Salambáw (Spanish:salambáo orsarambáo), is a type oflift net used by indigenous fishermen in thePhilippines. They are found throughout the Philippine islands but are most prevalent in large lakes likeLaguna de Bay, and sheltered coastal areas likeManila Bay,Ragay Gulf, andBatan Bay. Variations ofsalambáw lift nets include thebintol (used for catching crabs),panak (used for catchingchambered nautilus),tangkal (a stationary lift net operated at night), and thebasnig (a deep-water lift net operated from outrigger canoes).[1][2]Salambáw rafts were also known assaraboa orsalakab.[3][4]
Salambáw is derived fromProto-Western Malayo-Polynesian *salambaw, meaning a "large fishing net". Itscognates includesəlambaw inIban andMalay. The term is only used in the northern andVisayan regions in the Philippines and is absent in the south.[5]
Salambáw rafts were made from reeds or bamboo lashed together. At the center of the raft is a tall upright pole or a tower structure (timba) around 15 to 20 m (49 to 66 ft) in height. At the top of the pole are two large curving spars crossed with each other. A large square net is attached to the ends of these spars. The pole acts as acrane, it can be tilted to submerge the net using a weighted lever mechanism. The operator either pushes or pulls the lever, or climbs on it to bring it down with their body weight, thus raising the pole.[1]
Salambáw rafts are usually operated by two people. Though it catches only a few fish at a time, they can be raised and lowered repeatedly every few minutes.[1]Salambáw operated at night may usefishing light attractors. These were traditionally candles made of resin.[6]
Basnig orBalasnig are lift nets operated by a largeoutrigger boat calledBasnigan. They utilize a large bag net suspended directly below or beside the ship. This net is attached to multiple temporary booms projecting from the ship'soutriggers and detachable auxiliary masts. Modernbasnig typically use generators and electric lights to attract fish and squid. This method is unique to the Philippines. It is common in theVisayas, particularly in the provinces ofCapiz andIloilo. With the poles deployed, the entire ship can look like a spiderweb.[2]
A smaller hand-operated version of thesalambáw is known as abintol. It is shaped like a square and is baited. It is used primarily to catch crabs in shallow water.[7]Bintol are usually lowered to the bottom of inland waters, at depths of 5 to 7 m (16 to 23 ft).[2]
Another specialized deep-sea lift net is known as thepanak. It is used to catchlagang (chambered nautilus, which are valued for their shells), and sometimeslobsters.Panak can be lowered to extreme depths of 120 to 150 m (390 to 490 ft). In contrast to the shallow-watersalambáw, they are only lowered and raised around ten times a night.[2]
Tangkal orbintahan are large stationary lift nets. They use box-shaped nets and are operated from a bamboo platform built on the shoreline or out at sea. They typically usekerosene lamps placed above the center of the net as fish attractors. The nets are lifted by means of counterweights, with the fish collected by longhand nets. They are typically used to catchanchovies,mullets,slipmouths, andbarracudas. It is similar to anIndonesian lift net known asbagan.[2]
One of the threepatron saints of theCatholicObando Fertility Rites inObando, Bulacan isNuestra Señora Inmaculada Concepción de Salambáo, better known asOur Lady of Salambáo. She is named thus because her figurine was supposedly discovered by fishermen in asalambáw net.[8]