Leaves alternate, spiral to distichous, penninerved, brochidodromous, simple or imparipinnate, herbaceous or coriaceous, sometimes very large, with simple dentate edges, sometimes heteromorphic, often the base of the stalk is woody and the base of the foliole is pulvinulate, lackingstipules,vernation conduplicate, often dotted with red glands.Stomata anomocytic or paracytic, usuallyhypostomatic.
Stems with large radii, complex unilacunarnodes, without secretory cavities, perulatebuds or not.
Inflorescences in pauci- to multi-floralpanicle, terminal or axillary, often reduced to solitary axillary flower, rarely oncymes or inracemes,peduncles often very short (sub-sessile flowers), bearing zero to numerous small bracts.
Small perfectflowers, actinomorphic or obliquely zygomorphic, usually pentamerous, sepals, petals and stamens arranged in opposed whorls. Hypogynous disc present, thin, annular, nectariferous, with lobes (sometimes with hardened discoid glands) alternating with the stamens, sometimes with bifid-shaped teeth.Sepals (4-)5, in a whorl, free or basally fused, equal or with the 2 internal sepals much smaller, imbricate.Petals (4-)5, in a whorl, free, equal or the 2 internal petals often much smaller (sometimes bifid), imbricate, oppositisepalous, more or less fleshy.Androecium of (4-)5(−6) elements, 5stamens or even 2 (opposed to the internal petals) and 3staminodes, oppositipetalous, free from each other but fused at the base of the petals, filiform filaments, expanded below the anther or forming a collar,unilocularanthers, dithecal, introrse and bent down, enclosed in external cavities belonging to the adjacent staminode, more or less adherent between themselves, leaving a central pore through which thestyle passes, or even extrorse, connective strongly expanded,dehiscence through transversal slits or valves. Superiorgynoecium, of 2(−3)carpels, hemicarpic with apically free styles (stylodious) or sincarpic with one short cylindrical or conic style, capitatestigmas, punctate and moist, or not papillose and dry,ovules (1-)2 per carpel, hemianatropous to campylotropous, apotropous, unitegmic and crasinucelated, horizontal or pendulous, axialplacentation.
Fruit unilocular or dilocular, asymmetric, dry or drupaceous, indehiscent, monospermatic, sometimes inschizocarp, with persistent styles,endocarp stoney or crustaceous, sculpted or foveolate.
Seeds one, withendosperm scarce or absent, withcondyle,embryo with curved, elongatehypocotyl, with 2 flat cotyledons, plicate or coiled (inOphyocaryon paradoxum).
Pollen tricolpate, prolate, relatively small, semitectateexine, more or less reticulate.
The anthesis is extremely short. The anthers open within the bud, but enclosed in the staminodes. On maturing the bud opens explosively at the smallest touch releasing the pollen into the air.
Plants from this genus live in humid areas along rivers, in tropical forests or in warm temperatures.
The fossil genusInsitiocarpus has been found in deposits from theCenomanian period, while the other extant generaSabia andMeliosma have been found in European deposits from theTuronian and theMaastrichtian, respectively.[1] The appearance of the first Sabiaceae has been dated to 122–118 million years ago.
The Sabiaceae are a group of flowering plants that are included in theeudicots clade, where they form part of the basal level. In this regard they are similar to theProteaceae, with which they share, for example, a nectariferous hypogynous disc, although they differ in the number of floral parts and the radial pentameric symmetry is completely original. Based on molecular and morphological data, the APW (Angiosperm Phylogeny Website) considers that they form part of the orderProteales, one of four families that includes theProteaceae, theNelumbonaceae, and thePlatanaceae (cf.AP-website).
The family consists of threegenera, together about 160 species of woody plants. The genusSabia often are lianas, while those in the generaMeliosma andOphiocaryon are trees and shrubs; the latter two are sometimes treated in a separate family Meliosmaceae.
Trees. 2 stamens, opposed to internal petals, the other 3 reduced to squamiform staminodes. Flowers normally in terminal or axillary panicles, multifloral.
Subequal petals. Staminodes without lateral cavities. Carpels with free styles.
^Messian to Zanclean vegetation and climate of Northern and Central Italy by Adele Bertini & Edoardo Martinetto, Bollettino della Societa Paleontologica Italiana, 47 (2), 2008, 105–121. Modena, 11 lugio 2008.
^Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (2009), "An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III",Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society,161 (2):105–121,doi:10.1111/j.1095-8339.2009.00996.x,hdl:10654/18083
^Stevens, P. F. (2001 onwards).Angiosperm Phylogeny Website. Version 12, July 2012 [and more or less continuously updated since].Proteales. Accessed online: 9 June 2013.
Kubitzki, K. (2007). "Sabiaceae".Kubitzki, K. (Editor). The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants. IX. Flowering Plants – Eudicots. Springer-Verlag: Berlín.ISBN978-3-540-32214-6.