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Russian grammar

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The grammar of the Russian language

Russian grammar employs anIndo-Europeaninflectional structure, with considerable adaptation.

Russian has a highlyinflectionalmorphology, particularly innominals (nouns, pronouns, adjectives and numerals). Russian literary syntax is a combination of aChurch Slavonic heritage, a variety of loaned and adopted constructs, and a standardizedvernacular foundation.

The spoken language has been influenced by the literary one, with some additional characteristic forms. Russian dialects show various non-standard grammatical features, some of which are archaisms or descendants of old forms discarded by the literary language.

Various terms are used to describe Russian grammar with the meaning they have in standard Russian discussions of historical grammar, as opposed to the meaning they have in descriptions of the English language; in particular,aorist,imperfect, etc., are considered verbaltenses, rather thanaspects, because ancient examples of them are attested for both perfective and imperfective verbs. Russian also places the accusative case between the dative and the instrumental, and in the tables below, the accusative case appears between the nominative and genitive cases.


Main article:Russian declension § Nouns

Nominaldeclension involves six maincases – nominative,genitive,dative,accusative,instrumental, andprepositional – in two numbers (singular andplural), andgrammatical gender (masculine, feminine, and neuter). Up to tenadditional cases are identified in linguistics textbooks,[1][2][3] although all of them are either incomplete (do not apply to all nouns) or degenerate (appear identical to one of the six main cases) – the most recognized additional cases arelocative,partitive andvocative.Old Russian also had a third number, thedual, but it has been lost except for its use in the nominative and accusative cases with the numbers 1½, 2, 3 and 4 (e.g.полтора часа "an hour and a half",два стула "two chairs"), where it is now reanalyzed as genitive singular.

Russian has some nouns that only appear in the singular form (singulare tantum), for example:малина,природа; also, approximatеly 600 words appear only in the plural form (plurale tantum):деньги,ножницы.[4]

More often than in many other Indo-European languages, Russian noun cases may supplant the use of prepositions entirely.[5] Furthermore, every preposition is exclusively used with a particular case (or cases). Their usage can be summarised as:[6]

  • nominative (имени́тельный):
    • main subject;
    • default case to use outside sentences (dictionary entries, signs, etc.);
    • prepositions:за '(what) kind of?';в: 'join the ranks of' (with plural nouns only);
  • accusative (вини́тельный):
    • direct object;
    • some time expressions;
    • prepositions indicating motion:в 'into, in(ward)',на 'onto (the top of)',за 'behind, after',под 'under';
    • other prepositions:про 'about',через 'over, through',сквозь 'through';
  • genitive (роди́тельный):
    • possession – 'of' (genitive noun);
    • numerals and quantifiers;
    • negated verbs (which take direct objects in accusative) to indicate total absence;
    • some time expressions;
    • prepositions:без 'without',вместо 'instead of',возле 'near',вокруг 'around',впереди 'ahead of',для 'for',до 'before',из 'from',из-за 'because of, from behind',от 'from',кроме 'except for',мимо 'past by',около 'near',после 'after',против 'against, opposite',среди 'among',у 'by',близ 'near',вдоль 'along',вне 'out of, outside',внутри 'inside';
    • verbs:бояться 'afraid of',достигать 'reach',избегать 'avoid';
    • adjectives:полный 'full of' (genitive noun);
  • dative (да́тельный):
    • indirect object – 'to' (dative noun);
    • some time expressions;
    • impersonal clauses:мне холодно – 'I am cold', lit. "to_me (is) cold";
    • age statements:мне двадцать лет – 'I am 20 (years old)', lit. 'to_me (is) 20 years';
    • prepositions:по 'on',к 'to(wards)',благодаря 'thanks to';
    • auxiliaries:нужноorнадо 'need/must (to)',можно 'allowed',нельзя 'forbidden';
    • verbs:верить 'believe',помочь 'help',советовать 'advise',звонить 'call',удивить(ся) 'amaze (self)';
  • instrumental (твори́тельный):
    • instrument used in the action or means by which action is carried out – 'by' (I. noun);
    • logical subject of passive clause:письмо написано Иваном – 'the letter was written by Ivan';
    • secondary direct object:его считают студентом – 'he is considered (to be) a student';
    • durational time expressions;
    • verbs:интересовать(ся) 'interest (to be interested in)',пользоваться 'use',занимать(ся) 'occupy (to be preoccupied with)';
    • associates of connective verbs:быть 'be',стать 'became',остаться 'remain',казаться 'appear to be',оказаться 'turn out to be';
    • prepositions of position:за 'behind',перед 'in front of',над 'above',под 'below',между 'between',(вместе) с '(together) with';
    • adjective:довольный 'pleased by';
  • prepositional (предло́жный):
    • prepositions of place:в 'inside',на 'on (top of)';
    • other prepositions:о 'about',при 'by/of/with';

Definite and indefinitearticles (corresponding to 'the', 'a', 'an' in English) do not exist in the Russian language. The sense conveyed by such articles can be determined in Russian by context. However, Russian also utilizes other means of expressing whether a noun is definite or indefinite:

  • The use of a direct object in the genitive instead of the accusative in negation signifies that the noun is indefinite, compare:Я не ви́жу кни́ги ("I don't see a book" or "I don't see any books") andЯ не ви́жу кни́гу ("I don't see the book").
  • The same goes for certain verbs expressing a desire to achieve something: wait, wish, ask, want, etc. When the inanimate object is definite (certain, or at least expected), the accusative is used; when it is indefinite (uncertain), the genitive is used. Compare:Я жду автобус ("I'm waiting for the bus", а specific, scheduled bus) andЯ жду автобуса ("I'm waiting for a bus", any bus, if one will come).[7]
  • The use of the numeral one sometimes signifies that the noun is indefinite, e.g.:Почему́ ты так до́лго?Да так, встре́тил одного́ дру́га, пришло́сь поговори́ть ("Why did you take so long?" – "Well, I met one [=a] friend and had to talk").
  • Word order may also be used for this purpose; compareВ ко́мнату вбежа́л ма́льчик ("Into the room rushed a boy") andМа́льчик вбежа́л в ко́мнату ("The boy rushed into the room").
  • The plural form may signify indefiniteness:Вы мо́жете купи́ть э́то в магази́нах ("You can buy this in shops") vs.Вы мо́жете купи́ть э́то в магази́не ("You can buy this in the shop").

The category ofanimacy is relevant in Russian nominal and adjectival declension.[8] Specifically, the accusative has two possible forms in many paradigms, depending on the animacy of the referent. For animate referents (persons and animals), the accusative form is generally identical to the genitive form. For inanimate referents, the accusative form is identical to the nominative form. This principle is relevant for masculine singular nouns of the second declension (see below) and adjectives, and for all plural paradigms (with no gender distinction). In the tables below, this behavior is indicated by the abbreviation 'N or G' in the row corresponding to the accusative case.

Russian uses three declensions:[9]

  • The first declension is used for feminine nouns ending with/ and some masculine nouns having the same form as those of feminine gender, such asпа́па (papa) orдя́дя (uncle); also, common-gender nouns likeзади́ра (bully) are masculine or feminine depending on the person to which they refer.
  • The second declension is used for most masculine and neuter nouns.
  • The third declension is used for feminine nouns ending inь.

A group of irregular "different-declension nouns" (Russian:разносклоняемые существительные), consists of a few neuter nouns ending in-мя (e.g.время "time") and one masculine nounпуть "way". However, these nouns and their forms have sufficient similarity with feminine third declension nouns that scholars such as Litnevskaya[10] consider them to be non-feminine forms of this declension.

Nouns ending with-ий,-ия,-ие (not to be confused withnominalized adjectives) are written with-ии instead of-ие in prepositional (as this ending is never stressed, there is no difference in pronunciation):тече́ниев ни́жнем тече́нии реки́ "streaming – in lower streaming of a river". However, if wordsв течение andв продолжение represent a compoundpreposition meaning – "while, during the time of" – they are written with:в тече́ние ча́са "in a time of an hour". For nouns ending in-ья,-ье, or-ьё, using-ьи in the prepositional (where endings of some of them are stressed) is usually erroneous, but inpoetic speech it may be acceptable (as we replace-ии with-ьи formetric orrhyming purposes):Весь день она́ лежа́ла в забытьи́ (Fyodor Tyutchev).

First declension


Feminine and masculine nouns ending with а orя vowel

accusative,-июN or G

Second declension


Masculine nouns ending with a consonant sound

nominative/,-ий, +ин-∅,-ии,
accusativeN or G
genitive,-ия, +ин-а-ов-ей/-ев,-иев, -∅
dative,-ию, +ин-у-ам-ям,-иям,-ам
instrumental-ом-ем,-им,-ием, +ин-ом-ами-ями,-иями,-ами
prepositional,-ии, +ин-е-ах-ях,-иях,-ах

Some singular nouns denoting groups of people may include the-ин- suffix before ending.

Neuter nouns

accusativeN or G

Third declension


Feminine nouns ending with letter ь

accusativeN or G

Neuter nouns ending with мя


Indeclinable nouns


Some nouns (such as borrowings from other languages, abbreviations, etc.) are not modified when they change number and case. This occurs especially when the ending appears not to match any declension pattern in the appropriate gender. An example of an indeclinable noun is кофе ("coffee").

Additional cases

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Some nouns use several additional cases. The most important of these are:

  • Locative (ме́стный): the most common minor case, used with some nouns after the prepositions of locationна andв(о). With most nouns, the prepositional form is used in such instances. When there is a distinct locative, it takes the form of the dative ending but with the ending necessarily stressed. A few feminine nouns ending inь have a locative form of independent origin, consisting of the singular genitive/dative/prepositional ending but with the ending necessarily stressed. This may mean it matches the dative, or it may take a unique form. For example, inво рту́ ("in the mouth") andв груди́ ("in the chest"), the locatives ofрот ("mouth") andгрудь match the dative formsртy and (modern)груди́. In the case ofрот, this differs from the prepositionalртe, but in the case ofгрудь the prepositional (and all other singular oblique cases besides instrumental) have merged with the locative. Inв лесу́ ("in the forest") andв связи́ ("in view (of)"), the locatives ofлес ("forest") andсвязь ("link, connection") differ from both the prepositionalле́се andсвя́зи and the dativeле́сy andсвя́зи (the dative and locative ofлес are spelt identically but pronounced differently).
  • Partitive (отдели́тельный), or second genitive: sometimes used instead of the accusative (as it should be for the direct object) to imply, that only part of the object is affected by the verb:нали́ть ча́ю "to pour some tea" (not all the tea) — fromнали́ть чай "to pour the tea". This form may be also used after nouns meaning quantity:ча́шка ча́ю "a cup of tea" (alsoча́шка ча́я with the standard genitive).
  • Vocative (зва́тельный): used to call or speak to a person. There are two types of vocative in modern Russian. The common Slavic vocative is archaic and survives only in fixed expressions:Бо́же мой! (My God!). The modern vocative (sometimes called neo-vocative) is produced from a first-declension noun by removing the vowel ending:мам, ты меня слышишь? "mom, can you hear me?" fromма́ма. It can only be applied to familiar (affectionate) terms for family members or close friends anddiminutives of commonly used Slavic names:Ива́н (full name) —Ва́ня (short, affectionate) —Вань (neo-vocative);Мари́я — Ма́ша — Маш. It is frequently used in the informal spoken language with a certain number of nouns in the plural:"ребя́т, пойдёмте!" ("guys, let's go!") fromребя́та,"девча́т, смотри́те!" ("girls, look!") fromдевча́та.



A Russian adjective (и́мя прилага́тельное) is usually placed before the noun it qualifies, and it agrees with the noun in case, gender, and number. With the exception of a few invariant forms borrowed from other languages, such asбеж ('beige', non-adapted form ofбе́жевый) orха́ки ('khaki-colored'), most adjectives follow one of a small number of regular declension patterns (except for some that complicate theshort form). In modern Russian, the short form appears only in the nominative and is used when the adjective is in apredicative role:нов, нова́, нóво, новы́ are short forms ofно́вый ('new'). Formerly (as in thebylinas) short adjectives appeared in all other forms and roles, which are not used in the modern language, but are nonetheless understandable to Russian speakers as they are declined exactly like nouns of the corresponding gender.[11]

Adjectives may be divided into three general groups:

Adjectival declension


The pattern described below holds true for full forms of most adjectives, except possessive ones. It is also used forsubstantivized adjectives asучёный ("scientist, scholar" as a noun substitute or "scientific, learned" as a general adjective) and for adjectival participles. Russian differentiates between hard-stem and soft-stem adjectives, shown before and after a slash sign.

nominative-ый/-ий (-о́й)-ое/-ее-ая/-яя-ые/-ие
accusativeN or G-ую/-ююN or G
short formzero ending-ы/-и
  • The masculine and neuter genitive singular adjectival endings-ого and-его are pronounced as-ово and-ево.
  • After a sibilant (ш,ж,ч,щ) or velar (к,г,х) consonant,и is written instead ofы.
  • When the stress falls on the first syllable of the ending throughout the declension, the masculine adjective ends in-ой in the nominative singular:прямо́й ([prʲɪˈmoj], "straight"), compareупря́мый ([ʊˈprʲamɨj], "stubborn").
  • The "хоро́шее rule" states that after a sibilant consonant, neuter adjectives end in-ее.
  • The masculine accusative singular and the accusative plural endings depend on animacy, as with nouns.
  • The instrumental feminine ending-ой/-ей has the archaic alternative form-ою/-ею for all adjectives, which has only a stylistic difference.
  • There are oftenstress changes in the short form. For example, the short forms of хоро́ший ("good") are хоро́ш (m.), хороша́ (f.), хорошо́ (n.), хороши́ (pl.), and the forms of но́вый ("new") are но́в (m.), нова́ (f.), но́во (n.), но́вы/новы́ (pl.).
  • In the masculine singular short form, when a word-final consonant cluster is being formed after ending removal, an additionalе orо "fleeting vowel" is inserted after the root, as in голо́дный – го́лоден ("hungry"), or у́зкий – у́зок ("narrow").
  • Some adjectives (e.g. большо́й "big", ру́сский "Russian") have no short forms.

Comparison of adjectives


Comparison forms are usual only for qualitative adjectives and adverbs. Comparative and superlative synthetic forms are not part of theparadigm of original adjective but are different lexical items, since not all qualitative adjectives have them. A few adjectives have irregular forms that are declined as usual adjectives: большо́й 'big' – бо́льший 'bigger', хоро́ший 'good' – лу́чший 'better'. Most synthetically-derived comparative forms are derived by adding the suffix -е́е or -е́й to the adjective stem: кра́сный 'red' – красне́е 'redder'; these forms are difficult to distinguish from adverbs, whose comparative forms often coincide with those of their adjectival counterparts.[11] Superlative synthetic forms are derived by adding the suffix -е́йш- or -а́йш- and additionally sometimes the prefix наи-, or using a special comparative form with the prefix наи-: до́брый 'kind' – добре́йший 'the kindest', большо́й 'big' – наибо́льший 'the biggest'.

An alternative is to add an adverb to the positive form of the adjective. The adverbs used for this are бо́лее 'more' / ме́нее 'less' and са́мый 'most' / наибо́лее 'most' / наиме́нее 'least': for example, до́брый 'kind' – бо́лее до́брый 'kinder' – са́мый до́брый 'the kindest'. This way is rarely used if special comparative forms exist.

Possessive adjectives


Possessive adjectives are less frequently used in Russian than in most otherSlavic languages,[12] but are in use. They respond to the questions чей? чья? чьё? чьи? (whose?) and denote only animate possessors. Seesection below.



Personal pronouns

EnglishIyou (thou)ithesheweyouthey-self
  • Russian is subject to theT–V distinction. The respectful form of the singularyou is the same as the plural form. It begins with a capital letter:Вы,Вас,Вам, etc., in the following situations: personal letters and official papers (addressee is definite), and questionnaires (addressee is indefinite); otherwise it begins with minuscule. Compare the distinction betweendu andSie inGerman ortu andvous inFrench.
  • When a preposition is used directly before a third-person pronoun, it is prefixed with н-: у него (read: у нево), с неё, etc. Because the prepositional case always occurs after a preposition, the third person prepositional always starts with an н-.
  • There are special cases for prepositions before first person singular pronouns: со мной – "with me" (usuallyс), ко мне – "to me" (usuallyк), во мне – "in me" (usuallyв), обо мне – "about me" (usuallyо). All of these preposition forms are unstressed.
  • Like adjectives and numerals, letter "г" (g) in masculine and neuter 3rd person genitive and accusative forms is pronounced as "в" (v): (н)его – (н)ево.
  • English "it" can be translated as both оно́ (neuter personal pronoun) and э́то (neuter proximal demonstrative, "this"). The latter is used as a stub pronoun for a subject: э́то хорошо́ – "it/this is good", кто́ это? – "who is it/this?".

Demonstrative pronouns

accusativeN or Gэ́туN or G
accusativeN or GтуN or G

If the preposition "about" is used (usuallyо), for singular demonstrative pronouns (as with any other words starting with a vowel) it isоб: об э́том – about this.

Possessive adjectives and pronouns


Unlike English, Russian uses the same form for a possessive adjective and the corresponding possessive pronoun. In Russian grammar they are called possessive pronounsпритяжательные местоимения (compare with possessive adjectives like Peter's =Петин above). The following rules apply:

  • Possessive pronouns agree with the noun of thepossessed in case, gender, and number.
  • The reflexive pronounсвой is used when the possessor is the subject of the clause, whatever the person, gender, and number of that subject.
  • No non-reflexive exists for the third person: the genitive of the personal pronoun is instead, i.e.его for a masculine/neuter singularpossessor,её for a feminine singularpossessor andих for a pluralpossessor. But unlike other genitives used with a possessive meaning, in modern Russian these words are usually placed before the object of possession.
  • Example of the difference between reflexive and non-reflexive pronouns:
    • "Он лю́битсвою́ жену́ = He loveshis (own) wife"   while  "Он лю́битего́ жену́ = He loveshis (someone else's) wife".
  • Unlike Latin where a similar rule applies for the third person only, Russian accepts using reflexives for all persons:
    • "Я люблю́(свою́) жену́ = I lovemy wife"
    • "Я люблю́себя́ = I lovemyself"
мой (my, mine)
accusativeN or Gмою́N or G
твой (your, yours) for a singular possessor
accusativeN or Gтвою́N or G
свой (one's own)
accusativeN or Gсвою́N or G
наш (our, ours)
accusativeN or Gна́шуN or G
ваш (your, yours) for a plural possessor
accusativeN or Gва́шуN or G

The ending -его is pronounced as -ево́.

Interrogative pronouns

кто('who') and что('what')
nominativeкточто (read: што)
accusativeкого́ (read: ково́)
genitiveчего́ (read: чево́)

These interrogatives are used by scholars to denote "usual" questions for correspondent grammatical cases (prepositional is used withо): (кто?) Ма́ша лю́бит (кого?) Ва́сю – (who?) Masha [N.] loves (whom?) Vasya [G.].

accusativeN or GчьюN or G

The ending "-его" is pronounced as "-ево".


Main article:Russian declension § Numerals
Nouns are used in thenominative case after "one" (один рубль, 'one ruble').
After certain other numbers (followingGrammatical number rules in Russian) nouns must be declined togenitive plural (десять рублей, 'ten rubles').

Russian has several classes of numerals ([имена] числительные): cardinal, ordinal, collective, and also fractional constructions; also it has other types of words, relative to numbers: collective adverbial forms (вдвоём), multiplicative (двойной) and counting-system (двоичный) adjectives, some numeric-pronominal and indefinite quantity words (сколько, много, несколько). Here are the numerals from 0 to 10:

cardinal numbersordinal numbers
(nominative case, masculine)
collective numbers
0нольor нульнулево́й
1оди́н (m.), одна́ (f.), одно́ (n.), одни́ (pl.)
(раз may be used when counting, a colloquial option)
2два (m.,n.), две (f.)второ́йдво́е



Grammatical conjugation is subject to threepersons in two numbers and two simpletenses (present/future and past), withperiphrastic forms for the future andsubjunctive, as well asimperative forms and present/pastparticiples, distinguished byadjectival andadverbial usage (seeadjectival participle andadverbial participle). Verbs and participles can bereflexive, i.e. have reflexivesuffix -ся/-сь appended after ending.

The past tense is made to agree in gender with thesubject, for it is theparticiple in an originally periphrasticperfect formed (like the perfect passive tense inLatin) with the present tense of the verb "to be" быть[bɨtʲ], which is now omitted except for rare archaic effect, usually inset phrases (откуда есть пошла земля русская[ɐtˈkudəjesʲtʲpɐˈʂlazʲɪˈmlʲaˈruskəjə], "whence is come the Russian land", the opening of thePrimary Chronicle in modern spelling). The participle nature of past-tense forms is exposed also in that they often have an extra suffix vowel, which is absent in present/future; the same vowel appears ininfinitive form, which is considered by few scholars not to be verbal (and in the past it surely used to be a noun), but in which verbs appear in most dictionaries: ходить "to walk" – ходил "(he) walked" – хожу "I walk".

Verbal inflection is considerably simpler than in Old Russian. The ancientaorist,imperfect, and (periphrastic)pluperfect have been lost, though the aorist sporadically occurs in secular literature as late as the second half of the eighteenth century, and survives as an odd form in direct narration (а он пойди да скажиonpɐjˈdʲiskɐˈʐɨ], etc.,exactly equivalent to the English colloquial "so he goes and says"), recategorized as a usage of the imperative. The loss of three of the former six tenses has been offset by the development, as in other Slavic languages, of verbalaspect (вид). Most verbs come in pairs, one withimperfective (несоверше́нный вид) or continuous, the other withperfective (соверше́нный вид) or completed aspect, usually formed with a (prepositional) prefix, but occasionally using a different root. E.g., спать[spatʲ] ('to sleep') is imperfective; поспать[pɐˈspatʲ] ('to take a nap') is perfective.

The present tense of the verb быть is today normally used only in the third-person singular form, есть, which is often used for all the persons and numbers.[14] As late as the nineteenth century, the full conjugation, which today is extremely archaic, was somewhat more natural: forms occur in the SynodalBible, inDostoevsky and in thebylinas (былины[bɨˈlʲinɨ]) or oral folk-epics, which were transcribed at that time. The paradigm shows as well as anything else the Indo-European affinity of Russian:

"I am"(есмь)
"you are" (sing.)(еси́)
"he, she, it is"есть
"we are"(есмы́)
"you are" (plural)(е́сте)
"they are"(суть)



Theinfinitive is the basic form of a verb for most purposes of study. In Russian it has the suffix -ть/-ти (the latter is used after consonants), or ends with -чь (which comes from fusion of the final consonant of the stem and the suffix: -к- + -ть or -г- + -ть). For reflexive verbs -ся/-сь suffix is added in the end. Note that due to phonological effects, both -ться and -тся endings (latter is used for present-future tense of a 3rd person reflexive verb; see below) are pronounced as[t͡sə] or[tsə] and often cause misspellings even among native speakers.

Present-future tense


Future tense has two forms:simple andcompound.

  • Future simple forms are formed byperfective verbs with the help of personal endings: "She will read" (She will have read) — "Она́ прочита́ет/прочтёт"; "She will do some reading" (She will be reading [for a certain amount of time]) — "Она́ почита́ет".
  • Future compound forms are formed byimperfective verbs: a future simple tense form of the verb "быть" (to be) and the infinitive of an imperfective verb. The Russian compound future tense is similar in structure to the English future progressive tense and is used to indicate that something will be in progress at a particular moment in the future:She will be reading — "Она́ бу́дет чита́ть", without any assurance that an action will be completed, as opposed to using a perfective verb to refer to an action that is expected to be completed in the future: "Она́ прочтёт" — "She will read / She will have read".
First conjugationSecond conjugation
1st singular-у or -ю-у or -ю
2nd singular-ешь-ишь
3rd singular-ет-ит
1st plural-ем-им
2nd plural-ете-ите
3rd plural-ут or -ют-ат or -ят
  • -у/-ут,-ат is used after a hard consonant or ж, ш, щ or ч; otherwise -ю/-ют,-ят is used.
  • A mutating final consonant may entail a change in the ending.
  • е becomes ё when stressed.

Two forms are used to conjugate the present tense of imperfective verbs and the future tense of perfective verbs.

The first conjugation is used in verb stems ending in:

  • a consonant,
  • -у,-ы or -о,-я
  • -е (In addition to below)
  • Бить, пить, жить, шить, лить, вить, гнить, брить, стелить, зиждить.
  • -а not preceded by a hush (ж, ш, щ or ч):

The second conjugation involves verb stems ending in:

  • -и or -е (Глядеть, смотреть, видеть, ненавидеть, обидеть, зависеть, терпеть, вертеть, пыхтеть, сидеть, лететь, гудеть, гореть, сопеть, дудеть, блестеть, храпеть, смердеть, хрипеть, шелестеть, хрустеть, сипеть, кишеть, бдеть, звенеть, кряхтеть, кипеть, корпеть, зудеть, скорбеть, тарахтеть, шуметь, зреть, висеть, греметь, шипеть)
  • -а preceded by a hush (ж, ш, щ or ч)(Слышать, дышать, держать, лежать, дребезжать, жужжать, брюзжать, дрожать, бренчать, стучать, мычать, кричать, молчать, рычать, мчать, урчать, звучать, бурчать, ворчать, торчать, журчать, гнать):
  • Стоять, бояться

Example: попро-с-ить – попро-ш-у, попро-с-ят[pəprɐˈsʲitʲ,pəprɐˈʂu,pɐˈprosʲɪt] (to have solicited – [I, they] will have solicited).


First conjugation
чита́ть ('to read', stem: чита–)
я чита́юI read (am reading, do read)
ты чита́ешьyou read (are reading, do read)
он/она́/оно́ чита́етhe/she/it reads (is reading, does read)
мы чита́емwe read (are reading, do read)
вы чита́етеyou (plural/formal) read (are reading, do read)
они чита́ютthey read (are reading, do read)
First conjugation: verbs ending in -нуть
верну́ть ('to return [something]', stem: верн–)
я верну́I will return
ты вернёшьyou will return
он/она́/оно́ вернётhe/she/it will return
мы вернёмwe will return
вы вернётеyou will return
они верну́тthey will return
First conjugation: verbs ending in -овать, -евать
рисова́ть ('to draw', stem: рису-)плева́ть ('to spit', stem: плю-)танцева́ть ('to dance', stem: танцу-)
я рису́юя плюю́я танцу́ю
ты рису́ешьты плюёшьты танцу́ешь
он/она́/оно́ рису́етон/она́/оно́ плюётон/она́/оно́ танцу́ет
мы рису́еммы плюёммы танцу́ем
вы рису́етевы плюётевы танцу́ете
они́ рису́ютони́ плюю́тони́ танцу́ют
First conjugation: verbs ending in -чь
мочь ('to be able', stem: мог-/мож-)печь ('to bake', stem: пек-/печ-)
я могу́I canя пеку́I bake
ты мо́жешьyou canты печёшьyou bake
он/она́/оно́ мо́жетhe/she/it canон/она́/оно́ печётhe/she/it bakes
мы мо́жемwe canмы печёмwe bake
вы мо́жетеyou (all) canвы печётеyou (all) bake
они́ мо́гутthey canони́ пеку́тthey bake
First conjugation (verbs ending in -сти, -сть)
нести́ ('to carry', stem: нес-)вести́ ('to lead', stem: вед-)мести́ ('to sweep', stem: мет-)грести́ ('to row', stem: греб-)красть ('to steal', stem: крад-)
я несу́I carryя веду́I leadя мету́I sweepя гребу́I rowя краду́I steal
ты несёшьyou carryты ведёшьyou leadты метёшьyou sweepты гребёшьyou rowты крадёшьyou steal
он/она́/оно́ несётhe/she/it carriesон/она́/оно́ ведётhe/she/it leadsон/она́/оно́ метётhe/she/it sweepsон/она́/оно́ гребётhe/she/it rowsон/она́/оно́ крадётhe/she/it steals
мы несёмwe carryмы ведёмwe leadмы метёмwe sweepмы гребёмwe rowмы крадёмwe steal
вы несётеyou (all) carryвы ведётеyou (all) leadвы метётеyou (all) sweepвы гребётеyou (all) rowвы крадётеyou (all) steal
они́ несу́тthey carryони́ веду́тthey leadони́ мету́тthey sweepони́ гребу́тthey rowони́ краду́тthey steal
First conjugation (verbs ending in -зти, -зть)
везти́ ('to convey', stem: вез-)лезть ('to climb', stem: лез-)
я везу́I conveyя ле́зуI climb
ты везёшьyou conveyты ле́зешьyou climb
он/она́/оно́ везётhe/she/it conveysон/она́/оно́ ле́зетhe/she/it climbs
мы везёмwe conveyмы ле́земwe climb
вы везётеyou (all) conveyвы ле́зетеyou (all) climb
они́ везу́тthey conveyони́ ле́зутthey climb
First conjugation: verbs ending in -ыть
мыть ('to wash', stem: мо-)
я мо́юI wash
ты мо́ешьyou wash
он/она́/оно́ мо́етhe/she/it washes
мы мо́емwe wash
вы мо́етеyou (all) wash
они́ мо́ютthey wash
First conjugation (verbs бить, вить, лить, пить, шить)
бить ('to beat', stem: бь-)вить ('to weave', stem: вь-)лить ('to pour', stem: ль-)пить ('to drink', stem: пь-)шить ('to sew', stem: шь-)
я бьюI beatя вьюI weaveя льюI pourя пьюI drinkя шьюI sew
ты бьёшьyou beatты вьёшьyou weaveты льёшьyou pourты пьёшьyou drinkты шьёшьyou sew
он/она́/оно́ бьётhe/she/it beatsон/она́/оно́ вьётhe/she/it weavesон/она́/оно́ льётhe/she/it poursон/она́/оно́ пьётhe/she/it drinksон/она́/оно́ шьётhe/she/it sews
мы бьёмwe beatмы вьёмwe weaveмы льёмwe pourмы пьёмwe drinkмы шьёмwe sew
вы бьётеyou (all) beatвы вьётеyou (all) weaveвы льётеyou (all) pourвы пьётеyou (all) drinkвы шьётеyou (all) sew
они́ бьютthey beatони́ вьютthey weaveони́ льютthey pourони́ пьютthey drinkони шьютthey sew
First conjugation (verbs жить, плыть, слыть)
жить ('to live', stem: жив-)плыть ('to swim', stem: плыв-)слыть ('to pass for', stem: слыв-)
я живу́I liveя плыву́I swimя слыву́I pass for
ты живёшьyou liveты плывёшьyou swimты слывёшьyou pass for
он/она́/оно́ живётhe/she/it livesон/она́/оно́ плывётhe/she/it swimsон/она́/оно́ слывётhe/she/it passes for
мы живёмwe liveмы плывёмwe swimмы слывёмwe pass for
вы живётеyou (all) liveвы плывётеyou (all) swimвы слывётеyou (all) pass for
они́ живу́тthey liveони́ плыву́тthey swimони́ слыву́тthey pass for
Second conjugation
говори́ть ('to speak', stem: говор-)
я говорю́I speak (am speaking, do speak)
ты говори́шьyou speak (are speaking, do speak)
он/она́/оно́ говори́тhe/she/it speaks (is speaking, does speak)
мы говори́мwe speak (are speaking, do speak)
вы говори́теyou (plural/formal) speak (are speaking, do speak)
они говоря́тthey speak (are speaking, do speak)
Second conjugation (verbs ending in -бить, -вить, -пить, -мить)
люби́ть ('to love', stem: люб-)лови́ть ('to catch', stem: лов-)топи́ть ('to sink', stem: топ-)корми́ть ('to feed', stem: корм-)
я люблю́I loveя ловлю́я топлю́я кормлю́
ты лю́бишьyou loveты ло́вишьты то́пишьты ко́рмишь
он́/она́/оно́ лю́битhe/she/it lovesон́/она́/оно́ ло́витон́/она́/оно́ то́питон́/она́/оно́ ко́рмит
мы лю́бимwe loveмы ло́виммы то́пиммы ко́рмим
вы лю́битеyou (all) loveвы ло́витевы то́питевы ко́рмите
они́ лю́бятthey loveони́ ло́вятони́ то́пятони́ ко́рмят
Second conjugation (verbs ending in -сить, -зить, -тить, -дить, -стить)
проси́ть ('to ask', stem: прос-)вози́ть ('to convey', stem: воз-)плати́ть ('to pay', stem: плат-)ходи́ть ('to go [to walk]', stem: ход-)прости́ть ('to forgive', stem: прост-)
я прошу́я вожу́я плачу́I payя хожу́я прощу́
ты про́сишьты во́зишьты пла́тишьyou payты хо́дишьты прости́шь
он/она́/оно́ про́ситон/она́/оно́ во́зитон/она́/оно́ пла́титhe/she/it paysон/она́/оно́ хо́дитон/она́/оно́ прости́т
мы про́симмы во́зиммы пла́тимwe payмы хо́диммы прости́м
вы про́ситевы во́зитевы пла́титеyou (all) payвы хо́дитевы прости́те
они́ про́сятони́ во́зятони́ пла́тятthey payони́ хо́дятони́ простя́т

There are five irregular verbs:

  • бежа́ть (run), бре́зжить (glimmer) – first conjugation in the plural third person, second in other forms;
  • хоте́ть (want) – first conjugation in the singular, second in plural;
  • дать (give) – дам, дашь, даст, дади́м, дади́те, даду́т;
  • есть (eat) – ем, ешь, ест, еди́м, еди́те, едя́т.

Past tense


The Russianpast tense is gender specific: –л for masculine singular subjects, –ла for feminine singular subjects, –ло for neuter singular subjects, and –ли for plural subjects. This gender specificity applies to all persons; thus, to say "I slept", a male speaker would say я спал, while a female speaker would say я спалá.


Past of сде́лать ('to do', 'to make')
я сде́лалI made(says a man)я сде́лалаI made(says a woman)мы сде́лалиwe made
ты сде́лалyou made(is said to a man)ты сде́лалаyou made(is said to a woman)вы сде́лалиyou (all) made
он сде́лалhe madeона́ сде́лалаshe madeоно́ сде́лалоit madeони́ сде́лалиthey made


Verbs ending in -сти, -сть, -зти, -зть
infinitivepresent stempast
ле́зтьлез-лез, ле́зла, ле́зло, ле́зли
нести́нес-нёс, несла́, несло́, несли́
везти́вез-вёз, везла́, везло́, везли́
вести́вед-вёл, вела́, вело́, вели́
мести́мет-мёл, мела́, мело́, мели́
грести́греб-грёб, гребла́, гребло́, гребли́
расти́раст-рос, росла́, росло́, росли́
Verbs ending in -чь
infinitivepresent stempast
мочьмог-/мож-мог, могла́, могло́, могли́
печьпек-/печ-пёк, пекла́, пекло́, пекли́
Verbs ending in -ереть
умере́тьу́мер, умерла́, у́мерло, у́мерли
The verb идти́ ('to go, to walk') and verbs ending in -йти
идти́ (to go)шёл, шла, шло, шли
уйти́ (to go away)ушёл, ушла́, ушло́, ушли́
найти́ (to find)нашёл, нашла́, нашло́, нашли́
пройти́ (to pass)прошёл, прошла́, прошло́, прошли́
прийти́ (to come)пришёл, пришла́, пришло́, пришли́
вы́йти (to go out)вы́шел, вы́шла, вы́шло, вы́шли
The verb есть (to eat)
естьел, е́ла, е́ло, е́ли



Russian verbs can form threemoods (наклонения):indicative (изъявительное), conditional (сослагательное) and imperative (повелительное).[15]

Imperative mood


Theimperative mood second-person singular is formed from the future-present base of most verbs by adding -и (stressed ending in present-future, or if the base ends on more than one consonant), -ь (unstressed ending, base of one consonant) or -й (unstressed ending, base of vowel). The plural (including the politeна вы) second-person form is made by adding -те to the singular one: говорю 'I speak' – говори – говорите, забуду 'I shall forget' – забудь – забудьте, клею 'I glue' – клей – клейте. Some perfective verbs have a first-person plural imperative form with -те added to a similar simple future or present tense form: пойдёмте 'let us go'. Other forms can express commands in Russian; for third person, for example, the particle пусть with future can be used: Пусть они замолчат! 'Let them shut up!'.[16]

infinitivepresent stemimperative (2nd singular)imperative (2nd plural)

Conditional mood


Theconditional mood in Russian is formed by adding the particle бы after the word which marks the supposed subject into a sentence formed like in the past tense. Thus, to say "I would (hypothetically) sleep" or "I would like to sleep", a male speaker would say я спал бы (or я бы поспа́л), while a female speaker would say я спалá бы (or я бы поспала́).

Conditional of the verb сказа́ть ('to say')
я бы сказа́лI would say(says a male speaker)я бы сказа́лаI would say(says a female speaker)мы бы сказа́лиwe would say
ты бы сказа́лyou would say(said to a male speaker)ты бы сказа́лаyou would say(said to a female speaker)вы бы сказа́лиyou (all) would say
он бы сказа́лhe would sayона́ бы сказа́лаshe would sayоно́ бы сказа́лоit would sayони́ бы сказа́лиthey would say
Negative conditional forms
я бы не сказа́лI wouldn't say(says a male speaker)я бы не сказа́лаI wouldn't say(says a female speaker)мы бы не сказа́лиwe wouldn't say
ты бы не сказа́лyou wouldn't say(said to a male speaker)ты бы не сказа́лаyou wouldn't say(said to a female speaker)вы бы не сказа́лиyou (all) wouldn't say
он бы не сказа́лhe wouldn't sayона́ бы не сказа́лаshe wouldn't sayоно́ бы не сказа́лоit wouldn't sayони́ бы не сказа́лиthey wouldn't say

Verbs of motion


Verbs of motion are a distinct class of verbs found in several Slavic languages. Due to the extensive semantic information they contain, Russian verbs of motion pose difficulties for non-native learners at all levels of study.[17] Unprefixed verbs of motion, which are all imperfective, divide into pairs based on the direction of the movement (uni- or multidirectional — sometimes referred to as determinate/indeterminate or definite/indefinite). As opposed to a verb-framed language, in which path is encoded in the verb, but manner of motion typically is expressed with complements, Russian is asatellite language, meaning that these concepts are encoded in both the root of the verb and the particles associated with it, satellites.[18] Thus, the roots of motion verbs convey the lexical information of manner of movement, e.g. walking, crawling, running, whereas prefixes denote path, e.g. motion in and out of space.[19][note 1] The roots also distinguish between means of conveyance, e.g. by transport or by one's own power, and in transitive verbs, the object or person being transported.[20] The information below provides an outline of the formation and basic usage of unprefixed and prefixed verbs of motion.


Pairs of Russian verbs of motion, adapted from Muravyova.[20][note 2]
to runбежа́тьбе́гать
to wanderбрести́броди́ть
to convey, transportвезти́вози́ть
to leadвести́води́ть
to drive, chaseгна́тьгоня́ть
to go by vehicle, rideе́хатье́здить
to go, walkидти́ходи́ть
to rollкати́тьката́ть
to climbле́зтьла́зить (ла́зать)
to flyлете́тьлета́ть
to carryнести́носи́ть
to swim, floatплы́тьпла́вать
to crawlползти́по́лзать
to dragтащи́тьтаска́ть



Unidirectional verbs describe motion in progress in one direction, e.g.:

  • We are headed to the library.
    Мы идём в библиотеку.
  • I was on my way to work.
    Я шла на работу.
  • The birds are flying south.
    Птицы летят на юг.

Multidirectional verbs describe:

  1. General motion, referring to ability or habitual motion, without reference to direction or destination, e.g.:
    • The child has been walking for six months.
      Ребёнок ходит шесть месяцев.
    • Birds fly, fish swim, and dogs walk.
      Птицы летают, рыбы плавают, а собаки ходят.
  2. Movement in various directions, e.g.:
    • We walked around the city all day.
      Мы ходили по городу весь день.
  3. Repetition of completed trips, e.g.:
    • She goes to the supermarket every week.
      Она ходит в супермаркет каждую неделю.
  4. In the past tense, a single completed round trip, e.g.:
    • I went to Russia (and returned) last year.
      В прошлом году я ездил в Россию.

Unidirectional perfectives with по-


The addition of the prefix по- to a unidirectional verb of motion makes the verb perfective, denoting the beginning of a movement, i.e. 'setting out'. These perfectives imply that the agent has not yet returned at the moment of speech, e.g.,[21]: 353–355 

  1. He went to a friend's place (and has not returned; unidirectional perfective).
    Онпошёл к другу.
    Compare with:
  2. He was on his way to a friend's place (unidirectional imperfective).
    Он шёл к другу.
  3. He used to go to a friend's place (multidirectional).
    Он ходил к другу.
  4. He went to a friend's place (and has returned; see prefixed perfective forms of motion verbs below).
    Онсходил к другу.

Going versus taking


Three pairs of motion verbs generally refer to 'taking', 'leading' with additional lexical information on manner of motion and object of transport encoded in the verb stem. These are нести/носить, вести/водить, and везти/возить. See below for the specific information on manner and object of transport:[21]

  1. нести/носить – 'to take (on foot), carry'
    1. He carries a briefcase.
      Он носит портфель.
    2. She is taking her assignment to class.
      Она несёт домашнее задание на занятия.
  2. вести/водить – 'to take, lead (people or animals)'; 'to drive (a vehicle)'
    1. The teacher was taking the children to a field trip.
      Учитель вёл школьников на экскурсию
    2. She took her friend to the theatre.
      Она водила свою подругу в театр.
    3. She knows how to drive a car.
      Она умеет водить машину.
  3. везти/возить – 'to take, drive, convey by vehicle'
    1. She is wheeling her grandmother in a wheelchair.
      Она везёт бабушку в инвалидном кресле.
    2. The train took the passengers to England (and back).
      Поезд возил пассажиров в Англию.

Prefixed motion verbs


Motion verbs combine with prefixes to form newaspectual pairs, which lose the distinction of directionality, but gain spatial or temporal meanings. The unidirectional verb serves as the base for the perfective, and the multidirectional as the base for the imperfective. In addition to the meanings conveyed by the prefix and the simplex motion verb, prepositional phrases also contribute to the expression of path in Russian.[22] Thus, it is important to consider the whole verb phrase when examining verbs of motion.

In some verbs of motion, adding a prefix requires a different stem shape:[23]

  1. идти → -йти 'go (on foot)'
    1. For prefixes ending in a consonant, an -o- is added in all forms, e.g.: войти.
    2. й is lost in the conjugated forms of прийти, e.g.: приду 'I will come'.
  2. ездить → -езжать 'go (by conveyance)'For prefixes ending in a consonant, a hard sign (ъ) is added before –ехать and –езжать, e.g.: въезжать 'enter (by conveyance)'.
  3. бéгать → -бегáть 'run'The formation of the verb remains the same, but stress shifts from the stem to the endings, e.g.: убегáть 'run away'.
  4. плáвать → -плывáть 'swim'The vowel in the root changes to -ы- and the stress shifts to the endings.
  5. As with non-motion verbs, in perfective verbs with the prefix вы-, the prefix is stressed in all forms, e.g. вы́йдешь 'you will go out'.

See below for a table the prefixes, their primary meanings, and the prepositions that accompany them, adapted from Muravyova.[20] Several examples are taken directly or modified from Muravyova.

Prefixed verbs of motion
Prefix / primary meaningsExamples / additional meaningsPrepositional Phrases
в-, во-
Movement inwards across a threshold, entering
Antonym: вы-
The tram stopped and the girl entered.
Трамвай остановился, и девушкавошла.
в / на +acc.
Movement out of something across a threshold, exiting
Antonym: в-
She exited the office.
Онавышла из кабинета.


  1. Step out for a short period of time, e.g.:
    The secretary left for ten minutes.
    Секретарьвышел на десять минут.
  2. Leave at a specific time frame, e.g.:
    They left early in the morning to catch their train/plane .
    Онивыехали рано утром, чтобы успеть на поезд/самолёт.
из / с / от +gen.
в / на +
к +
Intended arrival, signals presence of the agent at a location as a result of motion
Antonym: у-
He arrived in Moscow a week ago.
Онприехал в Москву неделю назад.
в / на +acc.
к +
из / с / от +
Intended departure, signals absence
Antonym: при-
They will leave Vladivostok in a month.
Ониулетят из Владивостока через месяц.
Where is Igor? He already left.
Где Игорь? Он ужеушёл.
в / на +acc.
к +
из / с / от +
под-, подо-
Antonym: от-
He approached the girl to ask for her number.
Онподошёл к девушке, чтобы спросить её номер.

Other:Подвезти – give someone a lift, e.g.:

He took me (as far as) downtown.
Онподвёз меня до центра.
к +dat.
до +
от-, ото-
Withdrawal a short distance away
Antonym: под-
The boy stepped back from the stranger who had offered him candy.
Мальчикотошёл от незнакомца, который предложил ему конфеты.

Other:With transitive verbs, delivering or dropping something off (agent does not remain), e.g.:

I'll drop the book off at the library, then come.
Яотнесу книги в библиотеку, потом приду.
от +gen.
Reaching a limit or destination
The passengers reached the last station and exited the bus.
Пассажирыдоехали до последней остановки и вышли из автобуса.

Other:Characterizing the duration of a journey, especially when it is long, e.g.:

We finally reached the dacha.
Мы наконецдоехали до дачи.
до +gen.
Movement behind an object; stopping off on the way
The old woman walked behind the corner and disappeared.
Старушказашла за угол и исчезла.


  1. Action performed on the way to a destination, e.g.:
    On the way home I stopped at the store for bread.
    По дороге домой язашла в магазин за хлебом
  2. A short visit, e.g.:
    The young man often stops by his mother's place.
    Молодой человек частозаходит к маме.
  3. Movement deep into something, at a great distance (inside, upwards or downwards), e.g.:
    The ball flew onto the roof of the house.
    Мячзалетел на крышу дома.
в / на / за +acc.
к +
за +
Movement across, through, or past something
We drove through the city.
Мыпроехали через город.
We passed the metro station.
Мыпрошли мимо станции метро.


  1. Movement beyond one's destination (possibly unintentional), e.g.:
    I'm afraid we already passed the store.
    Я боюсь, что мы ужепрошли магазин.
  2. Movement forward with the distance covered specified, e.g.:
    You'll go three stops and get off the tram.
    Выпроедете три остановки и выйдете из трамвая.
сквозь / через / в +acc.
мимо +
without preposition
Movement across, from one point to another; through
The ducks swam across the river.
Уткипереплыли реку.

Other:Changing residence, e.g.:
I moved to another city.
Япереехала в другой город.

через + acc
without preposition +acc.
вз-, взо-, воз-, вс-, вос-
Movement upwards
Antonym: с-
The mountain climber walked up the mountain.
Альпиниствзошёл на гору.
в / на +acc.
с-, со-
Movement downwards
Antonym: вз-
After the performance, the actor got off the stage.
После представления актёрсошёл со сцены.
c +gen.
на +
к +
за +
о-, об-, обо-
Movement around an object or involving a consecutive number of objects, circling, covering a whole place
The little girl walked around the puddle.
Девочкаобошла лужу.
I'm going around to all the stores in the mall.
Яобхожу все магазины в центре.
вокруг +gen.
without preposition +
из-, изо-, ис-
Movement involving the entire area concerned and carried out in all directions
*only formed from multidirectional verb of motion
I traveled over the whole world.
Яизъездил весь мир.
without preposition +acc.
Movement onto the surface of an object
*only formed from multidirectional verb of motion
A cloud crept onto the sun.
Тучанаползла на солнце.

Other:Quantified movement, e.g.:
The driver covered 50 kilometers.
Водительнаездил 50 километров.
I had 2500 flight hours in Boeing 737.
Яналетал 2500 часов на Боинге 737.

в/на +acc.
without preposition +
с-, со- (+сь, +ся)
Convergent movement from various directions towards one center
Antonym: раз-, разо-, рас- (+сь, +ся)
In order to study, the student brought all her textbooks from other rooms to her desk.
Чтобы заниматься, студенткаснесла все учебники из других комнат на письменный стол.
The children ran (from all directions) to the playground.
Детисбежались на детскую площадь
в / на +acc.
к +
раз-, разо-, рас- (+сь, +ся)
Divergent movement in various directions from one center
Antonym: с-, со- (+сь, +ся)
Grandfather Frost brought the gifts to the (various) houses.
Дед Морозразнёс подарки по домам.
After dinner, we went to our separate homes.
После ужина, мыразошлись по домам.
по +dat. pl.
в + асс. pl.
Beginning of unidirectional movement
*with unidirectional verb of motion
I went to the university.
Япошла в университет.


  1. Intention to carry out a movement in the future, e.g.:
    In the winter I plan to go to Florida.
    Зимой я собираюсьпоехать во Флориду.
  2. Approximate location of the agent at moment of speech, e.g.:
    Where's Dad? He went to (is at) work.
    Где папа? Онпошёл на работу.
в / на +acc.
к +
из / с / от +
по +
prep. +inst.
Beginning of multidirectional movement
*With multidirection verb of motion
She started running around the room.
Оназабегала по комнате.
по +dat.
Prolonged multidirectional movement
*with multidirectional verb of motion
We walked around the woods all day.
Мыпроходили по лесу весь день.
without prep +acc.
Slow and measured multidirectional movement
*with multidirectional verb of motion
She walked around the apartment pensively and finally decided to leave.
Она задумчивопоходила по квартире и наконец решила уйти.
Completed semelfactive movement in opposite directions, there and back.
*only formed with multidirectional verb of motion
I went to the pharmacy for medicine and went to bed.
Ясходил в аптеку за лекарством и лёг спать.
в / на +acc.
к +
Idiomatic uses

The uni- and multidirectional distinction rarely figures into the metaphorical and idiomatic use of motion verbs, because such phrases typically call for one or the other verb. See below for examples:[21]: 357–358 

Idiomatic uses of motion verbs
  1. It's snowing, not raining.
    Идёт не дождь, а снег.
  2. The clock is ticking.
    Часы идут.
  3. A film is on.
    Идёт фильм.
  4. That dress suits you.
    Это платье тебе идёт.
  5. The government is moving towards democracy.
    Правительство идёт к демократии.
  6. The president is going against the will of the people.
    Президент идёт против воли народа.
  1. The country is waging a war.
    Страна ведёт войну.
  2. The girl keeps a diary.
    Девочка ведёт дневник.
  3. The friends have been in correspondence for a long time.
    Друзья долго ведут переписку.
  4. The road leads to the city.
    Дорога ведёт в город.
  5. No good comes from lying.
    Ложь к добру не ведёт.
  1. The woman bears the responsibility of her children.
    Женщина несёт ответственность за детей.
  2. The farmer bears the losses from the drought.
    Фермер несёт потери от засухи.
  3. The criminal is undergoing severe punishment.
    Преступник несёт тяжёлое наказание.
  4. The speaker is talking nonsense.
    Оратор несёт чушь.
  1. Time flies.
    Время летит.
  2. Shares are plummeting because of the economic crisis.
    Акции летят от экономического кризиса.
The hooligans are getting into a brawl.
Хулиганы лезут в драку.
She is lucky/got lucky.
Ей везёт / повезло.
  1. Blood is flowing from the wound.
    Кровь бежит из раны.
  2. The days fly past.
    Дни бегут.
  1. Ivan Ivanovich bears the name of his father.
    Иван Иванович носит имя отца.
  2. The clothes bear the imprint of old age.
    Одежда носит отпечаток ветхости.
  3. She wears pretty clothing.
    Она носит красивую одежду.
Rumor has it that she left her husband.
Ходит слух, что она бросила мужа.
He fooled me for a long time when he said that everything was fine in our firm.
Он долго водил меня за нос, когда говорил, что в нашей фирме всё хорошо.
I like to ski, skate, cycle, and row.
Мне нравится кататься на лыжах, на коньках, на велосипеде и на лодке.

Adjectival participle


Russian adjectival participles can be active or passive; have perfective or imperfective aspect; imperfective participles can have present or past tense, while perfective ones in classical language can be only past.[24] As adjectives, they are declined by case, number and gender. If adjectival participles are derived from reciprocal verbs, they have suffix -ся appended after the adjectival ending; this suffix in participlesnever takes the short form. Participles are often difficult to distinguish fromdeverbal adjectives (this is important for some cases oforthography).

Active present participle


Лю́ди,живу́щие в э́том го́роде, о́чень до́брые и отве́тственные – The peopleliving in this city are very kind and responsible.

In order to form the active present participle, the "т" of the 3rd person plural of the present tense is replaced by "щ", and a necessary adjective ending is added:

де́лать(to do, to make) – де́лают (they do/make) – де́лающий (doing, making)
Declension of де́лающий
accusativeN or Gде́лающуюN or G

Note: Onlyimperfective verbs can have an active present participle.

infinitive3rd person plural
(present Tense)
active present participle
First conjugation
име́ть(to have)име́ютиме́ющий
писа́ть(to write)пи́шутпи́шущий
пря́тать(to conceal)пря́чутпря́чущий
рисова́ть(to draw)рису́ютрису́ющий
вести́(to lead)веду́тведу́щий
печь(to bake)пеку́тпеку́щий
жить(to live)живу́тживу́щий
люби́ть(to love)лю́бятлю́бящий
коло́ть(to break)ко́лютко́лющий
идти́(to go)иду́тиду́щий
пить(to drink)пьютпью́щий
мыть(to wash)мо́ютмо́ющий
брить(to shave)бре́ютбре́ющий
петь(to sing)пою́тпою́щий
дава́ть(to give)даю́тдаю́щий
жать(to press)жмутжмущий
тону́ть(to sink)то́нутто́нущий
Second conjugation
слы́шать(to hear)слы́шатслы́шащий
сто́ить(to cost)сто́ятсто́ящий
стоя́ть(to stand)стоя́тстоя́щий
хоте́ть(to want)хотя́тхотя́щий
Other verbs
бежа́ть(to run)бегу́тбегу́щий
есть(to eat)едя́тедя́щий
быть(to be)*суть*су́щий

(*) Note: These forms are obsolete in modern Russian and they are not used in the spoken language as forms of the verb 'to be'.

Reflexive verbs paradigm
де́лающийся – being done/being made
accusativeN or Gде́лающуюсяN or G

The participle agrees in gender, case and number with the word it refers to:

Я посвяща́ю э́ту пе́снюлю́дям, живу́щим в на́шем го́роде – I dedicate this song to the people living in our city.
Я горжу́сьлюдьми́, живу́щими в на́шем го́роде – I'm proud of the people living in our city.

Active past participle


The active past participle is used in order to indicate actions that happened in the past:

Де́вушка,чита́вшая тут кни́гу, забы́ла свой телефо́н – The girlthat read this book here forgot her phone (the girl read the bookin the past).


Де́вушка,чита́ющая тут кни́гу, – моя́ сестра́ – The girlreading this book here is my sister (she is reading the book now,in the present).

In order to form the active past participle, the infinitive ending '-ть' is replaced by the suffix '-вш-' and add an adjective ending:

де́лать(to do, to make) – де́лавший
Declension of де́лавший
accusativeN or Gде́лавшуюN or G
infinitiveactive past participle
име́ть(to have)име́вший
рисова́ть(to draw)рисова́вший
тону́ть(to drown)тону́вший
люби́ть(to love)люби́вший
писа́ть(to write)писа́вший
коло́ть(to poke through with a needle)коло́вший
бить(to hit)би́вший
мыть(to wash)мы́вший
дава́ть(to give)дава́вший
жать(to squeeze/compress)жа́вший
стать(to become)ста́вший
жить(to live)жи́вший
infinitivepast tense
active past participle
Some verbs ending in consonant + нуть
со́хнуть(to dry)сохсо́хший
проту́хнуть(to become rancid)проту́хпроту́хший
сдо́хнуть(to die ("croak"))сдохсдо́хший
Verbs ending in -зть
лезть(to climb)лезле́зший
Verbs ending in -ти
везти́(to convey)вёзвёзший
вести́(to lead)вёлве́дший
нести́(to carry)нёснёсший
мести́(to sweep)мёлмётший
грести́(to row)грёбгрёбший
расти́(to grow)росро́сший
Verbs ending in -чь
помо́чь(to help)помогпомо́гший
печь(to bake)пёкпёкший
Verbs ending in -ереть
умере́ть(to die)у́меру́мерший
запере́ть(to lock)за́перза́перший
стере́ть(to erase)стёрстёрший
The verb красть
красть(to steal)кралкра́вший
The verb идти́
идти́(to go)шёлше́дший
Reflexive verbs paradigm
де́лавшийся – being done/being made
accusativeN or Gде́лавшуюсяN or G

Passive present participle

обсужда́ть – to discuss;
обсужда́емый (full form), обсужда́ем (short form) – being discussedor able to be discussed;

In order to form the passive present participle it is necessary to add an adjective ending to the 1st person plural of the present tense:

оставля́ть (to leave) – оставля́ем (we leave) – оставля́емый
masculine formоставля́емый
feminine formоставля́емая
neuter formоставля́емое
plural formоставля́емые
infinitive1st person plural
(present tense)
passive present participle
поздравля́ть(to congratulate)поздравля́емпоздравля́емый
рисова́ть(to draw [a picture])рису́емрису́емый
люби́ть(to love)лю́бимлюби́мый
гнать(to race)го́нимгони́мый
мыть(to wash)мо́еммо́емый
infinitivepresent stempassive past participle
Verbs ending in -авать
узнава́ть(to discover)узнава́емый
Verbs ending in -зть, -зти, -сть, -сти
везти́(to carry [by cart or vehicle])вез-везо́мый
вести́(to lead)вед-ведо́мый
нести́(to carry [by hand])нес-несо́мый
мести́(to sweep)мет-мето́мый
грести́(to row)греб-гребо́мый
красть(to steal)крад-крадо́мый

Passive participles are occasional in modern Russian. Often, same meaning is conveyed by reflexive active present participles:

рису́ющийся (self-drawing) instead of рису́емый (being drawn, drawable);
мо́ющийся (self-washing) instead of мо́емый (being washed);

The forms ending in -омый are mostly obsolete. Only the forms ведо́мый (from вести́ – to lead) and иско́мый (from иска́ть – to search, to look for) are used in the spoken language as adjectives:

ведо́мый челове́к – a slave (driven, following) man;
иско́мая величина́ – the sought quantity.

Passive past participle

сде́лать – to do/to make (perfective verb)
сде́ланный – done/made

Passive past participles are formed by means of the suffixes '-нн-' or '-т-' from the infinitive stem of perfective verbs. Besides that, this kind of participle can have short forms formed by means of the suffixes '-н-' or '-т-':

написа́ть(to write) – напи́санный (written) / напи́сан (short form)
уби́ть(to kill) – уби́тый (killed) / уби́т (short form)
full formshort form
full formshort form
Participle-forming models (for perfect verbs)
infinitiveparticipleshort forms
Verbs in -ать, -ять, -еть with a present stem ending in a vowel
сде́лать(to do, do make)сде́ланныйсде́лан
поменя́ть(to change)поме́нянныйпоме́нян
нарисова́ть(to draw)нарисо́ванныйнарисо́ван
услы́шать(to hear)услы́шанныйуслы́шан
написа́ть(to write)напи́санныйнапи́сан
погреба́ть(to bury)погребённыйпогребён, погребена́, погребено́, погребены́
Verbs ending in -ить and -еть referred to the second conjugation
пожа́рить(to fry)пожа́ренныйпожа́рен
уви́деть(to see)уви́денныйуви́ден
оби́деть(to offend)оби́женныйоби́жен
оплати́ть(to pay)опла́ченныйопла́чен
порази́ть(to amaze)поражённыйпоражён, поражена́, поражено́, поражены́
спроси́ть(to ask)спро́шенныйспро́шен
прости́ть(to forgive)прощённыйпрощён, прощена́, прощено́, прощены́
проломи́ть(to break in)проло́мленныйпроло́млен
установи́ть(to install, to set up)устано́вленныйустано́влен
истреби́ть(to exterminate)истреблённыйистреблён, истреблена́, истреблено́, истреблены́
купи́ть(to buy)ку́пленныйку́плен
Verbs ending in -зть, -сть, -зти or -сти
сгрызть(to chew)сгры́зенныйсгры́зен
укра́сть(to steal)укра́денныйукра́ден
проче́сть(to read)прочтённыйпрочтён, прочтена́, прочтено́, прочтены́
увезти́(to drive away)увезённыйувезён, увезена́, увезено́, увезены́
увести́(to take away)уведённыйуведён, уведена́, уведено́, уведены́
подмести́(to sweep)подметённыйподметён, подметена́, подметено́, подметены́
унести́(to carry away)унесённыйунесён, унесена́, унесено́, унесены́
Verbs ending in -чь
испе́чь(to bake)испечённыйиспечён, испечена́, испечено́, испечены́
сбере́чь(to save)сбережённыйсбережён, сбережена́, сбережено́, сбережены́
Verbs ending in -йти
найти́(to find)на́йденныйна́йден
Verbs ending in -нуть
согну́ть(to bend)со́гнутыйсо́гнут
Verbs ending in -оть
уколо́ть(to prick)уко́лотыйуко́лот
Verbs ending in -ыть
намы́ть(to wash)намы́тыйнамы́т
забы́ть(to forget)забы́тыйзабы́т
Verbs ending in бить, вить, лить, пить, шить
уби́ть(to kill)уби́тыйуби́т

Adverbial participle


Adverbial participles (деепричастия) express an earlier or simultaneous action providing context for the sentence in which they occur, similar to the English constructions "having done X" or "while doing Y".

Like normal adverbs, adverbial participles are not declined. They inherit the aspect of their verb; imperfective ones are usually present, while perfective ones can only be past (since they denote action performed by the subject, the tense corresponds to the time of action denoted by the verb). Adverbial participles are usually active, but passive constructions may be formed using adverbial participle forms of the verbбыть (presentбудучи "being", very rarely pastбывши "having been"); these may be combined with either an adjectival participle in theinstrumental case (Будучираненным, боец оставался в строю – Being wounded, the combatant remained in the row), or a short adjective in the nominative (Бывши один раз наказан, он больше так не делал – Having been punished once, he didn't do it any more).

Present adverbial participles are formed by adding the suffix -а/-я (or sometimes -учи/-ючи, which is usually deprecated) to the stem of the present tense. A few past adverbial participles (mainly of intransitive verbs of motion) are formed in the same way, but most are formed with the suffix -в (alternative form -вши, always used before -сь), some whose stem ends with a consonant, with -ши. For reflexive verbs, the suffix -сь remains at the very end of the word; in poetry it can take the form -ся.[25][26]

In standard Russian, adverbial participles are considered a feature of bookish speech; in colloquial language they are usually replaced with single adjectival participles or constructions with verbs: Пообедав, я пошёл гулять ("Having eaten, I went for a walk") → Я пообедал и пошёл гулять ("I ate and went for a walk"). But in some conservative dialects, adverbial and adjectival participles may be used to produceperfect forms, which do not occur in standard Russian; e.g. "I haven't eaten today" will be "Я сегодня не евши" instead of "Я сегодня не ел".

Adverbial participles
infinitivepresent tensepresent adverbial participlepast adverbial participle
думать(to think,impf.)думаюдумая(думав)[tavp 1]
сказать(to say,pf.)сказав (сказавши)
учиться(to be learning,impf.)учусьучась(учившись)[tavp 1]
научиться(to learn,pf.)научившись
войти(to enter,pf.)войдя (вошед,[tavp 2] вошедши)
сплести(to weave,pf.)сплётши (сплетя)
ехать(to ride/to drive,impf.)еду(ехав, ехавши)[tavp 1](едучи)[tavp 3]
  1. ^abcRare but existing forms; they appear e.g. in negative sentences:как Он знает Писания, не учившись? (John 7:15).
  2. ^Deprecated irregular form.
  3. ^Described by investigators other than Zaliznyak as still alive and neutral -учи form.[27]

Irregular verbs

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Russian verb paradigm
takeseegivegive (pf.)eatlivecallgowrite
Present1st singularберу́ви́жудаю́дамемживу́зову́иду́пишу́
2nd singularберёшьви́дишьдаёшьдашьешьживёшьзовёшьидёшьпи́шешь
3rd singularберётви́дитдаётдастестживётзовётидётпи́шет
1st pluralберёмви́димдаёмдади́меди́мживёмзовёмидёмпи́шем
2nd pluralберётеви́дитедаётедади́тееди́теживётезовётеидётепи́шете
3rd pluralберу́тви́дятдаю́тдаду́тедя́тживу́тзову́тиду́тпи́шут
Active Participlepresentберу́щийви́дящийдаю́щийедя́щийживу́щийзову́щийиду́щийпи́шущий
Past passive participleза́бранныйуви́денныйда́нныйсъе́денныйпо́званныйнапи́санный
Past passive participle (short forms)за́бран
Adverbial Participlepresentберя́ви́дядава́яедя́живя́зовя́идя́

1These verbs all have a stem change.
2These verbs arepalatalised in certain cases, namelyсш for all the present forms of "писа́ть", andдж in the first person singular of the other verbs.
3These verbs do not conform to either the first or second conjugations.

Word formation

Main article:Russian orthography § Spelling

Russian has on hand a set ofprefixes,prepositional andadverbial in nature, as well asdiminutive,augmentative, andfrequentativesuffixes. All of these can be stacked one upon the other to produce multiple derivatives of a given word. Participles and other inflectional forms may also have a specialconnotation. For example:

мысли́шка[mɨˈs⁽ʲ⁾lʲiʂkə]"a petty, cute or a silly thought; thoughtlet"
мысли́ща[mɨˈs⁽ʲ⁾lʲiɕːə]"a thought of fundamental import"
мышле́ние[mɨˈʂlʲenʲɪje]"thought, abstract thinking, reasoning"
мы́слить[ˈmɨs⁽ʲ⁾lʲɪtʲ]"to think (as to cogitate)"
мы́слящий[ˈmɨs⁽ʲ⁾lʲɪɕːɪj]"thinking, intellectual" (adjective)
мы́слимый[ˈmɨs⁽ʲ⁾lʲɪmɨj]"conceivable, thinkable"
мы́сленно[ˈmɨs⁽ʲ⁾lʲɪn(ː)ə]"mentally, in a mental manner"
смысл[smɨsl]"meaning" (noun)
осмы́слить[ɐˈsmɨs⁽ʲ⁾lʲɪtʲ]"to comprehend, to conceive; to grasp" (perfect)
осмы́сливать[ɐˈsmɨs⁽ʲ⁾lʲɪvətʲ]"to be in the process of comprehending" (continuous)
переосмы́слить[pʲɪrʲɪɐˈsmɨs⁽ʲ⁾lʲɪtʲ]"to reassess, to reconsider"
переосмы́сливать[pʲɪrʲɪɐˈsmɨs⁽ʲ⁾lʲɪvətʲ]"to be in the process of reassessing (something)"
переосмы́сливаемые[pʲɪrʲɪɐˈsmɨs⁽ʲ⁾lʲɪvəjɪmɨje]"(something or someone plural) in the process of being reconsidered"
обессмы́слить[ɐbʲɪˈsmɨs⁽ʲ⁾lʲɪtʲ]"to render meaningless"
обессмы́сленный[ɐbʲɪˈsmɨs⁽ʲ⁾lʲɪnːɨj]"rendered meaningless"
необессмы́сленный[nʲɪəbʲɪˈsmɨs⁽ʲ⁾lʲɪnːɨj]"not rendered meaningless"

Russian has also proven friendly to longcompounds. As an extreme case:

металлоло̀мообеспече́ние[mʲɪtəlɐˌlomɐɐbʲɪsʲpʲɪˈtɕenʲɪje]"provision of scrap metal"
металлоло̀мообеспе́ченный[mʲɪtəlɐˌlomɐɐbʲɪˈsʲpʲetɕɪnːɨj]"well supplied with scrap metal"

Purists (asDmitry Ushakov in the preface tohis dictionary) frown on such words. Some linguists[which?] have suggested that Russian compounding stems fromChurch Slavonic. In the twentieth century,abbreviated components frequently appeared in compounds:

управдом[ʊprɐˈvdom] = управляющий домом[ʊprɐˈvlʲӕjʉɕːɪjˈdoməm]"residence manager"



Basic word order, both in conversation and written language, issubject–verb–object. However, because grammatical relationships are marked by inflection, considerable latitude in word order is allowed, and all possible permutations can be used. For example, the words in the phrase "я пошёл в магазин" ('I went to the shop') can be arranged:

  • Я пошёл в магазин. (I went to the shop;I went to the shop.)
  • Я в магазин пошёл. (I to the shop went; approx.I am going out, my destination is the shop.)
  • Пошёл я в магазин. (Went I to the shop; two meanings: can be treated as a beginning of a narrated story:"Went I to the shop, and something happened." or a decision made by someone after a long contemplation:"OK, I think I will go the shop.")
  • Пошёл в магазин я. (Went to the shop I; rarely used, can be treated as a beginning of a line of a poem written in amphibrach due to uncommon word order, or when the speaker wants to highlight that exactly this subject "went to the shop". In that case, the subject is stressed)
  • В магазин я пошёл. (To the shop I went; two meanings: can be used as a response: "I went to the shop." – "Sorry, where did you go?" –"To the shop—that's where I went." or an emphasis on the way of transportation:I went to the shop on foot.)
  • В магазин пошёл я. (To the shop went I;It was me who went to the shop.)

while maintaining grammatical correctness. Note, however, that the order of the phrase "в магазин" ("to the shop") is kept constant.

Word order can express logical stress, and degree of definiteness. The primary emphasis tends to be initial, with a weaker emphasis at the end. Some of these arrangements can describe present actions, not only past (despite the fact that the verbпошёл is in the past).

In some cases, alternative word order can change the meaning entirely:

  • Не надо меня уговаривать. ("No need me [to] persuade" → One should not persuade me [as I would never agree to do something].)
  • Меня не надо уговаривать. ("Me no need [to] persuade" → There is no need to persuade me [as I will do it anyway].)

Impersonal sentences


Russian is anull-subject language – it allows constructing sentences without subject (Russian:безличные предложения). Some of them are claimed to not be impersonal, but to haveoblique subject. One possible classification of such sentences distinguishes:[28]

Subjectless impersonals contain animpersonal verb (in form of single third-person or single neutral), and no other word is used as a subject
Смеркалось. '(It got) dusky.'
В Москве полночь. '(It's) midnight inMoscow.'
Dative impersonals usually express personal feelings, where experiencer in dative case can possibly be considered as subject
Мнеdat. скучно. 'I'm bored.'
Other impersonals have an element which is neither nominative nor dative, but still is a nominal verb argument
Меняacc. тошнит. 'I feel sick.'
Васюacc. ударило токомinstr.. 'Vasya had anelectric shock.'



Multiple Negatives


Unlike in standard English,multiple negatives are compulsory in Russian, as in "никто никогда никому ничего не прощает"[nʲɪkˈtonʲɪkɐɡˈdanʲɪkɐˈmunʲɪtɕɪˈvonʲɪprɐɕˈɕæjɪt] ('No-one ever forgives anyone for anything' literally, "no one never to no-one nothing does not forgive"). Usually, only one word in a sentence has negative particle or prefix "не" or belongs to negative word "нет", while another word has negation-affirmative particle or prefix "ни"; but this word can often be omitted, and thus ни becomes the signal of negation:вокруг никого нет andвокруг никого both mean "there is nobody around".

Adverbial answers


As a one-word answer to anaffirmative sentence,yes translatesда andno translatesнет, as shown by the table below.[citation needed]

Answer to an affirmative sentence
First speakerIt's rainingИдёт дождь
Agreeing with speaker (rain is falling)Yes = it's rainingДа = идёт дождь
Disagreeing with speaker (rain is not falling)No = it's not rainingНет = дождь не идёт

No simple rule supplies an adverbial answer to a negative sentence.B. Comrie[29] says that in Russian answer да or нет is determined not so much by the negative form of the question as by the questioner's intent for using negation, or whether the response is in agreement with hispresupposition. In many cases that means that the adverbial answer should be extended for avoiding ambiguity; in spoken language, intonation in saying нет can also be significant to if it is affirmation of negation ornegation of negation.

Answer to a negative question
QuestionInterpretationPositive answer
what was negated is declared
Negative answer
what was negated is refused
Не желаете ли печенья?
Would you like to have some cookies?
Negation is used only for more politenessДа, пожалуйста.
Yes, please.
Нет, спасибо.
No, thank you.
Не задумывались ли вы над этим?
Haven't you considered this?
Presence of a negative particle is conditioned by the expectation of a positive answerДа, задумывался.
Yes, I have.
Нет, не задумывался.
No, I haven't.
Так что, не ку́пите?
So, you (definitely) won't buy (it)?
Negation is forced by the presumption of negative answerНет, берём.
No, we will buy it.
Да, не берём (less common). / Нет, не берём.
No, we won't buy it.
Ты ведь не сердишься на меня?
(But) you are not angry with me, (are you)?
Negation is hoped for, rather than expectedНет, я сержусь. / Да, сержусь.
Yes, I am angry.
Нет, не сержусь. / Да, не сержусь (less common).
No, I am not angry.

Note that while expressing an affirmation of negation by extending "да" with a negated verb is grammatically acceptable. In practice it is more common to answer "нет" and subsequently extend with a negated verb paralleling the usage in English. Answering a negative sentence with a non-extended "нет" is usually interpreted as an affirmation of negation again in a way similar to English.

Alternatively, both positive and negative simple questions can be answered by repeating the predicate with or without не, especially if да/нет is ambiguous: in the latest example, "сержусь" or "не сержусь".



The most common types of coordination expressed bycompound sentences in Russian are conjoining, oppositional, and separative. Additionally, the Russian grammar considers comparative, complemental, and clarifying. Other flavors of meaning may also be distinguished.

Conjoining coordinations are formed with the help of theconjunctions и "and", ни … ни ("not … not" — simultaneous negation), та́кже "also", то́же ("too"; the latter two have complementary flavors), etc. Most commonly the conjoining coordination expresses enumeration,simultaneity or immediate sequence. They may also have a cause-effect flavor.

Oppositional coordinations are formed with the help of the oppositional conjunctions: а "and"~"but", но "but", одна́ко "however", зато́ "on the other hand", же "and"~"but", etc. They express the semantic relations of opposition, comparison, incompatibility, restriction, or compensation.

Separative coordinations are formed with the help of the separative conjunctions: и́ли "or", ли́бо "either", ли … ли "whether … or", то … то "then … then", etc. They express alternation or incompatibility of things expressed in the coordinated sentences.

Complemental and clarifying coordination expresses additional, but not subordinated, information related to the first sentence.

Comparative coordination is a semantic flavor of the oppositional one.

Common coordinatingconjunctions include:

  • и[i] "and", enumerative, complemental;
  • а[a] "and", comparative, tending to "but" or "while";
  • но[no] "but", oppositional.

The distinction between "и" and "а" is important:

  • "и" implies a following complemental state that does not oppose the antecedent;
  • "а" implies a following state that acts in opposition to the antecedent, but more weakly than "но" ("but").
The Catherine manuscript of theSong of Igor, 1790s
они́ уе́хали,
и мы уезжа́ем
they have left,
and we are leaving (too)
они́ уже́ уе́хали,
а мы ещё нет
they have already left,
while (but) we haven't (left) yet
они уе́хали,
но ненадо́лго
they have left,
but not for long

The distinction between "и" and "а" developed after medieval times. Originally, "и" and "а" were closer in meaning. The unpunctuated ending of theSong of Igor illustrates the potential confusion. The final five words in modern spelling, "князьям слава а дружине аминь"[knʲɪˈzʲjamˈslavəɐdruˈʐɨnʲɪɐˈmʲinʲ] can be understood either as "Glory to the princes and to their retinue! Amen." or "Glory to the princes, and amen (R.I.P.) to their retinue". Although the majority opinion is definitely with the first interpretation, no consensus has formed. The psychological difference between the two is quite obvious.



Complementizers (subordinating conjunctions, adverbs, or adverbial phrases) include:

  • если[ˈjesʲlʲɪ] 'if' (meaning 'in case where' not meaning 'whether');
  • потому что[pətɐˈmuʂtə] 'because'
  • так как[takkak] 'since' (meaning 'for the reason that')
  • чтобы[ˈʂtobɨ], дабы[ˈdabɨ] (bookish, archaic) 'so that'
  • после того, как[ˈposʲlʲɪtɐˈvokək] 'after'
  • хотя[xɐˈtʲa] 'although'

In general, Russian has fewer subordinate clauses than English, because the participles andadverbial participles often take the place of a relative pronoun/verb combination. For example:

Вот человек,
потерявший надежду.
Here (is) a man
who has lost (all) hope.
[lit. having lost hope]
Гуляя по городу, всегда
останавливаюсь у Ростральных колонн.
When I go for a walk in the city, I always
pause by the Rostral Columns.
[lit. Walking in the city, I...]

Absolute construction


Despite the inflectional nature of Russian, there is no equivalent in modern Russian to the Englishnominative absolute or the Latinablative absolute construction. The old language had an absolute construction, with the noun in thedative. Like so many other archaisms, it is retained inChurch Slavonic. Among the last known examples in literary Russian occurs inRadishchev'sJourney from Petersburg to Moscow (Путешествие из Петербурга в Москву[pʊtʲɪˈʂɛstvʲɪjeɪspʲɪtʲɪrˈburɡəvmɐˈskvu]), 1790:

Едущу мне из Едрова, Анюта из мысли моей не выходила.[ˈjedʊɕːʉmnʲeɪzʲjɪˈdrovə,ɐˈnʲutəɪzˈmɨsʲlʲɪmɐˈjejnʲɪvɨxɐˈdʲilə] "As I was leaving Yedrovo village, I could not stop thinking about Aniuta."

See also



  1. ^Nesset (2008) applied Leonard Talmy's (1985, 2000) terms "manner" and "path" to her image schema for Russian verbs of motion.
  2. ^Researchers have also included the reflexive verbs катиться/кататься, гнаться/гоняться, нестись/носиться, and тащиться/таскаться (Gagarina 2009: 451–452).


  1. ^(in Russian) Zaliznyak A. A. "Русское именное словоизменение." Moscow.: Science, 1967
  2. ^(in Russian) Uspenskij V. A. "К определению падежа по А. Н. Колмогорову // Бюллетень объединения по проблемам машинного перевода." Issue. 5. Moscow., 1957online copyArchived 2012-04-23 at theWayback Machine
  3. ^(in Russian) Klobukov E. V. "Семантика падежных форм в современном русском литературном языке. (Введение в методику позиционного анализа)" Moscow: Moscow State University Press, 1986.
  4. ^Wade, Terence (2024-04-08).A Comprehensive Russian Grammar (3rd ed.). Malden, MA:Wiley-Blackwell (published 2010-09-27). pp. 70–73.ISBN 978-1-4051-3639-6.
  5. ^"The Cases of Russian Nouns".Master Russian. Retrieved31 March 2015.
  6. ^"Russian case functions in brief".alphaDictionary. Retrieved3 August 2016.
  7. ^(in Russian)Жду звонка...
  8. ^Cooljugator: The Smart Declinator in Russian nouns
  9. ^Translated from the Russian by V. Korotky
  10. ^Е. И. Литневская.Русский язык. Краткий теоретический курс для школьников БСМП "ЭЛЕКС-Альфа", 2000
  11. ^abСовременный русский язык / Под ред. В. А. Белошапковой.
  12. ^Corbett, Greville G. (June 1987)."The Morphology/Syntax Interface: Evidence from Possessive Adjectives in Slavonic"(PDF).Language. 2.63 (2):299–345.doi:10.2307/415658.JSTOR 415658. Retrieved13 December 2013.
  13. ^Collective numerals for more than 7 are seldom used.
  14. ^In very bookish speech also can appear plural third-person form суть; it's often misused by some native Russian writers who don't know what this word really is.
  15. ^Björn Rothstein; Rolff Thieroff (2010).Mood in the Languages of Europe. John Benjamins Publishing. p. 326.
  16. ^"Russian verbs: How to form the imperative".
  17. ^Gor, K., Cook, S., Malyushenkova, V., & Vdovina, T (2009). "Verbs of Motion in Highly Proficient Learners and Heritage Speakers of Russian".The Slavic and East European Journal.53 (3):386–408.JSTOR 40651163.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  18. ^Talmy, Leonard (1985). "Lexicalization Patterns: Semantic Structure in Lexical Forms". In Timothy Shopen (ed.).Language Typology and Syntactic Description, vol. 3. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 57–149.
  19. ^Nesset, Tore (2008). "Path and Manner: An Image-Schematic Approach to Russian Verbs of Motion".Scando-Slavica.54 (1):135–158.doi:10.1080/00806760802494232.S2CID 123427088.
  20. ^abcMuravyova, L (1986). V. Korotky (ed.).Verbs of Motion in Russian / Glagoly dviženija v russkom jazyke (5 ed.). Moscow: Russkij jazyk. pp. 211–212,218–225.
  21. ^abcWade, Terence (2011).A Comprehensive Russian Grammar (2 ed.). Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd.
  22. ^Hasko, Victoria (2010)."Semantic Composition of Motion Verbs in Russian and English". In Renee Perelmutter (ed.).New Approaches to Slavic Verbs of Motion. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. pp. 197–224.ISBN 978-9027205827.
  23. ^Mahota, William (1996).Russian Motion Verb for Intermediate Students. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  24. ^Anna, Medvedeva."Classification - Russian language grammar on"
  25. ^Paul Cubberley (2002).Russian: A Linguistic Introduction. Cambridge University Press. pp. 162, 164.ISBN 0-521-79641-5.
  26. ^А. А. Камынина (1999).Современный русский язык. Морфология. Издательство МГУ. p. 180.ISBN 5-211-04133-X.
  27. ^"Деепричастие".Русская корпусная грамматика. Retrieved2013-09-26.
  28. ^Bailyn, John F. (2012).The Syntax of Russian. Cambridge University Press. pp. 115–118.ISBN 978-0-521-88574-4.
  29. ^Comrie, Bernard (1984)."Russian".Typological Studies in Language.4 (Interrogativity: A Colloquium on the Grammar, Typology, and Pragmatics of Questions in Seven Diverse Languages, Cleveland, Ohio, October 5th, 1981 – May 3rd, 1982):36–37.

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