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(Redirected fromRobo Rally)
Board game

Typical RoboRally race course
DesignersRichard Garfield
Setup time10 minutes
Playing time120 minutes
Age range10+
SkillsSimple programming

RoboRally, also stylized asRobo Rally, is aboard game for 2–8 players designed byRichard Garfield and published byWizards of the Coast (WotC) in1994. Various expansions and revisions have been published by WotC,Avalon Hill, and Renegade Games.


6-player game in progress

InRoboRally, 2–8 players assume control of "Robot Control Computers" in a dangerous widget factory filled with moving, course-alteringconveyor belts, metal-meltinglaser beams, bottomless pits, crushers, and a variety of other obstacles. Using randomly dealt "program cards", the controllers attempt to maneuver their robot to reach a pre-designated number of checkpoints in a particular order.



The game box contains:

  • 4 double-sided map boards
  • 8 player mats
  • 8 robot tokens and matching archive markers
  • 8 Power Down tokens
  • 84 Program cards that either move a robot ahead or back, or turn it either 90 degrees left or right, or reverse its direction
  • 26 Option cards
  • 40 Life markers
  • 60 Damage tokens
  • two-sided Docking Bay board
  • 30-second hourglass timer
  • rulebook



Each player chooses a robot token and its matching archive token, and also receives three life tokens and a player mat. The players choose a race course by common consent, place numbered flags on it according to the race course chosen, and abut the Docking Panel board against the side of the map indicated by the race course chosen. In randomly determined order, each player places their robot on a starting square on the Docking Bay board with their matching archive marker under the robot.

Preparing to move


On each turn:

  1. The Program card deck is shuffled and nine cards are dealt to each player.
    1. For each point of robot damage, the number of cards is reduced by 1.
  2. Players plan how to get to the first numbered flag, choose five Program cards from their hand as the robot's next five moves, and place the cards in order facedown on the table.
    1. When all players but one have chosen their cards, the 30-second sand timer is started. If this runs out while the last player is still choosing cards, the player's cards are chosen at random from the player's hand.
  3. Unused cards are placed in a discard pile.


  1. Each player simultaneously reveals their first Program card. The player with the highest numbered Program card moves first, followed by each player in order of descending Program card values.
    1. If the robot hits a wall, it cannot proceed.
    2. If a robot hits another robot, it pushes the second robot in front of it.

End of phase


After everyone has moved (called a "phase")

  • the express conveyor belts move any robots on it one space in the direction of its arrows, rotating as the space they move on to.
  • the slow and express conveyor belts move any robots one space in the direction of its arrows, rotating as the space they move on to.
  • pushers push if active for that register phase.
  • gears rotate robots either 90 degrees clockwise or counterclockwise as indicated by their directional arrows
  • every board laser and robot fires a high intensity laser down the row of squares in front of them. If the beam hits a robot before being stopped by a wall, the target robot takes a point of damage.
  • crushers activate, destroying any robot on them.
  • If a robot ends a phase on a wrench or numbered flag, the player moves the robot's archive marker to that flag. If the robot was seeking that flag, the player now attempts to reach the next numbered flag.
  • If a robot ends a turn on any repair site (a space with a wrench), the robot's archive marker is moved to that spot.
  • If a robot ends a turn on a space with one wrench, one point of damage is repaired.
  • If a robot ends a turn on a space with two wrenches, two points of damage are repaired OR the robot receives a random upgrade card.
  • If a robot ends a turn on a space with a wrench and a hammer, one point of damage is repaired, AND the robot receives a random upgrade card.

Play then returns to the beginning of the next turn.

A player can choose to totally repair their robot by announcing, a turn in advance while programming their robot, that their robot will "power down" at the end of the coming turn. The robot plays the programmed turn, then shuts down for the entire next turn to repir itself. The robot returns to 100A% status at the end of the turn. Any damage taken during the repair turn reduces the robot's current point total before repairs, and may destroy the robot before it completes its repairs.

Robot destruction


If a robot takes more than 9 points of damage, or falls down a pit or drives off the board or is pushed off the board, the robot is destroyed. The player loses a Life token, and a clone of the robot with two damage returns at the start of the next turn on the robot's archive marker. If a player runs out of Life tokens, (four robots destroyed), the player is out of the game.

Victory conditions


The first robot to touch the final numbered flag is the winner.

Publication history


Game designerRichard Garfield designedRoboRally in 1985,[1] but when he first showed it to WotC, they were uninterested. After WotC produced Garfield's collectible card gameMagic: The Gathering in 1993, they expressed interest in publishingRoboRally,[2] which was released in 1994 with pewter playing tokens designed byPhil Foglio, who also did the artwork for the game.[2]

Several updates and expansions rapidly followed, including a second edition (1995);Armed and Dangerous (1995);Crash and Burn (1997);Grand Prix (1997); andRadioactive (1998).

In 2005, Avalon Hill re-published the game with minor rule revisions and cosmetic changes that included replacing the pewter robots tokens with plastic robots. Eleven years later, Avalon Hill re-released the game in 2016 with revised boards and substantial rules changes making the game incompatible with the previous editions.

In 2023, Renegade Game Studios obtained the rights to a number of games published under the Avalon Hill brand from Wizards of the Coast, among these was Robo Rally. The board size went back to the 12x12 inch grids but the rules remain close to the 2016 revision. Two expansions, Wet & Wild and Chaos & Carnage, were available close to release. A Transformers tie-in game was announced in summer 2023,[3] changing to six distinct Transformers characters and their personalized upgrades and abilities. One day later a further expansion, Master Builder, was announced, which was meant to give players the opportunity to customize boards with 6x6" tiles as well as tokens of the most common board elements.[4]



In Issue 18 ofShadis, David Williams liked this "manic racing game", and thought that the components were of "high quality" but questioned the use of expensive pewter playing pieces instead of plastic tokens, saying, "Wizards did not cut corners, but it would be nice to have a cheaper option."[2]

In Issue 2 ofArcane, Andy Butcher found that this was a good game for casual playing. He concluded by giving it an average rating of 7 out of 10, saying, "anyone who's looking for great way to while away a couple of hours and have fun is strongly advised to check this out – it's simple to learn, extremely replayable, and most importantly, a great game – although you do need at least four players to get the most out of it."[5]

John ONeill ofBlack Gate commented that "all the challenge comes in the nature of your idiotic robots, and the numerous ways they can stumble stoically – nay,joyously – towards their own destruction on the factory floor."[6]

RoboRally was chosen for inclusion in the 2007 bookHobby Games: The 100 Best.James Ernest commented: "Why isRoboRally one of the best hobby games ever? Besides being a completely solid game at heart,RoboRally succeeds at one of the hardest tricks in game design: it is genuinely funny. I don't just mean that it has funny jokes in the rules or funny robot characters. It has those things, but putting jokes in a rulebook is relatively easy. The richest humor in this game comes from the play of the game itself."[7]

Other reviews and commentary



  • At the 1995Origins Awards,RoboRally won awards in two categories:
    • "Best Fantasy or Science Fiction Boardgame of 1994"
    • "Best Graphic Presentation of a Boardgame of 1994"[12]
  • At the 1996 Origins Awards, theArmed and Dangerous expansion won "Best Graphic Presentation of a Boardgame of 1995"[13]
  • At the 1997 Origins Awards,RoboRally Grand Prix won "Best Fantasy or Science Fiction Boardgame of 1996"[14]

Editions and expansions (with board names)


Between 1994 and 1999 Wizards of the Coast (WotC) released the original game, four expansion sets, and a limited edition board.

  • RoboRally (first edition, WotC, 1994): Basic boards (6), unpainted metal miniatures with detached plastic bases (8), movement cards, option cards, and counters.
  • RoboRally (second edition, WotC, 1995): Basic boards (same 6, with lighter coloring), unpainted metal miniatures with integrated metal bases (8), movement cards, option cards, and counters.
  • Armed and Dangerous (WotC, 1995): Additional boards (6), additional option cards, and counters.
  • Crash and Burn (WotC, 1997): Additional boards (2)
  • Grand Prix (WotC, 1997): Additional boards (3), with randomly selected reprinted basic boards on the backs.
  • Radioactive (WotC, 1998): Additional boards (3)
  • "Origins ’99" (WotC, 1999): A single new board (King of the Hill), only given to finalists in the championship tournament.

In Europe (German by Amigo, and Dutch by 999 Games), a different series was released. It incorporated a few rules changes and fewer components to make the game simpler. The damage and life tokens are larger and thicker than those of the original American release. The movement cards are color-coded.Forward (Move) cards have blue arrows,Backward (Back Up) cards have red ones andTurn cards yellow ones.

  • RoboRally (Amigo, 1999; and 999 Games, 2000): Basic boards (4, lettered instead of named), prepainted plastic bots (4), color-coded movement cards, counters.
  • Crash & Burn (Amigo, 2000): Additional boards (4, lettered instead of named), prepainted plastic bots (4), option cards.

The Avalon Hill edition also changed the cards. The newMove cards have only an arrow in the corner instead of the number with the arrow, which means you have to look at the full face of the card to distinguish them. It also has larger counters. Character sheets were introduced to track damage, life counters, power-down status, and program cards. Each sheet also contains a copy of the turn sequence for reference. The graphics have been redesigned to make the functionality of board elements clearer. The rules were also simplified to remove the concept of virtual robots.

  • RoboRally (Avalon Hill, 2005): Double-sided boards (4), Docking Bay (a double-sided starting grid, one-third the size of a regular board), plastic bots (8), movement cards, option cards, plastic flags (8), sand timer, and counters. The board combinations areChop Shop &Island,Spin Zone &Maelstrom,Chess &Cross, andVault &Exchange.

The 2016 edition significantly changed the damage system and gave every player an individual deck rather than a shared deck. Priority is determined by proximity to an antenna token and archive markers have been replaced with respawn point tokens. The boards in this edition are 10x10 rather than 12x12, and are named1A,1B -6A and6B. The docking bay is 10x3.

  • Robo Rally (Avalon Hill, 2016): Double-sided boards (6), double-sidedstart board, prepainted plastic bots (6), individual movement decks, damage decks, option cards, plastic flags (6), sand timer, plastic antenna token, plastic energy cubes and counters

The 2023 edition sees the return of the 12x12 boards. Some of the classic expansion boards are reprinted, while newer ones are introduced as well. The material quality is upgraded from the previous edition with thicker boards and tokens and larger cards.

  • Robo Rally (Renegade Game Studios, 2023): Double-sided boards (4), double-sided start board, pre-painted plastic bots (6), plastic checkpoint marker flags (6), individual movement decks (6x20 cards), damage deck (40 cards), upgrade cards (40), energy tracking cubes (8), reboot tokens (6), archive tokens (6), checkpoint tracking tokens (6), player aid,
  • Robo Rally: Wet & Wild (Renegade Game Studios, 2023): Double-sided boards (3), upgrade cards (5)
  • Robo Rally: Chaos & Carnage (Renegade Game Studios, 2023): Double-sided boards (3), upgrade cards (5)
  • Transformers: Robo Rally (Renegade Game Studios, 2024)
  • Robo Rally: Master Builder (Renegade Game Studios, 2024): 6x6" game boards (8), tokens (17), upgrade cards (5)
  • Robo Rally: Thrills & Spills (Renegade Game Studios, 2024): Double-sided boards (3), upgrade cards (5)
  • Robo Rally: 30th Anniversary Edition (Renegade Game Studios, 2024): Double-sided boards (4), upgrade cards (40)
  • Robo Rally: Contamination (Renegade Game Studios, 2024): Double-sided boards (3), upgrade cards (5)
  • Robo Rally: Turn & Burn (Renegade Game Studios, 2024): Double-sided boards (3), upgrade cards (5)
RoboRally boards by game release
BoardWizards of the CoastEuropeanAvalon Hill 2005Avalon Hill 2016Renegade Game Studios 2023
Cannery Row1994 – RoboRally1999 – RoboRally (D)
Cross1994 – RoboRally1999 – RoboRally (C)2005 – RoboRally
Exchange1994 – RoboRally1999 – RoboRally (B)2005 – RoboRally
Island1994 – RoboRally2000 – Crash & Burn (E)2005 – RoboRally
Maelstrom1994 – RoboRally2000 – Crash & Burn (F)2005 – RoboRally
Pit Maze1994 – RoboRally1999 – RoboRally (A)
Chasm1995 – Armed & Dangerous2023 - Chaos & Carnage
Circuit Trap1995 – Armed & Dangerous2023 - Wet & Wild
Coliseum1995 – Armed & Dangerous2023 - Wet & Wild
Flood Zone1995 – Armed & Dangerous2023 - Wet & Wild
Gear Box1995 – Armed & Dangerous2023 - Chaos & Carnage
Laser Maze1995 – Armed & Dangerous2023 - Chaos & Carnage
Blast Furnace1997 – Crash & Burn2000 – Crash & Burn (H)
Machine Shop1997 – Crash & Burn2000 – Crash & Burn (G)
Back Stretch1997 – Grand Prix2024 - Turn & Burn
Canyon1997 – Grand Prix2024 - Turn & Burn
Pit Row1997 – Grand Prix2024 - Turn & Burn
Pinwheel1998 – Radioactive2024 - Contamination
Reactor Core1998 – Radioactive2024 - Contamination
Shake ’N’ Bake1998 – Radioactive2024 - Contamination
King of the Hill1999 –Origins '99
Docking Bay2005 – RoboRally
Chop Shop2005 – RoboRally
Spin Zone2005 – RoboRally
Chess2005 – RoboRally
Vault2005 – RoboRally
Start Board2016 – Robo Rally
1A2016 – Robo Rally
1B2016 – Robo Rally
2A2016 – Robo Rally
2B2016 – Robo Rally
3A2016 – Robo Rally
3B2016 – Robo Rally
4A2016 – Robo Rally
4B2016 – Robo Rally
5A2016 – Robo Rally
5B2016 – Robo Rally
6A2016 – Robo Rally
6B2016 – Robo Rally
In & Out2023 - Robo Rally
The Keep2023 - Robo Rally
Steps2023 - Robo Rally
Tempest2023 - Robo Rally
Cactus2023 - Robo Rally
Misdirection2023 - Robo Rally
Sidewinder2023 - Robo Rally
Energize2023 - Robo Rally
Water Park2023 - Wet & Wild
Transition2023 - Wet & Wild
Trench Run2023 - Wet & Wild
Pushy2023 - Chaos & Carnage
Labyrinth2023 - Chaos & Carnage
Stop & Go2023 - Chaos & Carnage
Fireball Factory2024 - Thrills & Spills
Black Gold2024 - Thrills & Spills
Portal Palace2024 - Thrills & Spills
Gauntlet of Fire2024 - Thrills & Spills
Black Gold2024 - Thrills & Spills
The "O" Ring2024 - Thrills & Spills
Locked2024 - Thrills & Spills
The Wave2024 - Master Builder
Coming & Going2024 - Master Builder
Doubles2024 - Master Builder
The H2024 - Master Builder
Circles2024 - Master Builder
The Zone2024 - Master Builder
All Roads2024 - Master Builder
Winding2024 - Master Builder
Assembly2024 - Master Builder
The X2024 - Master Builder
The Oval2024 - Master Builder
Convergence2024 - Master Builder
Blueprint2024 - Master Builder
Whirlpool2024 - Master Builder
Mergers2024 - Master Builder
Tabula Rasa2024 - Master Builder
Double Helix2024 - 30th Year
Falling2024 - 30th Year
Vacancy2024 - 30th Year
Sampler2024 - 30th Year
Links2024 - 30th Year
Concentric2024 - 30th Year
Meeple2024 - 30th Year
Straight-A-Ways2024 - 30th Year
Discovery2024 - Contamination
Reactor Leak2024 - Contamination
Spill2024 - Contamination
Bounce House2024 - Turn & Burn
Open Circuit2024 - Turn & Burn
Check In2024 - Turn & Burn
Board NameReverse SideYearSource Product NameSizeEditionPublisher
Cannery Row1994/1995RoboRally12x121st/2ndWizards of the Coast
Cross1994/1995RoboRally12x121st/2ndWizards of the Coast
Exchange1994/1995RoboRally12x121st/2ndWizards of the Coast
Island1994/1995RoboRally12x121st/2ndWizards of the Coast
Maelstrom1994/1995RoboRally12x121st/2ndWizards of the Coast
Pit Maze1994/1995RoboRally12x121st/2ndWizards of the Coast
Chasm1995Armed & Dangerous12x122ndWizards of the Coast
Circuit Trap1995Armed & Dangerous12x122ndWizards of the Coast
Coliseum1995Armed & Dangerous12x122ndWizards of the Coast
Flood Zone1995Armed & Dangerous12x122ndWizards of the Coast
Gear Box1995Armed & Dangerous12x122ndWizards of the Coast
Laser Maze1995Armed & Dangerous12x122ndWizards of the Coast
Blast Furnace1997Crash & Burn12x122ndWizards of the Coast
Machine Shop1997Crash & Burn12x122ndWizards of the Coast
Back Stretch<random reprint>1997Grand Prix / 1995 Random - [RR|AD]12x122ndWizards of the Coast
Canyon<random reprint>1997Grand Prix / 1995 Random - [RR|AD]12x122ndWizards of the Coast
Pit Row<random reprint>1997Grand Prix / 1995 Random - [RR|AD]12x122ndWizards of the Coast
Pinwheel1998Radioactive12x122ndWizards of the Coast
Reactor Core1998Radioactive12x122ndWizards of the Coast
Shake ’N’ Bake1998Radioactive12x122ndWizards of the Coast
King of the Hill1999Origins '9912x122ndWizards of the Coast
A (Pit Maze)1999/2000RoboRally12x122ndEuropean (various)
B (Exchange)1999/2000RoboRally12x122ndEuropean (various)
C (Cross)1999/2000RoboRally12x122ndEuropean (various)
D (Cannery Row)1999/2000RoboRally12x122ndEuropean (various)
E (Island)2000Crash & Burn12x122ndEuropean (various)
F (Maelstrom)2000Crash & Burn12x122ndEuropean (various)
G (Machine Shop)2000Crash & Burn12x122ndEuropean (various)
H (Blast Furnace)2000Crash & Burn12x122ndEuropean (various)
Chop ShopIsland2005/20102005 RoboRally / 1995 - RoboRally12x123rdAvalon Hill
Spin ZoneMaelstrom2005/20102005 RoboRally / 1995 - RoboRally12x123rdAvalon Hill
ChessCross2005/20102005 RoboRally / 1995 - RoboRally12x123rdAvalon Hill
VaultExchange2005/20102005 RoboRally / 1995 - RoboRally12x123rdAvalon Hill
Docking Bay ADocking Bay B2005/20102005 RoboRally12x43rdAvalon Hill
1A1B2016Robo Rally10x104thAvalon Hill
2A2B2016Robo Rally10x104thAvalon Hill
3A3B2016Robo Rally10x104thAvalon Hill
4A4B2016Robo Rally10x104thAvalon Hill
5A5B2016Robo Rally10x104thAvalon Hill
6A6B2016Robo Rally10x104thAvalon Hill
A (Docking Bay)B (Docking Bay)2016Robo Rally10x34thAvalon Hill
CactusSidewinder2023Robo Rally12x125thRenegade Game Studios
EnergizeMisdirection2023Robo Rally12x125thRenegade Game Studios
StepsIn & Out2023Robo Rally12x125thRenegade Game Studios
TempestThe Keep2023Robo Rally12x125thRenegade Game Studios
Docking Bay ADocking Bay B2023Robo Rally12x35thRenegade Game Studios
TransitionColiseum2023Wet & Wild / 1995 - Armed & Dangerous12x125thRenegade Game Studios
Trench RunFlood Zone2023Wet & Wild / 1995 - Armed & Dangerous12x125thRenegade Game Studios
Water ParkCircuit Trap2023Wet & Wild / 1995 - Armed & Dangerous12x125thRenegade Game Studios
LabyrinthGear Box2023Chaos & Carnage / 1995 - Armed & Dangerous12x125thRenegade Game Studios
PushyLaser Maze2023Chaos & Carnage / 1995 - Armed & Dangerous12x125thRenegade Game Studios
Stop & GoChasm2023Chaos & Carnage / 1995 - Armed & Dangerous12x125thRenegade Game Studios
Black GoldFireball Factory2024Thrills & Spills12x125thRenegade Game Studios
Gauntlet of FirePortal Palace2024Thrills & Spills12x125thRenegade Game Studios
LockedThe "O" Ring2024Thrills & Spills12x125thRenegade Game Studios
All RoadsWinding2024Master Builder6x65thRenegade Game Studios
AssemblyThe X2024Master Builder6x65thRenegade Game Studios
BlueprintWhirlpool2024Master Builder6x65thRenegade Game Studios
CirclesThe Zone2024Master Builder6x65thRenegade Game Studios
Coming & GoingThe Wave2024Master Builder6x65thRenegade Game Studios
ConvergenceThe Oval2024Master Builder6x65thRenegade Game Studios
DoublesThe H2024Master Builder6x65thRenegade Game Studios
MergersTabula Rasa2024Master Builder6x65thRenegade Game Studios
Docking Bay ADocking Bay B2023Master Builder6x25thRenegade Game Studios
ConcentricLinks2024Robo Rally: 30th Anniversary Edition12x125thRenegade Game Studios
Double HelixFalling2024Robo Rally: 30th Anniversary Edition12x125thRenegade Game Studios
MeepleStraight-A-Ways2024Robo Rally: 30th Anniversary Edition12x125thRenegade Game Studios
SamplerVacancy2024Robo Rally: 30th Anniversary Edition12x125thRenegade Game Studios
Docking Bay ADocking Bay B2024Robo Rally: 30th Anniversary Edition12x35thRenegade Game Studios
DiscoveryReactor Core2025Contamination / 1998 - Radioactive12x125thRenegade Game Studios
Reactor LeakPinwheel2025Contamination / 1998 - Radioactive12x125thRenegade Game Studios
SpillShake N' Bake2025Contamination / 1998 - Radioactive12x125thRenegade Game Studios
Bounce HouseBack Stretch2025Turn & Burn / 1997 - Grand Prix12x125thRenegade Game Studios
Check InCanyon2025Turn & Burn / 1997 - Grand Prix12x125thRenegade Game Studios
Open CircuitPit Row2025Turn & Burn / 1997 - Grand Prix12x125thRenegade Game Studios


Abort SwitchBaseTemporary15th/30thReplace a register card you just revealed with the top card from your programming deck.
All AboardBaseTemporary15th/30thMovement upgrade. Activate all conveyor belts, but only for your robot. Blue conveyors first, then green conveyors.
BoinkBaseTemporary15th/30thMovement upgrade. Move to an unoccupied adjacent space, without changing facing.
BrakesBasePermanent25th/30thMove 1 cards in your registers may be treated as Move 0 cards.
Calibration ProtocolBaseTemporary25th/30thReturn all damage cards in your hand to the damage discard pile, then draw that many cards from your programming deck.
Chaos TheoryBasePermanent25th/30thWhen you reveal SPAM in Register 1, 2, or 3, gain 1 Energy.
Crab LegsBasePermanent55th/30thYou may place a Move 1 card in the same register as a Rotate Left or Rotate Right card, and during that register your robot will move 1 space to the left or right respectively, without rotating.
Deflector ShieldBasePermanent25th/30thWhen your robot would take damage from lasers and/or other weapons, you may pay 1 energy to take no laser/weapon damage during this register.
Displacing BastBaseTemporary25th/30thInstead of firing your robot's main laser, you may fire Displacing Blast. If you do, relocate the target robot to the Reboot token on the board they occupy, without changing facing.
Double Barrel LaserBasePermanent25th/30thYour robot's main laser deals 1 additional damage to robots.
Drifting (Left)BasePermanent45th/30thAfter resolving a Rotate Left card, you may move 1 space forward.
Energy ConversionBasePermanent35th/30thAfter your robot takes damage from a board laser, you may move 1 space forward or backward.
FirewallBasePermanent15th/30thYou do not draw any damage cards when Rebooting after falling into a pit.
Flash DriveBasePermanent45th/30thDraw 1 additional programming card at the start of each Programming Phase.
Hover UnitBasePermanent15th/30thYour robot can pass over pits during your Programming Card Activation, but falls in if it ends its move on one.
Laser KataBasePermanent15th/30thAfter performing a U-turn, your robot fires its main laser in all 4 directions for this register's Robot Weapon Activation.
Lucky BoosterBaseTemporary15th/30thReveal and discard cards from the damage deck until you reveal Haywire. You may replace a register card you just-revealed register with that card or discard it to the damage discard pile
MagneticBaseTemporary15th/30thWhen an adjacent robot moves via a register card, you may move with them.
Memory CardsBasePermanent35th/30thAt the end of the programming phase, you may place any number of non-damage cards from your hand onto this card. At the start of the Upgrade Phase, add all cards on this card to your hand.
Memory SwapBaseTemporary25th/30thDraw 3 cards from your programming deck. Then choose 3 cards from your hand to put on top of your deck in any order you choose.
Mini HowitzerBasePermanent35th/30thInstead of firing your robot's main laser, you may pay 1 Energy to fire Mini Howitzer. If you do, deal 2 damage to the target robot, then push it 1 space in the direction of fire.
Modular ChassisBasePermanent15th/30thAfter your robot pushes another robot during your Programming Card Activation, you may give that player this card, and take one of their installed upgrades. Both are immediately installed and active.
OverclockedBaseTemporary25th/30thMovement upgrade. Move 2.
Piercing DrillBaseTemporary15th/30thWhen your robot pushes another robot during your Programming Card Activation, they take 1 damage and you may rotate them to any facing.
Power Slide (Right)BasePermanent45th/30thAfter resolving a Rotate Right card, you may move 1 space forward.
Pressure BeamBasePermanent35th/30thInstead of firing your robot's main laser, you may fir Pressor Beam. If you do, push the target robot 1 space away from your robot.
Pressure ReleaseBaseTemporary25th/30thMovement upgrade. Move back 5 spaces, but stop if your robot would push another robot.
Rail GunBasePermanent25th/30thYour robot's main laser may shoot through any number of walls and/or robots. Each robot hit this way takes 1 damag.
Ramming GearBasePermanent25th/30thDuring your Programming Card Activation, if your robot pushes (or attempts to push) an adajcent robot, that robot takes 1 damage.
Rear LaserBasePermanent25th/30thYour robot has a rear-firing laser in addition to its main laser. Both fire simultaneously.
RechargeBaseTemporary05th/30thGain 3 energy.
Re-InitializeBaseTemporary15th/30thGive the Priority Token token to any player at the table (including yourself).
RewireBasePermanent15th/30thPlay only during the Upgrade Phase. Add all face-down Haywire cards in your registers to your hand. You must program all these Haywires this round, but you may place them where you wish.
ScramblerBasePermanent45th/30thInstead of firing your robot's main laser, you may fire Scrambler. If you do, replace the target's next register card with the top card from their programming deck. Cannot be used during Register 5.
Self-DiagnosticsBasePermanent25th/30thWhen your robot reaches a new Checkpoint, you may remove a card in your hand or discard pile from the game.
Spam FilterBasePermanent35th/30thAfter refilling your hand at the start of the Programming Phase, flip the top card of your programming deck face up.
SpikyBaseTemporary25th/30thWhen an adjacent robot moves into your robots space or is pushed into your robot's space, that robot takes 1 damage.
SwitchBasePermanent25th/30thMovement upgrade. Swap places with an adjacent robot, without changing facing.
Tractor BeamBaseTemporary35th/30thInstead of firing your robot's main laser, you may fire Tractor Bream. If you do, pull the target robot 1 space towards your robot. Cannot be used on adjacent robots.
ZoopBaseTemporary15th/30thMovement upgrade. Rotate to face any direction.
Bunny HopWet & WildPermanent25thWhen your robot would push another robot during your Programming Card Activation, you may hop over it to the next adjacent empty space if possible instead.
Calculated OddsWet & WildPermanent55thEach time you draw damage, draw 2 damage cards at the same time. Keep 1 and discrd the other to the damage discard pile.
DiffuserWet & WildPermanent35thAfter you have drawn damage during a register, for each additional damage you would draw for the rest of that register, you gain 1 Energy instead.
Edge GuardWet & WildPermanent35thYour robot cannot move or be pushed off the edge of the board. If this would occur, your movement stops on the space at the edge.
TurboWet & WildPermanent45thWhen you resolve a Move Card, you may pay 1 Energy to move 1 additional space in the same direction.
Controlled ChaosChaos & CarnagePermanent35thWhen you draw Haywire damage, you may place it face down under any card in your registers where there is not already a face-down Haywire card
Indirect FireChaos & CarnagePermanent35thInstead of firing your robot's main laser, you may pay 1 Energy to fire Indirect Fire. If you do, hit any robot within 3 spaces of your robot in any direction (orthagonally, ignoring board elements).
LeachingChaos & CarnagePermanent35thWhen you fire your robot's main laser, steal 1 Energy from the target if they have 3 or more Energy. If they have 0 Energy, deal one additional damage to the target.
MirrorChaos & CarnagePermanent35thThe first time your robot takes damage from another robot each round, that robot also takes the same amount of damage.
StunChaos & CarnageTemporary15thInstead of firing your robot's main laser, the target discards all face-down cards in their next register. Cannot be used during Register 5.
Memory TransferThrills & SpillsPermanent35thAt the end of each round, you may transfer 1 damage card in your hand to an adjacent robot's discard pile.
PhasingThrills & SpillsTemporary25thPlay after revealing a programming card. During yourm ovement this register, you may pass through exactly 1 wall.
Repulsion FieldThrills & SpillsPermanent45thPay X Energy when a robot would push your robot: Push them X spaces away from your robot instead. (Your robot is not pushed. X cannot be 0.)
SPAM-powered RocketThrills & SpillsTemporary25thMovement Upgrade. Put any number of SPAM cards from your discard pile into the damage discard pile. For each you discarded, move forward 1 space.
Splash DamageThrills & SpillsPermanentX5th(X = number of foes in the game; max 4) When your robot's main laser damages the target robot, you also deal 1 damage to each robot adjacent to the target.
AnchorMaster BuilderPermanent25thSpend 1 energy when your robot would be pushed: Your robot is not pushed.
Moon WalkMaster BuilderTemporary15thConveyor belts and currents move your robot in the opposite direction this round. Use only if this would not stop/push another robot.
OverclockedMaster BuilderTemporary15thGain 1 SPAM and put it into your discard pile. Ignore your programming cards this register. Instead, resolve one of your previous registers' programming cards.
The OppositronMaster BuilderTemporary25thPlay after revealing a non-Haywire programming card. Do the opposite of what your programming card says. Do the opposite of what your programming card says. (U-Turn - no Turn, Move Back = Move 1, etc.)
Top HeavyMaster BuilderPermanent45thIf your robot is about to be moved by a conveyor belt, it may ignore all conveyor belts this register and move one space to the left or right without changing facing.
Bad ScannerTurn & BurnTemporary25thInstall onto any robot. Does not use an upgrade slot. The next time this robot would reach a checkpoint, it does not reach it that register. Instead, uninstall this upgrade.
Field StabilizerTurn & BurnPermanent25thYou may add or subtract 1 from the distance a repulsor field moves your robot.
FireworksTurn & BurnPermanent45thThe first time each round that your robot ends a register on a Checkpoint or Chop Shop, you may pay 1 Energy. If you do, choose any robot to draw one damage card.
Pit Trap DanceTurn & BurnTemporary15thDiscard this upgrade at any time during a register. Your robot does not fall into pits or trap door pits during this register.
Slow ProcessorTurn & BurnPermanent35thInstall onto any robot. Does not use an upgrade slot. This robot moves 1 fewer spaces when executing a Move 2 or Move 3 card. Uninstall on Reboot, Checkpoint, or Shutdown.
GlitchContaminationTemporary25thInstall onto any robot. Does not use an upgrade slot. The next time this robot resovles a U-Turn or Move Back card, it also resolves the top card from its deck, then uninstall this upgrade.
Radiation ShieldingContaminationPermanent25thYou do not draw damage from radiation spaces at the end of each register
Tech ForecastingContaminationPermanent15thYou may peek at the top card of the upgrade deck at any time.
Wall BreakerContaminationTemporary15thDiscard this card at any time during a register. For the rest of this register, your robot moves through one-way walls in both directions.
Wire PoisoningContaminationPermanent25thAttach to any robot. Does not use an upgrade slot. At the end of each register, this robot draws 1 damage. Uninstall on Reboot, Checkpoint, or Shutdown.



A large number of additional game boards and elements are available via Internet communities, created by fans of the game.

In August 2008, (defunct and redirected to a porn site, as of October 2020) licensed the rights for an online version ofRoboRally from Wizards of the Coast.[15]


  1. ^Vasel, Tom (2005-06-19)."Interviews by an Optimist # 49 - Richard Garfield". Archived fromthe original on 2007-08-14.
  2. ^abcWilliams, Dave (January 1990). "Closer Look".Shadis. No. 18. p. 65.
  3. ^"Renegade Game Studios Unveils Transformers Robo Rally and a G.I. JOE Game Powered by the Axis & Allies Game Engine!".Renegade Game Studios. Retrieved2023-08-20.
  4. ^"Renegade Game Studios Introduces Robo Rally Master Builder: An Expansion Unlocking Infinite Possibilities for Dream Racecourses".Renegade Game Studios. Retrieved2023-08-20.
  5. ^Butcher, Andy (January 1996). "Games Reviews".Arcane. No. 2. p. 80.
  6. ^"Eat Flaming Laser Death: An Evening of RoboRally – Black Gate". 2 October 2011.
  7. ^James Ernest (2007). "RoboRally". InJames Lowder (ed.).Hobby Games: The 100 Best.Green Ronin Publishing. pp. 258–260.ISBN 978-1-932442-96-0.
  8. ^"Anmeldelser | Article | RPGGeek"
  9. ^"Pyramid: Pyramid Review: RoboRally".
  10. ^"Casus Belli #086". 1995.
  11. ^"Australian Realms Magazine - Complete Collection". June 1988.
  12. ^"Origins Award Winners (1994)". Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts & Design. Archived fromthe original on 2008-03-17. Retrieved2007-10-29.
  13. ^"Origins Award Winners (1995)". Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts & Design. Archived fromthe original on 2008-01-02. Retrieved2007-10-29.
  14. ^"Origins Award Winners (1997)". Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts & Design. Archived fromthe original on 2008-01-30. Retrieved2007-10-29.
  15. ^Shayed, Marc (August 18, 2008)."GameTable Online Adopts Wizard's Online Boardgames".

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Axis & Allies
Role-playing games
Victory Games
Computer games
  • B-1 Nuclear Bomber (1980)
  • Computer Acquire (1980)
  • Lords of Karma (1980)
  • Midway Campaign (1980)
  • North Atlantic Convoy Raider (1980)
  • Planet Miners (1980)
  • NukeWar (1980)
  • Conflict 2500 (1981)
  • Empire of the Over-Mind (1981)
  • Galaxy (1981)
  • Voyager I (1981)
  • The Alien (1982)
  • Andromeda Conquest (1982)
  • Legionnaire (1982)
  • Telengard (1982)
  • Computer Football Strategy (1983)
  • Panzer-Jagd (1983)
  • Gulf Strike (1984)
  • Incunabula (1984)
  • Jupiter Mission 1999 (1984)
  • Quest of the Space Beagle (1984)
  • Space Cowboy (1984)
  • Under Southern Skies (1984)
  • Under Fire! (1985)
  • Darkhorn: Realm of the Warlords (1985)
  • Guderian (1987)
  • Wooden Ships and Iron Men (1987)
  • 5th Fleet (1994)
  • Flight Commander 2 (1994)
  • Operation Crusader (1994)
  • Kingmaker (1995)
  • 1830: Railroads & Robber Barons (1995)
  • D-Day: America Invades (1995)
  • World at War: Stalingrad (1995)
  • Avalon Hill's Advanced Civilization (1996)
  • Over the Reich (1996)
  • Wooden Ships and Iron Men (1996)
  • Achtung Spitfire! (1997)
  • Board games
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