Saint Dwywe was a 5th- or 6th-centurypre-congregationalsaint of Wales.[1] She was a native of the ancientCumbric-speaking kingdoms, which stretched from south-western Scotland down as far asSouth Yorkshire, and is estimated to have been born between 465 and 585.[2]
She may have been the wife ofDunawd Fyr and mother of a son, SaintDeiniol,[3] who founded monasteries onDeeside and atBangor. She may also have been the mother ofCynwyl ap Dynod,Gwarthan ap Dynod andAneirin.
She is remembered in a church of[4]St Dwywe. She was a princess, the daughter ofGwallog ap Lleenog of the royal house based in the Kingdom ofElmet, east and south of Leeds. Her father and the family were forced to flee after a war against theAngles ofBernicia (who were based aroundNorthumberland andDurham). They were taken in by Welsh kinsfolk and settled nearBarmouth.
Saint Dwywe.