra do Mar does not extend to this region of Santa Catarina.[8]
The Basaltic plateau encompasses a significant portion of the state's territory. Comprisingbasaltic sediments (lava flows), interspersed withsandstone deposits, its eastern boundary is a mountainous edge known as theSerra Geral. In the north of the state, the edge of the basaltic plateau is situated inland. Moving southwards, it progressively approaches the coast until, at the border with Rio Grande do Sul, it starts to descend directly towards the sea. The plateau area is reasonably average and slopes gently westward. The rivers, flowing towards the neighbouring state of Paraná, have carved deep valleys into it.[8] The lands of the mixed ombrophilous forest are infertile, as are the soils of thegrasslands, which are utilised for dairy and beef cattle farming. The soils of thehumid subtropical forest are characterised by their fertility.[41]
The humid subtropical climate(Cfa) records average temperatures of 20 °C in the lowlands and the Uruguay Valley, and 18 °C in the western extremity of the state. Conversely, the temperate subtropical climate (Cfb) sees average temperatures ranging between 16 and 18 °C. There is a significant difference between summer and winter temperatures, leading to a considerablethermal amplitude throughout the year. Winters vary from cool to cold, with some regions experiencing about 25 days offrost annually.[9] During this period, the incursion ofpolar air masses is more common, some being stronger and more extensive, causing temperatures to fall below zero in various cities.[42][43] The majority of these cities are located in the Midwest, North Plateau, and South Plateau.[44] Notably,Bom Jardim da Serra,São Joaquim,Urubici, andUrupema, situated on the South Plateau, rank among the coldest municipalities in the country.[45]
A large part ofRio Grande do Sul is situated at latitudes lower than Santa Catarina. Despite this, it is in the higher areas of the Santa Catarina southern plateau where there is a higher occurrence ofsnowfall in Brazil during the winter months.[9][46] The state also holds the record for the lowest temperature recorded in Brazilian territory by official bodies. The temperature reached −14 °C inCaçador on 11 June 1952. On the other hand, the highest temperature reached 44.6 °C in Orleans on 6 January 1963. The hottest localities in the state are located in the regions of the southern coast, Itajaí Valley, and extreme west. This is because here lies the city considered the hottest in Santa Catarina,Itapiranga. In these regions, temperatures can exceed 40 °C in the summer or on other extreme occasions.[44]
The rivers that flow through the state's territory are part of both autonomous systems delineated by theSerra Geral andSerra do Mar mountain ranges. The South Atlantic basin is made up of inter-delimited basins, such as those of theItajaí-Açu,Tubarão,Araranguá,Tijucas, andItapocu rivers.[9] In the interior of the state, two basins come together to form thePlata basin: that of theParaná, whose most important tributary is theIguazu River, and that of theUruguay River. The latter has as its main tributaries thePelotas,Canoas,Chapecó, andDo Peixe rivers.[9]
Fully embedded within theAtlantic Forest biome, the original vegetation of Santa Catarina encompasses two formations:forests andgrasslands.[9]
On the plateau, they occur in the form of mixedconiferous (Araucaria) forests with broadleaved trees and, in the lowland and foothills of the Serra do Mar, solely as broadleaved forest. The grasslands appear as scattered patches within the mixed forest. The main ones are those of São Joaquim,Lages,Curitibanos, andCampos Novos.[9]
In the fauna of Santa Catarina, about 600 species of birds,[47] 150 mammals,[48] and 140 systematic denominations of amphibians are catalogued.[49] There are 1,150Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths), in addition to the registration of about 2,300vascular plants.[50][51]
The flag of Santa Catarina is arectangle divided into three horizontal bands: the upper and lower, sips, and the central, argent. In the middle you can see a sinople rhombus with the coat of arms in the center. On August 15, 1895, Santa Catarina received a flag, designed by José Artur Boiteux. It had thirteen horizontal stripes of sips and argent in a quantity similar to that of districts in the state. Inside the sinople rhombus, jalde stars symbolized the municipalities.[52]
Map of the population density in Santa Catarina per municipality in 2010
According to the2022 Brazilian census conducted by theBrazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), Santa Catarina has a total population of 7.6 million and apopulation density of 79.5 inhabitants per square kilometre. This ranks it as thetenth most populous state in Brazil, accounting for 3.75% of the country's total population.[1] The state's largest city,Joinville, has a population of 616,317, making it the 34th most populous city in Brazil.[53] Meanwhile, its capital,Florianópolis, which is the state's second-largest city, has a population of 537,211, ranking it 39th among Brazilian municipalities by population.[54]
The population grew by approximately 1.3 million inhabitants since 2010, representing an increase of 21.79% between 2010 and 2022. In 2022, around 50.71% of the population (3,859,258 people) werefemale, whilst about 49.28% of the population (3,751,103 people) weremale.[55]
TheHuman Development Index of Santa Catarina is considered high according to theUNDP. According to the latest Atlas of Human Development in Brazil, released in 2023 with data pertaining to 2021, the state has the 3rd highest HDI among the federal units in Brazil, with an overall index of 0.792. Breaking down the index into indicators of income, education, and life expectancy, the state ranks 4th inincome (with an index of 0.759), 3rd ineducation (with an index of 0.790), and 3rd inlife expectancy (with an index of 0.827).[56][1] Thesocioeconomic indicators of Santa Catarina rank among the best in Brazil. The state leads inpublic safety, and boasts the lowest rates ofhomicide,poverty andextreme poverty in the country.[12][13][14][15] It holds also thethird-highest GDP per capita, and the third-lowest rates ofinfant mortality andilliteracy. Additionally, it is the federative unit with the least economic inequality in Brazil.[1][16]
Overview of Florianópolis
Overview of Joinville
Castelinho of Moellmann in Blumenau
Partial view of Balneário Camboriú
† Region seat †† State capital and region seat
15 largest municipalities in Santa Catarina by population in 2022[57]
Chapecó is the main city in the Western Santa CatarinaRice plantation nearRio do SulFamily farm in Urubici
With only 1.12% of the national territory, Santa Catarina was the eighth-largest producer of maize and the eleventh-largest producer ofsoybeans in Brazil, in the year 2017. When production per unit area is considered, the State becomes the national leader in corn, with an average of 8,100 kilograms per hectare, and second in soybeans, with 3.580 kilos per hectare. In 15 years, there has been a 118% growth in corn productivity and 58% in soybean.[71] In 2019, corn production in the state reached 2.8 million tons (in 2018, Brazil was the third-largest producer in the world, with 82 million tons.[72][73] However, the annual demand for corn in the state is 7 million tons—97% is for animal consumption, especially for pigs and broilers (83.8%), as Santa Catarina has the largest pig population among Brazilian states and the second largest in poultry. The corn deficit is covered by interstate imports, mainly from Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso, Paraná and Goiás, and from countries like Argentina and Paraguay.[74] In soy production, in 2019 the state harvested 2.3 million tons (Brazil produced 116 million tons this year, being the largest producer in the world).[75]
The state was the second-largest rice producer in the country in 2020, second only to the Rio Grande do Sul,[76] harvesting around 1.1 million tons of the product. Total national production was 10.5 million tons this year.[77]
The three Southern States of the country are responsible for 95% of the national apple production, and Santa Catarina tops, competing with the Rio Grande do Sul. TheSão Joaquim region is responsible for 35% of the apple planting.[78]
Santa Catarina is also a national leader in the production of onions. In 2017, it produced 630,000 tons, especially in the municipalities of Alfredo Wagner, Angelina and Rancho Queimado.[79][80]
In banana production, Santa Catarina was the fourth-largest national producer in 2018.[81]
Santa Catarina was the third-largest producer of garlic in Brazil in 2018, with a planted area of approximately two thousand hectares. The Curitibanos region is the largest producer in the state.[82][83]
Santa Catarina is one of the few states in the country that cultivatebarley. In the 2007–2011 period, the state had 2.5% of national production. The cultivation was concentrated in the microregions ofCanoinhas (57.6%),Curitibanos (26.5%) andXanxerê (11.5%). It is also one of the few states that cultivate wheat, due to its favourable climate. In 2019 the estimated production of the state was 150,000 tons, still small compared to the 2.3 million tons produced by both Rio Grande do Sul and Paraná. Since the country has to import these two cereals in high volume every year, the state has been trying to stimulate the production of winter grain crops with incentive programs.[84][85][86]
The state had an annual production of about 23,000 tons of grapes in 2019, with 86% of the state production located in the municipalities ofCaçador,Pinheiro Preto,Tangará andVideira. Most of the national production, however, is located in Rio Grande do Sul (664,200 tons in 2018).[88][89]
Santa Catarina is the largest producer of pork in Brazil. The state is responsible for 28.38% of the country's slaughter and 40.28% of Brazilian pork exports. The number of pigs in Brazil was 41.1 million in 2017. Santa Catarina had 19.7% of the total.[90][91][92]
The number of chickens in Brazil was 1.4 billion in 2017. Santa Catarina had 10.8% of the national total, the fourth largest in the country.[92]
Brazil is the fifth-largest milk producer in the world, having produced almost 34 billion liters in 2018, 4% of world production. Santa Catarina was responsible for 8.78% of the national production, almost 3 billion liters of milk. In the production of chickeneggs, Santa Catarina represented 4.58% of the national total, which was 3.6 billion dozens in 2018. The state alone was responsible for 165 million dozens.[93]
In cattle raising, Brazil had almost 215 million head in 2017. Santa Catarina had about 5 million head of cattle in 2018.[92][94]
Santa Catarina was the fifth-largesthoney producer in the country in 2017, with 10.2% of the national total.[92]
Fishing plays an important role in the state's economy. The production ofoysters,scallops andmussels in Brazil was 20,900 tons in 2017. Santa Catarina was the main producer, responsible for 98.1%.Palhoça,Florianópolis andBombinhas led the ranking of municipalities.[92]
Santa Catarina is the largest coal producer in Brazil, mainly inCriciúma city and its surroundings. The production of crude mineral coal in Brazil was 13.6 million tons (Mt) in 2007. Santa Catarina produced 8.7 Mt; the Rio Grande do Sul, 4.5 Mt; and Paraná, 0.4 Mt. Despite the extraction of mineral coal in Brazil, the country still needs to import about 50% of the coal consumed, as the coal produced in the country is of low quality, with a lower concentration of carbon. Brazil's coal reserves are 32 billion tons and are mainly in the Rio Grande do Sul (89.25% of the total), followed by Santa Catarina (10.41%). The Candiota Deposit (RS) alone has 38% of all national coal. As it is the coal of inferior quality, it is used only in the generation of thermoelectric energy and at the site of the deposit. The oil crisis in the 1970s led the Brazilian government to create the Energy Mobilization Plan, with intense efforts to discover new coal reserves. The Geological Survey of Brazil, through works carried out in the Rio Grande, do Sul and Santa Catarina greatly increased the reserves of coal previously known, between 1970 and 1986 (mainly between 1978 and 1983). In 2011, coal accounted for only 5.6% of the energy consumed in Brazil, but it is a strategic alternate source that can be activated when, for example, low water levels in dams reduce hydroelectric power generation. This happened in 2013, when several thermoelectric plants were shut down to maintain the necessary supply, albeit at a higher cost.[95][96]
Santa Catarina had anindustrial GDP of R$63.2 billion in 2017, equivalent to 5.3% of the national industry. It employs 761,072 workers in the industry. The main sectors are Construction (17.9%), Food (15.9%), Clothing (7.4%), Industrial Public Utility Services, such as Electricity and Water (6.9%), and Textiles (6.0%). These 5 sectors constitute 54.1% of the state's industry.[97]
The main industrial centers in Santa Catarina are Jaraguá do Sul, Joinville, Chapecó and Blumenau. The first is diversified, with factories of fabrics, food products, foundries, and the mechanical industry. Chapecó's economy is based onagribusiness. Blumenau concentrates on the textile industry (together with Gaspar and Brusque) and recently also on software. In the interior of the state, there are numerous small manufacturing centers, linked to both the use of wood in industry and the processing of agricultural and pastoral products.
In thetextile industry, Santa Catarina stands out. Brazil, despite being among the five largest producers in the world in 2013, and a large consumer of textile and clothing, do not participate proportionately in global trade. In 2015, Brazilian imports ranked 25th (US$5.5 billion), and in exports, it was only 40th in the world. At 0.3% market share in the global textile and clothing trade, Brazil is constrained by uncompetitive pricing compared to producers in China and India. The gross value of production, which includes consumption of intermediate goods and services, by the Brazilian textile industry, corresponds to almost R$40 billion in 2015, 1.6% of the gross value of Industrial Production in Brazil. The South has 32.65% of production, Among the main textile clusters in Brazil, the Vale do Itajaí (SC) stand out. In 2015, Santa Catarina was the second-largest textile and clothing employer in Brazil. It led in the manufacture of pillows and is the largest producer in Latin America and the second in the world in woven labels. It is the largest exporter in the country of toilet/kitchen clothes, cotton terry cloth fabrics, and cotton knit shirts. Some of the most famous companies in the region areHering,Malwee,Karsten andHaco.[98]
In thefood industry, Brazil was the second-largest exporter of processed foods in the world in 2019, with a value of US$34.1 billion in exports. The Brazilian food and beverage industry's revenue in 2019 was R$699.9 billion, 9.7% of the country's gross domestic product. In 2015, the industrial food and beverage sector in Brazil comprised 34,800 companies (not counting bakeries), the vast majority of which were small. These companies employed more than 1.6 million workers, making the food and beverage industry the largest employer in the manufacturing industry. There are around 570 large companies in Brazil, which constitute a major proportion of industry revenues.[99][100][101] Companies such asSadia andPerdigão (which later merged intoBRF),Seara Alimentos (which today belongs toJBS),Aurora (all meat specialists),Gomes da Costa (fish and canned),Eisenbahn Brewery andHemmer Alimentos (specialist in preserves such as cucumber, beet, heart of palm, among others) are based in Santa Catarina.
The wood and paper industry is concentrated in (Canoinhas,Três Barras andMafra) in the north of Santa Catarina, due to raw material availability in the region. In the Serra industries (Rio Negrinho andSão Bento do Sul),wood-processing works are carried out, producing various derivatives and final products. The state stands out nationally in the production of wooden furniture. Most companies in this sector are based in these cities, together with Palhoça. The state's industry accounts for 7.5% of the national sector. The state is the second-largest furniture exporter in the country (2014). The Santa Catarina timber industry stands out with a 17.1% share in Brazil. It is among the largest in the country in the production of wooden doors and is a national leader in frames.[103]
Responsible for handling R$6.5 billion in gross value of the Industrial Production of Santa Catarina, the paper andcellulose sector is one of the most important economic vocations in the mountainous part of the state. The sector is 8th highest in exports and 10th in job creation in Santa Catarina, with more than 20,200 vacancies, according to data from 2015. The municipalities ofLages andOtacílio Costa together represent about 47% of the exports of the Pulp and Paper sector State role.[104]
Brazil'sceramic tile factories are mainly based in the south of Santa Catarina (including the cities ofImbituba,Tubarão,Criciúma,Forquilhinha,Içara andUrussanga). The state of Santa Catarina also leads the country in the production of crockery andcrystals.
The northeast of the state is notable for the production of moto-compressors, auto parts, refrigerators, engines and electrical components, industrial machines, tubes, and connections. Its compressor production makes it a leader in exports among Brazil's states. It is also an important producer of forestry equipment. In metallurgy, the state has the largest national manufacturer of stainless steel sinks, vats, tanks, trophies, medals, fixing elements (screws, nuts, etc.), jacketed tanks for fuels, industrial pressure vessels, and malleable iron connections. It is a world leader in engine blocks and iron heads, being Brazil's largest exporter of this product.[105]
In thehousehold appliances industry, sales ofwhite goods (refrigerators, air conditioning, and others) were 12.9 million units in 2017. The sector had its peak in 2012, with 18.9 million units. The brands that sold the most wereBrastemp,Electrolux, Consul andPhilips. Consul is originally from Santa Catarina, having merged with Brastemp and is now a part of the multinationalWhirlpool Corporation.[107]
View of ItajaíWEG, one of the largest electrical equipment manufacturers in the world
In 2019, Santa Catarina had 62,871 km of highways, 9,321 km of which were paved, and of these, 556 km wereduplicated highways.[109]
The main highway is theBR-101, which is fully duplicated, passing along the coast, where most of the 25 cities in the state of Santa Catarina with the highest GDP are located.[110] Other major highways in the state areBR-470 andBR-280, which are currently undergoing duplication works,BR-116,BR-282,BR-153 andBR-158.
As it is a state without large metropolises, with cities with no more than 600 thousand inhabitants, Santa Catarina has some important airports spread across the state. Five of them carry out commercial flights:
Florianópolis, the capital, is served byHercílio Luz International Airport for both domestic and international flights. The traffic has grown significantly and in October 2019, a new airport was opened to serve 2.7 million passengers a year.[111][112]
In Navegantes, there is theNavegantes Airport, the second largest in Santa Catarina and the main gateway to the Vale do Itajaí Region, made up of 12 municipalities with a GDP of R$49 billion, which corresponds to 15.3% of the state's GDP. The airport has a capacity for 3.5 million passengers per year.[113]
In Joinville, there is theJoinville-Lauro Carneiro de Loyola Airport, which serves the largest city in the state of Santa Catarina, with 590 thousand inhabitants. The Joinville region is responsible for 18.3% of the state's GDP and is one of the most important industrial hubs in the development of the south of the country. The airport has a capacity for 800 thousand passengers/year.[114]
In Chapecó, there is theChapecó Airport, which serves the largest city in the west of the state. The airport handles around 500,000 passengers per year.[115][116]
In the area close toCriciúma, Brazil's famous coal region,Jaguaruna Regional Airport was opened in 2014, which in 2023 handled around 120,000 passengers per year.[117]
The state has five specialized ports—Itajaí,São Francisco do Sul, Itapoá, Imbituba and Navegantes—the first two being of great importance. São Francisco do Sul is a major exporter of soy, wood and cellulose, and importer of steel material, such as steel bars and coils, in addition to fertilizers and urea. Itajaí exports a lot of chicken, wood and meat products and imports mechanical and electronic products, chemicals and miscellaneous textiles. Imbituba represents a coal terminal and Laguna, a fishing port. Itajaí had a cargo movement of 18.9 million tons in 2021, and São Francisco do Sul, 13.6 million, being among the ten largest in the country.[118][119]
Santa Catarina offers several destinations and events throughout the year: rural tourism, thermal resorts, ecological tourism, and adventure sports, historic monuments and sights, religious tourism, Beto Carrero World and Unipraias parks inBalneário Camboriú, and beach resorts ofFlorianópolis,Laguna,Porto Belo and Itajaí.[120][121]
Some of these sights can only be seen in the off-season, like the snow on the Catarinense Mountain Range—one of the places in Brazil where it snows every year.[122]
Between July and November,southern right whales visit the state's coast. The municipality ofTimbó is a center for adventure sports like rafting and canyoning.[122]
The popular festivities take place in October. TheOktoberfest of Blumenau is Brazil's largest and the world's second largest (after Germany'sMunich).[123]
Joinville is the host city in July to the widely acclaimed "Joinville Dance Festival", the annual "Festival of Flowers" in November which showcases orchids produced in the region, and several business events in its Convention Center.[124][125]
Urubici, nestled in the stunning Serra Catarinense region of Santa Catarina, is a prime ecotourism destination known for its breathtaking landscapes, adventure opportunities, and charming climate. Home to Morro da Igreja, one of the highest points in southern Brazil, and the iconic Pedra Furada, the town offers panoramic views that attract nature lovers year-round. Visitors can explore magnificent waterfalls like Cascata do Avencal and Véu de Noiva, drive through the dramatic cliffs of Serra do Corvo Branco, or embark on scenic hiking and cycling trails. Urubici is also famous for its winter charm, often experiencing frost and even rare snowfall, making it one of the coldest places in Brazil. Beyond nature, the town delights with its rich gastronomy, featuring traditional pinhão dishes, fresh trout, and locally produced wines, while religious and cultural sites like the Gruta Nossa Senhora de Lourdes add to its tranquil charm. Whether for adventure, relaxation, or simply to enjoy the picturesque mountain scenery, Urubici stands as one of Santa Catarina’s most captivating tourist destinations.
Florianópolis, the city/island State Capital attracts a large number of tourists during the summer months who visit its 42 beaches.
There are also many smaller resort towns, including the capital of the microlight aircraft tour flightsItapema, Piçarras,Barra Velha, andPenha, home to the famous amusement parkBeto Carrero World.
An interesting collaboration between humans and wildlife has developed inLaguna (birthplace ofAnita Garibaldi, the wife and comrade-in-arms ofItalian Unification revolutionaryGiuseppe Garibaldi): a pod ofbottlenose dolphins drive fish towards fishermen who stand at the beach in shallow waters. Then one dolphin rolls over, which the fishermen take as a sign to cast their nets. The dolphins feed on the escaping fish. The dolphins were not trained for this behavior; the collaboration has been reported since 1847.[126][127]Southern right whales also can be seen in Laguna from the shore during the winter to spring seasons.[128]
The 17,491 hectares (43,220 acres)Turvo State Park, created in 1947, is in the northwest of the state.[129]It contains the Yucumã Falls (Portuguese:Salto do Yucumã, Spanish:Saltos del Moconá), a dramatic waterfall on theUruguay River on the Argentinian border. Many tourists come to the park to see the falls, which are 1,800 metres (5,900 ft) long and up to 20 metres (66 ft) high.[130]
In the state of Santa Catarina, important athletes were born such as:Gustavo Kuerten, the greatest male tennis player in the country's history;[131]Pedro Barros, one of the most important skaters in the country along with Bob Burnquist;[132]Darlan Romani, world champion in shot put,[133]Tiago Splitter, NBA champion,[134]Fernando Scherer, Olympic medalist and world champion in swimming, andAna Moser, Olympic medalist in volleyball.[135]
Criciuma EC fromCriciúma. Criciúma EC, also known as "Tigre" (Tiger), was champion in theCopa do Brasil (Brazilian Cup) in 1991, the most important championship won by a Santa Catarina team in a very long time. Criciúma is the only team from Santa Catarina that playedLibertadores of America Cup, in 1992, when it was 5th. Criciúma also won the Brazilian 2002 second series and 2006 C series. Criciuma is currently playingCampeonato Brasileiro Série A, the Brazilian national first division.
Sandboarder on Florianópolis dunes
Figueirense FC black and white fromFlorianópolis. Its nicknames areFigueira (Fig tree) andO Furacão do Estreito (The Hurricane of Estreito). Its stadium is theOrlando Scarpelli, located in theEstreito neighborhood in the mainland part of the city. Figueirense is currently playing in theCampeonato Brasileiro Série C, the third division of Brazilian football.
Avaí FC, blue and white fromFlorianópolis. It is also known asO Leão da Ilha (The Lion of the Island). Its stadium is the Aderbal Ramos da Silva, popularly known asRessacada, located in theCarianos neighborhood, in the south part of the island. Avaí is currently playing inCampeonato Brasileiro Série B, the second division of Brazilian football.
Campeche Beach is generally considered to have the best and most consistent waves in Brazil, and in April of each year hosts what is currently South America's only ASP (Association of Surfing Professionals) World Championship Tour professional surfing competition. Brazil has played host to many ASP tour events over the past 30 years. Former contest sites includeRio de Janeiro, Barra de Tijuca, and Saquarema, but in past years have seen the tour set up shop in Florianópolis. Previously held towards the end of the tour, the past few years have seen several ASP world champions crowned in Brazil. In 2004 it was Andy Irons, and in 2005 it was Kelly Slater (who had his 2006 ASP World Title already stitched up by Brazil).
^abIBGE,Síntese de Indicadores Sociais 2007 : Publicação completaArchived 2015-03-19 at theWayback Machine. Tabela 1.4 - Taxa de fecundidade total, taxa bruta de natalidade, taxa bruta de mortalidade, taxa de mortalidade infantil e esperança de vida ao nascer, por sexo, segundo as Grandes Regiões e Unidades da Federação - 2022.
^Vibrans, Alexander Christian, ed. (2012).Inventário florístico florestal de Santa Catarina. Vol. 1: Diversidade e conservação dos remanescentes florestais / Alexander Christian Vibrans. Vol. 1. Blumenau: Universidade Regional de Blumenau, Brasil. pp. 99–111.ISBN978-85-7114-330-2.
^"SImbolos".Archived from the original on 23 June 2020. Retrieved23 June 2020.
^PES do Turvo (in Portuguese), ISA: Instituto Socioambiental, retrieved11 November 2016
^Parque Estadual do Turvo (in Portuguese), SEMA: Secretaria do Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Rio Grande do Sul, 19 September 2010, archived fromthe original on 12 November 2016, retrieved11 November 2016
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