Rindr (Old Norse:[ˈrindz̠]) orRinda (Latin) (sometimes AnglicizedRind) is a female character inNorse mythology, described either as a goddess or a human princess. She was impregnated byOdin and gave birth to the avenger ofBaldr's death—in the Old Norse sources,Váli.
Snorri Sturluson'sProse Edda refers to Rindr as the mother of Váli and one of theásynjur (goddesses).[1][2] The most detailed account is in Book III of theGesta Danorum, written bySaxo Grammaticus around the early 13th century. There, she is a human princess namedRinda and is the daughter of the King of theRuthenians. AfterBalderus' death,Othinus consulted seers on how to get revenge. On their advice, Othinus went to the Ruthenians disguised as a warrior called Roster. There, he was twice turned down by Rinda. He then wrote runes on a piece of bark and touched her with it, causing her to go mad, and disguised himself as a medicine woman called Wecha, who was allowed to see her. She finally fell ill; the disguised Othinus then said he had medicine with which to cure her, but that it would cause a violent reaction. On Othinus' advice, the king tied Rinda to her bed and Othinus proceeded to rape her. From the rape was bornBous, who would later avenge Balderus.[1][2][3]
Óðinn’s rape of Rindr is described once outside theGesta Danorum, in a line of stanza 3 ofSigurðardrápa, a poem byKormákr Ögmundarson praisingSigurðr Hlaðajarl, who ruled aroundTrondheim in the mid-10th century. Like other such praise-poems, it is generally assumed to be genuine rather than a later pseudo-historical composition. Kormákr’s verse contains the statement,seið Yggr til Rindar (Yggr [Óðinn]? enchanted Rindr),[4] denoting Óðinn’s magical rape of Rindr with the verbsíða. This suggests that Kormakr thought the magic known asseiðr was integral to Óðinn’s raping of Rindr, and is important evidence for Óðinn's association with this kind of magic. Another passage that may refer to the same event is in verse 6 of theEddic poem "Grógaldr":þann gól Rindi Rani (that [charm] Ranichanted to Rindr).[3]
Rindr's name occurs in severalskaldic verses and in "Baldrs draumar", where alliteration suggests it may originally have been *Vrindr; the etymology remains uncertain but there may be a connection with the Swedish placename Vrinnevi or Vrinnevid, nearNorrköping.[2][5]