Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) is a highly branched,herbaceous,thistle-likeannual plant in the family Asteraceae. It is one of the world's oldest crops; today, it is commercially cultivated forvegetable oil extracted from theseeds. Plants are 30 to 150 cm (12 to 59 in) tall with globularflower heads havingyellow,orange, orredflowers. Each branch will usually have from one to five flower heads containing 15 to 20 seeds per head. Safflower is native to arid environments havingseasonal rain. It grows a deeptaproot which enables it to thrive in such environments.
Safflower is a fast growing, erect, winter/spring-growingannual herb, that resembles athistle.[2] Originating from a leafrosette emerges a branched central stem (also referred to as terminal stem), when day length and temperature increase. The main shoot reaches heights of 30–150 cm (12–59 in). The plant also develops a strongtaproot, growing as deep as 2 m (6 ft 7 in). First lateral branches develop, once the main stem is about 20–40 cm (7.9–15.7 in) high. These lateral branches can then branch again to produce secondary and tertiary branches. The chosen variety as well as growing conditions influence the extent of branching.
The elongated andserrated leaves reach lengths of 10–15 cm (3.9–5.9 in) and widths of 2.5–5 cm (0.98–1.97 in) and run down the stem. The upper leaves that form thebracts are usually short, stiff and ovate, terminating in a spine.[2]Buds are borne on the ends of branches, and each composite flower head (capitulum) contains 20–180 individualflorets. Depending on variety, crop management and growing conditions, each plant can develop 3–50 or more flower heads of 1.25–4 cm (0.49–1.57 in) diameter.Flowering commences with terminal flower heads (central stem), followed sequentially by primary, secondary and sometimes tertiary branch flower heads. Individual florets usually flower for 3–4 days. Commercial varieties are largely self-pollinated. Flowers are commonly yellow, orange and red, but white and cream coloured forms exist.[2] Thedicarpelled,epigynous ovary forms theovule. The safflower plant then producesachenes. Each flower head commonly contains 15–50 seeds; however, the number can exceed 100. The shell content of the seeds varies between 30 and 60%, while the oil content of the seeds varies between 20 and 40%.[2]
Safflower usually emerges 1–3 weeks after sowing and grows slower under low temperatures. Germination of safflower isepigeal. The first true leaves emerging form arosette. This stage occurs in winter with short daylength and cold temperature, as the safflower can tolerate frosts up to −7 °C (19 °F) during the rosette stage.
When temperature and daylength start to increase, the central stem begins to elongate and branch, growing more rapidly. Early sowing allows more time for developing a large rosette and more extensive branching, which results in a higher yield.
Flowering is mainly influenced by daylength. The period from the end of flowering to maturity is usually 4 weeks. The total period from sowing to harvest maturity varies with variety, location, sowing time and growing conditions; for June or July sowings, it may be about 26–31 weeks.[2]
Both wild and cultivated forms have a diploid set of 2n = 24 chromosomes. Crossings withCarthamus palaestinus,Carthamus oxyacanthus andCarthamus persicus can produce fertile offspring.[citation needed]
Safflower is one of humanity's oldest crops. It was first cultivated inMesopotamia, with archaeological traces possibly dating as early as 2500 BC.[3]
Chemical analysis ofancient Egyptian textiles dated to theTwelfth Dynasty (1991–1802 BC) identified dyes made from safflower, and garlands made from safflowers were found in the tomb of thepharaohTutankhamun.[4]John Chadwick reports that theGreek name for safflower (kárthamos,κάρθαμος) occurs many times inLinear B tablets, distinguished into two kinds: a white safflower (ka-na-ko re-u-ka,knākos leukā,κνάκος λευκά), which was measured, and red (ka-na-ko e-ru-ta-ra,knākos eruthrā,κνάκος ερυθρά) which was weighed. "The explanation is that there are two parts of the plant which can be used; the pale seeds and the redflorets."[5]
The early Spanish colonies along the Rio Grande inNew Mexico used safflower as a substitute forsaffron in traditional recipes. An heirloom variety originating inCorrales, New Mexico, called "Corrales Azafran", is still cultivated and used as a saffron substitute inNew Mexican cuisine.[6] Also in his 14th-century workKaftor va-Ferach (Hebrew: כפתור ופרח),Ishtori Haparchi noted that the inhabitants of the Land of Israel in his time used Safflower to dye their food as a substitute forCrocus sativus.[7]
Safflower prefers high temperatures and grows best at 28–35 °C (82–95 °F). It tolerates 40 °C (104 °F), but there are also some varieties which grow under very low temperatures.[8] Safflower is cultivated in different seasons: as a winter crop in south central India, as an early summer crop in California and as a mid-summer crop in the Northern Great Plains of the United States.[9] Minimum length of the growing season is 120 and 200 days for summer and winter cultivars, respectively.[10] Plant performance is highly dependent on the different planting dates in terms of temperature and day length.[9] Winter hard varieties only form a rosette in late fall and elongates in spring.[9] In early stages, safflower tolerates humidity but after bud stage the danger of a Botrytis blight infestation increases[9]
Safflower is drought tolerant.[11] The tap root makes moisture from deep soil layers available.[9] Additionally, this tolerance can also be explained by the higher water use efficiency compared to other oil crops such as linseed and mustard.[12] Shortly before and during maximum flowering water requirements are the highest.[9] Beside drought tolerance, all parts of the plant are sensitive to moisture in terms of diseases.[9] In the case of excessive water supply, it is susceptible to root rot.[9] Therefore, many varieties are not suitable in irrigated agriculture especially on soils with danger of waterlogging.[10]
Safflower tolerates wind and hail better than cereals.[13] It stays erect and can retain the seeds in the head.[9]
Safflower prefers well-drained, neutral, fertile and deep soils.[9][8] It can adapt well to soil pH (pH 5–8) and tolerates salinity.[8] Safflower can be well grown on different soil types, with water supply as its main driving factor for suitability, depending on climate and irrigation, and the resulting different water regimes of the different soil types.[9] Therefore, cultivation on shallow soils and especially on soils with danger of waterlogging is not suitable.[10] The deep rooting promotes water and air movement and improves thesoil quality for subsequent crops in a rotation.[13]
Nutrient requirements can be compared to wheat and barley, except nitrogen amendment should be increased by 20%.[9] Therefore, soils with an adequate nitrogen supply are favorable.[10]
Seeds should be sown in spring as early as 4.5 °C (40.1 °F) soil temperature is exceeded, to take advantage of the full growing season. If wireworms were a problem in the field in previous seasons, a respectiveseed treatment is recommended. A planting depth between 2.5 and 3.5 cm (0.98 and 1.38 in) is optimal. Shallow seeding promotes uniform emergence resulting in a better stand.
Seeding rate recommendations are around 17–33.5 kg/ha (15.2–29.9 lb/acre) of live seed.[14] Where lower seeding rates promote branching, a longer flowering period and later maturity and higher rates promote thicker stands with a higher disease incidence. Sufficient moisture is necessary for germination. Usually, row spacing between 15 and 25 cm (5.9 and 9.8 in) are chosen using similar drill settings as recommended forbarley.[14]
The total N recommendation is 90 kg/ha (80 lb/acre). This should include credits based on previous crops and soil available N. For the latter, deeper positioned nutrients need to be taken into account as safflower will root deeper than small grains and therefore access nutrients unavailable to them.[14] Safflower growing in soils low in phosphorus need to be fertilized. Up to 39 kg/ha (35 lb/acre) of phosphate can be drill-applied safely.
A weed control program is essential when growing safflower as it is a poor competitor with weeds during the rosette stage.[14] Cultivation on fields with heavy infestation of perennial weeds is not recommended.
Safflower is mature when most leaves have turned brown approximately 30 days after flowering.[14] Seeds should fall from the head when rubbed. Rain and high humidity after maturity may cause the seeds to sprout on the head.[14]
Harvesting is usually done using a small-graincombine harvester.[14] Moisture in seeds should not exceed 8% to allow for a safe, long-term storage. Drying can be done similar to sunflower. Temperatures must not exceed 43 °C (109 °F) to prevent damage to the seed and ensure quality.
Alternaria spp. present one of the most prevalent diseases causing losses as high as 50% in India.[15] In a field trial in Switzerland,Botrytis cinerea was the most prevalent disease.[16]
Summary of plant diseases occurring on safflower without consideration of the geographical distribution and importance[17][additional citation(s) needed]
At any stage of growth. Leaves turn darker green than those of healthy plants. In older plants on lower leaves first. Unilateral leaf growth. Chlorotic areas on leaves.
Normally minor disease. Do not rotate with cotton, peanuts and other susceptible crops.
Mycoplasmal diseases
Safflower phyllody
Safflower phyllody mycoplasma
Abnormal axillary budding.
Keep safflower fields free of the weed Carthamus tenuis L. because the leafhopper (vector) breeds in this weed
Viral diseases
Chilli mosaic
Chilli mosaic virus CMV
Light and dark green patches are scattered over leaves
No control reported.
Cucumber mosaic
Light and dark green mosaic pattern primarily on upper leaves
In 2020, global production of safflower seeds was 653,030tonnes, led byKazakhstan with 35% of the world total (table). Other significant producers were Russia and Mexico, with 28% of world production combined.
Traditionally, the crop was grown for its seeds. It was also used for coloring and flavoring foods, in medicines, and making red (carthamin) and yellow dyes, especially before cheaperanilinedyes became available.[4]
There are two types of safflower that produce different kinds of oil: one high inmonounsaturated fatty acid (oleic acid) and the other high inpolyunsaturated fatty acid (linoleic acid). Currently the predominant edible oil market is for the former, which is lower insaturated fats than olive oil. The latter is used inpainting in the place oflinseed oil, particularly with white paints, as it does not have the yellow tint which linseed oil possesses.[citation needed]
Safflower petals contain one red and two yellow dyes. In coloringtextiles, dried safflower flowers are used as a naturaldye source for the orange-red pigmentcarthamin. Carthamin is also known, in the dye industry, as Carthamus Red or Natural Red 26.[27] Yellow dye from safflower is known as Carthamus yellow or Natural Yellow 5.[28] One of the yellow pigments is fugitive and will wash away in cold water. The dye is suitable forcotton, which takes up the red dye, andsilk, which takes up the yellow and red color yielding orange. Nomordant is required.[29]
InJapan, dyers have long utilised a technique of producing a bright red to orange-red dye (known ascarthamin) from the dried florets of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius).[citation needed] Darker shades are achieved by repeating the dyeing process several times, having the fabric dry, and redyed.[citation needed] Due to the expensive nature of the dye, safflower dye was sometimes diluted with other dyestuffs, such asturmeric andsappan.[30]: 1
^abcdKnowles, P. F. (July 1955). "Safflower — production, processing and utilization".Economic Botany.9 (3):273–299.doi:10.1007/BF02859823.S2CID46373776.
^Kar, Gouranga; Kumar, Ashwani; Martha, M. (January 2007). "Water use efficiency and crop coefficients of dry season oilseed crops".Agricultural Water Management.87 (1):73–82.Bibcode:2007AgWM...87...73K.doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2006.06.002.
^Sabzalian, Mohammad R.; Saeidi, Ghodratollah; Mirlohi, Aghafakhr (August 2008). "Oil Content and Fatty Acid Composition in Seeds of Three Safflower Species".Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society.85 (8):717–721.doi:10.1007/s11746-008-1254-6.S2CID85260715.
^Mailer, R., Potter, T., Redden, R., & Ayton, J. (2008). Quality evaluation of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) cultivars. In Paper presented at the 7th international safflower conference (Wagga Wagga, NSW)S2CID25100084
^Ben Moumen, Abdessamad; Mansouri, Farid; Richard, Gaetan; Abid, Malika; Fauconnier, Marie-Laure; Sindic, Marianne; El Amrani, Ahmed; Serghini Caid, Hana (March 2015). "Biochemical characterisation of the seed oils of four safflower ( Carthamus tinctorius ) varieties grown in north-eastern of Morocco".International Journal of Food Science & Technology.50 (3):804–810.doi:10.1111/ijfs.12714.hdl:2268/175051.