When present,elytra of theStaphylinidae are markedlyabbreviate.This fly in the genusScaptomyza has clearly visible rows ofpara-sagittalacrostichal bristles on its thoraxthealitrunk ofaculeate Hymenoptera comprises the three thoracic segments, plus thepropodeum, which strictly speaking, is the first segment of the abdomen.
The two rows of hairs or bristles lying one on either side of the mid-line of the thorax of a true fly.
active space
The space within which the concentration of a pheromone or other behaviorally active substance is concentrated enough to generate the required response, remembering that like light and sound pheromones become more dilute the further they radiate out from their source.
The sclerotized terminal portion of the male genital tract that is inserted into the female during insemination. Its shape is often important in separating closely related species.
A synthetic chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticide, toxic to vertebrates. Though itsphytotoxicity is low, solvents in some formulations may damage certain crops. cf. the relatedDieldrin,Endrin,Isodrin
Name given to the thorax plus propodeum of 'wasp-waisted'aculeate Hymenoptera The term is now dated, and seldom used, but it describes the apparent "thorax" of bees, wasps, and ants, which actually incorporates the first abdominal segment, which precedes the petiole.
When individuals other than the parent assist in the caring for that parents offspring. Alloparenting takes many forms, including castes in social insects raising the offspring of reproductives, and slave ant workers feeding the larvae of the slaver species.
Refers to the state when two or more populations, such as different species, or forms of one species have essentially separate distributions. cf.sympatry,parapatric
Originally: The now obsolete subclass ofHexapoda that develop without clearly defined stages of metamorphosis, such as nymph, larva, pupa, adult; namely theThysanura,Protura,Diplura, andCollembola. Also known as theApterygota. Subsequently the others have been reclassified as separate from theInsecta, while the Thysanura have been split into the ordersArchaeognatha andZygentoma
(singula = Androconium) In male butterflies, specialised wing scales (often called scent scales) possessing special glands which produce a chemical attractive to females.
A segment of anantenna. The term antennomere is used in particular when the segments are fairly uniform, as infiliform antennae, but it also may be used in referring to segments of odd sizes, shapes and functions, such as the scape and pedicel. More specific terms may be used where there are distinct antennal regions; for example flagellomeres are the antennomeres comprising the flagellum.
Region close to the point of attachment to the thorax.
basal streak (Noctuidae)
also basal dash — a typically short and broad line at the mid-basal area of the forewing of noctuid moths.See figures 4, 5
Raised area on the wing surface, circular, ovate, or elongated, which is covered with special scent scales orandroconia, found in males of some species. Also calledsex mark.
feeding on moss.
Distinction between clavate and capitate anatomy of insect antennae
Mainly referring to antennae, but occasionally to other anatomical features such as palps: having a clubbed shape with a relatively long, slender stem, but with an abruptly bulkier, thicker, possibly globulardistal head, thecapitulum. The termcapitate is not strictly distinguished fromclavate, but where a distinction is desired, it is that the club of a capitate antenna is abruptly distinct from the shaft, and the head tends to be short and more or less globular. The club of a clavate antenna generally is a more or less tapered thickening, sometimes hardly distinct from the shaft.
Thehead of acapitate structure, such as a capitate antenna, or of a capitatehaltere
a keel-like elevation (or ridge) on the body-wall of an insect.
feeding on fruits and seeds.
Markings consisting of rings connected together like a chain.
catenulated antennae
Antennae with ringed appearance.
The central area surrounded by veins. It can be closed by veins or open.
The vein forming the boundary of the cell along the costal margin is known as the subcostal veinq.v.
The vein forming the lower boundary towards the dorsum is called themedian vein.
In the case of butterflies, the cell is closed by a vein connecting the origins of veins 6 to 4 along the top of the cell which is known asdiscocellular vein.
A structure in male insects that is used to hold the female during copulation.
Clavate antenna of a beetle in the familyErotylidae. In this specimen theclavus comprises three segments
Same asclavus.
Mainly referring to antennae, but occasionally to other anatomical features such as palps: having a clubbed shape with a relatively long, slender stem, but with a bulkier, thickerdistal end, theclava. The termclavate is not strictly distinguished fromcapitate, but in general, where a distinction is desired, the club of a capitate antenna is abruptly distinct, even globular, whereas the club of a clavate antennae is generally a more or less tapered thickening
claviform stigma
specifically, in Noctuidae (moths)- anelongate spot or mark extending from the anterior transverse anterior line through thesubmedian interspace, toward and sometimes to the posterior transverse line.See figures 4, 5
Same asclavus orclub
1. The thicker distal end of a clavate anatomical structure such as an antenna. Usually comprising more than one joint. Also called clava, clavola, or club
2. Theposterior of the portion of theremigium found on insect wings.
(largely in Heteroptera and similarly dorsoventrally flattened insects) the edge of the abdomen, containing the connection between the tergite and sternite. May be visible from above in species such as many of the Reduviidae.
inhabiting feces and consuming mycetes growing inside or cultivating them for feeding.
Taxonomically important term used in Dipteraidentification keys. Part of the schema of wing venation. weakenings of the costa (one to three in number). They are flexing points for the wings during flight
costal fold
A fold in the leading edge of the forewing ofLepidoptera, containing androconia.
Cremaster of pupa of the oak owl moth,Griposia aprilina
A general term for a structure by which an object hangs (from Greek languagekremastos, meaning "hung up"); for example in entomology: in some Lepidoptera, including most butterflies, the pupa attaches to a surface by the cremaster, a structure at the tip of the pupal abdomen. The cremaster is the homologue of the anal plate of the caterpillar. It takes various forms in different species, ranging from a simple point, to various arrangements of hooks that catchVelcro-like in a silken pad that thecaterpillar spins on the surface before it enters theprepupal phase.
Adjective =scalloped. Describes the outer edge of a wing that is convex at the end of each vein and concave in between.
Noun =wedge. Particularly inmirid bugs, a wedge-shaped section of thehemelytra (forewings), located at the apex of the thick, leathery part of the wings.
A synthetic chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticide, toxic to vertebrates. cf. the relatedAldrin,Endrin,Isodrin
disc / discal area
The central band passing through the cell.
discoidal cell
In damselflies (Zygoptera) a basal quadrangular cell in thewing venation, which is delimited by veins MA (anterior side), MP (posterior side), MAb (distal side) and the arculus (basal side).
The trailing edge or hind-margin of the wing, extending from thebase to thetornus.Dorsal alternately, also refers to the back, i.e. the upper part of the body, from above.
(Anatomical feature) having exterior mouthparts, or exposed. A defining feature of insects.
(Anatomical feature) the modified, hardened forewing of certain insect orders, notablybeetles (Coleoptera) and some of the true bugs (Hemiptera).
Beetle in the familyCerambycidae with conspicuous emargination of the compound eye (black) where it extends partway round the base of the antenna
(Anatomical feature) Describing a margin, such as the edge of an eye or sclerite, where the outline includes a concave section as if a part of the region had been "cut out" or displaced. It might take the form of a notch, or a rounded or possibly quadrate hollow, such as where a compound eye is distorted in fitting around the base of the antenna.
(Anatomical feature) either a bristle-like or pad-like structure between the tarsal claws of various insects, notablyDiptera.
the immuno response by plasmatocytes to the presence of parasitoid egg or larvae which results in the formation of a multilayered capsule that causes the parasitoid to sufficate or starve.
A synthetic chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticide, toxic to vertebrates. Though itsphytotoxicity is low, solvents in some formulations may damage certain crops. cf. the relatedDieldrin,Aldrin,Isodrin
(Anatomical feature) the top of the anterior structure of the head, or forehead.
(Anatomical feature) a plate or projection dorsal to the anus in certain insects, generally on abdominal segment X or XI. For example inArchaeognatha,Zygentoma andEphemeroptera, it takes the form of a long, rearwardly directedcaudal filament resembling the two cerci that flank it. In theOdonata epiprocts have various functions, both in larvae, in which they may have respiratory roles, and in adults, in which they may have reproductive roles. Not all epiprocts in all insect species are homologous. Note that the term is used in other groups than insects as well, for instanceMyriapoda.
Thepalpi when vertical, i.e. the axis of the palpi is at right angles to the axis of the body.
Pupae with their legs and other appendages free and extended.
Larva of a species in the family Sphingidae. The large eyespots on the back have no function concerning vision at all; when threatened, the caterpillar retracts its head, leaving the spots resembling either a threat, or as a more tempting target than the vulnerable head. The stemmata are visible as an arc of about four tiny spots slightly lateral to, and above the mouthparts. They are inconspicuous and do have a visual function.
1. Spots or other patterns resembling vertebrate eyes on the skin, such as on larvae of some Sphingidae or the wings of moths such as manySaturniidae. Such eyespots have no visual function, but act variously to misdirect or discourage attacks from predators.
(Anatomical feature) The frontal area of an insect's head. It covers the upper part of the face above theclypeus and below and between theantennae. It supports the pharyngeal dilator muscles and usually bears an ocellus.
frontal sutures
(Anatomical feature) suture lines that meet with the coroanl sutures to form an inverted Y.
A "true" bug, order Hemiptera, withgeniculate antennae
(Anatomical feature) the area below the compound eyes, the insect equivalent to human cheeks.
Elbowed. From the Latin for a bended knee, referring to an organ of a type not always expected to be kinked, but having a definite angular bend or hinge. In entomology the term typically refers to an elbowed antenna. For instance, many species of Hemiptera, Coleoptera, and Hymenoptera have markedly geniculate antennae
a strand of silk used to prop up the pupa. Found especially in thePapilionidae.
smooth, without hairs or scales.
ventral head sclerite which supports the submentum
feeding on worms classified withhelminths (including parasitoids of helminths).
mode of life: living in the thin film of water on wet rocks.
A fly in the family Vermileonidae, using itshypognathous proboscis to extract nectar from florets.
having mouthparts that areventrad of a vertically oriented head, "pointing downwards", or having an "under bit", instead of pointing backwards or forwards.
A synthetic chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticide, toxic to vertebrates. Though itsphytotoxicity is low, solvents in some formulations may damage certain crops. cf. the relatedDieldrin,Aldrin,Endrin
if part of the ovipositor is visible when not in action, then the basal visible portion, typically tubular, is the oviscape. For examples, see females of manyTephritidae andPyrgotidae (cf scape).
structure by which many insects place their eggs, sometimes by piercing or slitting the host or substrate in which she lays the eggs. The structure may be tubular and may have valves.
comparatively large processes that originate from below the head and curve forward in front of the face that sometimes appear like a beak. lp on the figure right.
A sclerotised region on the lateral part of an insect segment, bearing the spiracle, and separating and connecting the tergite and the sternite (compare: pulmonarium).
The prominent cell, usually opaque and coloured, near the tip of each wing of the Odonata, on the anterior margin; also, more loosely, calledstigma.
The meso- and metathorax of winged insects, that carries the two pairs of wings.
pulmonarium (plural pulmonaria)
A membranous instead of a sclerotised connection or pleurite between the abdominal tergites and sternites of certain groups of insects; in such species the pulmonaria bear the spiracles. The term also refers to an abdomen in which the connection between the tergal and sternal sclerites takes the form of a pulmonarial membrane. (Compare: pleurite)
reniform stigma (or reniform spot)
an oval or kidney-shaped mark on the forewing at the disc (Lepidoptera)[9] See figure 4
AChrysomelid larva carrying its own frass as repugnatorial protection
(generally in combination as in: "repugnatorial glands"): defensive, or "fighting back", in particular as applied to anozadene, a gland that can release irritant, poisonous, alarming or distasteful fluids or gases when an organism is under threat. Examples of repugnatorial glands include theosmeterium oflarvae of thePapilionidae, the stink glands of mostHeteroptera, theozadenes ofOpiliones, the odoriferous glands ofDiplopoda, and others. Some insects, such as larvae of many species of theChrysomelidae, use their excreta in repugnatorial roles, for example covering themselves with their own frass.
The process of animals accumulating poisonous compounds from the food they are eating in order to become poisonous themselves for their predators.Pyrrolizidine alkaloid sequestration refers to the sequestration of one such class of poisonous compounds.
A stiff chitinous or sclerotised hair or bristle. Also chaeta, cheta
being like or having the nature of a seta or of setae
bearing, or covered in setae.
Diminutive of seta. A small chitinous hair or bristle.
a ventralsclerite in the exoskeleton of an arthropod.
stigma (plural stigmata)
Prominent cells on the forewings of some moths. Their size, shape and colour can be useful in identifying some species. Also the prominent cell, usually opaque and coloured, near the tip of each wing of theOdonata, on the anterior margin; also calledpterostigma.
Patterns with thin lines.
Taxonomically important term used in Dipteraidentification keys. Part of the schema of wing venation. The second longitudinal wing vein, posterior to the costa. It may reach the costa, fade before the costa or join R1 before it reaches the costa. seecommons:File:Neminidae_wing_veins.svg (= auxiliary vein of many authors)
In female Heteroptera valvifers comprise four blades, one pair on each of abdominal segments 8 and 9. They articulate with the paratergites and bear their corresponding valvulae.
One of four blades in a female Hemipteran with a laciniate type of ovipositor, that combine to form the ovipositing mechanism.
Hollow structures formed from the coupling of the upper and lower walls of the wing. They provide both rigidity and flexibility to the wing. (See alsoComstock-Needham system.)
^Wigney, Bev (13 March 2007)."a crayfish primer".magickcanoe.com Blog. Ontario. Retrieved7 December 2017.the areola (the hourglass shaped lines on the crayfish's "back")
^Mosby’s Medical, Nursing and Allied Health Dictionary, Fourth Edition, Mosby-Year Book Inc., 1994, p. 336
^Glossary - Integrated Pest Management Resource Centre.
^Atkinson, Thomas H. and Equihua, Armando. "Biology of the Scolytidae and Platypodidae".Florida Entomologist Vol. 69, No. 2 (June 1986)
^Byers, J.A. 1995. "Host tree chemistry affecting colonization in bark beetles", in R.T. Cardé and W.J. Bell (eds.).Chemical Ecology of Insects 2. Chapman and Hall, New York, pp. 154–213
^Hill, Dennis S.Pests of Crops in Warmer Climates and Their Control. Springer 2008.ISBN9781402067372
Romoser, William S.The Science of Entomology, pp. 26–49. Collier-MacMillan 1973.
McAlpine, David K., 1958 A key to the Australian families of Acalptrate Diptera (Insecta)Records of the Australian Museum 24 (12) 183-190pdf full text and figures
McAlpine, J.F. 1981 Morphology and terminology In: McAlpine, J.P. et al. (eds.):Manual of Nearctic Diptera vol. 1 Ottawa: Research Branch, Agriculture Canada, Monograph 27.ISBN0660107317pdfdownload manual
Resh, Vincent H. and R. T. Cardé, Eds.Encyclopedia of Insects, pp. 15–19, 750–755. Elsevier 2003.
Wallace, Robert L. et al.Beck and Braithwaite's Invertebrate Zoology, 4th Ed., pp. 248–250. MacMillan 1989.