Rabbit fur clearly showing the different hairsFur stole made ofRex rabbitJens Asendorf rabbit fur coatA child's multicoloured rabbit coat and cap – rabbit became popular because it could be dyed to create different effects or sheared to imitate other animal furs
Rabbit hair (also calledrabbit fur,cony,coney,comb orlapin) is thefur of the commonrabbit. It is most commonly used in the making of fur hats and coats, and is considered quite valuable today, although it was once a lower-priced commodity in the fur trade.
The hair of a rabbit can be divided into three types: "longer, rectrix guard hairs, stiff at the base; the more numerous tectrix barbed hairs forming the magor part of the coat, which share a hair follicle with the third type-the shorter hairs making up the undercoat."[1]Colloquially, these types are called
guide hairs: external hairs, long and rough
guard hairs (also called "barbes"): four guard hairs surround each guide hair, sealing the coat
down: make up 90–95% of rabbit hair;[2] they are very short and barely visible, and serve to insulate the rabbit.
Aselectively bred rabbit from the 1900s, theRex rabbit, has guard hairs of the same length as the down, but this is an atypical recessive trait that is relatively rare in wild rabbits.
Rabbit hair is commonly considered a byproduct of the ordinary process of breeding rabbits for meat, and as such is manufactured in vast quantities inEngland andFrance; more than seventy millionpelts a year in France alone.[3] However, the quality of fur from these rabbits tends to be low, as the rabbits are slaughtered before reaching twelve weeks old and still have the infant coat. The lower quality hair is sometimes used for felt.
In temperate climates, the highest quality furs are obtained in winter from rabbits over five months old, when the thickness of the fur is even; at other times of year, varying degrees of hair shedding causes uneven patches in the fur. The coat is also at its thickest at this time of year. The highest quality pelts are suitable forclothing, and typically constitute less than half of all pelts collected. The hair of theAngora rabbit is plucked or shaved and used as fiber, rather than as pelts.
Rabbit fur products have a tendency to shed more easily than some other furs and might not have the same longevity.[4]
The use of rabbit pelts in the commercial fur trade took off in the 1920s, when it was incorporated into everything from hats to stoles, coats and baby blankets. By 1924, it accounted for half the US fur trade. While it was considerably cheaper than furs from other animals, it had softness and density and could also be dyed, plucked or shorn to look like other furs – shearing was also known as blocking.[5]
Havana rabbits were among the highly prized breeds because their fur could be used in an undyed state
White pelts commanded a premium since they could be most easily dyed and in their natural state bore a close resemblance to much pricer ermine (stoat).New Zealand white rabbit (actually bred in the US) was highly prized, but other rabbit varieties in different hues – includingHavana,Lilac andCheckered Giant were also valuable because they could be used in their natural colouring.[6] One commentator noted in the 1920s: "[W]here one sealskin coat graced Milady of Fifth Avenue in 1900, a hundred thousand coats of rabbit-seal are turned out on Sixth Avenue during the fur season for the Misses of Main Street all over America".[6]
Names developed such as minkony, ermiline and northern seal – all of which were rabbit fur.[6] After 1938, American fur coats had to be labelled using the name of the animal used in its making – for instance 'seal dyed coney' or 'beaver dyed rabbit' – in order to avoid confusion among consumers.[6]
Australian seal: Australian rabbit shorn and dyed to replicate natural seal fur.See also sealine.[7]
Baltic black fox orBaltic brown fox orBaltic white fox: Rabbit dyed in a variety of hues to resemble fox fur. White fox was undyed fur from white rabbit orhare.See also Baltic lion/red fox.[7]
Baltic leopard: Australian rabbit dyed and marked to resemble the distinctive spots of a leopard skin coat.[7]
Baltic lion orBaltic red fox: Australian rabbit in its natural hue of either (respectively) yellow or reddish tones.[7]
Baltic tiger: Australian rabbit dyed to resemble the markings of tiger skin.[7]
Beaver dyed coney orFrench beaver orbeaverette orBelgian beaver: Dyed and with the tips sheared in order to resemble the short dark-brown coat of natural beaver fur. Note that Hudson seal wasmuskrat[6][8]
Chinchillette: Rabbit dyed to resemble achinchilla (not the variety of rabbit), with characteristic graduated markings. Note that chapchillas and French chinchilla were made of dyed hare.[8][7]
Cony leopard orcony mole: Sheared and dyed rabbit. Cony often designated rabbits from Europe.[7]
Electric: Denoted a trade name for a variety of rabbit furs designed to replicate other animals, for instance electric beaver, mole or seal.[7]
Ermilette orermilene orimitation ermine: White rabbit fur, sometimes painted with spots to look like ermine. Ermine was a traditional trimming, used on stoles and for robes of state, although rabbit versions of ermine became more widely used.[6][9][7]
French sable: Rabbit dyed to imitate more expensivesable.[7]
Lapin: Shorn and dyed rabbit – this may be in a variety of colours.[7]
Mendoza beaver dyed coney orMendoza beaver: A trade name of the Mendoza Fur Dyeing Workssee beaver dyed coney.[10]
Meskin: Denoted a trade name for a variety of rabbit furs designed to replicate other animals, for instance meskin seal or ermine. A variety replicating mole was known as Meskin moline.[7]
Minkony: Rabbit dyed and treated to resemblemink, a fur available in a wide variety of colours from white to near black.[6][11]
Molin orMoline orcony mole: Rabbit designed to resemble mole fur.See also Meskin moline.[7]
Muskratine: Shorn and dyed rabbit resembling seal.[7]
Nutriette: Shorn and dyed to resemble aNutria fur.[8]
Sealine orArctic seal orAustralian seal orRoman seal ornorthern seal orseal dyed coney orBaltic seal orbay seal orcoast seal ornear seal orsealette: Sheared and dyed to replicate the brown, grey or black fur of harp or northern seal.[8][7]
Squirrelette: Dyed to resemble a squirrel fur – typically the blue/grey Siberian squirrel.[4][8]