Joule heating (also known asresistive heating,resistance heating, orOhmic heating) is the process by which the passage of anelectric current through aconductor producesheat.
Joule's first law (also justJoule's law), also known in countries of the formerUSSR as theJoule–Lenz law,[1] states that thepower of heating generated by anelectrical conductor equals the product of itsresistance and the square of the current. Joule heating affects the whole electric conductor, unlike thePeltier effect which transfers heat from one electrical junction to another.
Joule-heating or resistive-heating is used in many devices and industrial processes. The part that converts electricity into heat is called aheating element.
Among the applications are:
James Prescott Joule first published in December 1840, an abstract in theProceedings of the Royal Society, suggesting that heat could be generated by an electrical current. Joule immersed a length of wire in a fixedmass ofwater and measured thetemperature rise due to a known current flowing through the wire for a 30minute period. By varying the current and the length of the wire he deduced that the heat produced wasproportional to thesquare of the current multiplied by theelectrical resistance of the immersed wire.[5]
In 1841 and 1842, subsequent experiments showed that the amount of heat generated was proportional to thechemical energy used in thevoltaic pile that generated the template. This led Joule to reject thecaloric theory (at that time the dominant theory) in favor of themechanical theory of heat (according to which heat is another form ofenergy).[5]
Resistive heating was independently studied byHeinrich Lenz in 1842.[1]
TheSI unit ofenergy was subsequently named thejoule and given the symbolJ. The commonly known unit of power, thewatt, is equivalent to one joule per second.
Joule heating is caused by interactions betweencharge carriers (usuallyelectrons) and the body of the conductor.
Apotential difference (voltage) between two points of a conductor creates anelectric field that accelerates charge carriers in the direction of the electric field, giving themkinetic energy. When the charged particles collide with the quasi-particles in the conductor (i.e. the canonically quantized, ionic lattice oscillations in the harmonic approximation of a crystal), energy is being transferred from the electrons to the lattice (by the creation of further lattice oscillations). The oscillations of the ions are the origin of the radiation ("thermal energy") that one measures in a typical experiment.
Joule heating is referred to asohmic heating orresistive heating because of its relationship toOhm's Law. It forms the basis for the large number of practical applications involvingelectric heating. However, in applications where heating is an unwantedby-product of current use (e.g.,load losses inelectrical transformers) the diversion of energy is often referred to asresistive loss. The use ofhigh voltages inelectric power transmission systems is specifically designed to reduce such losses in cabling by operating with commensurately lower currents. Thering circuits, or ring mains, used in UK homes are another example, where power is delivered to outlets at lower currents (per wire, by using two paths in parallel), thus reducing Joule heating in the wires. Joule heating does not occur insuperconducting materials, as these materials have zero electrical resistance in the superconducting state.
Resistors create electrical noise, calledJohnson–Nyquist noise. There is an intimate relationship between Johnson–Nyquist noise and Joule heating, explained by thefluctuation-dissipation theorem.
The most fundamental formula for Joule heating is the generalized power equation:where
The explanation of this formula () is:[6]
Assuming the element behaves as a perfect resistor and that the power is completely converted into heat, the formula can be re-written by substitutingOhm's law,, into the generalized power equation:whereR is theresistance.
Voltage can be increased in DC circuits by connecting batteries or solar panels in series.
When current varies, as it does in AC circuits,
wheret is time andP is the instantaneous active power being converted from electrical energy to heat. Far more often, theaverage power is of more interest than the instantaneous power:
where "avg" denotesaverage (mean) over one or more cycles, and "rms" denotesroot mean square.
These formulas are valid for an ideal resistor, with zeroreactance. If the reactance is nonzero, the formulas are modified:
where is phase difference between current and voltage, meansreal part,Z is thecomplex impedance, andY* is thecomplex conjugate of theadmittance (equal to 1/Z*).
For more details in the reactive case, seeAC power.
Joule heating can also be calculated at a particular location in space. The differential form of the Joule heating equation gives the power per unit volume.
Here, is the current density, and is the electric field. For a material with a conductivity, and therefore
where is theresistivity. This directly resembles the "" term of the macroscopic form.
In the harmonic case, where all field quantities vary with the angular frequency as, complex valuedphasors and are usually introduced for the current density and the electric field intensity, respectively. The Joule heating then readswhere denotes thecomplex conjugate.
Overhead power lines transfer electrical energy from electricity producers to consumers. Those power lines have a nonzero resistance and therefore are subject to Joule heating, which causes transmission losses.
The split of power between transmission losses (Joule heating in transmission lines) and load (useful energy delivered to the consumer) can be approximated by avoltage divider. In order to minimize transmission losses, the resistance of the lines has to be as small as possible compared to the load (resistance of consumer appliances). Line resistance is minimized by the use ofcopper conductors, but the resistance andpower supply specifications of consumer appliances are fixed.
Usually, atransformer is placed between the lines and consumption. When a high-voltage, low-intensity current in the primary circuit (before the transformer) is converted into a low-voltage, high-intensity current in the secondary circuit (after the transformer), the equivalent resistance of the secondary circuit becomes higher[7] and transmission losses are reduced in proportion.
During thewar of currents,AC installations could use transformers to reduce line losses by Joule heating, at the cost of higher voltage in the transmission lines, compared toDC installations.
Joule heating is aflash pasteurization (also called "high-temperature short-time" (HTST)) aseptic process that runs an alternating current of 50–60 Hz through food.[8] Heat is generated through the food's electrical resistance.[8][9][10][11] As the product heats, electrical conductivity increases linearly.[3] A higher electrical current frequency is best as it reduces oxidation and metallic contamination.[8] This heating method is best for foods that contain particulates suspended in a weak salt-containing medium due to their high resistance properties.[4][8]
Heat is generated rapidly and uniformly in the liquid matrix as well as inparticulates, producing a higher quality sterile product that is suitable foraseptic processing.[11][12]
Electrical energy is linearly translated to thermal energy aselectrical conductivity increases, and this is the key process parameter that affects heating uniformity and heating rate.[11] This heating method is best for foods that contain particulates suspended in a weak salt containing medium due to their highresistance properties.[10] Ohmic heating is beneficial due to its ability to inactivatemicroorganisms through thermal and non-thermal cellular damage.[11][13][14]
This method can also inactivateantinutritional factors thereby maintaining nutritional andsensory properties.[13] However, ohmic heating is limited byviscosity, electrical conductivity, andfouling deposits.[9][10][11] Although ohmic heating has not yet been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for commercial use, this method has many potential applications, ranging fromcooking tofermentation.[11]
There are different configurations for continuous ohmic heating systems, but in the most basic process,[11] a power supply or generator is needed to produce electrical current.[10]Electrodes, in direct contact with food, pass electric current through the matrix.[10] The distance between the electrodes can be adjusted to achieve the optimum electrical field strength.[10]
The generator creates the electrical current which flows to the first electrode and passes through the food product placed in the electrode gap.[10] The food product resists the flow of current causing internal heating.[11] The current continues to flow to the second electrode and back to the power source to close the circuit.[10] Theinsulator caps around the electrodes controls the environment within the system.[10]
Theelectrical field strength and theresidence time are the key process parameters which affect heat generation.[11]
The ideal foods for ohmic heating are viscous with particulates.[11]
The efficiency by which electricity is converted to heat depends upon on salt, water, and fat content due to theirthermal conductivity and resistance factors.[13] In particulate foods, the particles heat up faster than the liquid matrix due to higher resistance to electricity and matching conductivity can contribute to uniform heating.[11] This prevents overheating of the liquid matrix while particles receive sufficient heat processing.[9] Table 1 shows the electrical conductivity values of certain foods to display the effect of composition and salt concentration.[11] The high electrical conductivity values represent a larger number ofionic compounds suspended in the product, which is directly proportional to the rate of heating.[10] This value is increased in the presence ofpolar compounds, like acids and salts, but decreased withnonpolar compounds, like fats.[10] Electrical conductivity of food materials generally increases with temperature, and can change if there are structural changes caused during heating such asgelatinization of starch.[11] Density, pH, and specific heat of various components in a food matrix can also influence heating rate.[13]
Food | Electrical Conductivity (S/m) | Temperature (°C) |
Apple Juice | 0.239 | 20 |
Beef | 0.42 | 19 |
Beer | 0.143 | 22 |
Carrot | 0.041 | 19 |
Carrot Juice | 1.147 | 22 |
Chicken meat | 0.19 | 20 |
Coffee (black) | 0.182 | 22 |
Coffee (black with sugar) | 0.185 | 22 |
Coffee (with milk) | 0.357 | 22 |
Starch solution (5.5%) | ||
(a) with 0.2% salt | 0.34 | 19 |
(b) with 0.55% salt | 1.3 | 19 |
(c) with 2% salt | 4.3 | 19 |
Benefits of Ohmic heating include: uniform and rapid heating (>1°Cs−1), less cooking time, betterenergy efficiency, lower capital cost, and heating simulataneously throughout food's volume as compared toaseptic processing,canning, andPEF.[12] Volumetric heating allows internal heating instead of transferring heat from a secondary medium.[9] This results in the production of safe, high quality food with minimal changes to structural, nutritional, andorganoleptic properties of food.[9] Heat transfer is uniform to reach areas of food that are harder to heat.[11] Less fouling accumulates on the electrodes as compared to other heating methods.[10] Ohmic heating also requires less cleaning and maintenance, resulting in an environmentally cautious heating method.[9][11][12]
Microbial inactivation in ohmic heating is achieved by both thermal and non-thermal cellular damage from the electrical field.[14] This method destroysmicroorganisms due toelectroporation ofcell membranes, physical membrane rupture, andcell lysis.[11][13] In electroporation, excessive leakage ofions andintramolecular components results in cell death.[13] In membrane rupture, cells swell due to an increase in moisture diffusion across the cell membrane.[12] Pronounced disruption and decomposition of cell walls and cytoplasmic membranes causes cells to lyse.[11][13][14]
Decreased processing times in ohmic heating maintains nutritional and sensory properties of foods.[9] Ohmic heating inactivatesantinutritional factors likelipoxigenase (LOX),polyphenoloxidase (PPO), andpectinase due to the removal of active metallic groups in enzymes by the electrical field.[13] Similar to other heating methods, ohmic heating causesgelatinization of starches, melting of fats, andprotein agglutination.[11] Water-soluble nutrients are maintained in the suspension liquid allowing for no loss of nutritional value if the liquid is consumed.[15]
Ohmic heating is limited by viscosity, electrical conductivity, and fouling deposits.[9][10][11] The density of particles within the suspension liquid can limit the degree of processing. A higher viscosity fluid will provide more resistance to heating, allowing the mixture to heat up quicker than low viscosity products.[11] A food product's electrical conductivity is a function of temperature, frequency, and product composition.[9][10][11] This may be increased by adding ionic compounds, or decreased by adding non-polar constituents.[9] Changes in electrical conductivity limit ohmic heating as it is difficult to model the thermal process when temperature increases in multi-component foods.[9][10]
The potential applications of ohmic heating range from cooking, thawing,blanching, peeling, evaporation, extraction,dehydration, and fermentation.[11] These allow for ohmic heating to pasteurize particulate foods for hot filling, pre-heat products prior to canning, and aseptically process ready-to-eat meals and refrigerated foods.[10] Prospective examples are outlined in Table 2 as this food processing method has not been commercially approved by the FDA.[10] Since there is currently insufficient data on electrical conductivities for solid foods, it is difficult to prove the high quality and safe process design for ohmic heating.[16] Additionally, a successful12D reduction forC. botulinum prevention has yet to be validated.[16]
Applications | Advantages | Food Items |
Sterilisation, heating liquid foods containing large particulates and heat sensitive liquids, aseptic processing | Attractive appearance, firmness properties, pasteurization of milk without protein denaturation | Cauliflower florets, soups, stews, fruit slices in syrups and sauces, ready to cook meals containing particulates, milk, juices, and fruit purees |
Ohmic cooking of solid foods | The cooking time could be reduced significantly. The centre temperature rises much faster than in conventional heating, improving the final sterility of the product, less power consumption and safer product | Hamburger patties, meat patties, minced beef, vegetable pieces, chicken, pork cuts |
Space food and military ration | Food reheating and waste sterilization. Less energy consumption for heating food to serving temperature, products in reusable pouches with long shelf life. Additive free foods with good keeping quality of 3 years. | Stew type foods |
Ohmic thawing | Thawing without increase in moisture content of the product | Shrimp blocks |
Inactivation of spores and enzymes | To improve food safety and enhance shelf life, increased stability and energy efficiency, Reduced time for inactivation of lipoxygenase and polyphenol oxidase, inactivation of enzymes without affecting flavor | Process fish cake, orange juice, juices |
Blanching and extraction | Enhanced moisture loss and increase in juice yield | Potato slices, vegetable purees extraction of sucrose from sugar beets, extraction of soy milk from soy beans |
Flash joule heating (transient high-temperature electrothermal heating) has been used to synthesizeallotropes of carbon, including graphene and diamond. Heating various solid carbon feedstocks (carbon black, coal, coffee grounds, etc.) to temperatures of ~3000 K for 10-150 milliseconds producesturbostratic graphene flakes.[17] FJH has also been used torecover rare-earth elements used in modern electronicsfrom industrial wastes.[18][19] Beginning from a fluorinated carbon source, fluorinated activated carbon, fluorinatednanodiamond, concentric carbon (carbon shell around a nanodiamond core), and fluorinated flash graphene can be synthesized.[20][21]
Heat is not to be confused withinternal energy or synonymouslythermal energy. While intimately connected toheat, they are distinct physical quantities.
As a heating technology, Joule heating has acoefficient of performance of 1.0, meaning that every joule of electrical energy supplied produces one joule of heat. In contrast, aheat pump can have a coefficient of more than 1.0 since it moves additional thermal energy from the environment to the heated item.
The definition of the efficiency of a heating process requires defining the boundaries of the system to be considered. When heating a building, the overall efficiency is different when considering heating effect per unit of electric energy delivered on the customer's side of the meter, compared to the overall efficiency when also considering the losses in the power plant and transmission of power.
In theenergy balance of groundwater flow a hydraulic equivalent of Joule's law is used:[22]
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