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Sound change converting an alveolar consonant to a rhotic consonant
This article is about the sound change. For the speech errors, seeSpeech sound disorder § Rhotacism. For other uses, seeRhotic.
Sound change andalternation

Rhotacism (/ˈrtəsɪzəm/ROH-tə-siz-əm)[1] orrhotacization is asound change that converts one consonant (usually a voicedalveolar consonant:/z/,/d/,/l/, or/n/) to arhotic consonant in a certain environment. The most common may be of/z/ to/r/.[2] When a dialect or member of a language family resists the change and keeps a/z/ sound, this is sometimes known aszetacism.

The term comes from theGreek letterrho, denoting/r/.



The southern (Tosk) dialects, the base ofStandard Albanian, changed/n/ to/r/, but the northern (Gheg) dialects did not:[2]

  • zëri vs.zâni 'the voice'
  • gjuri vs.gjuni 'the knee'
  • Shqipëria vs.Shqypnia 'Albania'
  • Arbëria vs.Arbënia 'Albania' (older name of the country)
  • i djegur vs.i djegun 'burnt'
  • druri vs.druni 'wood'
  • bëra vs.bona 'did'
  • zura vs.zuna 'caught'
  • pluhur vs.pluhun 'dust'
  • dashuri vs.dashni 'love'



InAramaic,Proto-Semiticn changed tor in a few words:

  • bar "son" as compared toHebrew בֵןben (from Proto-Semitic *bnu)
  • trên andtartên "two" (masculine and feminine form respectively) as compared toDemotic Arabictnēn andtintēn, from Proto-Semitic *ṯnaimi and *ṯnataimi. Compare also Aramaictinyânâ "the second one", without the shift.



Aquitanian *l changed to thetappedr between vowels inBasque.[3] It can be observed in words borrowed from Latin; for example, Latincaelum (meaning "sky, heaven") becamezeru in Basque (caelum >celu >zeru; comparecielo in Spanish). The originall is preserved in theSouletin dialect:caelum >celu >zelü.



Western dialects ofFinnish are characterised by the pronunciation/r/ or/ɾ/ of the consonant writtend in Standard Finnishkahden kesken- kahren kesken (two together = one on one).[example needed] The reconstructed older pronunciation is.

Goidelic languages


InManx,Scottish Gaelic and some dialects ofIrish,/n/ becomes/r/ in a variety of consonant clusters, often with nasalization of the following vowel. For example, the/kn/ cluster developed into/kr/, as in Scottish Gaeliccnoc[krɔ̃xk] ‘hill’.[2] Within Ireland, this phenomenon is most prevalent in northern dialects and absent from the most southern dialects. Some examples of rhotacized clusters include/kn/ (cnó),/mn/ (mná),/ɡn/ (gnó), and/tn/ (tnáith), while/sn/ (snámh) is never rhotacized even in the most innovative dialects. This can lead to interesting pairs such as nominativean sneachtaˈʃnʲæːxt̪ˠə/ versus genitivean tsneachtaˈt̪ɾʲæːxt̪ˠə/.

Germanic languages

See also:Grammatischer Wechsel

All survivingGermanic languages, which are members of theNorth andWest Germanic families, changed/z/ to/r/, implying a more approximant-like rhotic consonant inProto-Germanic.[4] As attested byrunes, the shift affectedOld Norse later than the Continental Germanic languages. Some languages later changed all forms tor, butGothic, an extinctEast Germanic language, did not undergo rhotacism.

Proto-GermanicGothicOld Norse(Old English)
Modern English
Old Frisian[5]Dutch(Old High German)
Modern German
*was,1st/3rd sg *wēzum1st plwas, wēsum
var, várum
(wæs, wǣron)
was, were
was, wēren 
was, waren
(was, wārum)
war, waren
*fraleusaną,inf *fraluzanazp.part.fraliusan, fralusans

(forlēosan, forloren)
forlese, forlorn
urliāsa, urlāren 
verliezen, verloren
(farliosan, farloren)
verlieren, verloren

Note that the Modern German forms have levelled the rhotic consonant to forms that did not originally have it. However, the original sound can still be seen in some nouns such asWesen, "being" (from the same root aswar/waren) as well asVerlust, "loss" andVerlies, "dungeon" (both from the same root asverlieren/verloren).

Because of the presence of words that did not undergo rhotacisation from the same root as those that did, the result of the process remains visible in a few modern English word pairs:


See also:Rhoticity in English

Intervocalic/t/ and/d/ are commonly lenited to[ɾ] in most accents ofNorth American andAustralian English and some accents ofIrish English andEnglish English,[6] a process known as tapping or less accurately asflapping:[7]got a lot of/ˈɡɒtəˈlɒtə/ becomes[ˈɡɒɾəˈlɒɾə]. Contrast is usually maintained with/r/, and the[ɾ] sound is rarely perceived as/r/.[2]



InCentral German dialects, especiallyRhine Franconian andHessian,/d/ is frequently realised as[ɾ] in intervocalic position. The change also occurs inMecklenburg dialects. CompareBorrem (Central Hessian) andBoden (Standard German).

Romance languages and Latin




Reflecting a highly-regular change in pre-Classical Latin, intervocalic/s/ inOld Latin, which is assumed to have been pronounced[z], invariably becamer, resulting in pairs such as these:

  • flōsnomflōremacc (Old Latinflōsem)
  • genusnomgenerisgen (from *geneses, cf. Sanskritjanasas)
  • rōbus,[8]rōbustusrōbur,corrōborāre (verb from*conrobosare)
  • jūstusdejūre (fromdejouse)
  • esterō (fromesō)
  • ges,gesgerō (fromgesō)

Intervocalics in Classical Latin suggests either borrowing (rosa) or reduction of an earlierss after a long vowel or a diphthong (pausa <paussa,vīsum <*vīssum <*weid-tom). Thes was preserved initially (septum) and finally and in consonant clusters.

Old Latinhonos becamehonor inLate Latin by analogy with the rhotacised forms in other cases such as genitive, dative and accusativehonoris,honori,honorem.[9]

Another form of rhotacism in Latin wasdissimilation ofd tor before anotherd and dissimilation ofl tor before anotherl, resulting in pairs such as these:

  • mediusmerīdiēs (instead of *medi-diēs)
  • caelumcaeruleus (instead of *cael-uleus)

The phenomenon was noted by the Romans themselves:

In many words in which the ancients saids, they later saidr... foedesum foederum, plusima plurima, meliosem meliorem, asenam arenam

— Varro,De lingua Latina, VII, 26, In multis verbis, in quo antiqui dicebants, postea dicuntr... foedesum foederum, plusima plurima, meliosem meliorem, asenam arenam



InNeapolitan, rhotacism affects words that etymologically contained intervocalic or initial/d/, when this is followed by a vowel; and when/l/ is followed by another consonant. This last characteristic, however, is not very common in modern speech.

Portuguese and Galician


InGalician-Portuguese, rhotacism occurred from/l/ to/r/, mainly in consonant clusters ending in/l/ such as in the wordsobrigado, "thank you" (originally from "obliged [in honourably serving my Sir]");praia, "beach";prato, "plate" or "dish";branco, "white";prazer/pracer, "pleasure";praça/praza, "square". Compare Spanishobligado (obliged),playa, plato, blanco, placer, plaza from Latinobligatus, plagia, platus, blancus (Germanic origin),placere (verb),platea.

In contemporaryBrazilian Portuguese, rhotacism of/l/ in thesyllable coda is characteristic of theCaipira dialect. Further rhotacism in the nationwide vernacular includesplanta, "plant", as[ˈpɾɐ̃tɐ],lava, "lava", as/ˈlarvɐ/ (then homophonous withlarva, worm/maggot),lagarto, "lizard", as[laʁˈɡaʁtu] (in dialects with guttural codar instead of atap) andadvogado, "lawyer", as[ɐ̞de̞vo̞ʁˈɡadu]. The nonstandard patterns are largely marginalised, and rhotacism is regarded as a sign of speech-language pathology or illiteracy.

Romanesco Italian


Rhotacism, inRomanesco, shiftsl tor before a consonant, like certain Andalusian dialects of Spanish. Thus, Latinaltus (tall) isalto inItalian but becomesarto in Romanesco. Rhotacism used to happen whenl was preceded by a consonant, as in the wordingrese (English), but modern speech has lost that characteristic.

Another change related tor was the shortening of thegeminatedrr, which is not rhotacism. Italianerrore,guerra andmarrone "error", "war", "brown" becomeerore,guera andmarone.



InRomanian, rhotacism shifted intervocalicl tor andn tor.

Thus, Latincaelum ‘sky; heaven’ became Romaniancer, Latinfenestra ‘window’ Romanianfereastră and Latinfelicitas ‘happiness’ Romanianfericire.

Some northern Romanian dialects andIstro-Romanian also changed all intervocalic[n] to[ɾ] in words of Latin origin.[10] For example, Latinbonus became Istro-Romanianbur: compare to standard Daco-Romanianbun.



Rhotacism is particularly widespread in the island ofSicily, but it is almost completely absent in theSicilian varieties of the mainland (Calabrese andSalentino). It affects intervocalic and initial/d/:cura from Latincaudam,peri from Latinpedem,'reci from Latindecem.



InAndalusian Spanish, particularly inSeville, at the end of a syllable before another consonant,l is replaced withr:Huerva forHuelva. The reverse occurs inCaribbean Spanish:Puelto Rico forPuerto Rico (lambdacism).

Other languages


Rhotacism (mola >mora,filum >fir,sal >sare) exists in someGallo-Italic languages as well:Lombard (Western andAlpine [lmo;it]) andLigurian.

InUmbrian but notOscan, rhotacism of intervocalics occurred as in Latin.[11]



Among theTurkic languages, theOghur branch exhibits/r/, opposing to the rest of Turkic, which exhibits/z/. In this case, rhotacism refers to the development of*-/r/,*-/z/, and*-/d/ to/r/,*-/k/,*-/kh/ in this branch.[12]

South Slavic languages


(This section relies on the treatment in Greenberg 1999.[13])

In someSouth Slavic languages, rhotacism occasionally changes a voiced palatal fricative[ʒ] to a dental or alveolar tap or trill[r] between vowels:

The beginning of the change is attested in theFreising manuscripts from the 10th century AD, which show both the archaism (ise 'which' < *jь-že) and the innovation (tere 'also' < *te-že). The shift is also found in individual lexical items inBulgarian dialects,дорде 'until' (< *do-že-dĕ) andMacedonian,сеѓере (archaic: 'always' <*vьsegъda-že). However, the results of the sound change have largely been reversed by lexical replacement in dialects in Serbia and Bosnia from the 14th century.

Dialects inCroatia andSlovenia have preserved more of the lexical items with the change and have even extended grammatical markers in-r from many sources that formally merged with the rhotic forms that arose from the sound change: Slovene dialectnocor 'tonight' (< *not'ь-sь-ǫ- +-r-) on the model ofvečer 'evening' (< *večerъ). The reversal of the change is evident in dialects in Serbia in which the-r- formant is systematically removed: Serbianveče 'evening'.

See also

  • Lambdacism, the related condition or phonetic shift with regard to the sound/l/


  1. ^"American English Dictionary: Definition of rhotacism". Collins. RetrievedDecember 13, 2013.
  2. ^abcdCatford (2001:178)
  3. ^Trask, R. Larry (2008), Wheeler, Max W. (ed.),A Historical Dictionary of Basque(PDF), University of Essex, p. 29, archived fromthe original(PDF) on June 7, 2011, retrievedJanuary 22, 2011
  4. ^Catford (2001:179)
  5. ^D. Hofmann, A.T. Popkema, Altfriesisches Handwörterbuch (Heidelberg 2008).
  6. ^Harris, John (1994).English Sound Structure. Blackwell. p. 121.ISBN 0-631-18741-3.
  7. ^Ladefoged, Peter (2006).A Course in Phonetics. Thomson. pp. 171–3.ISBN 978-1-4130-0688-9.
  8. ^robus1;rōbur. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short.A Latin Dictionary onPerseus Project.
  9. ^Malte Rosemeyer (15 April 2014).Auxiliary Selection in Spanish: Gradience, gradualness, and conservation. John Benjamins Publishing Company. p. 81.ISBN 978-90-272-7040-5.
  10. ^Nandris (1963:255–258)
  11. ^Buck, Carl Darling. 1904.A grammar of Oscan and Umbrian: with a collection of inscriptions and a glossary
  12. ^Larry Clark, "Chuvash", inThe Turkic Languages, eds. Lars Johanson & Éva Ágnes Csató (London–NY: Routledge, 2006), 434–452.
  13. ^Greenberg (1999)


The letterR
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