While a federal agency, the RCMP also serves as the local law enforcement agency for various provincial, municipal, and First Nations jurisdictions.[13]
TheRoyal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP;French:Gendarmerie royale du Canada,GRC) is thenational police service ofCanada. The RCMP is an agency of theGovernment of Canada; it also provides police services under contract to 11provinces and territories, over 150 municipalities, and 600 Indigenous communities. The RCMP is commonly known as theMounties in English (and colloquially in French asla police montée).
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police was established in 1920 with the amalgamation of theRoyal North-West Mounted Police and theDominion Police. Sworn members of the RCMP have jurisdiction as apeace officer in all provinces and territories of Canada.[14] Under its federal mandate, the RCMP is responsible for enforcing federal legislation; investigating inter-provincial and international crime; border integrity;[15] overseeingCanadian peacekeeping missions involving police;[16] managing theCanadian Firearms Program, which licenses and registers firearms and their owners;[17] and the Canadian Police College, which provides police training to Canadian and international police services.[18] Policing in Canada is considered to be a constitutional responsibility of provinces;[19] however, the RCMP provides local police services under contract in all provinces and territories exceptOntario andQuebec.[20][21][note 1] Despite its name, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police are no longer an actualmounted police service, and horses are used only at ceremonial events and certain other occasions.
The Government of Canada considers the RCMP to be an unofficial national symbol,[22] and in 2013, 87 per cent of Canadians interviewed byStatistics Canada said that the RCMP was important to their national identity.[23] However, the service has faced criticism for its broad mandate,[24][25] and its public perception in Canada has gradually soured since the 1990s, worn down by workplace culture lawsuits, several high-profile scandals, staffing shortages, and the service's handling of incidents like the2020 Nova Scotia attacks.[26][27] The treatment ofFirst Nations people by the RCMP has also been criticized.
Several RCMP members involved in the hunt forAlbert Johnson, 1931.
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police was formed in 1920 by the amalgamation of two separate federal police services: theRoyal North-West Mounted Police (RNWMP), which had been responsible for colonial policing in theCanadian West,[28] but by 1920 was becoming "rapidly obsolete;"[29] and theDominion Police, which was responsible for federal law enforcement, intelligence, and parliamentary security.[30] The new police service inherited theparamilitary, frontlinepolicing-oriented culture that had governed the RNWMP, which had been modelled after theRoyal Irish Constabulary,[31] but much of the RCMP's local policing role had been superseded byprovincial andmunicipal police services.
In 1928, the federal government authorized the RCMP to enter into heavily subsidized contracts with provinces and municipalities, enabling the service to return to its roots in local policing. The federal government paid 60 per cent of the policing costs, while provinces and municipalities paid the remaining 40 per cent.[29] By 1950, eight of the ten Canadian provinces had disbanded their provincial police services in favour of subsidized RCMP policing.[32]
As part of its national security and intelligence functions, the RCMP infiltrated ethnic or political groups considered to be dangerous to Canada. These included theCommunist Party of Canada (founded in 1921) and a variety of Indigenous, minority cultural, and nationalist groups.[33][need quotation to verify] The service was also deeply involved in immigration matters, and was responsible for deporting suspected radicals. The RCMP paid particular attention to nationalist and socialistUkrainian groups[34] and theChinese community, which was targeted because of disproportionate links toopium dens. Historians estimate that Canada deported two per cent of its Chinese community between 1923 and 1932, largely under the provisions of theOpium and Narcotics Drugs Act.[35] The first Mountie to go undercover wasFrank Zaneth who under the code name Operative Number 1 infiltrated various "radical" groups along with the Mafia.[36]
In 1932, RCMP members killed Albert Johnson, theMad Trapper of Rat River, after a shoot-out.[37] Johnson had been the subject of a dispute with local Indigenous trappers—he had reportedly destroyed their traps, harassed them verbally, and on one occasion, pointed a firearm at them—and, when confronted with a search warrant, opened fire on RCMP officers, wounding one.[37][38] Also in 1932, the Customs Preventive Service (CPS), a branch of the Department of National Revenue, was folded into the RCMP at the request of RCMP leadership.[39][40]
In 1935, the RCMP, acting as the provincial police service forSaskatchewan (but against the wishes of the Saskatchewan government)[23] and in collaboration with theRegina Police Service, attempted to arrest organizers of theOn-to-Ottawa Trek in theGermantown neighbourhood's market square bykettling around 300 rally-goers, sparking theRegina Riot.[41] One city police officer and one protester were killed. The trek, which had been organized to call attention to conditions inrelief camps, consequently failed to reach Ottawa, but nevertheless had political reverberations.[41] That same year, three RCMP members, acting under contract as provincial police officers,were killed in Saskatchewan and Alberta during an arrest and subsequent pursuit.[42]
During the interwar period, the RCMP employedspecial constables to assist withstrikebreaking. For a brief period in the late 1930s, a volunteer militia group, theLegion of Frontiersmen, was affiliated with the RCMP.[43] Many members of the RCMP belonged to this organization, which was prepared to serve as an auxiliary police service.
In 1940, the RCMPschoonerSt. Roch facilitated the first effective patrol of Canada's Arctic territory. It was the first vessel to navigate theNorthwest Passage from west to east, taking two years, the first to navigate the passage in one season (from Halifax to Vancouver in 1944), the first to sail either way through the passage in one season, and the first to circumnavigate North America (1950).[44]
In 1941, two African-Canadian men fromNova Scotia applied to join the RCMP. The commissioner at the time,Stuart Wood, allegedly allowed them to sit for entrance tests in the hopes that they could be definitively refused entry to the service as "their colour would raise the question of policy."[45] Both men ultimately passed the requisite tests, but neither was given an offer of employment.[45]
A member of theemergency response team in training in 2010. The tactical unit was formed in 1977.
On July 4, 1973, during a visit toRegina, Saskatchewan,QueenElizabeth II approved a new badge for the RCMP. The force subsequently presented the sovereign with a tapestry rendering of the new design.[48]
In 1978, the RCMP formed 31 part-timeemergency response teams across the country to respond to serious incidents requiring a tactical police response.[49][50]
In the early 1990s, journalists at theCanadian Broadcasting Corporation'sThe Fifth Estate opened an investigation into rumours that a senior RCMP officer in theCriminal Intelligence Service (CISC) was on the payroll of a Montreal-based organized crime group, and in 1992, aired an episode identifying InspectorClaude Savoie, then the assistant director of the CISC, as the leak, citing evidence that connected him toAllan Ronald Ross, an Irish-Canadiandrug lord, andSidney Leithman, a prominent lawyer associated with Montreal's organized crime network.[53] Shortly after the episode aired, and minutes before being interviewed by detectives with the RCMP's professional standards unit, Savoie committed suicide in his Ottawa office.[54] One of Savoie's subordinates, Portuguese-Canadian constableJorge Leite, wasfound guilty of corruption and breach of trust by a Portuguese court about his work with Savoie.[55][56]
In 1993, the SERT was transferred to theCanadian Forces, creating a new unit calledJoint Task Force 2 (JTF2). The JTF2 inherited some equipment and the SERT's former training base nearOttawa.
RCMP security detail at the gates of24 Sussex Drive, 2008. The Personal Protection Group was created in 1995.
In 1995 the Personal Protection Group (PPG) of the RCMP was created at the behest ofJean Chrétien after the break-in byAndré Dallaire at the Prime Minister's official Ottawa residence,24 Sussex Drive.[57] The PPG is a 180-member group responsible for VIP security details, chiefly the prime minister and the governor general.[58]
In 1998, the RCMP, with the permission of the ownersAEC, bombed an oil well shed as part of a 'dirty tricks' campaign during a dispute betweenAEC andWiebo Ludwig.[59]
In the late 1970s, revelations surfaced that the RCMP Security Service had in the course of their intelligence duties engaged in crimes such as burning a barn and stealing documents from the separatistParti Québécois. This led to theRoyal Commission of Inquiry into Certain Activities of the RCMP, better known as the "McDonald Commission", named for the presiding judge, Justice David Cargill McDonald. The commission recommended that the service's intelligence duties be removed in favour of the creation of a separate intelligence agency, the CSIS. The RCMP and the CSIS nonetheless continue to share responsibility for some law enforcement activities in the contemporary era, particularly in the anti-terrorism context.[61]
Due to9/11, the RCMPSky Marshals, which is charged with security on passenger aircraft, was inaugurated in 2002.[62]
Four RCMP officers were fatally shot during theMayerthorpe tragedy inNorthern Alberta in March 2005. It was the single largest multiple killing of RCMP officers since the killing of three officers in Kamloops, British Columbia, by a mentally ill assailant in June 1962. Before that, the RCMP had not incurred such a loss since theNorth-West Rebellion.[63] One result was that on 21 October 2011 CommissionerWilliam J. S. Elliott announced that RCMP officers would have theC8 rifle at their disposal, where in the past they had been limited to sidearms. One of the main conclusions from the fatality inquiry that led to this result was the fact that the officers who were involved in the events did not have the appropriate weapons to face someone with a semi-automatic rifle.[64]
In 2006, theUnited States Coast Guard's Ninth District and the RCMP began a program called "Shiprider", in which 12 Mounties from the RCMP detachment at Windsor and 16 U.S. Coast Guard boarding officers from stations in Michigan ride in each other's vessels. The intent was to allow for seamless enforcement of the international border.[65]
An RCMP corporal andU.S. Coast Guard member conduct a boarding as a part of Shiprider law enforcement operations. RCMP-U.S. Coast Guard Shiprider operations began in 2006.
On June 3, 2013, the RCMP's A Division was renamed the "National Division" and tasked with handling corruption cases "at home and abroad".[69]
Local businesses express their gratitude for the RCMP after the suspect for theMoncton shooting was apprehended.
In June 2014, three RCMP officers were murdered during theMoncton shooting.[70] A review from retired assistant commissioner Alphonse MacNeil in May 2015 issued 64 recommendations, while the RCMP was charged with violating theCanada Labour Code (CLC) for the slow roll-out of the C8 carbine, which had been recommended by the 2011 Elliott inquiry. The RCMP issued the first carbines in 2013, and with 12,000 members across the country had, as of May 2015, only purchased 2,200.[71] At the CLC trial the Crown argued that the then newly-retired head of the RCMPBob Paulson had "played the odds" with officer safety and it proved fatal.[72] One result of the CLC trial was the conviction of the organization that had been led by Paulson for close to seven years.[73]
In October 2016, the RCMP issued an apology for harassment, discrimination, and sexual abuse of female officers and civilian members. Additionally, they set aside a $100 million fund to compensate these victims. Over 20,000 current and past female employees who were employed after 1974 are eligible.[74]
In January 2019 of that year, the RCMP enforced an injunction against the Wet’suwet’en first nation, raiding the Unist’ot’en Camp and arresting 14 people. This sparked widespread protests and solidarity actions across Canada after reports surfaced of the use of violence by the RCMP.[75]
In February 2020, The RCMP again enforced the injunction, leading to further arrests and escalating tensions. Rail blockades and other disruptions occurred across the country in support of the Wet’suwet’en. There was widespread condemnation across Canada of the surveillance tactics employed by the RCMP. During one protest, two journalists were arrested by the RCMP during the protests, prompting an investigation by the federal government.[76] The RCMP was further criticized when video footage of officers breaking into the homes of Wet'suwet'en community members and pointing weapons at peaceful protesters surfaced on youtube.[77] In audio recordings played in the B.C. supreme court, RCMP officers referred to First Nations opposed to gas pipelines as "orcs" and "ogres".[78]
On March 10, 2020, ChiefAllan Adam of theAthabasca Chipewyan First Nation was arrested by two RCMP officers inFort McMurray, Alberta.[79][80] After several minutes of Chief Adam yelling and posturing at officers, the officers tackled him and punched him in the head whilst struggling with him on the ground. Chief Adam was later charged with resisting arrest and assaulting a peace officer, but the charges were subsequently dropped.[81] After watching the video of the arrest, Prime MinisterJustin Trudeau said, "[w]e have all now seen the shocking video of Chief Adam's arrest and we must get to the bottom of this".[82][79][83] Following the revelation of Chief Adam's arrest—as well as several other recent instances in which RCMP officers had assaulted or killed Indigenous people[84]—RCMP CommissionerBrenda Lucki stated, after initially demurring on the question, thatsystemic racism exists in the RCMP: "I do know that systemic racism is part of every institution, the RCMP included", she said.[85] One day earlier, Trudeau had also stated that "[s]ystemic racism is an issue right across the country, in all our institutions, including in all our police services, including in the RCMP."[86]
RCMP Constable Heidi Stevenson was killed while responding to theWortman killing spree that left 23 dead inNova Scotia in April 2020. The political furor that followed engulfed Commissioner Brenda Lucki and her minister,Public Safety MinisterBill Blair.[87] The RCMP was strongly criticized for its response to the attacks, the deadliest rampage in Canadian history,[88] as well as their lack of transparency in the criminal investigation.CBC News' television programThe Fifth Estate and online newspaperHalifax Examiner analyzed the timeline of events, and both observed a myriad of failures and shortcomings in the RCMP response.[89][90][91] A criminologist criticized the RCMP's response as "a mess" and called for an overhaul in how the agencyresponds to active shooter situations, after they had failed to properly respond to other such incidents in the past.[92]
In the early 2020s, several governments, politicians, and scholars recommended terminating the RCMP's contract policing program.[93][94][95][96] Public Safety MinisterMarco Mendicino was mandated to conduct a review of RCMP contract policing when he took office in 2022.[97]
In June 2021, Privacy Commissioner of CanadaDaniel Therrien found that the RCMP had broken Canadian privacy law through hundreds of illegal searches usingClearview AI.[98]
On September 19, 2022, the RCMP led the procession through London, England, following thestate funeral of Queen Elizabeth II due to the long-standing special relationship with the Queen.[100][101]
In 2023, the Mass Casualty Commission recommended that the RCMP replace its Depot-based training regime with a more intensive university-style program and that the federal public safety minister review the RCMP's involvement in contract policing.[102] Later that year, the force established a new direct-entry program for federal policing candidates.[103] Those recruited for the program will be required to complete a shorter, more focussed 14-week training curriculum in Ottawa before being posted to a federal policing position.[104] As of 2024, the implementation is suspended due to concerns raised by unions.[105]
In the early 2020s, the cities ofSurrey, British Columbia, andGrande Prairie,Alberta, both established independent municipal police forces to replace the RCMP. In the wake of these decisions, and similar moves by the governments ofAlberta andSaskatchewan to establish supplementary provincial police services to support (and, according to some critics, eventually replace) the RCMP, Commissioner Mike Duheme indicated that the RCMP was learning how to better manage transitions to local policing from contract policing.[106] Similar transitions have been proposed, debated, or approved in some Alberta First Nations, ruralManitoba, and ruralNew Brunswick.[107][108]
As the federal police service of theGovernment of Canada, the RCMP has had an expansive and controversial role in thecolonization of Canada. One of the RCMP's two preceding agencies—the Royal Northwest Mounted Police (RNWMP)—had enjoyed a relatively positive relationship with theIndigenous peoples of Canada, buoyed by their role in restoring order to theCanadian West, which had been disrupted by immigrant settlement, and the stark contrast between Canadian policy and the ongoingAmerican Indian Wars in the late 19th century.[28] After the signing of theNumbered Treaties between 1871 and 1899, however, the service generally failed to provide Indigenous communities with police services equal to those provided to non-Indigenous communities.[28]
American historian Andrew Graybill argued the RCMP historically resembled theTexas Rangers in many ways: each protected the established order by confining and removing Indigenous peoples; tightly controlling themixed-blood peoples (theAfrican Americans in Texas and theMétis in Canada); assisting the large-scale ranchers against the small-scale ranchers and farmers who fenced the land; and breaking the power oflabor unions that tried to organize the workers of industrial corporations.[109]
A Mountie standing with anInuit group inKinngait to celebrate the establishment ofNunavut, 1999
From 1920 (1933, with respect to theIndian Act)[110] to 1996, RCMP officers served astruant officers forIndian residential schools, including through the transition of students from federal residential to provincial day schools after 1948,[111] assisting principals, staff,Indian agents, relatives, and members of the communities in bringing truant children to the schools,[112] sometimes by force,[113] as per theIndian Act,[112] and as was common for truant non-Indigenous children through the same period.[114] Marcel-Eugène LeBeuf stated in his report for the RCMP that records and oral histories indicate the force "was responding, in its most traditional police role, to a request to protect children"[115] and thatabuses within the residential school system were largely unreported to the RCMP at the time.[112]
During the federal government's imposition of municipal-style elected councils onFirst Nations people, the RCMP raided the government buildings of particularly resistant traditional hereditary chiefs' councils and oversaw the subsequent council elections—theSix Nations of the Grand River Elected Council was originally referred to as the "Mounties Council" as a result of the RCMP's involvement in its installation.[116]
In 1995, the RCMP intervened in theGustafsen Lake standoff between the armed Ts'peten Defenders, occupying what they claimed was unceded Indigenous land, and armed ranchers, who owned the land and had previously allowed Indigenous people to use part of it on the condition they not erect permanent structures. The RCMP's response included 400 tactical assault team members, five helicopters, two surveillance planes, and nineBisonarmoured personnel carriers on loan from theCanadian Army[117] and sparked international controversy over the RCMP's use of unusually broad press exclusion zones.[118] One of the members of the Ts'peten Defenders was later granted political asylum in the United States after an Oregon judge found that the RCMP's reporting of the incident—marked by an RCMP member's off-hand comment to media that "smear campaigns are [the RCMP's] specialty"—amounted to a "disinformation campaign."[119][120]
AHaudenosaunee flag and a banner that readsRCMP off Wetsuweten land on a petroleum gas tank car during a solidarity protest against theCoastal GasLink Pipeline inVaughan, 2020.
Between January 2019 and March 2020, the RCMP spent $13 million policing and periodically enforcinginjunctions against Indigenousprotesters blocking the construction of a pipeline across what the protesters asserted was unceded Wet'suwet'en territory.[121] Wet'suwet'en hereditary chiefs Na'moks and Woos complained about the armed RCMP presence, as the police moved down the road, kilometre-by-kilometre, over days, dismantling fortified checkpoints and making arrests.[121] The RCMP's enforcement of a court injunction against the occupiers in 2020 sparkedinternational controversy and protests and, as of 2022, sporadic occupations and protests—some violent—have continued at the site.[122]
In the 1920s, Saskatchewan provincial pathologistFrances Gertrude McGill began providing forensic assistance to the RCMP in their investigations.[123] She helped establish the first RCMP forensic laboratory in 1937,[124] and later was its director for several years. In addition to her forensic work, McGill also provided training to new RCMP and police recruits in forensic detection methods.[123] Upon her retirement in 1946, McGill was appointed honorary surgeon to the RCMP and continued to act as a dedicated consultant for the service up until her death in 1959.[125]
On May 23, 1974, RCMP CommissionerMaurice Nadon announced that the RCMP would accept applications from women as regular members of the service. Troop 17 was the first group of 32 women atDepot in Regina on September 16, 1974, for regular training.[126] This first all-female troop of 30 women graduated from Depot on March 3, 1975.[127]
After initially wearing different uniforms, female officers were finally issued the standard RCMP uniforms. Now all officers are identically attired, with two exceptions. The ceremonial dress uniform, or "walking-out order", for female members has a long, blue skirt and higher-heeled slip-on pumps plus a small black clutch purse (however, in 2012 the RCMP began to allow women to wear trousers and boots with all their formal uniforms).[128]) The second exception is the official maternity uniform for pregnant female officers assigned to administrative duties.
The following years saw the first women attain certain positions.
The RCMP is organized under the authority of theRoyal Canadian Mounted Police Act (RCMP Act), an act of theParliament of Canada. Under sections 3 and 4 of theRCMP Act, the RCMP is a police service for Canada; namely, a federal police service.[132] However, section 20 of theRCMP Act provides that the RCMP may be used for law enforcement in provinces or municipalities if certain conditions are met.[133] As explained by JusticeIvan Rand of the Supreme Court of Canada, "what is set up is a police service for the whole of Canada to be used in the enforcement of the laws of the Dominion, but at the same time available for the enforcement of law generally in such provinces as may desire to employ its services."[134]
is the senior decision-making forum established by the Commissioner for the development and approval of strategic, service-wide policies, under and consistent with the Commissioner's authority under section 5 of the RCMP Act. The role of [the] SEC is to develop, promote, and communicate strategic priorities, strategic objectives, management strategies, and performance management for direction and accountability.
The commissioner is assisted by deputy commissioners in charge of Contract and Indigenous Policing, Federal Policing, and Specialized Policing Services. The commanding officers of K Division andE Division are also named deputy commissioners.[137]
The RCMP divides the country intodivisions for command purposes. In general, each division is coterminous with a province (for example,C Division in Quebec). The province of Ontario, however, is divided into two divisions: National Division (National Capital Region) and O Division (rest of the province). There is one additional division, Depot Division, which comprises the RCMP Academy inRegina and the Police Dog Service Training Centre[138] inInnisfail. The RCMP National Headquarters are inOttawa, Ontario, established in 1920.[139]
National Division building inOttawaEntrance to M Division headquarters inWhitehorse
A detachment is a section of the RCMP that polices a local area. Detachments vary greatly in size.
The largest RCMP detachment is inBurnaby, British Columbia.[140] Previously, Surrey, British Columbia, once had the largest detachment with over a thousand employees. However, amid criticism over gang violence and growing debate during the 2018 civic election, the municipalSurrey Police Service eventually assumed jurisdiction, ending Surrey's RCMP policing contract that had been in place since 1951.[141][142]
Conversely, detachments in small, isolated rural communities have as few as three officers. The RCMP formerly had many single-officer detachments in these areas,[143][144] but in 2012 the RCMP announced that it was introducing a requirement that detachments should have at least three officers.[144]
As of 2022, several large Indigenous communities do not have RCMP detachments and are instead served by detachments in much smaller non-Indigenous communities.[145]
A member of the Personal Protection Group opens the door for Prince Charles (now KingCharles III), 2009
The Personal Protection Group (PPG) is a 180-member group responsible for security details for themonarch, other members of theroyal family, and other VIPs.[58] It was created after the 1995break-in at24 Sussex Drive.[57] There are three units within the PPG: The Governor General's Protection Detail and the Prime Minister's Protection Detail provide bodyguards for the safety of thegovernor general of Canada and theprime minister of Canada, respectively, in Canada and abroad. These units are based inOttawa, the former with operations atRideau Hall (the monarch's and governor general's official residence in the capital) and the latter at 24 Sussex Drive (the prime minister's official residence) andHarrington Lake (the prime minister's retreat), nearChelsea, Quebec. The Very Important Persons Security Section provides security details to VIPs (including thechief justice of Canada, federal ministers other than the prime minister, and diplomats) and others under the direction of the minister of public safety.
The RCMP International Operations Branch (IOB) assists the Liaison Officer (LO) Program to deter international crime relating to Canadian criminal laws. The IOB is a section of the International Policing, which is part of the RCMP Federal and International Operations Directorate. Thirty-seven liaison officers are placed in 23 other countries and are responsible for organizing Canadian investigations in other countries, developing and maintaining the exchange ofcriminal intelligence, especially national security with other countries, to assist in investigations that directly affect Canada, to coordinate and assist RCMP officers on foreign business and to represent the RCMP at international meetings.[146]
Liaison officers are in:
An RCMP forensics team with a U.S. Marine escort, investigating a grave site inKosovo, 1999An RCMP constable and instructor, observingAfghan National Police members as they shoot at targets inKandahar, 2010
The RCMP also provides law enforcement training overseas in Iraq and otherCanadian peacekeeping missions. The RCMP has been involved in training and logistically supporting theHaitian National Police since 1994, a controversial matter in Canada considering allegations of widespread human rights violations on the part of the HNP. Some Canadian activist groups have called for an end to the RCMP training.[147]
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) compensates its officers based on a tiered pay scale that reflects their rank and years of service. Entry-level constables begin with a starting salary of $71,191 per year,[148]with incremental raises leading to higher earnings as they gain experience:
An RCMP constable arresting an individual, August 2010
The termregular member, or RM, originates from theRCMP Act and refers to the 18,988 regular RCMP officers who are trained and sworn aspeace officers, and include all the ranks from constable to commissioner. They are the police officers of the RCMP and are responsible for investigating crime and have the authority to make arrests. RMs operate in over 750 detachments, including 200 municipalities and more than 600 Indigenous communities. RMs are normally assigned to general policing duties at an RCMP detachment for a minimum of three years. These duties allow them to experience a broad range of assignments and experiences, such as responding toemergency (9-1-1) calls, foot patrol, bicycle patrol, traffic enforcement, collecting evidence at crime scenes, testifying in court, apprehending criminals and plain clothes duties. Regular members also serve in over 150 different types of operational and administrative opportunities available within the RCMP, these include major crime investigations, emergency response, forensic identification,forensic collision reconstruction, international peacekeeping, bike or marine patrol, explosives disposal, and police dog services. Also included are administrative roles including human resources, corporate planning, policy analysis, and public affairs.
A designation introduced in 2014 as a replacement for the community safety officers and Indigenous community constables pilot programs.[152][153] Community constables are armed, paid members holding the rank of special constables, with peace officer power.[154] They are to provide a bridge between the local citizens and the RCMP using their local and cultural knowledge.[155] They are mostly focused on crime prevention, liaisons with the community, and providing resources in the event of a large-scale event.[156]
A program reinstated in 2004 in British Columbia, it was later expanded to cover all of Canada to allow for retired, regular RCMP members and other provincially trained officers to provide extra manpower when shortages are identified.[157] R/Cst. are appointed under Section 11 of theRoyal Canadian Mounted Police Act as paid part-time, armed officers with the same powers as regular members.[158] However, they are not allowed to carry service-issued sidearms anduse of force options unless they are called upon to duty.[157] They generally carry out community policing roles but may also be called upon if an emergency occurs.[157][159]
An RCMP officer from the Explosives Disposal Unit standing beside a bomb disposal robot[160]
Volunteers within their community, appointed under provincial police acts.[150]Auxiliary constables are not police officers and can not identify themselves as such. However, they are given peace officer powers when on duty with a regular member (RM). Their duties consist mainly of assisting RMs in routine events, for example, cordoning off crime scene areas, crowd control, participating incommunity policing, and assistance during situations where regular members might be overwhelmed with their duties (e.g., keeping watch of a backseat detainee while an RM interviews a victim). They are identified by the wording "RCMP Auxiliary" on cars, jackets, and shoulder flashes.
Employees of the RCMP have varied duties depending on where they are deployed but are often given this designation because of the expertise they possess that needs to be applied in a certain area. For example, an Indigenous person might be appointed aspecial constable to assist regular members as they police an Indigenous community where English is not well understood, and where the special constable speaks the language well.
They still perform this role today in many isolated northern communities and the RCMP has 122 special constables who are active, and they are drawn almost entirely from the same Indigenous communities that they serve. From the early years of policing in northern Canada, and well into the 1950s, local Indigenous people were hired by the RCMP as special constables and were employed as guides to obtain and care for sled dog teams. Many of these former special constables still reside in the north to this day and are still involved in the regimental functions of the RCMP. Most pilots for RCMP aircraft, such as fixed-wing planes or helicopters, are special constables.
CCIs were implemented in 2021. They are civilian unarmed staff members, with limited peace officer status and are restricted from making physical arrests.[161] CCIs have backgrounds in computer science or financial markets and are involved in specialized investigations.[151] They participate in interviews, the preparation of court documents, and the searching of scenes.
While not delegated the powers of police officers, they are instead hired for their specialized scientific, technological, communications, and administrative skills. Since the RCMP is a multi-faceted law enforcement organization with responsibilities for federal, provincial, and municipal policing duties, it offers employment opportunities for civilian members as professional partners within Canada's national police service. Civilian members represent approximately 14 percent of the total RCMP employee population and are employed within RCMP establishments in most geographical areas of Canada. The following is a list of the most common categories of employment that may be available to interested and qualified individuals.
Also referred to as public servants, PSes, or PSEs, they provide much of the administrative support for the RCMP in the form of detachment clerks and other administrative support at the headquarters level. They are not police officers, do not wear a uniform, have no police authority, and are not bound by theRCMP Act.
An RCMP officer from the Explosives Disposal Unit standing beside explosives, flares, hand grenades, and various equipment kits[5]
Abbreviated as "ME" they are found in RCMP detachments where a contract exists with a municipality to provide front-line policing. MEs are not employees of the RCMP but are instead employed by the local municipality to work in the RCMP detachment. They conduct the same duties that a PSE would and are required to meet the same reliability and security clearance to do so. Many detachment buildings house a combination of municipally and provincially funded detachments, and therefore there are often PSEs and MEs found working together in them.
The rank system of the RCMP is partly a result of their origin as aparamilitary service. Upon its founding, the RCMP adopted the rank insignia of theCanadian Militia (which in turn came from theBritish Army). As in the military, the RCMP also has a distinction between commissioned and non-commissioned officers.[164] The non-commissioned ranks are mostly based on military ranks (apart from constable). Non-commissioned officer ranks above staff sergeant resemble those that formerly existed in the Canadian Army, but have since been replaced bywarrant officers.[165] The commissioned officer ranks, by contrast, use a set of non-military titles that are often used in Commonwealth police services. The number of higher ranks like chief superintendent and deputy commissioner have been added on and increased since the formation of the service, while the lower commissioned rank of sub-inspector has been dropped.
The numbers are current as of April 1, 2019:[166][167]
The inspector ranks and higher ranks are commissioned ranks and are appointed by theGovernor-in-Council. Depending on the badges and dresses which are worn on the shoulder as slip-ons, on shoulder boards, or directly on theepaulettes. The lower ranks are non-commissioned officers, and the insignia continues to be based on pre-1968 Canadian Army patterns. Since 1990, the non-commissioned officers' insignias & insignias have been embroidered on the epaulette slip-ons. Non-commissioned rank badges are worn on the right sleeve of the scarlet/blue tunic and blue jacket. Constables wear no rank insignia. There are also 122 special constables, as well as a varying number of reserve constables, auxiliary constables, and students who wear identifying insignia.
Thestar, or "pip", used in the insignia of commissioned officers represents the military Knight Grand Cross of theOrder of the Bath. The order's motto (tria juncta in uno, 'three joined in one', referring to theholy trinity) is inscribed in a band in the middle of it. The three crowns inset in the centre not only represent the Christian Trinity but also the three former kingdoms that became the United Kingdom. The RCMP formerly had subaltern (junior officer) ranks that were indicated by one "pip" for a sub-inspector (equivalent to an army second lieutenant) to three "pips" for an inspector (equivalent to an army captain).[171] A reorganization in 1960 changed the insignia to three "pips" for sub-inspectors[172] and a crown for inspectors,[173] making the latter afield officer rank. The rank of sub-inspector was abolished in 1990, leaving the RCMP with no subaltern ranks.
A royal crown is used in the regimental cap badge and the insignia of senior commissioned officers. In 1955St. Edward's Crown replaced theTudor Crown. Although Queen Elizabeth II adopted the redesign of the heraldic crown in 1953, it took some time to design, approve, and manufacture the new insignia.
The crossedMamelukesabre andbaton is the insignia forgeneral officers. In the RCMP it designates the commissioner (equivalent to an army general) and their subordinate deputy commissioners (equivalent to army lieutenant-generals). The assistant commissioners use the crown-over-three-pips insignia of an armybrigadier.
The brass shoulder title pin on the epaulettes was changed from "RCMP" to "GRC-RCMP" in 1968. (GRC stands forGendarmerie royale du Canada, the RCMP's French-language title). This was due to a 1968 ruling stating that all statutes had to be published bilingually in both English and French. As a law enforcement agency, the RCMP had to use ranks and titles in both languages. This was later reinforced by theOfficial Languages Act (1969) .
Honorary positions and the role of the Royal Family.
Several members of theCanadian royal family hold honorary titles in the RCMP. These roles are comparable to the colonel-in-chief and honorary colonel positions in the Canadian Army, serving as promoters of the service's identity, traditions, and history, as well as making occasional visits to operational units. The commissioner-in-chief of the RCMP receives information and updates on important activities and serve as an advisor to the force's commanding officer; although, they do not play an operational role with the service.[174]
In addition to members of the Canadian Royal Family holding these positions, as federal law enforcement officers all members of the RCMP swearallegiance to the Monarch of Canada, presentlyKing Charles III.[175]
The commissioner-in-chief is the most senior honorary and ceremonial leadership position in the RCMP; it is held by Charles III, King of Canada, who was bestowed the role prior to his coronation in 2023.[176]
The role was established as a separate role for the Canadian monarch from that of honorary commissioner in 2012. The first holder wasQueen Elizabeth II, who was bestowed the title in celebration ofher diamond jubilee.[177] The role was created to show and maintain the close link between the Canadian monarch and the RCMP. The role has no day-to-day operational function, but the commissioner-in-chief receives regular updates on the important activities of the RCMP, as well as promoting the Mounted Police both in Canada and abroad, and visiting RCMP events.[178] Upon appointment the commissioner-in-chief is presented with a Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer's sword, bearing the Canadian coat of arms and the royal cypher.[176]
Before the creation of commissioner in chief, the role of honorary commissioner was usually held by periodically by the Canadian monarchs and heirs apparent. Since 2023 the role of honorary commissioner has not been in use.[178]
Honorary deputy commissioners are honorary positions held by senior members of the Canadian Royal Family, whose role is also to show the connection of the Royal Family and the RCMP.
Honorary commissioner was a role in the RCMP which had been held by Canadian monarchs and heirs apparent. Since Charles III's appointment as commissioner-in-chief in April 2023 the role of honorary commissioner has not been in use.[176]
This section needs to beupdated. The reason given is: Fleet data is from 2010, over 13 years ago.. Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information.(August 2023)
The RCMP policiesCanadian Internal Waters, including theterritorial sea and contiguous zone as well as theGreat Lakes andSaint Lawrence Seaway; such operations are provided by the RCMP's Federal Services Directorate and include enforcing Canada's environment, fisheries, customs, and immigration laws. In provinces and municipalities where the RCMP performs contract policing, the service polices freshwater lakes and rivers.
To meet these challenges, the RCMP operates the Marine Division, with fiveRobert Allan Ltd.–designed high-speedcatamaranpatrol vessels;Inkster and theCommissioner-classNadon,Higgitt,Lindsay andSimmonds, based on all three coasts and manned by officers specially trained in maritime enforcement.Inkster is based in Prince Rupert, BC,Simmonds is stationed on Newfoundland's south coast, and the rest are on the Pacific Coast.[188]Simmonds' livery is unique, in that it sports the RCMP badge, but is otherwise painted withCanadian Coast Guard colours and the markingCoast Guard Police. The other four vessels are painted with blue and white RCMP colours.
The RCMP operates 377 smaller boats, defined as vessels less than 9.2 m (30 ft) long, at locations across Canada. This category ranges fromcanoes and car toppers to rigid-hulled inflatables and stable, commercially built, inboard-outboard vessels. Individual detachments often have smaller high-speedrigid-hulled inflatable boats and other purpose-built vessels for inland waters, some of which can be hauled by road to the nearest launching point.[188]
RCMP issue Smith & Wesson Model 5946 service pistol withHogue gripRCMP issue Taser International X-26 conducted energy weapon
Smith & Wesson Model 5946 (1992–present) – Standard full-sized service sidearm. It is stainless-steel,double-action only, with a 4 in (100 mm) barrel and a double-column 15-round magazine.
Emergency response team (ERT) and dog handler members were issued modified Model 5946s with magazine safeties removed until they were replaced with the SIG Sauer P226R.
Smith & Wesson Model 3953 (1996–present) – Special issue compact sidearm for plainclothes members and commissioned officers. It can also be requested as a service pistol by members with small hands who cannot positively grip the larger Model 5946. It is similar to the Model 5946 except it has a shorter 3.5 in (89 mm) barrel, a shortened grip, and a single-column eight-round magazine.
SIG Sauer 226R (9×19mm) – Standard issue sidearm for ERT and dog-handler members. It replaced the modified Model 5946 that had been previously issued.
Colt Canada C8 IUR (integrated upper receiver) 5.56mm NATO. The semi-automatic C8 IUR was adopted for general use in October 2011,[190] but the first batch were not procured until 2013.[191] The first RCMP Cadets began qualifying on the C8 IUR and receiving Active Shooter training in 2015.[192]
Taser International M26, X26, and X26P. Following theRobert Dziekański incident, all older M26 models and 60 faulty X26 models in stock were removed and destroyed in 2010 due to being outside of specifications.[193]
Canadian Arsenals Limited (CAL)C1A1 – issued in7.62mm NATO. Canadian variant of theFN FAL andL1A1 produced under licence by Canadian Arsenals Limited (CAL) (Long Branch). The RCMP's rifles were sourced from the testing batch of FALs received fromFabrique Nationale and had been rebuilt by CAL to meet C1A1 standards. Used from 1961 to 1969.
Lee-Enfield carbine (LEC) – issued in.303 British. Procured as military surplus from militia stores to replace the unsatisfactory Ross Rifle. Used from 1914 to 1920. This was the last general-issue rifle used by the NWMP. The RCMP that replaced it only issued rifles according to need.
Ross rifle – issued in .303 British. The Ross Mk I was issued from 1905 to 1907 and the improved Ross Mk II was in testing from 1909 to 1912.[194] The Mk I design was accepted by the Canadian Militia in 1903. The NWMP looked at acquiring the Ross to replace the Winchester and Lee-Metford and ordered 1000. Production problems led to delays until 1904; the most glaring being that the finished product did not match their original specifications.[194] The NWMP demanded their contract carbines use a different set of iron sights (which later became standard on the Mk II) which delayed production for a further year.[194] The carbines received in 1905 were plagued with quality control problems that made them more fragile than the weapons they were to replace. After a constable suffered an eye injury in 1907 the Ross carbines were withdrawn.[194] When the improved Ross Mk II rifles arrived in 1909 the wary NWMP decided to test-fire all of them fully before issuing them. A fire at the depot in Regina in 1911 destroyed almost all of the new rifles.[194] The NWMP then gave up on the Ross.
Magazine Lee-Enfield (MLE) Mk.I rifle – issued in .303 British; it was the first smokeless powder weapon in NWMP service. Loaned to the NWMP from the Victoria and Winnipeg militias to replace a stolen cache of M1876 Winchesters. The NWMP "forgot" to give them back later. Used from 1902 to 1920.
Lee-Metford carbine – issued in .303 British. The Metford rifling gave tighter groups when fired than the later Enfield, but the rifling wore out faster. Only 200 were procured. Used from 1895 to 1914. Replaced by the Lee-Enfield carbine.
Winchester Model 1876 saddlecarbine – issued in.45-75 Winchester. Popular for its handiness and rate of fire, but it was too fragile for the rough handling and use it received in the field. Used from 1878 until 1914.[195] and replaced by the Lee-Enfield Carbine.
Snider–Enfield Mark III cavalry carbine – issued in.577 Snider. Single-shot breach-loading conversion of an Enfield caplock muzzle-loader. Used from 1873 to 1878 and replaced by the Winchester Model 1876 lever-action rifle.
Service pistols
Smith & Wessonmilitary and police revolver – issued with 5 in (130 mm) barrel, in.38 Special. It served more than forty years from 1954 to 1996. Plainclothes members carried a variant with a 4 in (100 mm) barrel.
ColtNew Service revolver – issued with 5.5 in (140 mm) barrel; 700 ordered in.455 Webley in 1904, with.45 Long Colt versions being delivered from 1919; in all, over 3,200 were issued.[196][194] 455 Webley was the British military service round, and .45 Long Colt was the standard Canadian service round until both were replaced by the NATO-standard 9×19mm Parabellum post World War II. Used from 1904 to 1954.
Enfield Mark II revolver – issued in.476 Enfield, about 1080 Mark IIs obtained from Britain'sMinistry of Defence, after it was learned the Beaumont–Adams had been discontinued.[197][194] The remaining .450 Adams ammunition, which was compatible with the .476 Enfield round, was issued until stocks were depleted. Used from 1882 to 1911.
Beaumont–Adams revolver – first issue weapon, in.450 Adams. 330 Mark Icas was purchased from Britain's Ministry of Defence in 1873 and issued after delivery in 1874. Rough handling of the crates in transit, poor packing by the contractor who shipped the guns, and previous service wear made them unsuitable for service.[194] The constables sometimes had to manually turn the cylinders due to cracked feed hands or keep both hands on the grips for the springs to work due to loose screws.[198] Later, these were to be replaced by 330 Enfield Mark IIs,[199] but many were stolen en route.[198] Used from 1874 to 1888.
Due to procurement problems with the Beaumont–Adams revolvers, constables sometimes carried their sidearms chambered in a standard service calibre.
Tranter revolver – chambered in .450 Adams, the standard service round. It was similar to the Beaumont-Adams revolver it was substituted for.
Smith & Wesson Model 3 revolver – chambered in.44 Russian, a very[quantify] powerful cartridge[according to whom?] in its day[when?]. Thirty were purchased in 1874 by the NWMP to field-test the .44 Russian round for service. Its non-standard chambering and the difficulty of getting ammunition for it led to its being withdrawn.
Webley & ScottBull Dog revolver[200] – chambered in.450 Adams. Its small size made it a handy[further explanation needed] backup pistol. Most were originally procured to arm NWMP constables assigned to protecting mail cars on trains. The constables would sometimes "absent-mindedly forget" to hand the pistols back afterwards.
1821 pattern light cavalry sabre – Originally part of a trove of old swords given by the Canadian Militia to the NWMP as weapons. They were returned to stores in 1880. Later issued to commissioned officers in 1882 as ceremonial sidearms and a sign of rank. This was later replaced by the M1896 light cavalry sabre.
1853 pattern cavalry sabre – Originally part of a trove of old swords given by the Canadian Militia to the NWMP as weapons. They were returned to stores in 1880. Later issued in 1882 to non-commissioned officers as ceremonial sidearms and a sign of rank. This was later replaced by the 1821 pattern sabre.
1896 pattern light cavalry sabre – Replaced the 1821 pattern sabre as the NWMP officer's ceremonial sword.
1908 pattern cavalry sabre – Carried by the Mounted Police detachment sent to Siberia in 1918 during the Russian Civil War.
Straightstickbaton manufactured in wood and plastic
Sap gloves – Prohibited by RCMP policy. Presently not used.
Bamboo-shafted lance carried by members on horseback on the Musical Ride. The lance is used as a decorative item and flourishes during trick and formation riding. The pennant is red over white, the national colours of the Canadian flag. It represents the Pattern 1868 cavalry lance carried by the NWMP in the 1870s.
In 1973,Wilkinson Sword produced several commemorative swords to celebrate the RCMP centennial. None of these swords was ever used ceremonially and were strictly collectables. Wilkinson Sword also made a commemorative centennialtomahawk and miniature "letter opener" models of their centennial swords. During the same year,Winchester Repeating Arms Company produced an RCMP commemorative centennial version of theirModel 94 rifle in.30-30 Winchester, with a 22 in (560 mm) round barrel. Thereceiver, buttplate, and forend cap (on the musket-style forend) were plated in gold. Commemorative medallions were embedded in the right-hand side of thestock, with an "MP" engraving. There was engraving on the barrel and receiver indicating the rifle was a centennial commemorative edition. Sights were open notch rear, with a flip-up rear ladder, graduated to 2,000 yd (1,800 m). Two versions were produced, 9500 with serial numbers beginning "RCMP" for commercial sale, and 5000 with the prefix "MP" sold only to serving RCMP members. In addition, ten presentation models were produced, serially RCMP1P to RCMP10P.[201]
RCMP officers on frontline police duties wear grey shirts with RCMP shoulder flashes, navy blue pants with gold trouser piping,bulletproof vests, and apeaked cap with a solid gold band. High-ranking officers wear white shirts. A tie can be worn with a long-sleeved shirt for occasions such as testifying in court. In colder weather, members may wear heavier boots, winter coats, wool toques, or uniquely, muskrat fur caps.[202]
In 1990, Baltej Singh Dhillon became the RCMP's firstSikh officer to be allowed to wear aturban instead of the traditionalcampaign hat.[203] During theCOVID-19 pandemic, Sikh, Muslim, and other bearded officers were initially assigned to administrative duties before being permitted to attend calls for service with low viral transmission risks after officer outcry.[204] The beards required as part of the Sikh practice ofkesh and worn by some Muslim men prevented respirator masks from properly sealing around the mouth and nose, reducing their effectiveness.[204][205] As of 2019, all RCMP officers, regardless of religious belief, are allowed to wear full beards or braided hair below their collar.[206] Officers may also wear a ballcap in place of the traditional peaked cap.[206]
An RCMP chief superintendent in dress uniform during COVID-19 Pandemic.
RCMP officers are equipped with a dress uniform, popularly known as the "blue serge", for performing certain formal duties, such as media relations or parliament testimony. It consists of a navy blue dress jacket with epaulets and brass buttons, a white shirt, a navy blue tie, navy blue pants with gold trouser piping, and a peaked cap with a solid gold band.[207] Shoulder flashes are not worn.
Mounties marching in ceremonial uniform in Edmonton, 2012
For most formal and ceremonial duties, RCMP wears the internationally-famousRed Serge.[208] It has a high collaredscarlet tunic, which was developed by theNorth-West Mounted Police and colored red to distinguish it from blue American military uniforms,midnight bluebreeches with yellow trouser piping, anoxbloodSam Browne belt with white sidearmlanyard and matchingoxbloodriding boots, brown feltcampaign hat with a "Montana crease" (pinched symmetrically at the four corners), and oxblood gloves.[207] Since 1990, identical ceremonial uniforms have been worn by both men and women.[209]
Members receive a clasp and service badge star for every five years of service.[210] TheKing of Canada also awards theRoyal Canadian Mounted Police Long Service Medal to members who have completed 20 years of service. A clasp is awarded for each successive 5 years to 40 years. Members also receive a service badge star for each five years of service, which is worn on the left sleeve. There are specialist insignia for positions such as first aid instructor and dog handler, a fingerprint insignia for forensic identification specialists, and pilot's wings worn by aviators.Sharpshooter badges for proficiency in pistol or rifle shooting are each awarded in two grades.[210] Sharpshooter badges and service badge stars are sewn onto the left sleeve of thered serge.
The RCMP has since 1998 had its own distinctivetartan. The creation of the tartan was the result of a committee created in the early 1990s to create a tartan by its 125th anniversary. Upon approval from Commissioner Phillip Murray, the tartan was registered with theScottish Tartans Society and presented to the agency byAnne, Princess Royal during herroyal visit to Canada in 1998. The tartan appeared for the first time by an RCMP pipe band at theRoyal Nova Scotia International Tattoo in July and August 1998.[211]
Although the RCMP is a civilian police service, in 1921, following the service of many of its members during theFirst World War, KingGeorge V awarded the service the status of a regiment ofdragoons, entitling it to display thebattle honours it had been awarded.
The RCMP predecessor, the North-West Mounted Police, were involved in several battles during theNorth-West Resistance in 1885.[214] During the Second Boer War, members of the NWMP were givenleaves of absence to join the 2nd Battalion,Canadian Mounted Rifles (CMR) andStrathcona's Horse. The service raised the Canadian Mounted Rifles, mostly from NWMP members, for service in South Africa. For the CMR's distinguished service there, King Edward VII honoured the NWMP by changing the name to the "Royal Northwest Mounted Police" (RNWMP) on June 24, 1904.
During the First World War, the Royal Northwest Mounted Police (RNWMP) conductedborder patrols,surveillance of enemyaliens, and enforcement ofnational security regulations within Canada. However, RNWMP officers also served overseas. On August 6, 1914, asquadron of volunteers from the RNWMP was formed to serve with the Canadian Light Horse in France. In 1918, two more squadrons were raised, A Squadron for service in France andFlanders and B Squadron for service in theCanadian Siberian Expeditionary Force.
In September 1939, at the outset of the Second World War, the Canadian Army had no military police. Five days after war was declared the Royal Canadian Mounted Police received permission to form a provost company of service volunteers. It was designated "No. 1 Provost Company (RCMP)", and became theCanadian Provost Corps. Six months after war was declared its members were overseas in Europe and served throughout theSecond World War asmilitary police.
AU.S. Army unit in Afghanistan, with an RCMP element embedded with them (centre foreground), 2010.
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police were accorded the status of a regiment of dragoons in 1921. As acavalryregiment, the RCMP was entitled to wear battle honours for its war service as well as carry aguidon, with its first guidon presented in 1935.[216][217] The second guidon was presented in 1973, and the third in 2023.[218]
The RCMP also carries the honorary distinctions for theCanadian Provost Corps (Military Police), presented September 21, 1957, at aParliament Hill ceremony for contributions to the corps during the Second World War. The honorary distinction was recognized on the guidon presented in 2023 with its inclusion among other RCMP battle honors.[218]
The Mounties have been immortalized as symbols ofCanadian culture in numerousHollywoodNorthwestern movies and television series, which often feature the image of the Mountie as square-jawed, stoic, and polite, yet with a steely determination and physical toughness that sometimes appears superhuman. The RCMP's motto is the French phrase,Maintiens le droit, variously translated into English as "Defending the Law", "Maintain the right", and "Uphold the right".[1][3][4] The Hollywood saying that they 'always get their man' derives ultimately from the words "They fetch their man every time" occurring in a report made atFort Benton regarding an incident atFort Macleod in 1877, when two Mounties, notwithstanding the loss of their horses, managed to capture three whisky smugglers.[220]
An RCMP media relations member
In recent decades, Canadian public perception of the RCMP has become less favourable. In 2022Angus Reid survey found that 41 per cent of Canadians had little or no confidence in the RCMP, compared to 37 per cent of Canadians served by a provincial police service.[221] The study also found that the RCMP as a whole was less trusted compared to municipal police services or individual RCMP detachments.[221]
In 1912,Ralph Connor'sCorporal Cameron of the North-West Mounted Police: A Tale of the MacLeod Trail appeared, and became an international best-selling novel. Mounties fiction became a popular genre in bothpulp magazines and book form. Among the best-selling authors who specialized in tales of the Mounted Police wereJames Oliver Curwood,Laurie York Erskine, James B Hendryx, T Lund, Harwood Steele (the son of Sam Steele), and William Byron Mowery.
In other media, a famous example is theradio andtelevision series,Sergeant Preston of the Yukon.Dudley Do-Right (ofThe Rocky and Bullwinkle Show) is a 1960s example of the comic aspect of the Mountie myth, as isKlondike Kat, fromTotal Television. TheBroadway musical and Hollywood movieRose-Marie is a 1930s example of its romantic side. A successful combination was a series ofRenfrew of the Royal Mounted boy's adventure novels written by Laurie York Erskine beginning in 1922 and running to 1941. In the 1930s Erskine narrated aSgt Renfrew of the Mounties radio show and a series of films with actor-singer James Newill playing Renfrew were released between 1937 and 1940. In 1953 portions of the films were mixed with new sequences of Newill for aRenfrew of the Mounted television series.
Bruce Carruthers (1901–1953), a former Mounted Police corporal (1919–1923), served as an unofficialtechnical advisor to Hollywood in many films with RCMP characters.[223] They includedHeart of the North (1938),Susannah of the Mounties (1939),Northern Pursuit (1943),Gene Autry and The Mounties (1951),The Wild North (1952), andThe Pony Soldier (1952).
In 1959, theCanadian Broadcasting Corporation airedR.C.M.P., a half-hour dramatic series about an RCMP detachment keeping the peace and fighting crime. Filmed in black and white, in and around Ottawa byCrawley Films, the series was co-produced with theBBC and theAustralian Broadcasting Corporation and ran for 39 episodes. It was noted for its pairing of Québécois and Anglo officers.
Canadians also poke fun at the RCMP withSergeant Renfrew and his faithful dog Cuddles in various sketches produced by theRoyal Canadian Air Farce comedy troupe. OnThat '70s Show Mounties were played bySCTV alumniJoe Flaherty andDave Thomas. The British have also exploited the myth: the BBC television seriesMonty Python's Flying Circus featured a group of Mounties singing the chorus in "The Lumberjack Song" in thelumberjack sketch. The 1972–90 CBC seriesThe Beachcombers features a character named Constable John Constable who attempts to enforce the law in the town ofGibsons, British Columbia. In comic books, theMarvel Comics characters ofAlpha Flight are described on several occasions as "RCMP auxiliaries", and two of their members,Snowbird and the secondMajor Mapleleaf are depicted as serving members of the service. In the latter case, due to trademark issues, Major Mapleleaf is described as a "Royal Canadian Mountie" in the opening roll call pages of each issue ofAlpha Flight he appears in.
Charles Bronson andLee Marvin starred in the 1981 movieDeath Hunt that fictionalized the RCMP pursuit ofAlbert Johnson. British comedianTony Slattery appeared as 'Malcolm the Mountie' in a series of UK TV adverts forLabatt's in the early 1990s. In the early 1990s, Canadianprofessional wrestlerJacques Rougeau utilized thegimmick of "The Mountie" while wrestling for theWWF. He typically wore the Red Serge to the ring and carried ashock stick as an illegal weapon. As his character was portrayed as anevil Mountie, the RCMP ultimately won an injunction preventing Rougeau from wrestling as this character in Canada, though he was not prevented from doing so outside the country. He briefly held theIntercontinental Championship in 1992.
The 1998swan song ofNick Berry's time on UK dramaHeartbeat features his character, Sergeant Nick Rowan, transferring to Canada and taking the rank of constable in the Mounties. The special telemovie was titledHeartbeat: Changing Places. The 1994–98 TV seriesDue South pairs Mountie Constable Benton Fraser with streetwise American detective Ray Vecchio cleaning up the streets of Chicago. It mainly derives its entertainment from theperceived differences in attitude and culture between these two countries' police services. Fraser is depicted as honest and polite to a fault, even refusing to carry a loaded sidearm when "assisting" Detective Vecchio but is almost superhuman in his abilities for thwarting crime, especially while wearing the Red Serge uniform. A pair of Mounties staff the RCMP detachment in the fictional town ofLynx River, Northwest Territories, in the CBC seriesNorth of 60. The series, which aired from 1992 to 1998, is about events in the mostly Indigenous community, but the Mounties feature prominently in each episode. Another TV series from the 1990s,Bordertown features an NWMP corporal paired with aU.S. marshal securing law and order on a frontier U.S.–Canada border town. In the ABC TV mini-seriesAnswered by Fire, at least three Mounties are featured. Mounties also appear in the TV seriesWhen Calls the Heart (Hallmark Channel).
In 2009, a 13-part documentary about the RCMP released,Courage in Red, was released. From 2011, theCTV fantasy drama seriesThe Listener regularly features characters who work for the Integrated Investigative Bureau, a fictional division of the RCMP that brings together various specialists, officers, and civilian consultants to work on high-profile or federal cases. Although characters in the employ of the IIB are rarely, if ever, depicted wearing uniform, they are often addressed by their ranks—two main characters are Sergeant Michelle McClusky and Corporal Dev Clark.
In the 2021 TV seriesLeverage Redemption it is revealed characters Elliot Spencer, Sophie Devereaux, Parker, and Breanna Casey will not do jobs in Canada because of the RCMP, who want them for various crimes. The four claim the RCMP is the most dangerous police service in the world, will put you down politely and never forget a face, and that Mounties hate being called "Dudley Do-Right."
There are products and merchandise that are made in the image of the RCMP, like Mountie statues or hats. Before 1995, the RCMP had little control over these products. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police received an international license on April 1, 1995, requiring those who use the RCMP to pay a licensing fee. Proceeds from the fees are used for community awareness programs.[225] Those that do not pay the licensing fee are legally unable to use the name of the RCMP or their correct uniforms, though a film such asCanadian Bacon used the name "Royal Mounted Canadian Police" and the character in theDudley Do-Right film did not wear accurate insignia.
Through a master licensing agreement (MLA) with the RCMP, theRCMP Foundation is responsible for managing the commercial use of the RCMP name, image, and protected marks.[226] The foundation issues selected companies a royalty-based agreement allowing them to produce and market high-quality official RCMP merchandise.Walt Disney Co. (Canada) Ltd. was contracted to aid in the initial set up of the licensing program,[227] but Disney never owned or controlled any of the RCMP's protected marks. Following the expiration of the Disney contract in 2000, all responsibilities and activities were taken over by the executive director and his staff, reporting to the foundation president and board of directors. In 2007, through a decree signed by Commissioner Beverley Busson, the operating name was changed to the "Royal Canadian Mounted Police Foundation".
RCMP community relationship-building programs include theMusical Ride. The Musical Ride is an equestrian showcase of RCMP riders, that performs across Canada each year from May to October.[228] The RCMP Sunset Ceremony (French:Cérémonie du crépuscule) has taken place every summer since 1989 at the Musical Ride Centre inOttawa,[229][230] with it in recent years featuring theOttawa Police Service Pipe Band and theGovernor General's Foot Guards Band.[231][232] The RCMP National Ceremonial Troop is a unit that serves as dismounted version of the Musical Ride as well as adrill team. Individual divisions also have their ceremonial troops.
TheRCMP Heritage Centre is a multi-million-dollar museum designed byArthur Erickson that opened in May 2007 in Regina, Saskatchewan, at the RCMP Academy, Depot Division. It replaced the old RCMP museum and is designed to celebrate the role of the service in Canada's history.
There are eight regional RCMP pipe bands across Canada that act as "garrison bands" for the provincial division, and attend parades, police ceremonies, and public events.[233] The first of these bands were established in 1992 inAlberta.[234] The following are the locations of the regional volunteer pipe bands:
Before 1994, the RCMP also operated the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Band (French:La Musique de la Gendarmerie royale du Canada) was the RCMP's central musical ensemble. It was considered one of the best professional bands assembled in Canada.[237][238] Although it was an official regimental band, the members worked in the band as a secondary job. It is generally considered to have begun in 1938, though various police bands in the RCMP flourished at the time, leading theCanadian government approving the creation of a full-time central band in December 1958, with its headquarters in the capital ofOttawa.[239][238] Appearances made by the band includedExpo 86 and theCommonwealth Conference inVancouver, theCalgary Winter Olympics in 1988, as well as the visits ofSoviet PresidentMikhail Gorbachev and QueenElizabeth II in 1990.[238][237]
It was dissolved in 1994 due to government budget cuts. In its 55-year existence, it operated as a voluntary regimental band, with its members working with it as a secondary job apart from their other duties in the RCMP. Members of the band wore the RCMP'sRed Serge as part of theirfull dress uniform and adopted drill seen inCanadian military bands and bands in theBritish Army. Its longest-serving director was Superintendent Edwin Joseph Lydall, who served from 1948 to 1968.[240]
^Beverley Busson was the first woman to have held the top position in the service, albeit on an interim basis. She was the interim commissioner from December 15, 2006, to July 6, 2007. The first female commissioner,Brenda Lucki was appointed on March 9, 2018, and was officially sworn into office on April 16, 2018.
^abc"Registration of a Badge".Public Register of Arms, Flags and Badges of Canada. Official website of the Governor General. RetrievedNovember 8, 2021.
^"Grant of Flags and Badges".Public Register of Arms, Flags and Badges of Canada. Official website of the Governor General. RetrievedNovember 8, 2021.
^abGovernment of Canada, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (April 19, 2018)."Tipstaff".Royal Canadian Mounted Police. RetrievedApril 27, 2019.
^Hewitt, Steve. "Policing the Promised Land: The RCMP and Negative Nation-building in Alberta and Saskatchewan in the Interwar Period",The Prairie West as Promised Land ed. R. Douglas Francis and Chris Kitzan (Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2007), 318–320.
^Smith, Barbara (2009).The Mad Trapper – Unearthing a Mystery. Heritage House Publishing Company.ISBN978-1-894974-53-0.
^McIntosh, Dave.The Collectors: A History of Canadian Customs and Excise (Published by NC Press in association with Revenue Canada, Customs and Excise, 1984)
^[1]Archived March 3, 2016, at theWayback Machine Dave Mason, University of Toronto Rare Books. Retrieved 4 March 2007; B. W. Shandro, "The Legion of Frontiersmen of the Commonwealth Canada,"[2] Retrieved 4 March 2007.
^Kelly, Nora and William.The Royal Canadian Mounted Police – A Century of History 1873–1973. (Edmonton, Hurtig Publishers. 1973) pp 199–200.
^Somerset, Jay (December 2011)."Local Hero". Taddle Creek. RetrievedNovember 13, 2022.
^Auger, Michel; Edwards, Peter (2004).The Encyclopedia of Canadian Organized Crime: From Captain Kidd to Mom Boucher. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart. p. 209.ISBN0771030495.
^Knuckle, Robert (2007).A Master of Deception: Working Undercover for the RCMP. Renfrew: General Store Publishing House. p. 163.ISBN978-1897113660.
^O'Connor, D'Arcy (2011).Montreal's Irish Mafia: The True Story of the Infamous West End Gang. Toronto: John Wiley & Sons. p. 163.
^Andrew R. Graybill,Policing the Great Plains: Rangers, Mounties, and the North American Frontier, 1875–1910 (University of Nebraska Press, 2007)excerpt and text search
^"Bison APC at Ts'Peten, 1995".warriorpublications.wordpress.com. February 13, 2011.Archived from the original on August 23, 2021. RetrievedJune 6, 2022.
^Johnson, William (August 29, 1995)."RCMP Should Avoid Waco-Style Shootout In B.C."Montreal Gazette."Perhaps it's the old newsman in me, but I'm uneasy about the reporting. Journalists have been kept away from the scene by the RCMP & the native occupiers could not tell their side of the story because Mounties have cut off their means of communication".
^"RCMP executiev".www.rcmp-grc.ca. Royal Canadian Mounted Police. December 7, 2022. Archived fromthe original on December 8, 2020. RetrievedDecember 14, 2022.
^Government of Canada, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (April 1, 2019)."Organizational Structure".www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca. Archived fromthe original on February 28, 2009. RetrievedMay 17, 2019.
^abGovernment of Canada, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (May 21, 2015)."Ranks of the Force".www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca. Archived fromthe original on January 31, 2021. RetrievedAugust 11, 2023.
^abc"RCMP and the Monarchy".RCMP Veterans’ Association - Vancouver Division. RCMP Veterans' Association Vancouver Division. June 9, 2012. RetrievedApril 16, 2021.
^Petzal and Bourjaily, Phil, with Fenson.The Total Gun Manual (Canadian edition), Note 44
^Phillips, Roger F., & Klancher, Donald J.Arms & [sic] Accoutrements of the Mounted Police 1873–1973 (Bloomfield, ON: Museum Restoration Service, 1982), p. 24.
^Petzal and Bourjaily with Fenson.The Total Gun Manual (Canadian edition), Note 45
^Bonny Reilly Schmidt, 2013, "Women in Red Serge: Female Police Bodies and the Disruption to the Image of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police" unpublished PhD thesis, History Department, Simon Fraser University, p. 149
^"North-West Resistance".www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca. Historica Canada. July 8, 2021. RetrievedDecember 26, 2024.
^"DEA Afghanistan Unit Receives Prestigious Joint Chiefs of Staff Award".KETK NBC. February 8, 2012. Archived fromthe original on May 15, 2013. RetrievedJanuary 19, 2017.The ATFC began operations in mid-2009 and is a multi-agency organization led by the DEA with the Treasury Department and Department of Defense as co-deputies. Additional personnel staff ATFC from the Department of Defense's CENTCOM, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Internal Revenue Service. In the past, the FBI and RCMP also were members. The ATFC's purpose is to attack insurgence funding and financing networks by providing threat finance expertise and actionable intelligence to U.S. civilian and military leaders. The RCMP have also participated in United Nations Peacekeeping operations, sending members to participate actively in various U.N. missions from the late 1980s including observer missions in Namibia, policing missions in Haiti and Kosovo, and CIVPOL operations in Croatia, Bosnia-Hercegovina, and Sudan.
^"I'm a lawyer. I'm educated. I speak to huge conferences of people about child protection, about Gladue, about prisoners' rights, about Aboriginal offenders, about the structural racism and systemic racism that our people have suffered, and the laws, and policies, and practices that have impacted our people over multiple generations... And, I couldn't even get an RCMP officer to listen to me with any dignity and pride. And, I understood even more profoundly the racism that my mother experienced throughout her life, from the '50s to now, to today.""Reclaiming Power and Place: Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, volume 1A"(PDF). p. 222.
^Barr, WilliamRed Serge and Polar Bear Pants" The Biography of Harry Stallworthy, RCMP University of Alberta Press 2004