Room 401 took unaware victims into the center of pranks that played like minihorror movies. From the reanimation of the dead, to chain-saw mishaps, each episode contains four "scares" or pranks. The show was hosted byJared Padalecki fromThe CW'sSupernatural.
Getting Crabby: Two women witness a man (played by comedic magicianJustin "Kredible" Willman) pull his chest apart and crabs come out.
The Claw: A woman wants her friend to win her something from a claw machine, but the claw doesn't work, so a maintenance man (played by magician/actorRob Zabrecky) sticks his hand through the glass and pulls out a rat.
He Sees Dead People: Two crime scene cleaners go to a crime scene and one of the men witnesses the dead man's spirit (played by magicianDavid Minkin) sitting up from his body.
Lend a Hand: Two men go to work at a meat factory and one of the men witnesses his co-worker lose his hand in a fryer then it's right back on.
Ice Carving: An accident with a chainsaw operator (played by magician/actorRob Zabrecky) leaves an ice sculptor alive, but in two pieces.
Jar Head: While cleaning a warehouse two guys find a mysterious head preserved in a jar that blinks and talks (played by magician/actorRob Zabrecky).
He Gone!: A supernatural taxi driver disappears after being pulled over by the police.Note: This prank was featured inVH1's special "40 Greatest Pranks 2".
Lose Your Head: A guy on the bus (played by Japanese street illusionistCyril Takayama) is barely able to hold onto his head.Note: This prank was featured inVH1's special "40 Greatest Pranks 2".
Beauty Is Only Skin Deep: A young woman is pushed underneath the waters of a hottub and emerges elderly.
Return to Sender: A man in a diaper comes out of a small, strange box on a worker's first night on the job.
Fasten Your Seat Belts: A man is pulled through an airplaneturbine in front of a woman's eyes, and then comes up to her two minutes later, completely unharmed.
Scrubbing In: A man has poisonous fish (fugu) and another (played by magicianDavid Minkin) goes through his stomach and pulls out the poisonous fish.
Good Cop, Bad Donut: You can usually find a cop eating donuts, you don't usually see a cop coughing them back up.
The Miracle Worker: Some people can do amazing things when others are in distress. Like walking on water...
Don't Fall Apart: Liquid nitrogen freezes pretty much anything it touches instantly, even people.Note: This prank was featured inVH1's special "40 Greatest Pranks 2".
Very Bad Things: While setting up for a bachelor party some guys think they might have killed the stripper.
The show was created by Rico de la Vega and Chris Gongora ofMagic X.[1] They previously produced the network television specialT.H.E.M. - Totally Hidden Extreme Magic, which also used the concept of magic with hidden cameras. Rico and Chris along with fellow Magic X membersCyril Takayama,Justin "Kredible" Willman, and Lisa de la Vega are featured in the show.
Cast:David Minkin, Mark Cirillo, R.J. Cantu, Oscar Torres, Lou Volpe, Arnaud Collery, Lisa De La Vega, Rico De La Vega, Chris Gongora, Michael Grasso, Derek Hughes, Ambria Miscia, Thomas Nealeigh, Rebecca Ocampo, Robert Lyon Rasner, Amro Salama, Cathy Shim, Michael Stellman,Cyril Takayama, Shirley To, Dawson Van Pelt, Luke Van Pelt,Justin "Kredible" Willman,Rob Zabrecky andDaniel Zacapa
Magic Consultants: David Minkin, Derek Hughes, Robert Lyon Rasner and Michael Stellman